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What is the average salary of the people who do require an escort service?

Active Member
May 11, 2021
I feel you, but hey, you need to just step back a little and have will power. This is an addiction, its like poontang heroin and your hooked on it. Its not easy either to cut back but we have to do it sometimes.
I'm glad you bring this up. For many of us here it's an addiction.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
I feel like everybody in here is ignoring the actual question, myself included. What it basically boils down to is, how much money do people who use providers make. I figured most people made a lot to be able to afford this hobby.

A provider would need to see upwards of 700 clients to have a comparable salary to me. I hope people don't take this as a flex, I'm genuinely curious as to where people here fall on the socio economic scale. I figured it would all be people around my income level, but I'm learning quickly that it is not.
We understand the question.

There are different price points for different hobbyists. You have $40/30 min SPs. And you have $20K/night SPs.

All of them are SPs. All of their clients are hobbyists.

There are probably enough hobbyists that a random sample would just reflect all men. So if you want the average salary, just look at the average salary of men.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
For sure, I'm definitely curious as to how much some of the agency girls who are difficult to book make. Per hour it is obviously a lot, but they aren't working 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
I am not sure this is an apple to apple comparison. Let's assume for a moment that you are making between $175,000 - 245,000 based on the 700 clients comment. Almost half of this will go into taxes and deductions and you are most likely not getting tips, gifts and have additional revenue streams (besides potential investments) - If you do, please let me know how and I might switch careers. :p

A popular agency girl who is always fully booked will probably have multiple side hustles (OnlyFans, regular clients who buy them gifts and maybe even arrangements like being a sugar baby) or a fulltime job. And we are not even talking about the ladies who can charge $20K/night.
The huge difference in prince point makes the average in earnings almost irrelevant. The same can be said about what clients spend. I hobbied when I earned a lot less than I do today, it was simply a different approach and mindset going into the encounters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Yes, my take home pay is outrageously low after taxes/pension. Let's take specifically Montreal as a market though. Are there girls even charging $20k? There just isn't enough money here to justify that type of rate.

Definitely they will have multiple streams of income, most I've seen have said they have a full time job. No evidence to support this claim, but I feel like most don't have a big online presence so that they can maintain some anonymity. The type of girl you are thinking of is probably in the top 1% earners for her profession.
The $20K comment was in reference to what @envelopes wrote. I am not aware of SPs charging this amount in Montreal.
I do think however that the top girls at Euphoria or XO will make a very decent amount without having to see close to 700 clients a year.

Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
Let's assume for a moment that you are making between $175,000 - 245,000 based on the 700 clients comment.
What are you using for numbers to come up with that? Using your popular incalls I am assuming the SP take is around $180 ( number could be high ) which works out to $126k
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Toto beefcake

Doesn't even need to be the top girls...seems like they are fully booked up regardless of who's working.
I think at the end of the day they will always have more more money going out then going in. Not all but alot of them go on vacations often, are always at a top restaurant, or uber eats dont forget the constant visits to estiticians hairdressers lashes nails etc . Then theres your basic needs like rent car food etc. dont let social media fool you. Alot is show. Not reality. Its not just sps btw its everyone


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Some agencies even put that out there even if the girl is not working just to look busy.
This is where I used to live, not saying it is done here with these fine establishments.
I’m also skeptical of this fully booked BS!
I saw/heard of some examples, which makes me doubt that all the agency girls are always fully booked. Mind you, some of these examples happened in the fall or winter, so yes summer is much busier and it could happen that they’re occasionally fully booked.

1. It happened a couple of times that the girl I booked cancelled and they asked if I wanted to book someone else. They gave me the availability of the other girls for that day and they were pretty much all free. I could pick any girl at any time that I wanted.

2. I heard of stories where a popular girl was on schedule, even though she wasn’t working (to make it look fully booked).

3. I’m a local and regular, so I’ve had agency(s) reach out to me a couple of times telling me that a popular girl was available, if I want to book (this happened during quiet periods like Jan or Feb). In the summer, it would be practically impossible to book the same girl.

It does happen that some girls are fully booked regularly (especially if she sees only 2-3 clients per day and works 1 day/week), but I don’t think ALL the girls are fully booked ALL the time.
My 2 cents!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2019
No one is going to reveal his income/salary here!
I would if agencies didn't know who I was. I never tell people my merb handle but some agencies figured it out lol. If I was anonymous I would share. Don't want SPs having any expectations of tips :p

However, it doesn't really answer the question. I believe The average salary for hobbyists would just be the same as average salary of all men
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
You know there is a lot of talk about money on this thread and the average salary of this and that but in the end, the guy who really wants it will find some way to pay for it. This is regardless of whether he makes 50$ a day or 50,000. If a man is determined, and more importantly, he can't keep his mind and thoughts off a certain female, he will find a way to pay for it. The average salary of a man really means little.

Frankly, I don't think the service provider cares one bit one way or the other about what the average salary of their clients is, as long as they get the payment that was negotiated and they are treated with respect. That is how it has always been and probably how it will always be. Business as usual.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
whether he makes 50$ a day or 50,000
If I was making 50K a day, I will never leave any SP for you to see. Me in the middle and girls around me will get showered in DOLLARS!
Like big Arab Sheikhs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
If I was making 50K a day, I will never leave any SP for you to see. Me in the middle and girls around me will get showered in DOLLARS!
Like big Arab Sheikhs.
It means nothing, if I make 50$ a day and you make 50,000 a day that service provider will still see me as I am willing to pay her rate just as you are making 50,000 can pay her rate. In fact, she will decide who she sees.

Indeed, when it comes down to it as the old adage goes, and I will paraphrase here, "Money talks and bullshit talks as well".
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
If I was making 50K a day, I will never leave any SP for you to see. Me in the middle and girls around me will get showered in DOLLARS!
Like big Arab Sheikhs.
You remind me of a starving person who dreams of eating all day if he has enough food. As with food, your capacity and desire for sex is limited. When you get older your libido and not the money is the limiting factor in hobbing.
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