Montreal Escorts

Why are prices dropping?? $140 is back!


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Feb 9, 2004
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JUSTIN said:
I cannot believe some of you guys. The rates in Montreal are almost at third world level. The economy here is definitely not third world!

The problem is that there are many Agencies who have fallen into a trap competing with each other for the Merb business. This was started by ***** as his Master-plan to drive all the competition out of business then ramp up the price.. However it did not work, several very good agencies specialising in GFE Ladies met the challenge head on and as a result the first law of Economics forced the price down.

Call me greedy if you want – but I want to make at least $80 on each call – preferably more – I pay my ladies way better than average – sure, I do a lot less calls than some of the high volume GFE factories but I have less hassle for probably more cash. Montreal is not as improvished as you guys make it sound!

I think a fair rate for the local market is $200-250 and $250+ for the visitors:D

This thread is something. A third world country would have rates like $20 per hour. Hell, you can get a girl for $150 a night in Russia.

I would not come to Montreal at $200 to $250 an hour and locals would indulge less at that rate. A girl who was at JDM for a good while told me that after being at a higher priced agency, she went back to JDM because when she worked, she was busy and made much more money than when she was at an agency that charged $50 more per hour. When with JDM, she did 8 or more hours per night and with the more expensive agency, she did 2 or 3 hours per night. It is pure economics. Plus, with the lower priced agencies, I spend more money in total in the end and extend for more time more often.


Charismatic Playboy
Jul 4, 2006
Montreal is a world class city

Montreal is a world class city – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America. The services provided are to the highest standards. It is about time some you guys realize that very soon you will not be able to avail yourself of the exceptional services offered by our ladies at bush league rates – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America. The services provided are to the highest standards.

Especially for our American Hobbyists: This is Montreal not Bangkok – show the ladies some respect :D
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
JUSTIN said:
It is about time some you guys realize that very soon you will not be avail yourself of the exceptional services offered by our ladies at bush league rates:D

I highly doubt that.

What I do think is that you will see less and less agencies, more and more indies. Well, maybe not quite that mark, but girls will start off with an agency, earn a reputation and then strike out on their own, maybe working with an agency on the side. It is already happening.

This may end up being ideal for all the parties involved, and the agency role will have to evolve. Soon, I imagine that most agencies will become more and more like "secretaries" rather than actual agencies. They will cut out the driver, and simply be another advertising measure for most girls.



Mar 3, 2006
daydreamer41 said:
Widgets makes sense too. Especially the widgets less than 4 foot tall.

LOL - yeah, those widgets would be like the punchline to that joke ... you know the one about the sports model, only 3'6", handlebar ears, and a flat head so you have someplce to put your beer.

Very un-PC, I know ... but funny jokes just aren't polite, are they :D


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Jun 30, 2005
incognito_NYC said:
LOL - yeah, those widgets would be like the punchline to that joke ... you know the one about the sports model, only 3'6", handlebar ears, and a flat head so you have someplce to put your beer.

Very un-PC, I know ... but funny jokes just aren't polite, are they :D

The question is... what would the rate be for that model and more importantly... will she deserve the cut she gets? :D (just bringing it back on topic)


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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JUSTIN said:
Montreal is a world class city – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America. The services provided are to the highest standards. It is about time some you guys realize that very soon you will not be able to avail yourself of the exceptional services offered by our ladies at bush league rates – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America. The services provided are to the highest standards.

Dusseldorf is one of the wealthiest cities in all of Europe. You can go to FKKs and get top service by a model-quality girl for about a third of what you charge. So please spare us your diatribe and let the market decide what the rates ought to be. :eek:


Jul 16, 2003
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JUSTIN said:
Montreal is a world class city – It is one of the most affluent cities in North America.

Thanks for pushing this point, as I was beginning to think that MTL was a very poor place (from comments made by others here). This chart suggests otherwise,

But still, I prefer as low a rate as possible.

Wait. More research. MTL takes quite a dive as we approach 2020,
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
vtguy said:
Thanks for pushing this point, as I was beginning to think that MTL was a very poor place (from comments made by others here). This chart suggests otherwise,

But still, I prefer as low a rate as possible.

Wait. More research. MTL takes quite a dive as we approach 2020,

Wait, faulty research. Hong Kong is 40th vs Mtl being 20th? Something is seriously wrong with this study. I don't have time to dig right now, but I'm really and truly sorry - if we have all that money they claim we have then why all the 'for rent/alouer' signs, the crumbling infrastructure and roads that are not even comparable to the freaking third world (I have visited a lot of third world countries, and let me tell you, I envy their roads).


New Member
May 23, 2005
Also in response to Justin (just for the sake of discussion):

You can call Montreal a world-class city, but you don't need to be Adam Smith to figure out that the market dictates the price, as it does with anything else.

You could jack up your prices all you want, but you'd lose a lot of business to the many competitors you have who'd keep the same. Plus, I'm an American who comes to Montreal for hobbying, and if the prices rose I'd just curtail my number of visits.

There are just too many agencies and too many independents competing in Montreal to justify higher prices, except for the agencies that depend on the sucker tourist trade.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
That chart is strictly based on average gross pay based on 14 professions. It's strictly a wage index.

Methodology: Effective hourly wages for 14 professions, weighted according to distributions. Net after deduction of taxes and social security constributions.

Here's a better chart based on purchasing power (GDP):

Montreal is a wealthy city by world standards; Montreal is near the bottom if only the USA and Canada are considered.

Incorrect. Montreal ranks 39th, ahead of Vancouver and a number of US cities, including Baltimore, St-Louis, Cleveland, Portland and Pittsburgh.


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Nov 19, 2004
johnhenrygalt said:
Read again. The chart which shows Montreal 39th, is gross GDP, not GDP per capita. Of course Montreal will beat cities with significantly less population.

Fair enough. But the header also says "Richest cities and urban areas". Neither you nor I know what is included here in terms of population or what the following entails/includes:

The estimates are based on PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates and projections as well as UN urban agglomeration definitions and population estimates.

Regardless none of this supports your above statement that in terms of wealth, Montreal would be near the bottom if only the USA and Canada were considered. Furthermore, even if you came up with GDP per capita or average salary per capita figures that managed to support your statement, they would be meaningless (as far as an individual's purchasing power is concerned) if you don't factor in cost of living.


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Feb 9, 2004
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johnhenrygalt said:
This is a false dilemma. Just because someone would be unwilling to perform the service doesn't mean one cannot or should not hire the service. I'm unwilling to wait tables for minimum wage plus tips - yet I patronize restaurants. I would refuse to work a round-the-clock job that breaking news journalists must work, yet I watch their reports. There are many jobs I would refuse to do; and no doubt many people refuse to do my job.

And if you think the girls are underpaid, no one will stop you from giving them a tip.

It doesn't matter what I think. The truth is the agencies compete on 2 ends, for the girls and for the customers.

If agency X pays girls $100 per hour and charges $180 per hour and agency Y pays girls $80 per hour and charges $160 per hour, customers may call agency Y more, but agency X may attract more girls and offer more girls.

The girls at agency X may go to agency Y to get more work.

Then agency Z comes along and says, I will pay girls $100 per hour and charge $160. The girls go to agency Z and so do the phone calls.

It's called capitalism. Meeting demand with supply at the best possible price. The theory is if you have the goods and can offer it at a reasonable price, the demand will follow.

I was only responding to someone comparing other occupations to what sp's are getting paid. It is not an equal comparison because of the physical demands not every girl is willing to do. What makes SPing attractive to many girls is the pay and I find that many who stick with it generally like turning on guys. They are usually the GFE's we want. That's my observation.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Can we get back on topic?

First off, HAVE rates dropped across the board (ie: most agencies, most indies?) and if they have, by how much on average.

If the drops have come mainly from agencies (which I suspect is the case) is this because there are more girls going independent (fully or in part)?

If the drops are across the board, what has influenced this? Competition? Slow season? Economy?

I make it no secret that I am not a fan of agencies, however, they are running a business and if girls are unsatisfied with the rates they are getting from an agency they have many other options. One obvious one is to go indy, but that is alot of work and requires at least some start-up cash (ads, website, photos, a separate cellphone, etc...) and a leap of faith. Other possible choices are to change agencies, or to work with a referral service.

I think agencies have hurt themselves by running the specials that they have, not meaning that I think they should charge more, but that it will be a much more difficult climb back up to their regular rates than the trip down. I would have like to post a link to an interesting discussion, but the mods would take it down, so I cannot... :(

Anyhow, can we get back on topic?

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J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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When Rome, do as the Romans do.

I was in Ireland for business about a year ago, and you would have a hard time to find an SP, if you can they are usualy American, or eastern European. The Mp biz is quite different as well, you just about have to visit 10 times before you can get a HJ. So, for the walk in client there is almost no chance that you can get any satisfaction.
Here in Montreal, there are full time SPs and MPs and part time MPs and SPs, and casual MPs and SPs. The market is just saturated. In any business the price will reflect the demand.
Imagine what the market will be like if the long predicted ressession arrives?


New Member
Oct 18, 2006
I visit Montreal quite often during hockey season and only call the agencies that offer services at $160 or less. If prices were any higher I would just stay home and spend my $ on local SP's.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Are any of the advertised agencies worth calling?


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Friend of mine works in a community org - she tells me of 3rd week welfare hookers - mostly single moms who can't make the cheque last the month.

I think you are right that the street hookers are more likely to be into heavier drugs, but there is no guarantee from a higher price-tag that the girl isn't say, earlier on in an addiction cycle when she can still hold it together well enough to do her thing.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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If im not mistaken, the agency I used a couple of years ago named Freedom (are they still in business now?) used to charge $140~160 when you called the websites number...but if you called the number from the Le Journal the rate was $120.
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