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Yeah....GG4U revival

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Maybe bookerl can start a poll on who is in charge:


James and Mike


Mike and James


Chloe and Christina

Hungry101 .......what a nightmere that would be, hungry would love it but nobody would ever be able to book any of the ladies with Hungry Hefner at the helm :lol:

ps... my money would be on the C&C Connection, just this vision of those 2 sexy powerful young ladies is the IT Factor for me. Having spent time getting to know them, both have great business minds as well.

Haha, we know James is at the controls. Your GT post was like a bat signal for Mike, but no response?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Maybe bookerl can start a poll on who is in charge:


James and Mike


Mike and James


Chloe and Christina

Hungry101 .......what a nightmere that would be, hungry would love it but nobody would ever be able to book any of the ladies with Hungry Hefner at the helm :lol:

ps... my money would be on the C&C Connection, just this vision of those 2 sexy powerful young ladies is the IT Factor for me. Having spent time getting to know them, both have great business minds as well.

Hello Iggy

Are you saying, I have any interest in knowing whats going on with James and Mike ?

You are so cool and funny with your assumptions

I feel the luv



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In general, when a client pushes to see a particular girl(s) privately, outside their agency, and constantly complains about rates and wants to bargain, they won't be in a hurry to serve said client....

I couldn't agree more. I've long held the belief that was first mentionned by Eagerbeaver nearly a decade ago: "Guys who can't afford to see escorts should not be seeing escorts." I couldn't agree with this statement more. It doesn't take a degree in nuclear science to understand this. Hiring an escort is a privilege. Any guys who can barely afford those privileges should either get a girlfriend or meet girls through various online dating services. I know many guys who struck gold just by meeting girls via Facebook. It's not as hard as some may believe.

However, i do admit that some guys who can't avoid complaining about rates and trying to get bargain rates are simply cheapskates. There are many of those also. :D


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I couldn't agree more. I've long held the belief that was first mentionned by Eagerbeaver nearly a decade ago: "Guys who can't afford to see escorts should not be seeing escorts." I couldn't agree with this statement more. It doesn't take a degree in nuclear science to understand this. Hiring an escort is a privilege. Any guys who can barely afford those privileges should either get a girlfriend or meet girls through various online dating services. I know many guys who struck gold just by meeting girls via Facebook. :D

The issue discussed in this thread was not triggered by the affording part !
But I do agree that if guys can't afford it, no need to take it on girls and bookers whoever they are !



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
However, i do admit that some guys who can't avoid complaining about rates and trying to get bargain rates are simply cheapskates. There are many of those also. :D

In memory of EB the correct term is cheap ass.


Nov 12, 2014
Okay Guys and Girls, everybody wants to see me as the bad guy, ok.
I have receive an mp from that girls , where she admit that she offered us not to charge any extra for my girlfriend, and i Could copy the link to clear the subject , but do to my respect for the girls, i'm not going to do it. I think that this war should be over cause it's gonna damage girls reputation at one point and i don't want to do that.
And i receive many MP from that girl reveling much more personal matters, that I won't copy too, that has been confirm to me by one of her close friend that i'm not going to publish too.

So, now who is the bad guy ?

Yes , we did say to the girls how much we pay for that service in other agencies , but let me remind you that she has the right to refuse. the only thing that we did at this party is telling how much other agency charge for a couple , wich is $300, and we have been said that their rate is $380, so I think I do have the right to tell the girls that the agency is out of the price compare to the others, and that is for her own good that we told her about that fact.

If you want to call me cheap, ok but I would like to see you when you buy a car, if you pay the price that is listed in the window.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you want to call me cheap, ok but I would like to see you when you buy a car, if you pay the price that is listed in the window.

You are not buying a car, you are paying for a specialized service that a human provides that should not be bartered, if you do not want to pay the price look elsewhere but do not ask for a discount. Many ads have a line somewhere that says prices are not to be negotiated.
Just my opinion.
PS: I have also had agency girls leave me their ph #'s and complain about working conditions but do not discuss it in public. They all have the right to quit.


Nov 12, 2014
You are not buying a car, you are paying for a specialized service that a human provides that should not be bartered, if you do not want to pay the price look elsewhere but do not ask for a discount. Many ads have a line somewhere that says prices are not to be negotiated.
Just my opinion.
PS: I have also had agency girls leave me their ph #'s and complain about working conditions but do not discuss it in public. They all have the right to quit.

And i'm going to say it again in both language cause i do know if you reed what i said.
If I want to buy a car and the other dealer offer me a better price, i'm gonna chose the lowest price, end of story.
As for the girls , SHE is who offered us a discount, we didn't ask for it.
In fact tree girls offered us discount that night, but we went for an indy instead.

Donc, voici la version Francaise pour ceux qui ne lisent pas correctement mes mots.
Lorsque j'achete une voiture je choisi le prix le plus bas et c normal.
Ici , on parle d'humain et je n'ai jamais demander de rabais aux filles, je n'ai fait que leurs expliqué la raison pk nous n'etions pas interesser justement comme tu dit STN , nous avons été voir ailleurs puisque la fille a le droit ultime d'etablir son prix puisqu'elle n'est pas une voiture.
Ce soir la 3 filles sont venue nous voir et nous ont offert des rabais , nous n'avons rien demander.
Voir si je serait assez stupide pour dealer avec les filles d'une agence dans leurs propres party.
Nous sommes allez au GT de Mojo et nous avons rencontrer deux demoiselles de son agences en passant par le booker, point a la ligne.
Nous sommes aussi clients chez Vogue et je passe toujours par Franky pour voir ses filles.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Lorsque j'achete une voiture je choisi le prix le plus bas et c normal.
Ici , on parle d'humain et je n'ai jamais demander de rabais aux filles, je n'ai fait que leurs expliqué la raison pk nous n'etions pas interesser justement comme tu dit STN , nous avons été voir ailleurs puisque la fille a le droit ultime d'etablir son prix puisqu'elle n'est pas une voiture..

Salut Lou

Je ne veut pas me mêlé de l'histoire ,
Mes regardons le principe .Si l'agence reçoit la même commission et la fille ce coupe elle même ,n'est-ce pas son droit de choisir occasionnellement son/ces partenaire d'amusement .
En quoi cela regarde l'agence ou le Booker si il ni a pas de perte monétaire ?:confused:

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Salut Lou

Je ne veut pas me mêlé de l'histoire ,
Mes regardons le principe .Si l'agence reçoit la même commission et la fille ce coupe elle même ,n'est-ce pas son droit de choisir occasionnellement son/ces partenaire d'amusement .
En quoi cela regarde l'agence ou le Booker si il ni a pas de perte monétaire ?:confused:

Au Plaisir


Comme tu la sait très bien booker, l' extra couple est d'environ $80 a $ 100 et vas directement dans la poche de la fille, donc si la fille ne veut pas le charger c son droit , car l'agence ne perds absolument rien dans cette transaction. Alors pk toute cette discussion ?
Certaines agences avec lesquels j'ai discuter nous ont meme dit de booker la fille comme si j'etait seul et ensuite m'arranger avec la fille pour l'extra au meme titre que CIM ou Greek.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Comme tu la sait très bien booker, l' extra couple est d'environ $80 a $ 100 et vas directement dans la poche de la fille, donc si la fille ne veut pas le charger c son droit , car l'agence ne perds absolument rien dans cette transaction. Alors pk toute cette discussion ?
Certaines agences avec lesquels j'ai discuter nous ont meme dit de booker la fille comme si j'etait seul et ensuite m'arranger avec la fille pour l'extra au meme titre que CIM ou Greek.

Bien chacun est libre d'opéré son agences comme il le souhaite ,certain vont pour le mode extra a la fille comme tu le dit d'autres prenne une commission sur le services au couples ,les faisant moins concurrentielle .

Libre a chacun de faire c'est choix !L'agence ,la fille le/les client(s)

Au Plaisir



Nov 12, 2014
Bien chacun est libre d'opéré son agences comme il le souhaite ,certain vont pour le mode extra a la fille comme tu le dit d'autres prenne une commission sur le services au couples ,les faisant moins concurrentielle .

Libre a chacun de faire c'est choix !L'agence ,la fille le/les client(s)

Au Plaisir


Je ne l'aurais pas dit mieux. Fin de la discussion.
Comme je l'ai dit ,nous avons un très bon service avec plusieurs indies et agences.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Okay Guys and Girls, everybody wants to see me as the bad guy, ok.
I have receive an mp from that girls , where she admit that she offered us not to charge any extra for my girlfriend, and i Could copy the link to clear the subject , but do to my respect for the girls, i'm not going to do it. I think that this war should be over cause it's gonna damage girls reputation at one point and i don't want to do that.
And i receive many MP from that girl reveling much more personal matters, that I won't copy too, that has been confirm to me by one of her close friend that i'm not going to publish too.

So, now who is the bad guy ?

Yes , we did say to the girls how much we pay for that service in other agencies , but let me remind you that she has the right to refuse. the only thing that we did at this party is telling how much other agency charge for a couple , wich is $300, and we have been said that their rate is $380, so I think I do have the right to tell the girls that the agency is out of the price compare to the others, and that is for her own good that we told her about that fact.

If you want to call me cheap, ok but I would like to see you when you buy a car, if you pay the price that is listed in the window.

Your not cheap. 80$ is 80$. Just go to the other agency. Simple as that. Time to close the thread.

I can't wait to try Montreal Elite Companions


Nov 12, 2014
Your not cheap. 80$ is 80$. Just go to the other agency. Simple as that. Time to close the thread.

I can't wait to try Montreal Elite Companions
I agree with just one thing you sais.

time to close this thread. I made my point and there nothing I can do if the girls tryied to cheat on agency's back. by offrering rebate.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
So the booker on the lines might affect your service more that you can think .

Just so I can get this straight... A booker affects our service more than you think.. Since you replied and I am still unsure.

To me a booker sets up the time, maybe give advice ( and if it is wrong he is a dumb ass ) and basically that's it, the only way he can affect my service is by having the girl show up late and that would make him look like a dumb ass again.
If he is one of the bookers that will not send a girl out claiming she is busy but not because she was not "nice " to him it would affect my seeing her but that is it.
As for service once the girl meets me there the booker has nothing to do with it.
Unless I am missing something :confused::confused::confused:



Nov 12, 2005
STN, I don't quite agree with Booker's drift that the booker has a large effect.

But, perhaps more than you might think, the booker can put a girl in a bad mood. If the SP overhears him/her hyping someone else, if he's a crazy driver, or if he's rude to her in the car / office. Maybe he just has terrible BO and she's been stuck with him for a few hours in the car. :p :eek: I have seen this before. She might enter the room in a foul mood. BUT, I still agree with you - once she enters that room, service is mostly affected by her perception of the client. If you're polite / nice / fun / funny, that previously foul mood should (hopefully) melt away.

My 2 cents.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
STN, I don't quite agree with Booker's drift that the booker has a large effect.

But, perhaps more than you might think, the booker can put a girl in a bad mood. If the SP overhears him/her hyping someone else, if he's a crazy driver, or if he's rude to her in the car / office. Maybe he just has terrible BO and she's been stuck with him for a few hours in the car. :p :eek: I have seen this before. She might enter the room in a foul mood. BUT, I still agree with you - once she enters that room, service is mostly affected by her perception of the client. If you're polite / nice / fun / funny, that previously foul mood should (hopefully) melt away.

My 2 cents.

If the booker is a complete ass she would mention something to someone... Just like our security guards at work, people with no power are given a little power and it goes to their head ( some ).
Agreed that if she just left a complete dick and you were polite and semi charming it should be a good night.
The poll showed what people thought of a bookers role.
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