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What are the sports record most likely unbreakable ,any sports ,teams or single ?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Pete Rose's all time hit record at 4256. Rose passed the never thought breakable record of Ty Cobb at 4189. Both players played 24 seasons. That's an average of 177 hits per season over 24 years.

Rose also was second to Joe DiMaggio's 56 consecutive hit record. Rose tied Willie Keeler (1897 Baltimore Orioles) at 44 games. But to put DiMaggio's feat in perspective. There were a couple of games which Rose drag bunt a hit just to prolong his streak. Something DiMaggio never did or would think of doing. The interesting item about Keeler was he was 5 foot 4 1/2 inches, 140 lbs. He was nicknamed hit them where they ain't Keeler.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I remember those drag bunts by Rose and lost some respect for him doing that, although I admired Rose's aggressiveness as a player. He was very underrated as a third baseman in his heyday. DiMaggio did not get any bunt or leg hits at all. What sustained the DiMaggio streak was he never struck out very much and consistently hit the ball hard and put it in play. Joe D had 369 career homers and 361 career strikeouts which are utterly remarkable numbers for a power hitter.

He lost a bunch of prime years due to World War II and was not really quite the same player when he came back as he had been in 1941.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I actually got the stats reversed Joe D had 361 career homers and 369 career strikeouts. Compare these totals to some of his contemporaries- Mantle had over 1700 career Ks, Ruth over 1300 and Gehrig and Ted Williams over 700. Joe D was a very rare power hitter (home run totals robbed due to Yankees Stadium "Death Valley") who consistently made hard contact and this explains why he was able to manage a 56 game hitting streak. He got no leg hits although he was not slow and was considered a graceful center fielder widely viewed as the best defensive CF in NY Yankees history.


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Apr 29, 2004
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I remember those drag bunts by Rose and lost some respect for him doing that

It is the goal of a team player to get on base. What is wrong with using every tool available (skilful bunting, speed etc.) to do so? Also, making the opposition aware that you might attempt to bunt for a base hit might well increase the chance of getting a normal ground ball through the infield.

If Rose had swung at what he knows is ball 4 in order to get another chance to hit and keep his streak alive, they I would understand.

Did Rose drag bunt when his team had a huge lead? Please explain why you lost respect for him for drag bunting.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At the time Rose was complaining pitchers were not giving him anything to hit. If you aren't getting anything to hit take a walk and shut the fuck up. Walks get you on base as easily as a drag bunt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Thank you for explaining.

Trying to hit when you are being given a walk is definitely detrimental to the team. I suppose he should have tried instead to get a streak going for the most consecutive games on base.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At the time Rose had his 44 game hitting streak it got enormous national attention in the US media. Rose had many of the same qualities as Joe D as a hitter (he was hard to strike out) plus he was a switch hitter so many people thought he had a shot. He was ultimately shut down by Gene Garber and the Atlanta bullpen. Despite his efforts Rose was 12 games away from the DiMaggio record. Since then I believe the longest streak was 39 by Paul Molitor.

As I said with the advent of modern bullpens where all MLB teams now have multiple guys throwing 95 mph plus this record will never be broken. Nor will Rose's 44 game streak.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

Another record for the oldies
Joe Malone NHL record 2 goal a game average 44 nets in 22 games
George Hainsworth shutout record of 22 in 44 games and a goal average of .98
The best shutout record in modern era is Tony 0 with 15

Most unforeseeable records to break



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Booker, those records likely will never be broken mostly because the game has changed so much since then. Back then, the league only had a handful of teams, half of them were downright awful, the games were low-scoring, there was no slapshot, etc.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Booker, those records likely will never be broken mostly because the game has changed so much since then. Back then, the league only had a handful of teams, half of them were downright awful, the games were low-scoring, there was no slapshot, etc.

Yes I fully agree
Boom Boom Geoffrion popularize the slap shot and Bobby Hull followed




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
MLB strikeout record career

Elliott, Kalb, MLB Network:From MLB Network’s launch on January 1, 2009—when I used’s play...

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The Play Index's Batting Season Finder lets you create your own custom leaderboards by team, age, position, years, or any other common criteria. View Sample Leaderboards created with the batting season finder.

Career Leaders & Records for Strikeouts

Baseball Leaders & Baseball Records: Single-Season Career Active Progressive Year-by-Year Top-Tens Yearly League
+ - Indicates Hall of Famer. Bold indicates active player.

Statistic Description: Strikeouts

Rank Player (yrs, age) Strikeouts Throws
1. Nolan Ryan+ (27) 5714,

Nolan Ryan career strike out seems pretty safe ?


Rank Most Valuable Player Award Shares Rank Cy Young Award Award Shares
1. Barry Bonds (7 wins) 9.30 1. Roger Clemens (7 wins)

hARD to match



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The Ryan strikeout record is safe for some of the same reasons that the Joe D 56 game hitting streak record is safe: use of modern bullpens and refusal to let starting pitchers pitch a lot of innings. Ryan in his prime pitched a lot of innings, but his heavy usage did not start until he was about 25 years old, when the Angels got him from the Mets in the lopsided Jim Fregosi trade. He then had very unusual longevity as a power pitcher. Most power pitchers are not effective past age 35.

Some baseball fans have argued that the Mets' misuse of Ryan actually benefitted him and prolonged his career. Because of his wildness, the Mets did not trust him as a starter and he was a key bullpen pitcher on the Mets' 1969 World Championship team, on which fellow Hall of Famer Tom Seaver was the ace of the staff and number 1 starter. Over the 1970 and 1971 seasons, Ryan was jerked around from bullpen to rotation as the Mets debated internally whether he could be trusted as a starter. It should be noted that during these early seasons of his career, Ryan nearly had as many walks as strikeouts.

After being traded to the Angels in 1972, at age 25, Ryan was thrown into the starting rotation for a weak team that needed pitchers. It was decided to finally let him sink or swim, and he swam.

Baseball experts, such as Chercherfemmes, have theorized that this misuse and jerking around of Ryan until age 25, such that he did not log many innings pitched with the Mets, served to preserve his arm at an age when many young pitchers blow out due to overuse. Others argue that Ryan had a rare arm, was throwing mostly fastballs and not ligament-ripping 12-6 curveballs, and that he was destined to be a workhorse anyway.

For the Angels, Ryan then racked up 5 300 plus strikeout seasons in his next 6, leading the AL in Ks 7 of the next 8 years. This was a run not really matched until Randy Johnson racked up 330 plus in 4 straight years, 1999-2002. Johnson ended up with over 4800 career strikeouts. What he had in common with Ryan is he was similarly jerked around as a young pitcher- did not amass over 200 innings until age 26, while his teams tried to decide whether he could be trusted due to his wildness. But even RJ ended up almost 1000 Ks short of Ryan.

I remember around 1977 one of the New York newspapers asked the Yankees players which pitcher they feared the most in the league and was toughest to hit, and the team was almost unanimous in naming Nolan Ryan. Thurman Munson said Ryan's fastball had late explosion and was very hard to track. Munson said that when they played the Angels in day games at the Stadium and shadows crept between home plate and the mound, it was "scary" to hit against him as the ball could not be tracked.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Excellent analysis of his Met days Beaver ...

The # 1 factor in the Met trade was the need to get a top flight 3rd baseman
The Cubs had Santo/ Bill Madlock was just starting out for Pittsburgh/ Ken Reitz in STL was very capable/ and remember Mike Schmidt !!

Some ninny in NY thought Fregosi was the answer. He was a 6 time all star when traded
Some genius in Anaheim ( Harry Dalton ) insisted upon Ryan as compensation. The 3 others we traded never amounted to anything

Side story- in 1990 , a young Smuler went to the USGP in Phoenix. I stayed in Scottsdale with Harry's daughter
She told me that her dad said he would get me suited up to shag flies at the Milwaukee Brewers spring training facility

I was so excited

Of course fate reared it's ugly head, and the 1990 lockout occurred

Best Regards



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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The Ryan strikeout record is safe for some of the same reasons that the Joe D 56 game hitting streak record is safe: use of modern bullpens and refusal to let starting pitchers pitch a lot of innings. Ryan in his prime pitched a lot of innings, but his heavy usage did not start until he was about 25 years old, when the Angels got him from the Mets in the lopsided Jim Fregosi trade. He then had very unusual longevity as a power pitcher. Most power pitchers are not effective past age 35.

For sure Nolan Ryan's strikeout record will never be beaten. Pitchers do not last 9 innings any more. The 100 pitch limit has become the norm. Therefore, Cy Youngs' record of 749 Complete games will never be beaten. Nor will his 511 career wins.

Also, Derek Jeter's record of 200 hits in playoff games will never be beaten. Jeter played 20 seasons. He did not play in the playoffs in 3 seasons, 2008, 2013 and 2014. He averaged 11.76 hits per year that he did play, which is 17 playoffs. He played in 158 playoff games and averaged an incredible 1.27 hits per game.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The New England Patriots came within 1 game of going perfect. In fact I think they were 18-0 which actually broke Miami's record but they were foiled by the NY Giants who put together a good pass rush on Tom Brady and combined that with a few great plays on offense. One of the more memorable Super Bowls because of what was at stake.

The record will be hard to break but is not unbreakable - that being said staying healthy enough to win 19 straight games with all your key players is getting harder to do and you can't pay for good backup quarterbacks as the Dolphins did with Earl Morrall. In today's NFL you can't afford to pay for a quality veteran backup if you have a highly paid starter.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The New England Patriots came within 1 game of going perfect. In fact I think they were 18-0 which actually broke Miami's record but they were foiled by the NY Giants who put together a good pass rush on Tom Brady and combined that with a few great plays on offense. One of the more memorable Super Bowls because of what was at stake.

The record will be hard to break but is not unbreakable - that being said staying healthy enough to win 19 straight games with all your key players is getting harder to do and you can't pay for good backup quarterbacks as the Dolphins did with Earl Morrall. In today's NFL you can't afford to pay for a quality veteran backup if you have a highly paid starter.
Hi all and EB
Just to clarify what I meant,
Winning ratio at 1,000 regular season and playoff can only be equaled ,perfection cannot be beaten can only be tied .
However more games needs to be one so obviously most consecutive wins without a loss in one season and records will be broken .
By EB I saw that game where the Pats where aiming perfection sadly it did not happen .
I was chearing for the Pats a big deception.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I don't believe we'll ever see another NFL team losing the way Green Bay lost against Seattle a week ago. I doubt we'll ever see another team prevail after trailing that much with so few minutes left in the game. It may happen in a regular season game, but never again in a playoffs game. This was an epic loss of all proportions!
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