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Warning for Sps/Agencies: Client caught taping sps this weekend!!!

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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
An acquaintance of mine who happens to work as an sp has just contacted me and told me about a very bad experience that she had this past Saturday evening, between 8pm-10pm. A client that she saw at the Sheraton Center (possibly 9th floor) happened to be filming her with a hidden videocamera, which she found hidden between the tv and the side of the cabinet. When she asked him to give her the tape that was inside, he refused. She got into a heated arguement with this loser/asshole and left, not really knowing what to do. I told her tonight that she should have called the cops, since it's a crime to film someone with a hidden camera and you can go to jail for this. Sunday morning, she sent someone (muscles) in order to obtain the tape, but the asshole had checked out of his room. She reported the incident to STELLA, but left with the feeling that there's not much they can do.

Well, i'm writing this because i know who he is, and will expose him if the tape in question isn't returned to this lady a.s.a.p. The hotel also has his name on file and it won't be difficult to track him down if he doesn't cooperate. If anyone else has other information regarding this person 'visiting from a northern state', possibly in his mid-40's and very thin, let me know by pm. I'm also posting this in order to warn the other agencies/providers who might have met this asshole this weekend at the Sheraton Center.

And if you are reading this, Mister Pornographer: contact the lady a.s.a.p. and return the tape to her.....with no copies made!


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Dec 15, 2003
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For education purposes, could you expand somewhat on the illegality of filming someone in you own home (or hotel room)....lets say for security reasons?
Sending "muscles"...the chap could have called the cops!...and the SP would have spent a couple of hours behind!
That being said, I don't agree with the use of caneras by anyone.
Incall places must be checked!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Lawless said:
For education purposes, could you expand somewhat on the illegality of filming someone in you own home (or hotel room)....lets say for security reasons?
Sending "muscles"...the chap could have called the cops!...and the SP would have spent a couple of hours behind!
That being said, I don't agree with the use of caneras by anyone.

By the term 'muscles', i meant a friend who was there to collect the tape. To be honest, he's lucky that i was away at the time. I would have gladly went there myself and brought a friend along. I'll let you research the legality of taping sex sessions with a hidden camera yourself. I don't have time to get into the legalities of it. There was a very similar case in Toronto less than a year ago, if my memory is correct. Quite a thread about it on TERB.


Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Thank you JustaJohn for posting this.

As soon as this low life is identified all agencies should be notified so that he will be banned everywhere and at least never have the chance to do this again in Montreal.

From what I read on TERB calling the cops is the best option in Toronto however In Montreal I don’t recall ever reading that their first priority is to protect the sex workers. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

BTW there was an even more disgusting and scary thing that almost happened in Quebec City last Saturday at 8:00 PM. I don’t want to hijack your thread but check out the link below and start reading at post # 48.

In my opinion things have got way out of hand and if the cops aren’t going to be an option because of the nature of this business then unconventional methods (ie. kneecap realignments) are more than warranted to solve the problem and teach a valuable lesson to these assholes.
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Feb 24, 2005
Hahahahaha I dont think somebody gonna do jail for this.... maybe its 'possible' to do jail for that kind of offence BUT..... has lawless said we are in Quebec.... maybe 10 hours of community service ;)



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If he has a handle on the Boards and you know his handle, I would recommend exposing his handle only. The Agency owners can then figure out the rest. He should be cut off immediately, this is illegal behavior.

If you expose him I will back you publicly and privately 100%.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Asking this character to gave back the tape is a complete waste of time as he has made several copies by now, i once had a appointment with a sp at my friends apartment and just before she arrived my friend had told me that he had set up a hidden camera in the bedroom, i immediatley removed it advising him that i did not mind being filmed but out of respect for the sp that it was a terrible thing to do(common sense), the best thing to do is to expose this guy so all of the escorts know who he is, i also would not mind seeing this guy get ruffed up a bit to get the message across because he is likley to pull this stunt again.
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New Member
Feb 15, 2005
I think I heard something like that over that weekend too. I was not sure if was agency girl or indie. but it is possible that he might have gotten away with taping more than 1 girl.
I think all agency owners should check last week Fri. and Sat. schedule and make sure no girl went to that hotel.

Mod 2

Regnad and Hobby11,

You seem to have issues with each other. I urge you to resolve those PRIVATELY. I removed both of your posts from the thread.

Hobby11, clear your PM box.


Canadian Joe 652

I do all my own stunts
May 31, 2005
in between airport lounges

I find this behaviour deplorable, what is going on inside the head of I guy like this is beyond me, in fact in Quebec City a situation of similar (or even more disturbing) behaviour happend recently.

I will like his hanlde to be known, I guy like this does not deserve to belong.


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Oct 3, 2004
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Rush to judgment? Use caution.

I hope before we start publicly crucifying people on the board for dispicable acts like the one mentioned above that we are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the person is indeed guilty of the transgression and that we know his handle. I'm not suggesting that JaJ isn't being honest, just that before he "exposes" the guy on the board he should consult with Mods to confirm that the handle is a positive match to the individual in question. Otherwise we end up in the middle of a witch hunt which deters participation due to fear of being falsely accused due to mistaken identity.


Jul 27, 2005
What happened to her driver or the Agencie how come no one went up to the room and gave this guy a beating?

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I never said he had a handle on MERB. He might and he might not, and this isn't the point. I am fairly certain, however, that he does read the boards. The lady that had this happen to her advertises only on the internet and was contacted by this jerk via email, which he had obtained through her webpage. It was the second time that she has seen this idiot. Needless to say, she regrets agreeing to see him last Saturday evening. She now worries that this tape will wind up on the internet on some voyeur sex site and that her close ones might find out about this one day. It's the second time that she's had this happen to her and it's making her have second thoughts about continuing in this biz......can't say i blame her.

As for taping someone secretly, it creates a potential for blackmail. I've heard them all, and i wouldn't put this beneath him.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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mackbolan1 said:
What happened to her driver or the Agencie how come no one went up to the room and gave this guy a beating?

If it was an agency girl, good question, although it's been previously discussed on this Board that most of the drivers for Montreal escort agencies probably could not successfully administer a beating to anyone. They are not enforcers/goons who are used to throw around some muscle.

I suspect that the taping was done for the purpose of personal viewing or unauthorized sale on the internet, as opposed to blackmail. In any event, this is a scumbag who should be exposed and blacklisted, and given a beating the next time he comes to Montreal, by someone qualified to do so.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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We have to be careful with the "Beaver"...he is just emerging from a long winter....he is in such a good shape...and hungry.....we should feed him with high quality "smoked meat" !
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