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Who wants an incall option? Incall Poll!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2011
Incall schedule should be posted in advance, for the week. This gives us an opportunity to plan our meeting with a specific girl.
Approximate location should be mentioned, so that people do not have to call just to know the location.

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
The yay's have it lol. Incalls will be offered in a condo downtown as of Monday May 12th. Rates and info will be announced further this week!



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I hope it is going to be true incall, available for all girls at all time. Not only few days once in a while and not only for few girls...

I remember Eleganza and Wildtimes offered incall but they don't anymore I think.

The problem I found with those two is that incall was not offered for every girls or was offered at a certain time of the day...
Or certian girls were incall only some days...
Anyway, I never managed to fit these restrictions with my availabilities...

I Called Eleganza twice for incall and he told me: No Incall Tonight...
(Clients had to call to check incall availability... Also, I think he told me they were doing incall only when many girls were on schedule)

Only MTLTOPGIRLS offers mainly incall, Nadya's VIP too.
GG now I think always offers Incall for all of their girls (Or most of them). They used to offer incall only for few of them.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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GG is the only agency that has successfully executed and sustained over time an incall operation on top of an outcall operation. The other outcall agencies that tried it, not just Eleganza and WT, but other agencies as well, all experienced the same problems UB mentioned. Some also tried hotel rooms, rather than renting out condos, the better, safer and more discreet alternative.

The question is not whether there is a need for it. There obviously is. The question is whether any agency can successfully execute the operation. GG found a good location and appropriate condos and they have the ideal, model incall operation IMHO.

It is high risk, high reward, like the flea flicker play in football. When properly executed the flea flicker can result in touchdowns. When poorly executed, it results in enormous losses and 4th down and 30 situations.


Jul 30, 2011
Why do you think Incall is high risk?
I assume there will only be one girl there at any one time - not a group where one picks a girl.

I remember a place near Greene and Sherbrooke where they had that set up in an apartment.
One was greeted by the "Madam", then all the girls came in, there were about 8 or 10, and one chose somebody right then and there.
I think a place like that might get raided in Montreal -maybe the place near Greene and Sherbrooke did - anyone know what I'm talking about?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
Due to the 3-1 vote so far its guaranteed the incall option is what you guys will get! Thanks for the suggestions and feedback guys keep it coming! As for location it would be 5 mins away from a metro and as for parking there its a little difficult finding for free. Would you gentlemen mind paying the street parking for an hr? I believe its in the area of 3-4 bucks an hr. Im not sure lol


if 5 min from metro that is great. for parking, i have car and downtown parking is always payn and unless lucky or special time day, it is always pay so i have no problem with pay parking. as long as it is appartment building complex style incall or hotel style incall and not duplex/triplex/quadplex or front entrace goes to 1 place, it is good. appartment building complex style makes many people going in and out not suspicous.

one of my favorite incall indy (name was star) saw people in detached house in residentiel area which is trouble since if she sees 2-3 people per day, neibours will notice and complain. in appartment building complex there is less chance of complaintes.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I hope it is going to be true incall, available for all girls at all time. Not only few days once in a while and not only for few girls...

I disagree with this statement UB. I think it should be 100% up to the girl if she wants to do incalls, not mandatory that they must. If a girl is doing incalls and she doesn't want to it may have an impact on her service level.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Ok Special K

I will rephrase then:

I hope it is going to be true incall, available for all CONSENTING girls at all time...

Because I don't have the feeling that the reason that incall did not work at WT and Eleganza and other agencies was because the girls did not want to do Incall...
But I might be wrong...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Agree. One day a girl told me that doing outcall and incall was so different the that she thought it was like 2 different jobs...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Well from what I heard, 80% of the job is waiting. And there is a big difference between waiting with others escorts in a car and waiting alone in hotel room.

It also seems that welcoming someone in your hotel room or go to costumer's home is totally different in the relationship you create with the client and in the risk you take...


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Mitsou, I don't ask if they change sheets. I must admit that I do not really care.
At least in a hotel room I know that the sheets are changed once a day... Better than nothing.
I enter the room, have a good look to the sheets... No Stain and generally sheets look and smell good... So I never had to leave because it was disgusting...

I don't necessary like to share bed sheets that have been previously used with many other men, But when I'm horny, I can forget to be fancy about the sheets for a moment ;)

To "mouth wash" I would add little Cup dispenser.

But I'm thinking more and more to use some small back pack and bring my own stuff...


Nov 12, 2007
Fresh sheets are a good thing although how would the guy know. Also I doubt that will happen in a hotel enviroment.

+1 for parking. Both easy to find and easy to fit a car into, we don't all drive smart cars and those new cars are designed so you can't see where the front ends. It isn't the money issue for me. Not a fan of Valet parking at all though.
I suppose there is a split between a place with easy parking and places with metro access.
Downtown locations make me nervous. Hate to make an appointment and not know if I could keep it because I can't find a decent enough place to park the car. From my limited experience [twice] even parking at the Laval metro stations are difficult to find.

Actually the parking issue is a major reason I hesitate to hobby in Montreal even though it is much much closer than Toronto. In TO I can find someone stationed out the burbs at least with the independents where parking is easy to use [if in one case brutally expensive but again better than the alternative]. Maybe it is just me.

Scent free products. I am not married but others are and well need I point out the issue here.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Most previous posts have mentions all that is required. In call is the way to go, clean, discrete, shower ( Jacuzzi a plus ) unscented products and easy access to car park and or local public transport. As long as the SP(s) feel happy and secure then the clients will have a good time. One final note the location should not be adjacent to a restaurant, I was at one in call and the next door restaurant exhaust vent was causing issues the place smelled of curry all the time.


Nov 22, 2007
No one cares about the sheets?! I bought special sheets and change it after each guy I see! {lost of laundry** Who knew I was wasting my time :(

I don't know how many massage places would survive if hobbyists didn't feel comfortable that the table coverings were changed after each visit?
I can't believe the massage and incall services would have different standards.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
I don't know how many massage places would survive if hobbyists didn't feel comfortable that the table coverings were changed after each visit?
I can't believe the massage and incall services would have different standards.
Totally different setup !

In massage parlor, it usually consist of blue thin mattress sheet like disposed over regular cover or sheet on massage table or mattress !
The girl change them after session.

In incall place, there is always a 'real' bed and 'real' bed sheets usually not changed after every sessions.
But I remember helping to change sheets at one place... so it happens :thumb:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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With GG incall I booked the first appointment of the day and helped the girl put the clean sheets on the bed. What happens after that is not my concern, but I think there are fresh sheets for the next client.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The best thing about FKK's are that when you go to a room with a girl you always bring your supplies to the room ( Sheets and towels )

I always bring two sets of sheets, and at least 3-4 towels

When you are done, you bring all the sheets and towels back to the hamper for washing


Best Regards



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I don't think I ever saw the sheets changed.

This is in my favorite club in NRW ( Golden Time )

Other clubs, you are correct, you lay large bath towels on top of the sheets ( That's why I bring at least 3-4 :thumb:)

PS- I'm trying to be " IN THE KNOW

Best Regards

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