Montreal Escorts

Which SP would be a good mother?


New Member
Jun 26, 2015
Is this a trick question?

Having a kid while still working as an escort is a terrible situation for the child. The only thing that might be worse for a child is getting “adopted” by two guys.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
And you say that as if the child will never know that mommy is going off to fuck men everyday.

How would the child know? lmao

Of course that’s different for the sex workers that are face out, well known and those that are on onlyfans with their government name
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You are perpetuating the stigma we face, and you are talking about it like you are not part of the problem, worst, you are blaming us for facing said stigma by being parents and wanting to build a regular life for ourselves. The stigma does not come from others, it comes from you when you say we should not have children, it comes from our own clients who think we don't deserve what everybody has because we are sex workers, it comes from each of you in this society who thinks we do not deserve to have regular lives.

Breaking the stigma starts with you, by believing that we deserve to be parents, by believing that we can be integral parts of this society, and educating people around you and spreading the word that we deserve respect. If everyone would observe and question their prejudices against us (i.e. it starts by realizing that statements such as sex workers shouldn't be parents ARE stigmatizing us), we would be able to raise children normally, without facing the stigma you so beautifully acknowledge, and yet, perpetuate.
I don’t perpetuate anything.
I am simply telling you reality and what that child will face in life.
I can agree with everything you say will that change anything, will it change the stigma that will be attached to that child.
You actually think the population will change because I will agree with what you are saying or that I back you 100%.

You of all people should understand that this is not going to change in my life time and more than likely yours or any child born tomorrow and neither is attacking me for saying something that you know.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
How would the child know? lmao
Because children aren’t stupid and way smarter than you think.
So if they ask what mommy does at work then it is ok to lie, on that note why would you need to lie.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So you think wasting money on SP is bad and it should be given to children instead.
On that note wasting money for a single guy can be the same I am sure there is a worthy charity he can give it to instead.
I’ve never said this. You just did. What i did was ask a question. I wanted your opinion. Heck i’ve wasted hundreds of thousands on escorts myself. Is this bad? Some people think it is. Others in similar situations do not. There is really no clear answer because everyone’s situation is different. It can be bad for some, and not for others. It can be subjective.

The thing is that i’m under the impression that our views towards the profession & the people in it are different. I could be wrong but it isn’t really important since you are how you are & i am how i am. It’s quite okay to be different & have different opinions & different values. But we should not force them onto others & expect everyone to agree with us.

Personally i’ve grown to see the escort profession as exactly this: a profession. A job. And i’ve always seen my interactions with the ladies in this profession as a business transaction. I’m quite aware that others may have different opinions since i have met quite a number of people who were looking for a relationship. One hobbyist i once met would always end up dating escorts he met & told me his wish one day was to find that one special girl & marry her. Who knows maybe he did, maybe he did not. I’ve always felt that these people were trying to find love in the wrong places. But who am i to say? I do know that some escorts ended up quitting & getting into relationships with a client they met. I know some who even ended up getting married & have children together & to the best of my knowledge are still married & their marriage is no different than any other marriage & i applaud them for this. I applaud them for living their own lives & ignoring society’s norms. Fuck what people say or think, it’s their fucking lives! They can do whatever they want with it if it makes them happy. It’s no one else’s business.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Because children aren’t stupid and way smarter than you think.
So if they ask what mommy does at work then it is ok to lie, on that note why would you need to lie.

I know a lot of sex workers that have children, some decide to be honest with their kids when they’re old enough to understand. Some decide it is none of their business.

You also have to realize that some of us have another job or occupation. We might not even need to talk about sex work.

I knew of a girl back in high school that seemed to have it all. Her mom was always picking her up in the latest car. She lived in a big house. She didn’t have a job according to the girl. Her mom just married an old rich man and he bought them everything they wanted. What’s different?

When I was younger I used to babysit for a woman, she was living alone with her child. Sometimes she was coming back home with a man and one day, because I was young and didn’t know better, I asked her if that was her husband. She said no, she said they just hang out from time to time and that he helps her with bills. Did I care? No. Did my parents care when I told them? No.

I think you might have some issues with that because that makes you uncomfortable.

TLDR: that’s a you problem
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
So you’re fine with a parent wasting money on escorts? Money that could be given to his children instead? Ok. You’re entitled to your choices & opinions. And i’m fine with whatever a woman choses to do with her body & how she spends her earnings.

Basically what i’m saying is that it’s not for us to force our personal beliefs onto others. We have to learn to respect one another’s choices & that our beliefs & opinions may not necessarily be the correct ones. We are all different.
I did not reat a ton of books but will never forget the first 2 sentences of the Great Gatsby

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, " just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

Am sure many providers are maintaining a very adequate boundary between life with their kids and their professional life.

As for clients spending money on this rather than on their kids, it would suck if the kids were suffering but that applies to everything: restaurants, gambling, travel, cars. I assume most clients here spend discretionary money and their kids - if they have some - are well taken care of!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I’ve never said this. You just did. What i did was ask a question. I wanted your opinion. Heck i’ve wasted hundreds of thousands on escorts myself. Is this bad? Some people think it is. Others in similar situations do not. There is really no clear answer because everyone’s situation is different. It can be bad for some, and not for others. It can be subjective.

The thing is that i’m under the impression that our views towards the profession & the people in it are different. I could be wrong but it isn’t really important since you are how you are & i am how i am. It’s quite okay to be different & have different opinions & different values. But we should not force them onto others & expect everyone to agree with us.

Personally i’ve grown to see the escort profession as exactly this: a profession. A job. And i’ve always seen my interactions with the ladies in this profession as a business transaction. I’m quite aware that others may have different opinions since i have met quite a number of people who were looking for a relationship. One hobbyist i once met would always end up dating escorts he met & told me his wish one day was to find that one special one & marry her. Who knows maybe he did, maybe he did not. I’ve always felt that these people were trying to find love in the wrong places. But who am i to say? I do know that some escorts ended up quitting & getting into relationships with a client they met. I know some who even ended up getting married & have children together & to the best of my knowledge are still married & their marriage is no different than any other marriage & i applaud them for this. I applaud them for living their own lives & ignoring society’s norms. Fuck what people say or think, it’s their fucking lives! They can do whatever they want with it if it makes them happy. It’s no one else’s business.
I wish that it was looked upon by the population like you say as just another profession and I totally agree with you.
Nobody is forcing anything on anybody this is a forum of discussions you can agree or disagree with anyone.
My ATF and another young lady I know I think the world of and are not only gorgeous but amazing smart, kind and wonderful women.
I have repeatedly said that they provide a service that is amazing and I am so lucky to have them in my life as they have made a world of difference and I will always be grateful to them.

Unfortunately what we think, write or even do will not change public opinion and will not give that child a positive boost in life.
I am a total realist and I won’t idolize the SP lifestyle and will never write something I don’t believe just to look good in front of other members.
I knew exactly that I would be attacked for this but hey reality is unfair just like life can be very unfair and you make your own luck in life.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Because children aren’t stupid and way smarter than you think.
So if they ask what mommy does at work then it is ok to lie, on that note why would you need to lie.
About 15 years ago i met a beautiful 19-year old escort from GirlsOnFire. She told me that in two weeks she would be retiring since she would be leaving Mtl to attend a college an hour or so away. She would be studying to be a registered nurse. Since i had once been married to a registered nurse we had quite a bit to talk about & had a very good time together. She even showed me pictures of herself when she was growing up. She had been an escort for a year & when i asked her if anyone in her personal life knew about this she shocked me when she told me pretty much everyone did, including her mother. “What? Your mother knows you escort?” I was both shocked and amused. So i asked her how they got along & how she accepted it. “Oh, we get along very well. I still live with her & she’s happy i’m using the money i made to attend college.” Then she surprised me even further. “My mother was also an escort at my age.” What??? I was stunned. Then she added “Actually she still works once in a while. She’s in her 30’s and still looks pretty good for her age.” I replied “Wow, maybe i know her. I wonder if i ever met her?” She casually replied that i probably did but she refused to tell me her mother’s escort name. Lol

Anyways it’s a crazy world full of all kinds of people. How they chose to live their lives is none of my business. If she was okay with her mother escorting & her mother was okay with her daughter’s choices than that’s also fine with me. That’s their business & as far as i know the girl did become a nurse & never had to return to the ‘profession’.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think you might have some issues with that because that makes you uncomfortable.

TLDR: that’s a you problem
Why would I have issues with it I couldn’t care less what anybody does with their life.
I am simply stating reality of life and the stigma that goes along with this lifestyle and what a child may face as a result.
I don’t have a problem, why would I my children are all grown with careers and lives of their own but if they need my help, I will always be there for them.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
As for clients spending money on this rather than on their kids, it would suck if the kids were suffering but that applies to everything: restaurants, gambling, travel, cars. I assume most clients here spend discretionary money and their kids - if they have some - are well taken care of!

I have another great story. There’s a woman who had a sugar daddy back in college, he used to buy her Louboutins, bags and even a car. I believe it is said that his own daughter needed money for tuition and he didn’t help her. When the wife found out, she shot the man dead.

Yes some men will spend their money on their mistress, sugar baby, escort and neglect their kids. Thankfully, a minority.

If you’re interested in the full story look up Adrienne Davidson


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
About 15 years ago i met a beautiful 19-year old escort from GirlsOnFire. She told me that in two weeks she would be retiring since she would be leaving Mtl to attend a college an hour or so away. She would be studying to be a registered nurse. Since i had once been married to a registered nurse we had quite a bit to talk about & had a very good time together. She even showed me pictures of herself when she was growing up. She had been an escort for a year & when i asked her if anyone in her personal life knew about this she shocked me when she told me pretty much everyone did, including her mother. “What? Your mother knows you escort?” I was both shocked and amused. So i asked her how they got along & how she accepted it. “Oh, we get along very well. I still live with her & she’s happy i’m using the money i made to attend college.” Then she surprised me even further. “My mother was also an escort at my age.” What??? I was stunned. Then she added “Actually she still works once in a while. She’s in her 30’s and still looks pretty good for her age.” I replied “Wow, maybe i know her. I wonder if i ever met her?” She casually replied that i probably did but she refused to tell me her mother’s escort name. Lol

Anyways it’s a crazy world full of all kinds of people. How they chose to live their lives is none of my business. If she was okay with her mother escorting & her mother was okay with her daughter’s choices than that’s also fine with me. That’s their business & as far as i know the girl did become a nurse & never had to return to the ‘profession’.
Again, we can all come up with exceptions and great for them, but if you read your own words you actually verify what I m talking about.
You were shocked by it and said “What your mother knows” . There it is in a nut shell the stigma that is shared by the larger population and the one the child is born into.

I wish the population would think of sex workers the way you do and the majority of Merbites do, but that is just wishful thinking.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
About 15 years ago i met a beautiful 19-year old escort from GirlsOnFire. She told me that in two weeks she would be retiring since she would be leaving Mtl to attend a college an hour or so away. She would be studying to be a registered nurse. Since i had once been married to a registered nurse we had quite a bit to talk about & had a very good time together. She even showed me pictures of herself when she was growing up. She had been an escort for a year & when i asked her if anyone in her personal life knew about this she shocked me when she told me pretty much everyone did, including her mother. “What? Your mother knows you escort?” I was both shocked and amused. So i asked her how they got along & how she accepted it. “Oh, we get along very well. I still live with her & she’s happy i’m using the money i made to attend college.” Then she surprised me even further. “My mother was also an escort at my age.” What??? I was stunned. Then she added “Actually she still works once in a while. She’s in her 30’s and still looks pretty good for her age.” I replied “Wow, maybe i know her. I wonder if i ever met her?” She casually replied that i probably did but she refused to tell me her mother’s escort name. Lol
Is this an alternate version of How I Met Your Mother?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Majority of escorts I had a good report with had kids. It was one of the favorite topics of our conversations. In fact, the kids’ needs often kept these women in the profession. Talk about sacrifice. I knew a couple of escorts that raised five kids, and they were well taking care off. Better than in some middle-class families where parents quietly suffer from alcoholism, drag abuse and mental problems.


Le sexe fait parti de la nature, j'obéis à la natu
Aug 29, 2024
I think Arielle XO would be the perfect candidate.

She's cute, sweet and such a tender soul. I have no doubt she'd make a great mother.

i really agree with you!!


Active Member
Feb 2, 2009
Ottawa, Montreal
I just started reading this thread and the title of this one is "Which SP would be a great mother", so far I only saw 1 name. Every other answers were how bad being a Sp is for raising children...this is quite the opposite of the main question and maybe should be in a different discussion. Until someone starts that new thread I'll just simply say that back in 2009 I did date a fine mother who had 3 kids and was a SP, her kids were all in there late 20's and they were all very polite and respectful and they had post secondary education and were doing very well. Their mother was to thank for providing all that they needed for that.
I don't see the difference between a young single mother going out 3-4 nights a week to meet guys in bars and bringing them back home for her own sexual gratification. Will that affect her kid(s)? That will all depend on how she raises them. Just saying...
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I just started reading this thread and the title of this one is "Which SP would be a great mother", so far I only saw 1 name.

You are right. It seemed like some people read it as “would you like your mother to be a sp?”. They took it very personal


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
39 posts 2 votes arielle would be a good mother 37 posts about children maybe this thread should be about who can raise children :rolleyes:
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