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What is the best recent movie you’ve seen.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003

I just finished watching "Prisoners". It's directed by Quebecer Denis Villeneuve, who masterfully directed "Incendies" just a couple of years ago, which wound up nominated and winning many major awards.

'Prisoners' stars Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo & Maria Bello.

How far would you go to protect your family? Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) is facing every parent's worst nightmare. His six-year-old daughter, Anna, is missing, together with her young friend, Joy, and as minutes turn to hours, panic sets in. The only lead is a dilapidated RV that had earlier been parked on their street. Heading the investigation, Detective Loki arrests its driver, Alex Jones, but a lack of evidence forces his release. As the police pursue multiple leads and pressure mounts, knowing his child's life is at stake the frantic Dover decides he has no choice but to take matters into his own hands. But just how far will this desperate father go to protect his family?

Jake Gyllenhaal is the movie's main character & plays the police detective in charge of the investigation into the children's disappearance. Melissa Leo plays one of the suspect's mother, while the remaining characters portray the children's parents.

It was a very entertaining movie & it lasts just under three hours. But it's such a good movie that it seems like only 2 hours. You might actually wish that the movie is longer than it is once it has reached the ending.

As usual, Hugh Jackman is superb. He's currently one of our finest actors today.

I give it 4 stars out of 5. It was very well received all over the world, including at the recent Toronto International Film Festival.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I recently saw two films: Anchorman 2 and American Hustle.

I found Anchorman 2 even more hilarious than the first Anchorman. It was ridiculous but at times very funny. This time Ron Burgundy and the news team are hired to work for the first 24 hour cable news network GNN.

American Hustle is a movie about the ABSCAM sting that took place in the the late 70's in New Jersey. I was a little surprised that Hollywood went out of their way to try to say that the politicians were entrapped by the evil FBI and that the politicians just wanted to help New Jersey. Typical left wing, big government is the answer attitude that I have come to expect from Hollywood. However, Christian Bale was outstanding. The supporting cast of Amy Adams and whomever played the FBI agent did a great work. I love Amy Adams but in every scene she wore no bra and a top that showed more chest than any SP that I have ever hooked up with. It was definitely worth the money and the time.


Nov 19, 2012
Saw the Hobbit 2, Anchorman 2 and wolf of wall street. I can say by far the best of the 3 was WOW and the worse was Anchorman 2.

I have to completely disagree with hungry, while there were funny parts overall the film is inferior to the first completely. The basically went the route of the hangover franchise where all the jokes and scenarios from the first successful movie were reused and never as funny as the original. That plus some completely over the top scenes, and not in a good way, and an ending that just drug out made this movie a real disappointment, especially after how great the first on was.

The Hobbit 2 was better then the first, especially in terms of action but overall I don't have the same affinity for this trilogy as LOTR.

Wolf of Wall Street was long but I found it excellent and surprisingly very funny. Funnier then anchorman in different ways but all the same, definitely best movie I've seen recently.

That said 2014 I'm pumped cause there are so many sequels and great movies coming out, trailers for Xmen first class 2, planet of the apes 2, the Godzilla reimagining , 300 and even Captain American look interesting.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I saw American Hustle and I agree with the comments of hungry101. It was a very well acted, character driven film and I enjoyed it. Amy Adams does look like a hot cougar in the movie. Robert De Niro appears in a small role, essentially reprising an older version of his character from Casino. I give this movie a grade of A-.

Here are some recent movies I saw on Netflix-

Hurt Locker (A) - I thought this was a gripping drama and I can forgive whatever military mission inaccuracies existed. The movie was made independently and without a military consultant. It's a really tense well acted film.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (B+) interesting cold ware era spy film, focusing on psychological drama rather than physical action. Several scenes towards the ends of the movie were very confusing but otherwise a good movie. Great job by Gary Oldman as the lead character.

Broken City (B+) somewhat formulaic but entertaining thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe who are both on their game in this movie.

Oldboy (B-) Original Korean version. I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Very controversial film, and certainly different.

Now You See Me (B) - An entertaining movie with an all star cast including Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg. If you like magic shows you will probably like it more than I did.

The Impossible (B+) - I liked this film about one family's experience during the Tsunami that struck southeast Asia in 2004. Somewhat overwrought, although supposedly based on a true story. Starring Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
American Hustle is a movie about the ABSCAM sting that took place in the the late 70's in New Jersey

Brings back the good old days in the hood with Tony/Vinny/Sal

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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"The Conjuring" - watched this one on DVD from Netflix last night. It is a reasonably scary and interesting horror film which is based on the real life investigations of famed demonologist Ed Warren and his clairvoyant wife Lorraine Warren, who served as a consultant on the film. The movie focuses on one of the Warrens' more famous investigations, involving the Perron family. The Perrons bought a Rhode Island farmhouse at a foreclosure sale in 1971. The day they move in, the family dog refuses to enter the house, and from there things rapidly go downhill for the Perrons.

The movie focuses quite a bit on the science of demonology and the heroic efforts of the Warrens to do battle with the demonic spirits in our world. The movie discusses the phases of demonic infestation, obsession and possession, and the point at which exorcism becomes required. It should be noted that Ed Warren was the only demonologist in the world who was approved by the Catholic Church to attend exorcisms.

While the movie is informative about demonology, we learn that the Perrons are extremely naive and, like typical horror film characters, behave like they have never seen a horror film in their lives. Among other things, we see the following very fundamental rules of horror films get violated:

(1) if you hear an inhuman noise in a dark and unlit basement, don't go down there;
(2) if you sense something inhuman is under your bed, do not stick your head underneath the bed to find out what it is:
(3) if a house is known to be or showing signs of being haunted, do not walk around blindfolded in it in order to play games with your children.

"Elysium" - it's very rare that I do not watch a movie to the end, but I did not with this science fiction film with Matt Damon and Jodie Foster. The movie just did not grab me, and I lost interest after about 45 minutes.
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New Member
Aug 17, 2012
La vie d'Adèle, chapitres 1 et 2. Pour les merbistes, il y a des scènes très intéressantes! :eyebrows:


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Jul 16, 2004
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matrixxxxxx trilogy...i have to say for me.....also scarface:amen: say hello to my little friend hihhihii


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Just came out of seeing "The Wolf of Wall Street". Fantastic's probably Scorsese's best since Casino.

I also have to mention that DiCaprio's second wife in the film is super hot (ie. Margot Robbie)! I'd kill to see a SP with the same looks as her! :eyebrows:

I couldn't agree more. I saw AM Hustle, Anchor Man II, WOW, Prisoners, Lone Survivor, and Life of Pi. I enjoyed all six but Wolf of Wall Street was the best of the five and Scorsese's best since Good Fellows. Jonah Hill should be the best supporting actor. We need to get Margot picture's on the thread of Celebs I want to Fuck.


I just finished watching "Prisoners". It's directed by Quebecer Denis Villeneuve, who masterfully directed "Incendies" just a couple of years ago, which wound up nominated and winning many major awards.

I give it 4 stars out of 5l.

This was quite good and I have to admit that I was fooled by the twist in the movie. I thought that Hollywood was making a statement about vigilantism.

Lone survivor

i just came back from the theater to watch it with my BF, i saw the previews and really wanted to see it (no..i am not into pink, girlie, romance movies :p ). Without a doubt the best war movie since a very longtime!! When action strikes, it strikes BIG TIME. It is so brutal and violent that I had my eyes closed 2-3 times.
It's so sad to see the soldiers in such desperate situations, and yet they combat valiantly until the last minute. There is LITTLE EMOTIONAL or dramatic element in the plot, but it will still evoke much emotions because THE BATTLES are so brutally realistic (a bit exaggerated..but it is an american movie after all;) ). "Lone Survivor" is certainly not a film for entertainment or an easy relaxing evening. Be prepared to see loads of nasty wounds.

I saw the movie and read the book. The book is an easy read. You can skip the first 100 pages unless you want to know about BUDS/SEAL Basic Training. The battle went pretty close to Marcus's account in the book accept that they couldn't actually see or know of the rescue helicopter crash. I also thought the Hollywood ending was not as good as the actual ending in the book. The real story was much more fascinating. All-in-all it was a good picture. They should have tied up the 3 goat herders and left them there.


Dec 27, 2003
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Wolf of Wall Street and Rush. The other movies mentioned were great, but these two got my blood boiling. Kinda like this board. Lots of great women offering services but we each have different tastes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Boiler Room was more honest representation of the brokerage boiler room industry. Wolf of Wall Street is a bit more exaggerated since it is entertainment. Hell I was there! Worked there as a cold caller for one summer since Stratton Oakmont loved to hire kids straight out of high school. If you were ever there when Jordan made his inspirational speeches while being coked up, you would be fired up too. That guy knows how to inspire people. A real lost art.

Just saw The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Very impressed. Much better than the first one.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003

I watched it the other night. Unfortunately, i had already heard about some of the surprises that would show up in the movie. The story was very good and the cinematography great. My guess is that the director will win the Oscar for best directly. Sandra Bullock was very strong in the movie, and so was Clooney in a supporting role.

I give it 3.5 stars.

It's one of the few movies i would have liked to see in 3D IMAX.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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It's gotten rave reviews Sidney and McConaughey is supposed to be fantastic in it!!

Recently saw Django Unchained and Wolf of Wall Street. Thought Django was pretty good, give it a B and Chris Waltz was f'n phenomenal in it.

WoWS was like Goodfellas only on Wall Street from Scorcese. Decent movie, little over the top but entertaining. another solid B.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I saw this 2012 horror movie last night. It's really well done, creepy, well acted, and not surprisingly made $87 million on a $3 million budget. The movie stars Ethan Hawke as a "true crime" novelist who moves with his family into a house where some murders occurred, in order to do research for his new book. Upon his arrival, he finds a bunch of reels of Super 8 film in the attic, and when he plays the film he sees graphic murders depicted on them. Rather than call the police, this writer attempts to take matters into his own hands and get to the bottom of it, thinking the local cops to be morons who will fuck up the investigation and spoil great material for his new book.

The Ethan Hawke character has a major league pair of testicles in this movie, but we find out sometimes it is better to behave smart rather than tough in a horror film.

The film gets an A- in this genre. The acting is unusually good with a cast featuring not only Ethan Hawke, but also Fred Thompson in a small part as the no-nonsense local Sheriff.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Has anyone seen Dallas Buyers Club? I'm thinking of doing it on Thursday night. It's at Quartier Latin.

It's a fantastic movie

Jared Leto will win an Oscar

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sleeper: Rescue Dawn

Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale and Steve Zahn 2007

This is great movie is a sleeper about German born American Naval Aviator, Dieter Dengler (played by Christian Bale) was shot down over Laos in 1965. This was the beginning of the Vietnam war and Dengler's bomber group was on a classified mission bombing targets on the Ho Chi Man trail. After being tortured for refusing to sign some article of aggression denouncing the USA, Dengler is thrown in a POW camp with a Air force helicopter pilot played by Steve Zahn and 4 Air America airmen. After overhearing the Viet Cong guards plan to stage a fake break out attempt so that they can shoot their prisonors, the POWs executes a desperate escape plan that they had been studying for months.

Dengler, I believe was the first pilot to escape from a POW camp in the Vietnam war. I read a Wikipedia page about Dengler and the movie seems to follow the real story pretty close. Dengler was a Seira-Hotel Pilot who immigrated from Germany following WWII. Inspired after being bombed by allied bomber pilots, following the war, Dengler enlists in the US air force because he wanted to fly. After his enlistment was up he applied for an officer cadet program and finally got his wings. During evasion training Dieter Dangler set a record by escaping twice from the Marine guards and nearly escaping a third time when the school ended. He gained 3 lbs during evasion training due to his experience surviving WWII in Germany. He could eat anything.

The picture was filmed in SE Asia and the critics loved it. Roger Egbert said that you can tell they are not filming on a Hollywood back lot. The film cost 10MM$ to make and only grossed ~7MM$ at the box. It was a huge success on it's release to video where it made 24MM$. There was some controversy of the negative portrayal of one of the Air America pilots. However, I was impressed at how closely this movie followed the real story.

See Rescue Dawn. I give two thumbs up.
May 28, 2012
I FRANKENSTEIN, My first clue should have been the TOTALLY EMPTY theater. Actually having my own empty theater was the highpoint of the screening. Thinking back on the movie the one thought that goes through my mind is "They should have paid me to view it". The 3-D version was a mediocre use of the camerawork. I will give it two stars just because I was able to stand continuing to view the film. Putting it next to my recent attempt to watch Barbarella just helped me define 1 vs. 2 stars.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you like war movies Lone Survivor was very good, supposed to be from actual events.
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