I am enjoying the current Captcha task prior to logging in. I wonder how many of us are have to go through this exercise. Where are you from and what is your experience?
This is multiple choice. For example, if you are from the States and you log in from the United States and you have to do Captcha you can select that option. If you are in Montreal right now and log in and do not have to do Captcha you can vote for that too or if you are across the pond and you log in what is your experience there?
This is a private poll so the reader will not be able to identify where you are logging in from in case that is important to you to keep this private. If you feel like saying so and relating your experience, while globe trotting then please do.
This is multiple choice. For example, if you are from the States and you log in from the United States and you have to do Captcha you can select that option. If you are in Montreal right now and log in and do not have to do Captcha you can vote for that too or if you are across the pond and you log in what is your experience there?
This is a private poll so the reader will not be able to identify where you are logging in from in case that is important to you to keep this private. If you feel like saying so and relating your experience, while globe trotting then please do.