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Why is "Take out" more expensive?


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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MG_mtl said:
The same can't be said about escorts. Apart from a few (photoshoped) pics, it's hard to tell what a girl looks like. You can't see her face in the pics in most cases. You have no clue about her personality other then from a few (if any) reviews here on Merb. And you might be guy #4 out of 5 she will see that night. And since you are #4/5 of the night she needs to be out of there in a rush.

So for all these reasons, take out has been what the hobby has been all about for me in the past months if not more. Which explains the lack of reviews from my part...:eek:

My 2 cents.

Exact same sentiment for me....but im doing it via the clubs in Germany. There are clubs there where the girls will get up on the pole and do some tricks...and you can easily grab her right after and do the deed. The other aspect is the cost ratio mentioned above. I've been offered 400 for takeout...if i let my other head think for me id spend 1,200 or more on 3 or 4 girls. With that money, I can see 20 in germany.

The one club in frankfurt rocks on the weekends...they have a dj who really gets the music pumping...feels like a rave slash stripclub. Beer is free, food is plentiful, club has an indoor and outdoor pool and 2 levels. All for 60 bucks. You can't beat the price. Club is open for 19 hours on weekends....and just when you think its slowing down, it picks back up.

Look at it this way...if you can take that money and put it away for one long sextravagation you'll see your money go that much farther.
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