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Who is the best MERB contributor of 2014?

Best 2014 MERB Contributor

  • BookerL

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • BL

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • L the Booker

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
As long as people continue to review on merb, I have no problem with private circles nor PM contribution as I use it too.

But you're right, there are less and less reviews in here..

As for the "manipulation of helpless indies", well I don't see 25yo and more indies as victims (for under 25yo girls, it's an another story). Imo indies are clever enough to make the guys think they manipulate them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Soit plus précis de quoi parles tu ? Ca peut vouloir dire bcp de choses...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Sans citer de nom, tu peux l'être ou au pire par PM..

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But you're right, there are less and less reviews in here...

It's not that there are less reviews ( maybe a little ) but the questions have gotten out of hand, questions increased by 10,000 %. They are being ask in a different way, ideas for questions are getting lame.
Maybe we should invite Jerry Springer and do a show " How often hobbiest shave their ass and the SP's who fist them ".
Just my opinion.


New Member
Nov 30, 2010
Okay, that's it. I am adding Reboot to the list.

lol Thanks! Ok, now that I got a mention in this thread, time to retire! That was my only goal! Cya! (sorry Sol Tee Nutz and those who don't like these questions, I am just kidding :p Speaking of which...)

It's not that there are less reviews ( maybe a little ) but the questions have gotten out of hand, questions increased by 10,000 %. They are being ask in a different way, ideas for questions are getting lame.
Maybe we should invite Jerry Springer and do a show " How often hobbiest shave their ass and the SP's who fist them ".
Just my opinion.

I do agree that there are lots of questions these days, and not just by us 3 guys aforementioned. But the way I see it is, there is something for everyone. You only read and participate on the threads that interests you. The more the merrier. It's better to have too many conversations than a dead board. The lamest questions just won't be answered. No real loss. You have to try and sometimes fail to succeed!

The best way to contribute on merb is to review girls.

I totally agree. And it is not because we are posting threads in The Lounge that we don't post reviews. I did a review a few weeks ago. In fact, I have on the board for a while but almost never posted anything because I felt like I didn't have acquired the right to since I never posted a review before. Every time I wanted to meet someone, something happened in my life (accident, health problem, meeting someone, etc). It took years but I finally made a review. And since then, I have been posting like mad because in my mind, I did acquire the right by making a review and I will do more.

What's that? You're saying just one review isn't enough? You may be right. But I am not rich and do not have the means and the time to meet 3 SPs a week like some people. I wish I could, but I can't. So, it's not like I am hiding anything. I will share what there is to share. It might not be a lot, but it's the thoughts that counts! :)

Speaking of reviews, there is one thing that I find weird and I will bring it up here. It is very hard to do research as only 2 or 3 agencies get most reviews and of those, only a few girls each get reviews. I know there aren't a lot of reliable agencies. But you're telling me nobody here ever try the other, less reliable agencies when they have girls that seem to be to their liking? I would like to know, as a newbie, which agencies, of the less talked about are kind of ok and those who are truly to not be used and why. It is hard to find that info on lesser agencies. Sure, there is the switch and bait thread, but I am sure not all of them are there and bad agencies do not have to do bait and switch to be unreliable. I know I could ask in private, but I don't know who to ask and besides, the point of this board is to share. But I don't want to start a thread on the subject in case I start a war lol

But I digress.
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