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What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Anyone see The Hurt Locker ? I've read that it's a great movie.....i'll probably watch it tomorrow if i get more positive feedback about it.

p.s. I've finally finished watching The Sopranos. I actually liked the ending. I read yesterday that there working on a Sopranos movie. If true, i can't wait!


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Daybreakers, Sherlock Holmes, Avatar 3D in Imax were all very good films!


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i saw it when it was first released. it was good, but far from great. it was advertised as being about "an elite Army bomb squad unit...", but it was too focused on one guy.great ending! as for a sopranos movie this is the latest news i could find: no idea if there has been any news since.

I also don't know if a movie will ever come about. I mean, if there's a movie, it will probably destroy the ending of the last episode, which is the type of ending people would talk about for years & make up their own mind about it, which is probably what David Chase had in mind when he made it. With a movie, that likely would go all to waste. I don't know if you've seen this, but Mad TV did a great spoof of 'The Sopranos' a few years back:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Anyone see The Hurt Locker ? I've read that it's a great movie.....i'll probably watch it tomorrow if i get more positive feedback about it.

p.s. I've finally finished watching The Sopranos. I actually liked the ending. I read yesterday that there working on a Sopranos movie. If true, i can't wait!

I tried watching the Hurt Locker about three or four times and was never able to get through it. Considering the subject matter this may not be nice to say, but I found it really boring and I didn't give a damn what happened to any of the characters. It just didn't do it for me and I was stunned at the number of awards it's nominated for.

I don't think a Soprano's movie is on the way in the near future and I'm not sure if I want to see one. The ending was totally unexpected and I think it's better that everyone has their own ideas on what it meant. I just passed my Soprano's collection to a friend who has just started watching the series and I think I might start over from season one myself when I get the DVDs back. It's been quite a long time since I watched it and there's still nothing to compare with it on TV today.

I saw Sherlock Holmes over the holidays and thought it was great. Hope that a sequel is in the works. Planning to watch the Lovely Bones tomorrow evening, was gonna watch it tonight but American Idol started tonight and the auditions are always the best part of the show. Yeah, yeah...I know. It's a guilty pleasure, what can I say? :eek:


Dec 24, 2005
I think it makes a big difference if you see the movie in a good theater verses at home. I find there is more focus of attention in the theater and more of an impact.

The Hurt Locker - should be the movie of the year. A movie about straight men overcoming impossible odds and even excelling in there chosen field. This movie will not win.

Crazy Heart - Jeff Bridges plays a great country singer / alcoholic that finally turns his life around. Another movie about straight men that will not win anything.

Avatar was ok but it reminded me of Smurfs on the Titanic. They were going for the Titanic sentiment and they hit it as shown but the uptick in female viewers after opening weekend. It was OK but it did not do it for me.

Honorable mention - that hooker movie by Ava Grey The Girfriend Experience that was directed by Soderberg. Not a great movie but if your into character study I did watch it twice. It will not win anything but I would like to see Ava and Marrisa Tomei in a 2 some. See the first 5 minutes of Before the Devil Knows your Dead.

I have not been around much in recent months, hope the girls are just as hot as they were last spring.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A Knight's Tale. I'd never seen it before. I had never heard about this movie until reading about it in the Heath Ledger R.I.P. thread on this board, where Techman raved about it. Well, i believe i now have a new favorite Heath Ledger movie. Absolutely brilliant & entertaining. I'm watching it right now & it's not even finished yet! I like this movie so much that i plan to watch it one more time! I likely would never have bothered to watch it if it wasn't for hearing about it on this board, so thanks to those who've mentionned it.


New Member
Jan 9, 2010
the girlfriend experience is the best work I have seen recently, maybe aside from the Norwegian horror tale ''let the right one in''.

I much agree with doc holliday, but I just wanted to give my insight about the moment where ''Chelsea'' says

The best line in the movie, to me, involved Grey casually mentionning that she's performing a role in her chosen profession, and that most men would refuse to pay her any money if she'd show her true self to them.

just a slight correction. the man she is having a conversation with tells her some men really want to know ''the real her' and asks if she ever lets the real her come out sometimes. 'She simply assertates that men don't really want the real her, or else they would not pay her...and ask her to be a certain way.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The Book of Eli

Hello all,

A combination of Mad Max, Blade, and MTV "on a mission from God." If you are not a teen easily impressed with bad-ass attitude and mayhem, like me, you will be left wondering why this movie was made...though it does look cool in a pointless way.

Most interesting scene...a rat being hand fed cat meat. A not so subtle world-turned-upside-down reference. Don't even rent it.


Last edited:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I watched "The Hangover" the other day. Extremely funny! Reminded me of several of my trips to Las Vegas over the past few years. One of the best comedies of the decade!

My thanks to Eagerbeaver for recommending this movie, who kept telling me that i reminded him of one or two of the characters in the movie. I forgot which one(s).......!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The Informant

Anyone see The Informant with Matt Damon? I recently saw this one and I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was going to be another one of these rehashed predictable anti corporate world, ruining the earth type movies but man was I surprised! What a twist. Very entertaining.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
the girlfriend experience is the best work I have seen recently...

It's not bad considering it's almost an experimental film with a minuscule budget and no real script. The most interesting aspect to me was the editing. The film was shot chronologically and then "deconstructed" during editing, so you get a series of scenes which are not necessarily connected in time or space. The implied similarity between capitalism and prostitution (the selling of dreams and illusions where everything is a "transaction") is interesting, but all the chit chat about money, the economy, the recession... quickly becomes redundant even if the film only lasts 78 min. It's an interesting exercise but far from a great or even a very good film.

... maybe aside from the Norwegian horror tale ''let the right one in''.


Excellent film. Except it's not Norwegian, it's Swedish. :)

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
I liked ``Up in the air`` with George Clooney.

One Movie MERBites might enjoy that I saw a couple of years back is a CZech film called `` I served the king of england``
its got several scenes related to the companion scene in that country in the 20s and 30s.

It was entertaining regardless.
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