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What is it with the pimps?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
This has been on my mind ever since I started a few months ago and I genuinely want to understand.

What is it with the pimps? Why is any human with a penis that interacts with us, helps or works for us (drivers, security, security person), dates us or whatever else automatically assumed to be a pimp?

One time, I received a phone call from my safety person while an outcall date was running overtime and I hadn’t made my routine call yet.
Who’s that? Your pimp?” *exagerating the Ps like a high school mean girl*
i was so insulted.
Mention my driver. Pimp.
Safety person? Pimp.
Boyfriend? Pimp.

do you guys encounter that many pimps while meeting with providers?
is it inconceivable to you that we can have a boyfriend/husband/partner?
is it watching too many movies?
why is that such a prevalent assumption?

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
do you guys encounter that many pimps while meeting with providers?
is it inconceivable to you that we can have a boyfriend/husband/partner?
is it watching too many movies?
why is that such a prevalent assumption?
Ignorance would be the first word that comes to mind.
Growing up in a world that yes "pimps" do exist. In the old days, they were around, walking down 42nd street, it was hard to not run into one.
And yes, movies are a big influence when it comes to things of this nature, like anything else.

" Is that your pimp" would not be the remark i would make, but rather " please don't go".

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Its just a bad reflex from society i feel. Like you say maybe movies or old years experiences. Some guys also falsely wanna comfort themselves in thinking that if they see an indy who does it all by herself, its more "ethical" that if there is a man around. Some escorts themselves sadly still spread the stereotype. I had an argument not that long ago on social media with an escort who was hard minded on the fact that agencies are "pimps". I tried to nicely and politely explain that the agencies work FOR the providers, that not everyone want to rent an incall, or drive to locations, handle mails and text and publicity. Some just want to give a schedule and show up to work and thats enough for them. But she wouldn't understand at all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2023
Its just a bad reflex from society i feel. Like you say maybe movies or old years experiences. Some guys also falsely wanna comfort themselves in thinking that if they see an indy who does it all by herself, its more "ethical" that if there is a man around. Some escorts themselves sadly still spread the stereotype. I had an argument not that long ago on social media with an escort who was hard minded on the fact that agencies are "pimps". I tried to nicely and politely explain that the agencies work FOR the providers, that not everyone want to rent an incall, or drive to locations, handle mails and text and publicity. Some just want to give a schedule and show up to work and thats enough for them. But she wouldn't understand at all.
Precisely. The guy that made that comment actually ended up sending me home because it unacceptable that I have a significant other.

i think as per the code criminel though, there’s room for interpretation but It’s been a minute since I read it.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Precisely. The guy that made that comment actually ended up sending me home because it unacceptable that I have a significant other.

i think as per the code criminel though, there’s room for interpretation but It’s been a minute since I read it.
I never really cared about the ciminal code when it comes to this business personally. According to it, its all illegal for us the customers anyway. But thats like before weed was legal. I never been much of a smoker myself but i never cared others did, because to me it was simply a stupid law. Your body is yours. If you want to have sex for money, its not to anyone to tell you otherwise. And on my end, if thats what she want, why should i feel morally bad about it? Let alone criminal... lol.

When it comes to these guys precisely, they feel if there is a man around, he has some "control" i guess? Anyway lol. Personally if an escort have a boyfriend i kinda find it a bit of a turn on. :p

Obviously REAL pimps exist but its easy to set them apart.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
To be fair if you are a man and you are making profit out of sex workers, I do assume you are a pimp.
Strait from the Google search: A procurer, colloquially called a pimp (if male) or a madam (if female, though the term pimp has still extensively been used for female procurers as well) or a brothel keeper, is an agent for prostitutes who collects part of their earnings.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I appreciate your input on this topic and acknowledge the validity of your points. It is indeed disheartening to witness the automatic assumption that any male associated with providers is a pimp. This assumption is not only unfair but also fails to capture the diverse experiences of providers in the industry.

While it is true that there are cases where pimps or exploitative individuals are present, it is essential to refrain from making sweeping generalizations. Each provider has their own unique circumstances and relationships, which may include supportive partners who are not involved in their professional endeavors, such as boyfriends, husbands, or partners.

Approaching each situation with an open mind and refraining from making assumptions based on stereotypes is imperative. Providers, like any other individuals, have the capacity for genuine relationships and support systems that are distinct from their work lives.

Moreover, it is important to consider that clients may inquire about the presence of a pimp due to negative experiences they may have had with certain providers. Pimps have unfortunately garnered a negative reputation within the industry, often exacerbated by unfavorable media coverage. However, it is crucial to recognize that each provider-client relationship is unique, and it is unfair to make assumptions solely based on this association.

Ultimately, whether a provider has a pimp, a driver, or a boyfriend is not anyone's business. Providers have the right to privacy and the freedom to have personal relationships separate from their work lives. It is important to treat every individual with respect and understanding, without making assumptions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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It’s semantics.

Some people will argue that anyone who profits directly or indirectly from a sex worker, even if they provide a valuable service to them (driver, booker, security, web management, content creation…) is, by definition, a pimp.

However, I feel like most hobbyists tend to have a very different picture in mind when they hear pimp: an individual who coerces a woman into sex work and takes a significant cut from her wages without providing any benefit to her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
It’s semantics.

Some people will argue that anyone who profits directly or indirectly from a sex worker, even if they provide a valuable service to them (driver, booker, security, web management, content creation…) is, by definition, a pimp.
lol.. by this standard, my mom and my oldest are pimps profiting off the childcare paid for by watching my youngest when I have a visit to attend lol...


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
is it watching too many movies?
I never met a pornstar but I watched too many movies...

Je ne parle pour ainsi dire jamais de pimps. Et voilà tu pas que j'en parle une fois et ça grimpe dans les rideaux...
Quand même pas ma faute si l'expérience répétée a fini par te taper sur les nerfs. Remarque que je te comprends...
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Active Member
Aug 2, 2019
I think there may also be a watering down of the actual word due to the lyrics in popular rap music, and folks use this word rather casually these days. The current meaning of the word from Urban Dictionary:


A word that has many definitions in modern day American slang. Also refers to a ladies man with immaculate skills in the art of pulling women with the end result of having sex. Generally is someone who oozes with confidence, has a good sense of style and appearance, and most importantly has a way of using his words to initiate sexual relations with a female.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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lol.. by this standard, my mom and my oldest are pimps profiting off the childcare paid for by watching my youngest when I have a visit to attend lol...
Preaching to the choir.

It seems absolutely ridiculous, but that’s pretty much exactly what bill C-36 states:
  • 286.2 (1) Every person who receives a financial or other material benefit, knowing that it is obtained by or derived directly or indirectly from the commission of an offence under subsection 286.1(1) (ie: sex work), is guilty of
    • (a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or
    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Exceptions are noted for people who provide benefits to the sex worker under a living arrangement, under moral obligation, if they would offer similar benefits to the general public, if they provide said benefits without knowledge of the sex work or if they never encouraged the person to engage in sex work to obtain said benefits.

So basically, your Mom and daughter are quite safe… but drivers and bookers are pretty much as screwed as any abusive street gang thug who forces girl into prostitution for profit.
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Mika xx

Pimp: exploit the girl and take the majority or all the money. The pimp dictate the terms and the girl has no saying and do what he says.

agency/driver/security person/assistant, etc…: teamwork. The girl employ their service to assist her career. The girl dictate the terms. Agencies have their own rules, but if the girl don’t agree with them, they simply don’t work together and she find something else that’s suitable to her needs.

A CEO needs a secretary, factories need workers. It’s just a service. Yes the girl may use assistance service to help her career too.

I call it a lack of education for people who can’t tell pimp apart from the rest. But I can’t blame them. Few people knows this industry and the media and it stereotypes is not helping.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
To be fair if you are a man and you are making profit out of sex workers, I do assume you are a pimp.
Can a woman be a pimp? What about a trans woman?


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
''Obviously REAL pimps exist but its easy to set them apart''

The classic old school pimp yes but they are new breeds out there.
(Saw that even a innocent looking girl LGBTQ had 3 girls under her
even gay men are getting in the ''game'' making girls ''fall'' under their charm)

New age pimping aka smooth pimping, they don't use violence, they are more on the smooth-side, more like a parasite.
The main effect/goal is the sex-provider ends up with next to nothing on the financial side.
Thus ensuring she does not upgrade her finances so she can't move on from the ''life'' at some point.
Thus ensuring the cycle continues and the person continues to make ''cuts'' on everything around the sex-worker.
Usually through benefiting from useless expenses, for example the pimp will provide or encourage the girl to rent
a luxury car that she does not need or purchase the car on expensive monthly payments, usually the soft-pimp will find
the car and make a cut per month on the rental or contract. The smooth-pimp will put them in luxurious rental condos
which there also they will make a cut every month, they will double as driver making a cut there also, take care of the
bookings make a cut there also, providing drugs making a cut there also, providing a personal trainer making a cut there
also and usually the trainer is in full contact with the pimp ensuring she stays on the ''state of mind'' the pimp is
aiming for.

Because usually a lot of these ''cuts'' are hidden, like the cut on the car, the cut
on the apartment, the personal trainer, the drug that he says gets from a friend but it's actually him selling it.

So After all that hard work the pimp will also expect to be taken care of for all the ''free help''(hidden cuts ;))
like being taken out for expensive diners and clubs, even trips.

Nothing wrong with making cuts, but when the goal is to keep the person ''poor'' in a ''slick'' way
to keep making more cuts, you're not a worker you are a pimp. (the game is the game but you gotta call a pimp a pimp)

It's simple the goal of a slick-pimp is for the girl to have the least possible cash left without her ''feeling'' it.
But numbers don't lie, if you are making 2000-5000 even 10k a week and at the end of the month there is almost nothing
left. Someone is being slick. They hide as boyfriends, as drivers, as Safety persons as partners. but at the end of the day the
real deep work ;) is done by the provider, never loose site of that.

If you met the person while being in the game and if at the end of the year you don't have at least 20% saved up.
Chances are you're not in good hands.

Numbers don't lie. people do.

Good luck !
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