Pierre Paul,
I actually agree with just about everything you have said in this thread, but I thought it important to look at this other question in order to intelligently analyze the original poster's question.
It is unfortunate that the USA has had to play the role of world policeman because some other nations were extremely negligent in collectively playing that role. But that is the situation that we have. And let's not forget that it was the same negligence by these European nations that led to World Wars I and II and the dragging of both the USA and Canada into those conflicts.
You are correct that no matter who is President the USA (and Canada and the rest of the western world) will continue to be hated by the Arab nations and the reasons are just as much (or more) socioeconomic, cultural and religious than they are political.
Bush and his administration have not been the greatest diplomats, however I think most Americans agree with the essentials of his foreign policy. Even though the specific justifications for intervening in Iraq when we did are questionable, I think an armed conflict with Iraq was ultimately inevitable. The Israelis realized the same thing when they bombed the Iraqi nuclear capability back in 1981. Had the Israelis not done this, the 1990 Persian Gulf War would have been much more catastrophic then it actually was.
The real question is where do we go from here with the Arab nations. No matter who is elected President in November we have the same problems with these countries - failure to separate Church (or Mosque) and State, the indoctrination of uneducated citizenries with religious fundamentalism, the subjugation of women as nonproductive members of society who exist only to bear children and follow the orders of their husbands, and the brainwashing and manipulation of these citizenries to believe that the USA and Israel are the root of all of their problems, when in fact their own corrupt social and political systems, which have driven all of the talented and educated Arab citizens into the west, are the root of their problems. The problem is getting worse, and there does not appear to be any way to stop it short of imposing democracy on each of these countries, which is something that is itself unworkable.