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Welcome back Merb !


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have had numerous web site over the years. In the hundreds. I have been hack a few times. I also had to restart some site from scratch a few times because you never really know the level of compromises you got. When Fred said his laptop was taken... Indeed we do not know if it was from the police or from hackers. Let's hope it's was from hackers as then not much info of interest. I now see that the site is behind the cloudfare plaform under digital ocean hosting. Good choice :) For me the site is 25% faster! Anyone here who use the same password as for your email address, as Igna said, might be a good time to change both password. Cheers!


Mar 31, 2006
Couldn't help but notice that it wasn't only merb, but terb and even perb all seemed to have the same issue.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
having the site down for a couple of days made me realize how lost I am without it! :)


Mot de passe changé ! C'est rendu un fléau les injections sql. Trop facile de faire un takeowner.. Probablement que la faille est encore présente si le vbulletin n'est pas à jour. J'espère seulement que nos emails ne feront pas le tour du web à la Ashley Madison..

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Et dire qu'à l'époque du msn live les gens m'ont trouvé plate de fermer ce moyen de communication pour y avoir trouvé une brèche... Plus tard, mise une croix sur les messages privés tout forums confondus de façon préventive... Et plus récemment, disons quelque chose comme 3 ans (lol) j'ai aussi fermé complètement le service de courriel. Ça faite de moi une personne vraiment plate! :bounce:

Les appels directs c'est toujours mieux et pour la discrétion les texto ont amplement pris la place des courriels. Alors, je crois bien que suivant les scandales à la Ashley Madison et les intrusions courriels yahoo, gmail etc etc.... je vais maintenir ces choix et... rester plate hihi :nod:

Vive la technologie! :typing:


Feb 6, 2004
Visit site
Et dire qu'à l'époque du msn live les gens m'ont trouvé plate de fermer ce moyen de communication pour y avoir trouvé une brèche... Plus tard, mise une croix sur les messages privés tout forums confondus de façon préventive... Et plus récemment, disons quelque chose comme 3 ans (lol) j'ai aussi fermé complètement le service de courriel. Ça faite de moi une personne vraiment plate! :bounce:

Les appels directs c'est toujours mieux et pour la discrétion les texto ont amplement pris la place des courriels. Alors, je crois bien que suivant les scandales à la Ashley Madison et les intrusions courriels yahoo, gmail etc etc.... je vais maintenir ces choix et... rester plate hihi :nod:

Vive la technologie! :typing:

T'est jamais plate en appel directe

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008


Jan 14, 2016
Still couple of glitches .. I lost a couple of posts a day or two prior to the lock down.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
You mean by the police or it was stolen by regular folks? In any case thats shit, i hope you could get everything back. Yes obviously 1 day of post is not too bad.

Why hasn't Fred answered this question? If the cops took his laptop it then goes into a honeypot sting........but in any event if he responds it still could be a cop posing as FZ, right? How do we even know who is posting under that handle and whether it's really FZ? For all we know he could be in a jail cell or hidden or stashed in a closet of the assailants, bound and gagged until they can complete the scam. I mean I hope it's neither, but who really knows or can prove otherwise?

As a supporting member I did get a PM from him....sounds like him but who knows???????


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
This was posted on perb:

"Regarding using the same email/password I'll explain why. Normally a server stores your password as something called a hash. I've attached a photo of what a hash looks like below in a Linux system. Linux is the most common server used for internet websites. Now if you see below "user1", the gibberish after it is the hashed/encrypted password. Now it IS possible to have a server store passwords in plain text meaning the person who is the admin of the server can see your password in plain text.

Now, imagine this. Your email is [email protected] and your password is P@ssw0rd1 well the admin can see this. But, let's say you reused or recycled passwords. Well the first thing I would do is go take that email and password combo to Facebook or Linkedin or anywhere else. And if you reuse passwords well I now have access to your social media. This is why you should never use your Facebook credentials, etc. to log into other sites. I'd also recommend you use a non descriptive email to log into ****. Don't use your work email because IF **** is breached and the login email address are stolen they'll be posted on the net and everyone can see them. In 2011, Lulzsec toasted and released millions of emails from the site. And they were completely searchable by me, your employer or your wife."

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Not sure if this is related to the shutdown but when I went to McD's for my morning coffee I could not log onto MERB with my cell ( using phone internet, not McDs ), message came up that MERB had blocked the IP address. Back at the house ( using house wifi ) all is good. Turned off wifi and tried to access using phone only and access denied.

Pink Freud

New Member
Jan 23, 2017
Thanks, Fred, for getting MERB back on-line as quickly as you did. I know how difficult it is to manage a small website -- managing a site as complex as MERB/TERB must require a huge commitment, skill, and patience. I'm a newer member who is looking forward to benefiting from (and contributing to) the information on the site. Again, thanks for all you do.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Not sure if this is related to the shutdown but when I went to McD's for my morning coffee I could not log onto MERB with my cell ( using phone internet, not McDs ), message came up that MERB had blocked the IP address. Back at the house ( using house wifi ) all is good. Turned off wifi and tried to access using phone only and access denied.
McD's firewall is blocking Merb (at least here in Quebec where I also get my coffee). This is due to Merb's content. Strange that you got block via your phone access at home. I would say this is not related to the shutdown. Cheers,

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
McD's firewall is blocking Merb (at least here in Quebec where I also get my coffee). This is due to Merb's content. Strange that you got block via your phone access at home. I would say this is not related to the shutdown. Cheers,

I did not use McD internet, I used my phone, tried it at home also and wifi works but using cell internet it says my IP address is banned. Sent FZ a PM asking what the issue may be.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I did not use McD internet, I used my phone, tried it at home also and wifi works but using cell internet it says my IP address is banned. Sent FZ a PM asking what the issue may be.
Ok Interesting... I know the site is now behind Cloudfare. Which is like a wall in front of their website to add security protection (especially DDoS attack). They may be the one that ban your IP. I suspect they would have banned a range of IP from your provider and not just you but may be wrong. Let us know the outcome Cheers,

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Et dire qu'à l'époque du msn live les gens m'ont trouvé plate de fermer ce moyen de communication pour y avoir trouvé une brèche... Plus tard, mise une croix sur les messages privés tout forums confondus de façon préventive... Et plus récemment, disons quelque chose comme 3 ans (lol) j'ai aussi fermé complètement le service de courriel. Ça faite de moi une personne vraiment plate! :bounce:

Les appels directs c'est toujours mieux et pour la discrétion les texto ont amplement pris la place des courriels. Alors, je crois bien que suivant les scandales à la Ashley Madison et les intrusions courriels yahoo, gmail etc etc.... je vais maintenir ces choix et... rester plate hihi :nod:

Vive la technologie! :typing:

Personally i really prefer to avoid calling unless im very confortable with the booker or the indy herself. You would think after 7 years+ i would be easily confortable with asking for services etc but even today i still am shy even tough i made great progress lately, i guess i can thanks Jasmine and Hanna for that with there open mind as well as some reviewers wich made me realize lots of ladies are confortable with some services i like. More than i tough.

When it comes to merb or email for privacy i don't care cause they gonna see the name Halloween Mike... My mail for merb is not used for anything else, and my private messages are under this name wich is not even my real internet name. I wouldn't care that anybody post my email...

I think as a matter for security a phone is more personal than an email. Of course that is if you use your real phone wich some of us do as we don't have 2 phones or do not want to bother to pay pre paid cards and such. Its just easier to set a second email with a bogus name than get a second phone, and its free. That being said tough mails are not as reliable as texting for sure. And much less "immediate"
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