Montreal Escorts

What is the worst experience you ever had with an sp? Where you compensated


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I do not understand what you are trying to say. The bait and switch thread is the most ignored thread on MERB otherwise agencies like Sweet Montreal not to mention many others would not have been in business for 10 years. Customer gets bad service, he does not go back. It's very simple. They obviously get enough customers through advertising. I have actually not figured out how those agencies stay afloat. But bad restaurants can sometimes stay in business for a while too depending on location and rent. I don't think Nickels is a good restaurant but between location and ambience and price and greasy spoon cuisine they attract enough customers to do so. Some people like that kind of ménage.
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Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
You are a experience board member I have been reading your
For a long time that being said I will rephrase the question for You since you have admitted not understanding witch is a start!
I have been myself involve as a owner booker of successful escort agencies for many years , I am now a young retiree from the business!
I was myself enforcing a strick no refund policy.
Now in any type of business there exceptions, if you are familiar with the definition of the word not withstanding you will understand?
Where does the refund policy must stop?
Before it becomes ridiculous and agencies, Indies gets a free past on everything! I suggest you my first post in this thread before answering!!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I read your initial post and that situation was extremely bizarre and unusual. I don't know how the situation should have been handled but perhaps a case could be made for a full refund.

I have tried to confine my comments to general situations and not refer to any particular agencies or particular situations. A guy feels like he gets a general bad service type situation. There are obviously unusual exceptions to every rule. But I thought we were talking about the general rules and not the exceptions and I certainly did not endorse a position of never issue a refund. I don't think it is a good idea to do so generally, and agencies cannot be run in Walmart like fashion where you buy something you don't like and bring it back and get a full refund.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I do happen to think that there are cases where compensation is justified. Most times, however, I think the best thing to do is write a honest review and move on. In Montreal, I will just not use that agency again. After a bad experience I will just scratch that agency off my list and go with a new one until I am underwhelmed by that agency too.

If and agency wants to contact me and offer compensation when there is a problem and I think it is justified, I'll take it. I too hate when someone uses the board to leverage compensation. These are the hobbyists that never post a review until the day they have a bad experience with an SP and they want their money back. Then they write several nasty posts about a particular girl and a particular agency.

My worst experience with an agency girl was in Huntsville, Alabama. The girl showed up. She was trying to confirm with the driver and her phone kept dropping the call. I had bought her some fishnet stockings. She said "can't we just have a normal session?" So I gave her an extra 20$ to wear them. I had porn playing on the TV to set the mood and she didn't like that either. First, she refused to DFK. Her phone kept ringing and she kept trying to answer it and kept dropping the call. I remember I was sucking on her left nipple and her phone rang again. She said it was the driver and he was trying to check in with her. I gave her my cell phone. She called him and started arguing and crying. She hung up and then took off the stockings and turned off the porn in one swoop. I demanded my money back except 20$ for gas. Next, I took the SP by the arm and I threw her out of my room. She was protesting and asking for another chance and saying that the agency owner would be upset with her. 5-minutes later the girl came back and knocked on the door and said that the agency owner would be mad if she didn't finish the session and that no one had ever thrown her out before. I told her to go away.

A few minutes later, t the agency owner called to find out what happened. She had heard her version and she was piping mad at me. I told her my version and I said I gave her 20$ for gas. She said "I didn't hear that part." After hearing my side of the story the agency owner apologized. She said that the driver was also the SP's boyfriend and they were having a lover's quarrel. The she proceeded to tell me that she thought the driver was kind of creepy because he got of on his GF turning tricks with other men. She said her other girls were booked but she would send me someone better next time. These were the days before I discovered TER. Anyway. the agency was shut down by LE less than a year later.

BTW Booker - Like EB, I too am a GoodGirls fan. This is because I also do not have an unlimited budget and my visits to hobby destinations is all too infrequent. I literally want the bang for my buck that GoodGirls so far has provided to me. When become underwhelmed with the SPs they send me I will move on as well.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


I read your initial post and that situation was extremely bizarre and unusual. ...perhaps a case could be made for a full refund.

Well, if any scenario warranted a full refund regarding an extraordinary situation to deal with beyond all reasonable expectations the one BookerL faced seems like one of the most extreme possibilities. But to tell you the truth, I would have been too stunned and possibly too traumatized to worry about whether a refund should be due. I'd just be happy for everyone to be as safe as possible and forget the refund altogether.

Still, pragmatically speaking, no client should have ever been put in this situation if the agency knew anything about it. And even if they didn't know, it's way beyond the call to say this is just a normal business risk. You make a deal for sex and end up with a woman having a miscarriage...oh my freaking word...that is so beyond unreal to deal with and a refund should be automatic just for the failure by the agency to know what was going on with the escort or the escort going out like that. Just because others have done it changes nothing about how outrageous it is.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Thanks Merlot
It is unreal took me 2 1/2 years to talk about it !
What a experience it was don't even wish this for my fierced
I have spared everyone from the details !
Thank you for reading me
Cheers all


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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This is really a bad taste should a been avoid sending a pregnant girl definitely not the idea of the century don'y you think

One question. Didn't you realize she was pregnant when she got there? Or was she just a few months pregnant?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I have had girls on their period and bloody sheets. One time a sought after SP from LFMJ like 10 years ago started to bleed. I noticed the mess. This happened 10 minutes after she got there. I had just started in missionary with her. There was blood on the condom, but nothing on my body, but plenty on the sheet. She said she didn't think her period was going to start until next week.

I called up Jacques and he said to send her home and take back the $ back. He couldn't send me a replacement until the next day. He thanked me and told me that she won't work the rest of the day or week. He thank me because she may have kept working and some guys (none of them merb guys) may have continued on.

As far as refunds go, the agency needs to set the policy. Most agencies on merb allow you to refuse. I have noticed that some agencies are getting more aggressive in protesting your refusal compared to 5 or more years ago, but that's been the prevailing practice in Montreal.

I would be more than satisfied if agencies had a policy of discounted debutantes until reviewed, like $40 hr less. Reviewed and proven SP's having a higher rate. That way you would know your risk. The better agencies hire girls hoping that they live up to expectations, but some girls aren't cut out for this line of work.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
One question. Didn't you realize she was pregnant when she got there? Or was she just a few months pregnant?

Like I have explained in my original posting it was a agency that was booking with many times a week for 2 or 3 hours sessions full GFE/PSE I was at the time the booker/boss of a competitive agency and new personally the main Booker .On the night of the event it was a new booker witch I did not know ,I identified myself as I always do he new from reputation and booked me for two hours .
Obviously I was not aware of her pregnancy she was a few month pregnant only no big tummy I saw girls not pregnant bigger then her!
SO imagine I learn in 30 seconds or so she is bleeding I ask if she was in her period because many SP her working while they are !They use sea sponge witch they insert in there hole witch will absorb the blood !
She said no I am pregnant I have a boy friend witch doesn't know I am escorting ,I call the booker to tell the girl was bleeding profusely everyone is in panic the girl is crying she is afraid to loose the baby and the boyfriend the driver is to far away ,Its simply a crazy experience witch at the time was not predictable by yours truly for reasons already explained !!As a booker myself I went to many different experiences over the years but this makes my top list of bad ones .
I never ask for any rebates or refund never posted about it until recently witch is the beginning of this thread because I wanted to have the opinion of other board members about this tragic event ????
Best regards to all


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You should be reimbursed. Next session should be on the house or at least the agency should swallow their fee. But that night I would be to traumatized to orgasm. I hope this does not happen to me....ever!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello hungry101
Lke I have said to another longtime board member I do not wish this even to my fieriest competitor !!!!
Good luck !!!!!!!
keep our fingers crossed !
Hi Valerie_Curves
Do remember I was a booker too
I am glad that you took time to explain basics principals of how it work in the escort industry ,however in my 20 career as owner booker ,driver and many other titles I have made exceptions at those rules ,I did provide compensations and back girls home because they where too drunk .
I hade a girl one that vomited in the clients condo we took care of cleaning it and offered the client a 3 hours service for the price of two witch he gladdy accepted .
You have the impact both on girls and clients and where you will come out on top
So never say never .
I could provide many othe scenarios where I decided to compensate the girl kept her pay but client got fare deal on multi hours bookoings
To each is own way to manage !!

Oh I hear exactly what your saying, it isn't easy. Everyone has their way of doing things for sure. I don't agree with how that place ran things, but it wasn't my business. I wasn't a boss.. and when you're not the boss you do what your told. We are both very experienced. I not only booked calls and organized drivers and made sure everyone was where they should be, I also drove. Driving is a total different takes tones of patience to deal with a car of girls who aren't always happy, or sane or sometimes not sober :).

This girl had a body that looked like a 12-year-old boy without a penis. I was in shock after seeing her. She wore a dress that was a couple sizes too large. The agency had no business dealing with her. I'm sure she had her niche - the want to pretend to be child molesters, although she was 24.

"Spinner" type?

Not compensating the client goes against the basic rules which govern any business. I do understand that then both girls need to be paid but that's the price of doing business. One pissed off client can come on a board like this and cost you a lot of lost profit if he is not compensated, however if the client is treated fairly he might also come on a board like this and sign the praises of that agency and that is worth far more than the lost revenue of one girls hour. I had a bad experience at an agency and when I called to complain they made the offer that the next visit, their portion of the hour would be free. Since there is a split with the girls and all agencies have different splits, the booker told me upfron what it would cost. Well let me tell you, I was back a couple of days later and I assume that the booker told the girl I saw that time about my bad experience and I was rewarded with one of the best experiences I have ever had.

I agree.. Like I was saying to booker I don't agree with how that place ran things, but it wasn't my business. I wasn't a boss.. and when you're not the boss you do what your told. Which is why I will always be independent and could personally never work for anyone else.

I am really surprise at myself here but I agree with EB...You have every right to refuse a girl when she shows up, and vice versa in my case but once you start the action the fee should be paid in full,if it was a so-so or a bad meeting you do like EB say and don't repeat...

Same if you book for multi hour and have to cut our date short ,I am sorry ,really,that your wife,your employee or your boss called and you have to leave...
I still expect the agreed donation, and yes next time I will probably stay longer to make up a bit but no ''I got only half hour I want half back...I do not offer half hour ....

Totally agree Lily!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

If watching TV or Texting while Doggy is the worst experience you ever had ?
In this business you should always be prepared for the impossible! :lol:




Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Luckily I've only had one bad experience, and even then it wasn't that bad considering everybody else's posts.

The SP was the complete opposite of what I was expecting, it had nothing to do with them physically but more with attitude and the way she was carrying herself. And it's not that she had a bad attitude, just a different one than I was expecting, actually the polar opposite.

I obviously would never turn her away and I did have a good time, just had to mentally distract myself to enjoy it.

It was the first time that I felt like I was doing something wrong (I don't think Escorting is wrong btw). I kind of felt dirty about it and was bummed out the rest of the day.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2007
About 5 yrs ago, I saw in Calgary an incall escort. She was a beautiful but young debutante French Canadian woman from Montreal. I started chit chatting with her to break the ice. She admitted she was new to escorting. I asked her how her day was, she said it was good... she had a fabulous but a very big sushi dinner with her girlfriend an hour before our session and that she was very full. She requested that I write a review if I had a good time with her. I said sure I would write a good review if things turned out good.

We start getting intimate. Some DFK and then DATY. She is enjoying herself but still nervous. After she had her O, she said she would return the favour with BBBJ. So I lie down and she starts to give me BBBJ. Two minutes later, I hear her gag. I stopped her and asked if she was ok. She said yes... she told me guys like deep throat and she was willing to do it. I told her she did not need to deep throat to the point of gagging. She told me to relax and to not worry about her.

So she goes back to BBBJ and deep throating again... except this time when she gagged her whole sushi dinner came up all over my junk and lap. She is embarassed and runs to get a big bath towel from the bathroom to help me clean up. I am in shock of the mess on my lap and junk. Whatever woody I had disappeared in a microsecond. I told her not to worry, I would clean myself in the bathroom. I will go into details of the inventory of her sushi meal to clean up from my lap except to say she had a large diverse and balanced meal.

I clean up and have lost all my horniness to continue, I exit the washroom and ask if she is ok given the situation. She said yes and she apologized for the accident. I said no problem.... shit happens. She then asked me if I could still write a good review for her because she needs the good reviews to get more business. I was gob smacked but being a nice guy, I said yes I would write a good review. I paid her donation and just left.

I never wrote the review for her and never complained to the agency. I just did not want to relive that experience to write a bad review or complain at the moment. It was my worst experience but one of my many funny experiences with an SP.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012
My worst experience was with a prositute I picked at the famous corner (St-Laurent and Ste-Catherine). During the action, I believed that her body language told me: "Come fast, so I can do another client as soon as possible".


Sep 4, 2006
Worst experiences I ended early:
1. Hygiene issue: Her privates smelled like rotting fish, but I did not detect it until FS began. Asked her to leave and paid her for time served. Agency promised me to make it up with me but I never contacted them again.
2. Hygiene, looks, attitude: Her breath smelled of the garlic chicken sandwich she had for lunch, she was completely unshaved, she insisted I be present when she counts the money at the beginning of the meeting (usually if she insists on counting at the start or end I will excuse myself and do something else). Paid her for time served and asked her to leave
3. Looks: I have ended 2 sessions where the action started and the woman were very well reviewed and had a great attitude. Their looks were completely unappealing to me, and I thought I would get over it once the action started. In the middle of the action on both instances I decided I would rather do something else with my time, and so I faked a headache and asked them to leave. I offered them the full donation for the time I had booked and I had to convince them to accept it. They were class acts, but I was not into it.

Worst experiences I stayed till the end:
1. Well reviewed, bad attitude: There was a woman I met through Eleganza and then she had a brief stint as an indy. Anyway she had rave reviews and she was the first SP I saw in Montreal (my third overall). She was pleasant, but she sensed my inexperience with this kind of arrangement and kept the conversation going. When the action did start it was very clear that she had not prepared herself to work that night. I don't expect agency girls to arrive primped and dressed to the nines, but this woman had not shaven her legs for a while, and not only was her underwear not sexy, it was very old and had holes in it. Basically she spent maybe 5 minutes getting ready for her night out.

2. Well reviewed, awful looks and generally incompatible: This was a 6 hour dinner date with someone from FKS. When she showed up it was hard to believe she was the same woman pictured on her website. Her voice was shrill and I was in pain just listening to it. I thought things might get better but they did not, and it was me watching the clock. Over dinner I discovered there was no shared interest and it was tough to make conversation. At the end she offered to meet me the next day off the clock but I was just happy it was over.


Nov 12, 2005
Nice experience Doggyluver thank you for sharing !
When the miss happening is not a He say she say,it very clear and not only bad chemistry situation, compensation is certainly required!
Quoting Doggylover "Not compensating the client goes against the basic rules which govern any business"
There is good business men/ women in escort industry but also like in any other business there iare "Fly by nights"not say worst

I think we would've done good business together, Mr. Booker. And perhaps we did in the past, if you were in Montreal... You're a client's booker, and you have the long view for business, which is what all owners and bookers should strive for.


My worst experience ever was logged on MERB, earlier this year. That booker misled about the girl; the services were very bad; and that's all par for the course, but what pushed it over the edge and made it into "worst ever", was she bled once we got into full service. And she knew she was in or around the time of Miss Flow, too. A GF or a girl I knew well, I could get over it. But not a new SP, and definitely not from an agency I did a lot of business with in the previous year. You'd think they would (a) not mislead about the girl in the first place, and (b) make sure they don't have girls working on their periods.

It was a mess, and the experience de-boned me, for the rest of that trip. Agency never compensated, never even admitted to owing me an apology, in fact. As hungry said, you get over it, and move on, and never do business with that agency again.

I am really surprise at myself here but I agree with EB...You have every right to refuse a girl when she shows up, and vice versa in my case but once you start the action the fee should be paid in full,if it was a so-so or a bad meeting you do like EB say and don't repeat...

So, I'm curious Lily, in my situation, is there compensation? Or because the girl started the action, fee should be paid in full, end of story? We were only ~35 minutes into a 1-hr session, when the blood came. Curious to get perspective from the booker / SP side.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
So, I'm curious Lily, in my situation, is there compensation? Or because the girl started the action, fee should be paid in full, end of story? We were only ~35 minutes into a 1-hr session, when the blood came. Curious to get perspective from the booker / SP side.

Hello Wolfie

This is a interesting question ?
Since you where dealing with a agency a Indy solution does't apply
Different scenarios can and should have been contemplated .
In any case whats the real authority of the booker in the agency some are only employees and paid at a commission its more a male receptionist then a booker ,if you are caught in situation where it is the scenario is power to compensate is close to none .

I f you are dealing with a real booker that as within agency a certain authority such as part owner full owner ,or sharing the profits on is day of work (shift)
A booker in that situation would be better position to compensate .

For the action itself I would of spoken to the lady while in presence of the client ,if she would have confirm the client scenario ,I would have compensated the client .
In my case keep in mind that girls always kept there portion ,the compensation came from me .
Keeping the girls happy and the clients happy is not always easy to reconcile




Nov 12, 2005
I spoke directly with the owner afterwards. And the girl confirmed what happened. No denying the stains on my bed. I checked out of the hotel early the next day, to get away from the trauma. :faint: A very forgettable experience. :( :nono:
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