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Will they kill Tony?

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Will Tony Soprano be killed by a rival gang? Will Tony turn states evidence to the feds and do a Gravano? Or, will Tony keep on being Tony? There are only 3 episodes left till the end. Whats your guess?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Bobby Bakala is going to jail.

Could be that Bobby that left a gun behind with his prints on it after he make his first hit will turn against Tony!


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Daringly>>>> I thought the same thing when I first saw the thread title!


John Legend

Aug 16, 2004
Albany, NY
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There have been tons of mob hits where the gun is left behind. Mob hits traditionally are performed with untraceable guns purchased by a 3rd party off the streets. The gun is left at the scene to remove the shooter from being tied to the gun. Why would a mob hit man (Bobby in this case) shoot a guy and take the gun with him? What if he was caught a mile away carrying the gun?


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
Northern California
Regarding Bobby's first hit, he had clear plastic gloves on his hand, so there were no prints on the gun he left behind. About Tony, we all know the show isn't gonna have a happy ending to it. Tony has done too much for it to end like that. It's all gonna catch up to him pretty soon. Either he gets whacked by a rival or he's goes to prison because of that big RICO case building up. Either way, its not good for Tony. I know some of you may find this way off, but I think he will leave Bobby in charge of THE family. I think he trusts Bobby and knows that he can count on Bobby to take care of both families (defending Janice and kicking Tony's ass when he was making fun of her). Who knows, this show always goes against what you think will happen.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
In conventional tv land, it would be normal for Tony to come to a tragic end in view of his recent epiphany in the desert while on peyote. ("I understand what you are trying to tell me.") They always make it look like the hero has finally go his life figured out before dashing him on the rocks, right? But with this show, it is hard to say.

I can see the story ending in lots of way, the least interesting of which would see Tony dying. I've even wondered if Anthony Junior might get involved in the family, reaffirming the circle of life.

Does anybody else wonder about this slim thread of a side story involving the Arab guys who used to visit the Bing? That story has been around for at least two seasons and I wonder where it is heading. I can't help thinking it is going to be key.

Maybe the series will end with Tony getting the Congressional Medal of Honour from President Bush.
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Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
I Forgot about the last night show an woke up on the couch with 2 mins left. Ps, don't tell me.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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The third to last episode...........

.......was kind of a let down. Nothing much happened. The two last episodes better step it up or else it may be sort of likethe ending of Sienfeld. That was a kind of crappy last minute writing to shut down the show.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I stayed away from this thread until I got the chance to watch the last 5 shows that I missed (my thanks to bit torrent :p ). Now that I've caught up, I see Tony and family going into witness protection, or maybe Tony dying stopping some terrorist plot, due to the resolution of the Arab thread that may be coming back into prominence. There will be some kind of showdown between the Sopranos and Leotardo, ending with Paulie and Phil, and many others, dead. Silvio ends up in charge and hires Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band to be the house band at the Bada Bing! But due to constant anxiety attacks, partly caused by Bon Jovi attacking the e-street band in the parking lot one night, Silvio collapses and Meadow Soprano emerges as the new head of the Soprano Family.:D

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
J. Peterman said:
.......there the Sopranos was not on the air last night! :confused:

Yeah, I hate when the networks do that. I waited up until 1 am to download the show and nothing!

So permit me to make a post on the Trailer Park Boys in order to fill the void.

It looks like Bubbles is going to jail for stealing Patrick Swayze's model train. But what is the significance of his digging up Conky, his dead hand puppet that was shot by Julian? Will Conky be resurrected? I hope so, because the Conky episode in season 3 was a classic. Meanwhile, it looks like Randy, with his "Dirty Burger" joint venture with Phil Collins taking off, is going to give it all up to rejoin Mr. Lahey.

Cory and Trevor are already in the looney bin. But now everybody seems to be losing it. I'm wondering if there might be something in Ricky's dope that is doing this.

Asbestos maybe? Could Julian and Ricky be headed to the Bada Bing to demand repayment? Do Silvio and Paulie go down in a blaze of gunfire in a fight with J-Rock and Tyrone? Or do Ricky and Silvio find out that they are brothers? This would explain the similar hair-dos.
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Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
J. Peterman said:
.......there the Sopranos was not on the air last night! :confused:
Yea, I was looking like crazy for it as well. I waited and checked out Channel 700 but it was in Italian, and an old one to boot.


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
This is a great sketch too. If the Sopranos were on Pax TV (a US channel that does not show any TV shows with sex or violence).
The Fox show Mad TV did this sketch, and Will Sasso is dead on as Tony.

The running joke of the sketch is that the TV network would edit the show down to 3 minutes (from 60 minutes), removing all the sex and violence, lol.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
mrten said:
Yea, I was looking like crazy for it as well. I waited and checked out Channel 700 but it was in Italian, and an old one to boot.

Oh c'mon now. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee was amaaazing! A bit of a disappointment that there weren't no Sopranos, but hey, it was a great HBO movie.

by the way if they don't give David Chase and the writers, and actors of/in the last episode 'The Second Coming' an Emmy, an Oscar and a Nobel fucking Prize, there ain't no justice. Some of these last season's shows have been place holders but oh my god the acting and writing was as good or better than it ever has been.

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