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Why Athena

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Mar 1, 2024
Montreal HoMa
Athena, know as the Goddess of war, wisdom and handicraft. Canadian forces Also use this Goddess name for their opération in Afghanistan.

When you look at Her représentation you will saw: a owls, throw, shield and sometimes a smile or a neutral beatiful face. She doesnt bring feat; She is fighting for protection and freedom.

I think Women in général have their way to fight with LOVE. Love is more powerfull than hate. In our Day We are all manipulate by the industry of porn and sadly again Women are taked like object, disrespect for the pleasure of man. Sadly this man consume fast porn or PSE With their $ but inside Them they need love, sensuality and they want a please sexually a Woman. Becoming a God who please a Goddess is getting to know the power of Our sexual energy and divinity inside ourself. We need to connect to Our true essence and body.

Well I can continue but I think you understand now My wisdom, My fight and My handicraft ;)

Ho the owls of Athéna reveal Her the truth of the world for Her wisdom and knowledge.

Why so many human are afraid of love? Stranger can bring us LOVE.
Universal LOVE
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