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What is the trashiest sexual experience you've had?


Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
One time I was so desperate for sex that I looked into the craiglist's personal sections. A few hours later I was banging a 290lbs land-whale...I was 19 and short on cash.


New Member
May 11, 2010
I was riding my bike and took a short cut through some woods where there were foot paths and trails. A girl in the woods offered me a BJ. She did not look like the average SW. She was clean and good looking. I suspect a part timer that was looking for a few bucks.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I was having sex regularly with a dude I was gaming with, twice my age when I was 16, it lasted for a while and it was fun until the dude fucked me bareback while I was sleeping.... This is wrong on so many levels. He was clean but what if he made a 16 years old girl pregnant ?!!!

Trash. Lol

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Here's the thing. Of course it woke me up... BUT... I couldnt move. Couldnt do anything, it was just scary, I kept my eyes closed and kept thinking "he's gonna stop right ?"... I felt like crying but I just didn't feel like arguing. I dont know why I was not able to just tell him to stop or even let him know Im awake. I was in shock. he came on my belly... It was about 4am and he went back to sleep.

When he woke up again and I was awake all I could say was "You know, fucking a sleeping person is considered rape..." and I left. Never saw him again.

Pretty sure some people will blame me for not saying anything on the moment but I dont care. I know how I felt and trust me I was too shocked to even react. It's not like he knew I was awake anyways.... you just dont have sex with a sleeping person. Let alone unprotected sex with a girl half your age.

Ok now I feel like crying lol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Anywhere and everywhere
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The dude was an ass hole Julia Sky , not your fault at all. It never ceases to surprise me how men can be such dicks. Yes, we are stronger and bigger but to take advantage of someone at any time is unacceptable. I feel sad for what a 16 year old had to endure at the hands of a mature man. I hope you do realise that not all men are cast from the same mould.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
. I hope you do realise that not all men are cast from the same mould.

I notice a lot of guys saying things like that. But I hope that you realize that particularly SP’s don’t give much credence to that.....

Mocha, îve been to laser quest a few times with my grandson and boy did I stick out like a sour thumb. I think everybody in the building thought I was a pedophile, now that’s a pseudo trashy experience.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Thank you everyone. It's been a while and honestly until today I thought I didn't care because I never told anyone, but I realize it still affects me otherwise I wouldn't have tears in my eyes talking about it and reading your comments. It feels good though, to tell someone. It's easier on an anonymous board.

Mocha : he was a friend's cousin. We were introduced by that person on a Facebook status and basically we talked for a bit and turns out he lived 10mins from my mom's place and I guess I didn't really realize at first how wrong it was that he was double my age and wanted to hangout with me, which is fine for adults but I was not an adult. At first I went there just to play video games together, and then things escalated...

Maria : this is SO creepy and unprofesionnal ! Did you end up getting the pictures at least ??


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
I was having sex regularly with a dude I was gaming with, twice my age when I was 16, it lasted for a while and it was fun until the dude fucked me bareback while I was sleeping.... This is wrong on so many levels. He was clean but what if he made a 16 years old girl pregnant ?!!!

Trash. Lol
I'm really sorry to hear... that's really f'd up!! If you have a name and address, I'd be happy to pay him a visit and send him on a nice vacation to the local hospital. Once a creep, always a creep, and I don't believe in statues of limitations...


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Maria Divina

What is a Mid-pro photographer? Any photographer accustomed to escorts or not, should NOT behave in this manner, especially while shooting. Sounds like you found a horny guy with a camera (maybe who was capable of taking some good pics). I've shot so many girls that I've lost count (probably in the thousands)... mostly nudes, from amateurs to escorts to pornstars... and not once have I been so aroused that I had to touch myself. There is one brain responsible for taking the photo... the little brain may think he's the art director, but the big brain decides when to press the shutter button. I would have fired the guy on the spot... he was shooting with the wrong head period.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes, I am wondering, Maria, if you noticed if the len's cap was still on the camera when the photographer was shooting.


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
I picked up a biker mama on St. Jacques, her biker guy just got out of jail and could not consort with other criminals ( thus, can not earn ). She was doing the biz on the sly, so her old man was tasting my cum on her lips that night.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
I don't doubt that you did your homework about him before agreeing to hire him, Maria. After all, I'm sure you have the verification of hobbyists down to a science, so a photographer should have been a walk in the park. It's a shame that you found that "one," the one I would personally slap around, because it gives guys like me a bad name even though I have a lot of great references. Considering who I know (pornstars), I've been around a lot of creepy guys, fans and crew (production people are way less creepy than fans), yet I find what this "mid-pro" did to you quite disturbing. If he got excited by your strap-on, maybe he wanted to be pegged, lol. In any case, I still would have fired him, taken the time wasted as a loss, and hired someone else. You mentioned you had a second day with him... being nervous because of his behavior would never result in your best pics no matter how talented the photographer. And if he is the one who took the current "portrait" pics on your site, not to toot my own horn, but I shoot better than that on my worst day, and I don't consider myself a pro... and most of my true pro friends make me look like a hobbyist with a camera phone.

I'm usually very busy when I'm in Montreal, but if we can coordinate schedules, I'd be happy to shoot you for an hour or two with no obligations... you don't have to pay me, f*ck me, or watch me touch myself, lol... in fact, bring a friend, gf, or family member along, providing they shut up and don't interrupt the process. Ok, I lied... one obligation... if you like my work, give me photo credits/reference.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Well, as "pointed wrongly by Hungry", I am not that idiot to pick someone without references...
Thank you Hungry for your "so nice post" to me. You like "tuff love" you right? I don't know your age, but you're certainly old enough to have been raised with ancient method probably. :rolleyes: We just can give what we receive in heritage.

I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about. I was making a comment about the unprofessional conduct demonstrated by the photographer. It wasn't a slam against you. I did not intend to insult you.

In a similar study, I met an SP in Dallas. I chose her because she had a few good reviews and I loved her photo-shoots and Vimeo video. She said that the photographer shot girls for Penthouse. She said she was so excited because she finally found someone who could take photos of her that made her feel beautiful. They had done one shoot and it was a success. After some period of time, she contacted this photographer to do another shoot and she had put down a rather large retainer. She said that the photographer made a pass at her and suggested that they trade sex for the balance of the shoot. She said she became angry and and tossed him out and lost a considerable amount of money and never got the pictures or her retainer back. I, for one, didn't understand this. I asked her why is it OK for me to come in here and give you 350$ dollars for an hour of sex including DFK, BBBJ and Anal, so why not trade sex for the balance owed? She tried to explain to me and I think I was able to understand. I really think that having this professional relationship with a professional photographer that had nothing to do with sex was important to her. It made her feel better her job. When he crossed that boundary by trying to have sexual relations with her she felt cheap.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Once saw a well known and well reviewed sp a while ago in a cheap run down motel. Not the funnest experience. Door couldnt even lock snd the maid opened the door while she was riding me cowgirl. The maid gasped in shock. The sp just kept going like it was nothing. I felt dirty, like i should’nt be there


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
One of my seediest experiences happened in Rio De Janeiro at a red light district known as Villa Mimosa. Below is my story:

My friend Gustavo says "Hungry, you have to visit Villa Mimosa. This is where all the locals go. You have never seen more GDP's in one place. And imagine, they will give themselves to you for less than 50 R$ (35 USD$). Come on, you just have to see it" I am thinking why not? Gus hails a cab and the two of us are on our way to Rio's red light district. It borders a favila (Slum) in north Rio and is one of the seediest places I have ever been.

The cab driver is excited to go there. Like many Cariocas (nickname for inhabitants of Rio) it is the driver’s favorite place. We arrive at 8 PM and there are already more GDP in one place than I have ever seen. A GDP is a Garota de Programa. This is equivalent to a SP in Montreal. The first thing I am thinking is "Yeech. I need a tetanus shot to walk around here. Gringo’s should probably not drink the water or taste any of the traditional barbeque on a stick that is being grilled by local venders here." We walk through every bar. About < than 3% are fuckable - at 8 PM anyway. Gus tells me to choose a place to order a beer. I do and we have a talk with the GDP/Bar tender here (they multi-task apparently). She is pretty nice looking 20 y.o. morena (brunette) but a little too slutty and has tattoos and piercings...not your typical prom date. Her friend is a sexy ruiva (red head). Gus asks them to kiss. They refuse because they are best friends. The morena calls over her a black girl and they go to town. They are all a little too rough looking so we grab or beers and walk down the street. I see a cute loira (blond) that I like. I would consider "doing her"...I talk to her but she speaks no English and where would I fuck her in this filthy sty anyway? I need more beer.

We order another beer and we see a morena flagging down guys in the middle of the street. She is stark nagged and covered with olive oil. Yeech. I tell my friend there is too little to fuck here. He thinks I am crazy..."lots of nice girls," he says. We have another beer and a shot and stroll down the street. In the next bar there are two cute morenas in bikini's. One of them is a hot young thing that I am surprised to see in this environment. We smile at each other. Gus and I enter the bar and order a beer. i turn to find the girl and an old Carioca snatches my prey right out from under my eyes...the best girl I have seen so far is out of play. We finish our beers and lament the one that got away. I walk to the next bar and I see a cute Morena in a white minni. She has perfect white teeth, no visible tattoos or piercings, and she does not appear to be a druggie. I ask her "Quantas anos voce tem?" She says Eu tenho trinta e cinco anos" (She is 35 years old). Gus interviews her for me. She has the finest, fittest legs (no cottage cheese) and skin that is the same color as a cafe with 2.5 creamers. Her sexy blue eye shadow is a pefect contrast with her creamy complexion. I determine through gus that she has two kids and is visiting from Bahai in the north of Brasil. Gus grabs her ass and he approves. I ask how much and she says 40R for 30 minutes. I agree and we go in the back of the bar to get a room. The room is included in the price. The in-keeper charges 42R$s (2R for the condoms). He does not have change for my 50R bill but will make change later. We head up to the room.

At this point I am hard as a rock but the big head says "Hungry, what the fuck are you doing?" We go into the little room and I do not like the looks of it. There is red on the sheets and I freak out and start to leave. the GDP says "Nao" and points to her toe nails...she was painting them just a few mumentos ago. It is red nail polish. I consider taking a sample of the stained sheets back to the boys back at the crime lab. Thankfully, she gets new sheets. She takes off the sexy white tight mini and her center of gravity drops 10 cm. At this point my money is gone...I will make the best of it. I decide I will leave my shoes and pants on and my shirt on (I don’t want to put them on the floor) and I unzip my pants and undo my belt buckle and the MS Bahia applies the condom and proceeds to deliver what is known in the Biz as a CBJ. I do not complain about the CBJ. In fact I consider asking her to put a second condom over the first for good measure. After 5 minutes of this, I have her get on all fours and I fuck her doggie. In 10 minutes I am out the door and down the stairs and back in the bar.

Gus is waiting for me sipping a beer laughing. He said that he knew she had kids and the dress was holding it all in. He knew what would happen when she removed it. He added that I made the correct choice of girls because he could tell she is not a druggie ( Yeah yeah Gus, she is a den mother for a local scout troop I bet). But I can tell she did not have that amy winehouse drugged out look. We toast and then it was off to dinner.

Villa Mimosa is not a place to take a prom date. If you are in Rio and are on a shoe string budget visit this place. If you have more $$$ go to the Termas.
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