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What is your 2012 Prediction?

Big Daddy

New Member
Mar 16, 2003
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The recent "I told you so" thread on possibility of Obama being a president in 2008 got me thinking how would current expectations of new administration will hold up in 2012? Here are my predictions.

1. Stock market will be higher (can't be worse that what it is today). The economic growth will be around 2% per year.
2. Health care cost problem would have only been partially addressed.
3. US will have a lower influence in world affairs than what it has now.
4. World will not hate US as much due to its lower influence in the world affairs.
5. Some US troops will be present in Iraq.
6. Unemployment in US will be over 6% (due to higher taxes).
7. Standard of living in US will be just about the same as today.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Pension plans for government employees in the USA will go "belly-up"


Jul 16, 2008
between you and "them"
Many new MP will emerge(already started) as others will diseappear(already beginning).And lots of new ones will be in business for a short time only,due to shortseeing and high expectations.
That is an easy prediction,since same situation every year but more acute during recession period(see the 1980's...)
More LE involvment in some areas due to Gangs control on lots of young ladies.


Apr 29, 2007
More and More catastrophe will happen, more then 99% of World Population gonna die. Good and Bad people will get their judgment and it will be a new world.

May 2010, money will start to disapear, no more cash, more chaos, but MP and SP won t be able to work if they can t afford a Chip in their hand or front ! We re going to return as Slave as we were in the old pass, look at Spartacus Series, and tell me if we make good evolution since that horrible time ?

BTW US ARMY are already in Iran !
NWO is almost done ! People gonna lose all their freedom and money.
Workers waiting for their pention won t never have their pension, it will be gone ! (US and CANADA Include.)

I ve said enough ;)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hundreds of "Definitively" Certain Doomsdays.

Seeing all the natural disasters surrounding us, definitively the END OF THE WORLD is at our doorstep.

Let's spend all our money.


My prediction: a lot of people who love to indulge in this sort of thing will worry about nothing, while a lot of much smarter people exploit that for political, religious, and especially FINANCIAL advantage/profits.

What was the name of that doomsday that was supposed to happen at the start of Ahhhh, the Millennium Bug...BWAHA!!!

These predictions have been going on for almost 5000 years since people learned to write. There are hundreds of those prediction that were dead certain and making them won't stop after 2012. Here's a beginning list of the dead certain prediction FAILURES that have passed. It would take at least four posts to list all of them. But if you enjoy this stuff just click on the link below and follow the next links to indulge yourself...then think about it:


ca. 2800 BC
According to Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts (1979), an Assyrian clay tablet dating to approximately 2800 BC was unearthed bearing the words "Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common." This is one of the earliest examples of the perception of moral decay in society being interpreted as a sign of the imminent end.

634 BC Apocalyptic thinking gripped many ancient cultures, including the Romans. Early in Rome's history, many Romans feared that the city would be destroyed in the 120th year of its founding. There was a myth that 12 eagles had revealed to Romulus a mystical number representing the lifetime of Rome, and some early Romans hypothesized that each eagle represented 10 years. The Roman calendar was counted from the founding of Rome, 1 AUC (ab urbe condita) being 753 BC. Thus 120 AUC is 634 BC. (Thompson p.19)

389 BC Some Romans figured that the mystical number revealed to Romulus represented the number of days in a year (the Great Year concept), so they expected Rome to be destroyed around 365 AUC (389 BC). (Thompson p.19)
1st Century Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." (Matthew 16:28) This implies that the Second Coming would return within the lifetime of his contemporaries, and indeed the Apostles expected Jesus to return before the passing of their generation.

ca. 70 The Essenes, a sect of Jewish ascetics with apocalyptic beliefs, may have seen the Jewish revolt against the Romans in 66-70 as the final end-time battle. (Source: PBS Frontline special Apocalypse!)

2nd Century The Montanists believed that Christ would come again within their lifetimes and establish a new Jerusalem at Pepuza, in the land of Phrygia. Montanism was perhaps the first bona fide Christian doomsday cult. It was founded ca. 156 AD by the tongues-speaking prophet Montanus and two followers, Priscilla and Maximilla. Despite the failure of Jesus to return, the cult lasted for several centuries. Tertullian, who once said "I believe it just because it is unbelievable" (a true skeptic if ever there was one!), was perhaps the most renowned Montanist. (Gould p.43-44)

247 Rome celebrated its thousandth anniversary this year. At the same time, the Roman government dramatically increased its persecution of Christians, so much so that many Christians believed that the End had arrived. (Source: PBS Frontline special Apocalypse!)

365 Hilary of Poitiers predicted the world would end in 365. (Source: Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance)
380 The Donatists, a North African Christian sect headed by Tyconius, looked forward to the world ending in 380. (Source: American Atheists)
Late 4th Century St. Martin of Tours (ca. 316-397) wrote, "There is no doubt that the Antichrist has already been born. Firmly established already in his early years, he will, after reaching maturity, achieve supreme power." (Abanes p.119)

* Roman theologian Sextus Julius Africanus (ca. 160-240) claimed that the End would occur 6000 years after the Creation. He assumed that there were 5531 years between the Creation and the Resurrection, and thus expected the Second Coming to take place no later than 500 AD. (Kyle p.37, McIver #21)
* Hippolytus (died ca. 236), believing that Christ would return 6000 years after the Creation, anticipated the Parousia in 500 AD. (Abanes p.283)
* The theologian Irenaeus, influenced by Hippolytus's writings, also saw 500 as the year of the Second Coming. (Abanes p.283, McIver #15)

Apr 6, 793 Elipandus, bishop of Toledo, described a brief bout of end-time panic that happened on Easter Eve, 793. According to Elipandus, the Spanish monk Beatus of Liébana prophesied the end of the world that day in the presence a crowd of people. The people, thinking that the world would end that night, became frightened, panicked, and fasted through the night until dawn. Seeing that the world had not ended and feeling hungry, Hordonius, one of the fasters, quipped, "Let's eat and drink, so that if we die at least we'll be fed." (Abanes p. 168-169, Weber p.50)

* Sextus Julius Africanus revised the date of Doomsday to 800 AD. (Kyle p.37)
* Beatus of Liébana wrote in his Commentary on the Apocalypse, which he finished in 786, that there were only 14 years left until the end of the world. Thus, the world would end by 800 at the latest. (Abanes p.168)

806 Bishop Gregory of Tours calculated the End occurring between 799 and 806. (Weber p.48)
848 The prophetess Thiota declared that the world would end this year. (Abanes p.337)

Mar 25, 970 Lotharingian computists foresaw the End on Friday, March 25, 970, when the Annunciation and Good Friday fell on the same day. They believed that it was on this day that Adam was created, Isaac was sacrificed, the Red Sea was parted, Jesus was conceived, and Jesus was crucified. Therefore, it naturally followed that the End must occur on this day! (Source: Center for Millennial Studies)

992 Bernard of Thuringia calculated that the end would come in 992. (Randi p.236)

995 The Feast of the Annunciation and Good Friday also coincided in 992, prompting some mystics to conclude that the world would end within 3 years of that date. (Weber p.50-51)

1000 There are many stories of apocalyptic paranoia around the year 1000. For example, legend has it that a "panic terror" gripped Europe in the years and months before this date. However, scholars disagree on which stories are genuine, whether millennial expectations at this time were any greater than usual, or whether ordinary people were even aware of what year it was. An excellent article on Y1K apocalyptic expectations can be found at the Center for Millennial Studies. (Gould, Schwartz, Randi)

1033 After Jesus failed to return in 1000, some mystics pushed the date of the End to the thousandth anniversary of the Crucifixion. The writings of the Burgundian monk Radulfus Glaber described a rash of millennial paranoia during the period from 1000-1033. (Kyle p.39, Abanes p.337, McIver #50)

1184 Various Christian prophets foresaw the Antichrist coming in 1184. (Abanes p.338)

Sep 23, 1186 John of Toledo, after calculating that a planetary alignment would occur in Libra on September 23, 1186 (Julian calendar), circulated a letter (known as the "Letter of Toledo") warning that the world was to going to be destroyed on this date, and that only a few people would survive. (Randi p.236)

1260 Italian mystic Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) determined that the Millennium would begin between 1200 and 1260. (Kyle p.48)

1284 Pope Innocent III expected the Second Coming to take place in 1284, 666 years after the rise of Islam. (Schwartz p.181)
1290 Followers of Joachim of Fiore (the Joachites) rescheduled the End to 1290 when his 1260 prophecy failed. (McIver #58)

1306 In 1147 Gerard of Poehlde, believing that Christ's Millennium began when the emperor Constantine came to power, figured that Satan would become unbound at the end of the thousand-year period and destroy the Church. Since Constantine rose to power in 306, the end of the Millennium would be in 1306. (Source: Christian author Richard J. Foster)

1335 Another Joachite doomsday date. (McIver #58)

1367 Czech archdeacon Militz of Kromeriz claimed the Antichrist was alive and well and would manifest himself between 1363 and 1367. The End would come between 1365 and 1367. (McIver #67)

1370 The Millennium would begin in 1368 or 1370, as foreseen by Jean de Roquetaillade, a French ascetic. The Antichrist was to come in 1366. (Weber p.55)

1378 Arnold of Vilanova, a Joachite, wrote in his work De Tempore Adventu Antichristi that the Antichrist was to come in 1378. (McIver #62)
Feb 14, 1420 Czech Doomsday prophet Martinek Hausha (Martin Huska) of the radical Taborite movement warned that the world would end in February

1420, February 14 at the latest. The Taborites were an offshoot of the Hussite movement of Bohemia. (McIver #71, Shaw p.43)

1496 The beginning of the Millennium, according to some 15th Century mystics. (Mann p. ix)

ca. 1504 Italian artist Sandro Botticelli wrote a caption in Greek on his painting The Mystical Nativity:

"I Sandro painted this picture at the end of the year 1500 in the troubles of Italy in the half time after the time according to the eleventh chapter of St. John in the second woe of the Apocalypse in the loosing of the devil for three and a half years. Then he will be chained in the 12th chapter and we shall see him trodden down as in this picture."

much, much more continued...

That's entertainment,

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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
All of this is way too deep. I just want to reach into my pocket, pull out the $200(or there abouts), lay it on the desktop for the SP to pick up, and have a good time.:D



May 23, 2007
I don't care about the politics but here are my 3 hobby related predictions:

1) At least half of SPs that will retire this year will be back in 2012
2) Most indies in 2012 will still be the same age they are today, or even last year
3) The blue board will fold up

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I predict that we will see more people reviving 2 year old threads :)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
My 10 hobby predictions

1) sps who have been in the business for years will still have the same age listed that they had 5 years earlier
2) "Chris" will still operate several agencies under different names
3) The current owner of the 'blue board' will be thrown out due to a hostile takeover with a couple of its current members behind the 'coup'
4) Peter will still operate Satin Dreams
5) Martin will still operate Asservissante
6) A former legendary sp will make a sudden, unannounced comeback after being away from the business for nearly a decade
7) A few johns will still be mentionning names of people that haven't been in the business/on the boards for years, not being able to differ between the present & the past
8) Marie-Eve (Asservissante) will still be around, having made several comebacks over the past couple of years
9) Michelle (the Energizer Bunny) will still be around, having made several comebacks over the past couple of years, having worked for several agencies per year
10) Doc Holliday will still be a hobbyist



Doc Holliday and Sarah Palin will shack up in Alaska and make babies.

Rumples will run a chain of FKK clubs for the free samples.

The Toolie Coup will turn blueland into a self-admiration blog...uh...too late.

Iggy and Joe.t will go into the flea circus business together.

Jman will kiss Belichick on the lips.

Dee will star in "My Obsession with Dungeon Toys" (home movies).

Tony and Tom will be submissives in Dee's movie.

GoHabs will reveal the Maple Leafs FOREVER tattoo on his...ssshhhhhh.

Mod11 will quit Merb for missionary work in Madagascar.

Mod8 will win a silver in the X-Games for nude ice dancing, and a bronze for best icicle.

Denise Richards will still be begging me to marry her.


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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I predict that we will see more people reviving 2 year old threads :)

And they will add questions like "anybody seen her lately?" and "any one know where she is now?":)

Most of the SPs in those threads who are working now will be the same age.:rolleyes:

In two years someone will revive a four year old thread. You just wait and see.:D



Doc Holliday and Sarah Palin will shack up in Alaska and make babies.
Rumples will run a chain of FKK clubs for the free samples.
DT-Leaks will end with a lifetime supply of Depends.
Iggy and Joe.t will go into the flea circus business together.
Jman will kiss Belichick on the lips.
Dee will star in "My Obsession with Dungeon Toys" (home movies).
Tony and Tom will be submissives in Dee's movie.
GoHabs will reveal the Maple Leafs FOREVER tattoo on his...ssshhhhhh.
Mod11 will quit Merb for missionary work in Madagascar.
Mod8 will win a silver in the X-Games for nude ice dancing, and a bronze for best icicle.
Denise Richards will still be begging me to marry her.



I predict Merlot will be suspended for PWDOM.:D (Posting While Drunk On Merlot):rolleyes:

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Cindy,your BBW fantasy
I predict that we will see more people reviving 2 year old threads
lmao to funny Mod 8!

I predict people will definitely go into a panic, stock up on food and water and wait for something that wont happen just like they did in 1999.
Many have predicted the end if the world, and it hasn't happened yet.
if the end of the world does happen, there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it except, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye lmao :O)


Jul 7, 2008
1) Less tourists will go to Canada from US because of very unfavorable USD-CAD rate.
As the result, Canadian prices on goods and service, that consists of a lot of taxes, are becoming higher than in US. I checked prices on spirits in Montreal: OMG! Crappy brandy costs like brand name cognac in US! Even in Taxachussets prices are lower! Montreal restaurants are as expensive as NYC's. So, for most US tourists that will get much less bang for their bucks.
BTW, Euro is falling also, so Europeans won't rush to Canada too much also.
2) A couple of new major agencies will appear on Montreal horizon and will take a piece of pie from dinosaurus like Develish/GOF or Eleganza that lack of customer service and too fat to change. Last year's example was Angel Escort with good line up and great customer service.
3) Nothing terrible will happen with American economy that will be able to be "alive" on the bunch of steroids that were injected in its body until Obama will be elected again. However, housing prices will still be going down.
If Fed managed to finally start inflation, America will be saved.
4) Canada will taste the first fruits of its real estate bubble, and it will be athe godd news. Otherwise the bubble will burst later, and the later it happens the worse the result will be.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008

Nah Nah ! t`es pas d`dedans !

In 2012.... Un Jos-Louis will cost a looney.
An 4,5-epoxy-3-hydroxy-17-methylmor-phinan-6-one will cost between $10 and $200a tablet,
K-Y will market a salad dressing `trans fat free` !

And NATO will launch the operation `saving Dave and Jackson` from Kim Jong Hill.

And thus... we will be payin` $250.00/h for an SP !


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Montreal canadiens will win the cup, The return of the Nordiques to Quebec, and the Jets to Winnipeg, and I will have a girlfriend


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
The biggest revelation of 2012 - The person posting under the handle Doc Holliday is actually..... Brian Burke.

Or at least Burke's wife... Brian doesn't talk like Doc Holliday but his PR ppl certainly do. LOL
I love Doc's stir-ups in Hockey.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
in 2012, I'm think...

1. We'll be paying 1.50$ at the pumps
2. fewer cars on the road but most vehicles will be trucks + SUVs mostly Black
3. Tampa Bay wins the Stanley Cup
4. Chicago (CHW) win the World Series
5. 30+ and 40+ SP markets will be common place in Hobbyland
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