The following predictions will become facts in 2012, let there be no doubt:
- Ricky Bonds, Bigboyeddie, Tilt, Mod8, Fred and Lovemaker will end up fucking half the girls in Cuba on a vacation generously paid for by
our main man, Ricky Bonds:smile:
- Oliver (STS) will graduate from Point St Charles Highschool
- Rumple will appear on the Forbes 400 List
- Sergejean will be released from prison and come back to sharing great reviews with us. He will be honest and admit to being Mom
Boucher the whole time
- Doc Holliday and Iggy's relationship on this forum, one in which they never shy away from showing support and agreement for the
other's post, will sadly devolve into a real life relationship where support for one another is only shown through teabagging
- CS martin will continue to fail in his desperate attempt at trying to fit in among hypocrites and rats. He will mature and come back
- Ron Paul will lose the Republican nomination thanks to voters who still believe George Bush was the closest thing we've had to
Mahatma Gandhi. He will be arrested 1 week later for having 4 kilos of marijuana in his car. Joe Rogan will be arrested as well for being
in the passenger seat
- The Toronto Maple Leafs will successfully make it 45 years without a Stanley Cup. Their fans will still believe that they understand the game.
- Newt Gingrich will suffer a cocaine overdose
- GoodGirls and Nadya's VIPs will show the greatest increase in profits among all agencies. Agency Diamond6949 will be the new rising
- Deepthroat/Dissection Fool, will miraculously begin to show signs of testicle growth, thanks largely to stem cell research. Unfortunately,
he will again fail to lose weight and make any money. His insecurities and jealousy towards other successful people will continue to grow and cause him great pain. As a result, he will end up spending another full year writing about another man's life lol. He will continue to rat.
- Lovemaker will be the first to review a girl in the new year.
Happy New Year to everyone. Love you all.