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Why is SEX so bad?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
For once i'm not posting a question.

I never could wrap my head around why sex is so bad, everybody does it (well most of us) Nobody would exist without it, how else would we reproduce? Why is something that feels so good and makes people so happy always so BAD. I can sit down in front of my TV during primetime and watch someone's head get blown off or see a burnt body on an autopsy table, but god forbid I should see a woman's breast or 2 people having sex, I don't expect to see graphic sex during primetime but you know what i'm saying. I never understood that.

These laws that are in place to "protect" sex workers, that never made any sense to me. if you want to protect sex workers put laws in place to protect them. Make it legal, have rules and follow up with those rules like you would any other business. Take all the time, money and energy that is being wasted on busting people who are mutually consenting to an agreement and focus on the ones that are truly the bad guys and take them down.

Hey if I could get people to pay ME for having sex with them I would be in the business right now. Am I being forced into it? No. Am I degrading myself? Not in my eyes. Would I be enjoying it all the time? Maybe not if i'm not attracted to the person but hey it's my choice.

I will admit I had different views of escorts before I started on these forums. I never looked down at them or anything but reading these posts shows you another side of them. I never thought being with an escort would be the way it was for me, i'm not talking about the sex part, just everything else, I was treated with kindness and understanding. It's not as robotic as I thought it would be, of course there are SP's that don't get into it but there's are a lot of them that do, there seems to be an intimacy, weather real or not it feels nice and sometimes it's just two people having fun with each other.

Everybody has their own reason for going to escorts, there is obviously a need for them. It's getting me through a very difficult time in my life and i'm thankful for it, it's just very frustrating that I can't speak to anybody outside these forums about is because it's so "Wrong and disgusting" in some people's eyes. I know plenty of people that got married and had kids for the sole reason that their husbands or wives had money or a certain status in the community. They are miserable, not happy, grumpy individuals. That to me is wrong & disgusting.

I was never into politics, always hated it. When I heard about this new law I read up on it and I really couldn't wrap my head around it's justification of how it's there to protect these sex workers. There are so many other ways to do that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Fear of the death === Need to believe in a God

Need to believe in God === Founding of Religions

Founding of Religions === Demonization of the pleasure

Demonization of the pleasure === Sex is bad


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Fear of the death === Need to believe in a God

Need to believe in God === Founding of Religions

Founding of Religions === Demonization of the pleasure

Demonization of the pleasure === Sex is bad

You nailed it right on the head.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
It's not that it's bad, it's just that it is perceived as dangerous if not controlled and must be done in the properly prescribed ways.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
Amen jonhybird!

I myself have a physic handicap (which makes it pretty tough with womens in the "real world") and didnt really feel like trying this hobby would be that nice because I thought the womens would be cold and not really at ease with me. Well when I finally tried it (months ago), it kinda changed my life, SP's really surprised me (in general) and I felt they really want to make kind of a "good action" by making me live something I probably would never live without them. This law is sad because i'm not the only one in this situation and others will probably never try it because of this new law...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
So true, handi83..


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
A few facts about sexual desire > Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires! Sexual energy is the most powerful of all stimuli which move people into action.
When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence & creative ability unknown to them at other times..So strong is the desire for sexual gratification, that men freely run the risk of life & reputation to indulge in it. The desire for sexual gratification is inborn & natural. The desire cannot & should not be submerged or eliminated, rather it should be given an outlet of it's attainment through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind & spirit of man.
A river may be dammed & it's water controlled for a time, but eventually it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. It may be submerged & controlled for a time, but it's very nature causes it to be forever seeking means of expression..
The emotion of sex is an irresistible force, against which there can be no such opposition as an immovable body. Destroy the sex glands whether in man or beast, and you will have removed the major source of action. For proof of this, observe what happens when any animal has been castrated. A bull becomes as docile as a cow after it has been castrated...

A few quotations regarding sex > "Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place"
Billy Crystal
" I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy."
Tom Clancy
" Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."
Woody Allen
" Ah yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet."
Robin Williams
" According to a new survey, women feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do in front of other women. They say women are too judgmental, where of course men are just grateful."
Robert DeNiro
" Women may be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships."
Sharon Stone
"The problem is God gave man a brain & a penis but only enough blood to operate one at a time."
Robin Williams


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Fear of the death === Need to believe in a God

Need to believe in God === Founding of Religions

Founding of Religions === Demonization of the pleasure

Demonization of the pleasure === Sex is bad

Very good Man77777. The Footman's comments are right on as well. I would just like to add that there is an angle that we are missing here. Have we considered white man's burden and the modern feminist movement? I think the Nordic model is just another way for the feminist movement to punish the evil white male. The feminist movement considers the male to be the cause of all that is evil and the scourge of the globe! The male of the species and especially the white male must be kept at bay. How do you do this? What is a man's kryptonite? It is his fondness for the flesh. Harness and control this and you can emasculate the white male!

What is a good white male? It is a weakling that gets married, has kids, and is henpecked to death by his wife. She lauds sex over him and controls him like a puppet master. And if the white male isn't subservient you just take him to divorce court more commonly known as "the cleaners."

Now, why would any man enter such a one sided contract if he could just travel to Montreal and have mind blowing GFE sex with women half his age for a mere $180? To the feminist, the pay-for-play option must be taken off the table. How do you justify C-36? You demonize the act of sex. Most definitely You demonize the pay-for-play aspect and you perpetuate the stereotype of pimps, trafficking, under age sex workers, seedy red lights, drugs, battered woman etc. It is all a crock of shit to control you!!&p=830888&viewfull=1#post830888

Please see this post for some background


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
You're right h101, religion makes the sex a bad thing out of procreation / Feminism makes the sex a bad thing out of mariage. It's becoming a very hard thing to be a normal man, simply listening to his instincts and needs..


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
The main reason why sex is so bad is that it causes people, mainly men but women as well to "Drift". The word "Drift" means to waste one's time on unproductive activity. If men would put as much energy & effort into their work or business as they do on sex, they would likely obtain financial wealth beyond their wildest expectations.
The following quote was taken from a very famous & well written book by Naplolean Hill titled "Outwitting The Devil" .. The devil in fact is the one who influences you & leads you down the path of failure. The devil influences you to "Drift" because he wants you to fail in life!
Here is the quote > " Over indulgence in sex or sexual desires causes men to drift more towards failure than all other causes combined!"
And this quote > "If you want to soar like an eagle, you can't hang out with turkeys."


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Footman...this is so true about sex. In fact the worst thing about this hobby is that it is such a distraction. I do quite well in private life but if I lost my penis in a nasty cheese grating accident and as a result I didn't think so much about sex, I may be the CEO. I am trying to stay off of this site but I am starting to get drawn in again. If I just had a little more self control or will power...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

A few facts about sexual desire > Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires!

Except for the will to live, survive, and prosper.

A few facts about sexual desire > Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires! Sexual energy is the most powerful of all stimuli which move people into action.
When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence & creative ability unknown to them at other times..So strong is the desire for sexual gratification, that men freely run the risk of life & reputation to indulge in it. The desire for sexual gratification is inborn & natural. The desire cannot & should not be submerged or eliminated, rather it should be given an outlet of it's attainment through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind & spirit of man.

Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.

The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power, to be sure, but the reward is worth the effort.
The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet, through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.

With all due respect to the glossier promotional side of the partial quote of Napoleon Hill, I think the point was to use it to serve you, not let it use you to serve it. The book is called..."THINK and Grow Rich". Otherwise you get the kind of self-destructive direction that can wreck marriages, families, relationships, lives and possibly destroys them, such as the murder-suicide on Monday by the excremental Earl Hayes on himself and wife Stephanie Moseley. It can reduce people to animals.

I never could wrap my head around why sex is so bad,....

It's so powerful, driving, and immediately gratifying against where the afterlife promise of gods is so elusive and uncertain...therein is the threat that compels it's moral demonization by the major Western religions that require so much self-denial. But even without morality sexual desire constantly flirts between the balance of bliss and gloom.




Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
it's so powerful, driving, and immediately gratifying against where the afterlife promise of gods is so elusive and uncertain...therein is the threat that compels it's moral demonization by the major western religions that require so much self-denial. But even without morality sexual desire constantly flirts between the balance of bliss and gloom.

ooohhhhh snap!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The problem is there will always be a pool of people that think something is wrong and immoral while other see it as perfectly suitable. The ratio of people for it and against it is what make it decide if its bad or not. I mean take the arabian country, they still have laws that we would think as barbaric, completely absurde and grotesque, but since the majority of these people seem to want to live by them, they are still in place. There not in place because of one dictator... the islamic state for exemple ain't ONE individual...

Now over here we are more open, more liberal, more at ease, but 2 things that in MY opinion should not be are still illegal, having sex for money and smoking weed...

Never will anybody find an argument valid to annhiliate one opinion on why its illegal. Anybody that will tell me weed is bad for health or whatever, i will always say cigarettes are just as bad, if not worst... And i don't even smoke weed... im a non smoker, but i don't understand why its illegal if another just as bad product is... The reason is marketing, politics and stuff like that.

When it comes to sex worker, they will always put the % of women forced into this by pimp, or the underage stuff that happen, they will focus on that and ignore the vast majority of providers that does it out of there free will and enjoy it, either itself, or enjoy the money they get out of it. Truth is nobody like working... well there is some, but not much. Ask a dude that flip burger if he like his job... so i wouldn't be surprise to learn some SPs do not like there job, but enjoy the confort of they money they get out of it... So at that point, its still there free will to do so... and would they not work this job... who knows in what situation they would be.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
T I mean take the arabian country, they still have laws that we would think as barbaric, completely absurde and grotesque, but since the majority of these people seem to want to live by them, they are still in place. There not in place because of one dictator... the islamic state for exemple ain't ONE individual...

I'm not sure all the women want to live by those rules, not all middle eastern countries think this way either, there has been a steady uprising of women in these countries that are starting to speak out. I don't think they want to live by them as much as they are afraid not to live by them.

When it comes to sex worker, they will always put the % of women forced into this by pimp, or the underage stuff that happen, they will focus on that and ignore the vast majority of providers that does it out of there free will and enjoy it, either itself, or enjoy the money they get out of it.

I agree with you there, I can't imagine that they would waste man power on staking out an Indy's place or tracking cell numbers to bust John's. I read that their goal is to discourage people like us so much that it would stop prostitution all together, That's a pretty delusional way of thinking since it is the profession itself has stood the test of time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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50% of the population rarely hires sex workers.

Suppose you are married (legally or common law) to a woman who is not much attracted to you any more, but is strongly attracted to young men who are physically more attractive you are now (or perhaps even ever were) and maybe more skilled sexually. Suppose that such young men are at least as accessible as takeout pizza. (They are readily found in hundreds of places - strip clubs, escort agencies, massage parlors and even on street corners). Suppose that you are less than completely satisfied sexually, but she appears content. Suppose that she sometimes has to stay late at work or have a beer with her co-workers. Suppose that she seems to have less money to contribute to the family finances than you might expect. Suppose that you suspect that not only is she getting pleasure elsewhere, but, to add injury to insult, you imagine that her activities put you at risk of an incurable and/or fatal disease.

I believe that virtually any anti-prostitution measure will have the support of the majority of the female half of the population.
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