Montreal Escorts

Taxis unsafe for women in Montreal?


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV

I first heard of this from a client when I told him I would be taking a cab to his hotel late at night. I had been out on an extended dinner date and wasn't driving as I had been drinking, so the safe choice would be to take a taxi, right? But according to the police, a woman traveling alone and under the influence should never take taxis!

The sad part is that I am not surprised by this. I have been harassed numerous times by cab drivers. Once last winter I left the bar after many drinks and the driver suggested I ride in front where it was warmer. Because I was drunk, I complied without thinking. Upon arrival at home the driver pinned me down and kissed me. I managed to push him away and get inside safely.

Ladies be careful if you are using taxis, stay safe out there.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I recommend that young women planning to use a taxi on their own should consider carrying a cannister of pepper spray in their purse. Or a gun if you have one.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I recommend that young women planning to use a taxi on their own should consider carrying a cannister of pepper spray in their purse. Or a gun if you have one.

Excuse, but I thought in Canada (Extreme Liberal land) it is extremely difficult to get a gun permit? Sort of like New York City. So did you mean gum? (like the Woody Allen movie). Did the election of Stephen Harper turn things around in Canada where it is like Texas - where everybody including everybody's grandma carries a gun.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Excuse, but I thought in Canada (Extreme Liberal land) it is extremely difficult to get a gun permit?

Permit?? Who mentionned anything about getting a permit??

Obtaining a gun is actually easier than people think. Many guns are being smuggled into Canada on a daily basis, either from the Windsor-Detroit border (and other border crossings), via indian reservations & other means. Smugglers do it for money & come from every walk of life. Many are actually women. If you have the money, have the right contacts & are willing to pay, it ain't that hard to find a seller.


I first heard of this from a client when I told him I would be taking a cab to his hotel late at night. I had been out on an extended dinner date and wasn't driving as I had been drinking, so the safe choice would be to take a taxi, right? But according to the police, a woman traveling alone and under the influence should never take taxis!

The sad part is that I am not surprised by this. I have been harassed numerous times by cab drivers. Once last winter I left the bar after many drinks and the driver suggested I ride in front where it was warmer. Because I was drunk, I complied without thinking. Upon arrival at home the driver pinned me down and kissed me. I managed to push him away and get inside safely.

Ladies be careful if you are using taxis, stay safe out there.

Tu dois téléphoner la compagnie de taxi pour leur faire part de ton expérience. La plupart des chauffeurs sont à leur affaire mais beaucoup d'autres ne se gênent pas pour "cruiser", poser des questions et te demander ton numéro de téléphone. Ces chauffeurs-là ont déjà vu neiger, ils savent très bien ce que tu fais et aiment fabuler, les pauvres. ;-)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
If you defended yourself with an illegal gun, you would be the Canadian Bernie Goetz :

I think what Bernie did was right, but it was illegal
He fucked up in that respect

Best Regards


Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Tu dois téléphoner la compagnie de taxi pour leur faire part de ton expérience. La plupart des chauffeurs sont à leur affaire mais beaucoup d'autres ne se gênent pas pour "cruiser", poser des questions et te demander ton numéro de téléphone. Ces chauffeurs-là ont déjà vu neiger, ils savent très bien ce que fais et aiment fabuler, les pauvres. ;-)

C'est pas facile savoir quelle compagnie de taxi t'a donner un lift. Specialement quand la fille s'est fait aggresser.

Je connais meme des gens qui sont fait aggresser (mugged) par des individus qui venaient de sortir d'un taxi dans un endroit quai-desert. Sans doute que le chauffeur de taxi etait dans le coup aussi. Cependant, les aggressions donc je fais reference ont eut lieu dans la region d'Ottawa/Gatineau.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I think what Bernie did was right, but it was illegal
He fucked up in that respect

Where he fucked up the most was in getting caught. If someone is set on doing something that isn't protected by the law, then they should make damn sure they don't get caught.


C'est pas facile savoir quelle compagnie de taxi t'a donner un lift. Specialement quand la fille s'est fait aggresser.

C'est pourquoi j'utilise les services de la même compagnie de taxi depuis des années.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
C'est pourquoi j'utilise les services de la même compagnie de taxi depuis des années.

Bonne decision. Cependant, bien des gens prennent des taxis en sortant des hotels apres avoir consommer....c'est pas toujours evident quelle compagnie de taxi va circuler dans les alentours. En plus, ca me surpendrait pas du tout qu'il existe des imposteurs de chauffeurs de taxi dans la region. Si ca peut se faire avec les policiers, je suis certain que ca peut facilement se faire avec des chauffeurs de taxi.


Bonne decision. Cependant, bien des gens prennent des taxis en sortant des hotels apres avoir consommer....c'est pas toujours evident quelle compagnie de taxi va circuler dans les alentours. En plus, ca me surpendrait pas du tout qu'il existe des imposteurs de chauffeurs de taxi dans la region. Si ca peut se faire avec les policiers, je suis certain que ca peut facilement se faire avec des chauffeurs de taxi.

Avant d'embarquer dans un taxi, il faut toujours vérifier le nom de la compagnie et prendre en note le numéro de permis du chauffeur. Drunk ou pas, c'est ta responsabilité.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Where he fucked up the most was in getting caught. If someone is set on doing something that isn't protected by the law, then they should make damn sure they don't get caught.

Guess he should have told all those other subway riders to keep quiet. That would have worked.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yeah i heard some girls where raped or something (not sure if it was complete with intercourse or not) in taxi cab late at night. Thats really disgusting, if there is one place you should be totally secure its a cab, you take this to especially avoid any bad stuff that could happen either by driving or walking drunk...

If you have to use a taxi ladies, beware.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Maybe they will install cameras in the cabs or require that cabs have cameras?

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Avant d'embarquer dans un taxi, il faut toujours vérifier le nom de la compagnie et prendre en note le numéro de permis du chauffeur. Drunk ou pas, c'est ta responsabilité.
Pour etre franc, je ne connais personne qui fait ca. Okay, maintenant une. ;)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Millions of people take a taxi and one incident happens and it is news?


Pour etre franc, je ne connais personne qui fait ca. Okay, maintenant une. ;)

Ce soir un chauffeur de taxi me dit: Si vous saviez, mademoiselle, l'envers du décor. Je lui dit: ok, dites-moi. Et lui de me raconter ses aventures...

Vrai ou faux, ça n'a pas d'importance, mais quand il dit: Écoute, tu montes dans mon taxi, tu peux prendre mon numéro de plaque et mon numéro de permis. Pourquoi les gens ne font pas ça? Hmm ... sais pas, moi c'est un réflexe... ;-)

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Je suis pas une femme, mais moi quand je prend un taxi j'ai pas le temps, ni l'envie de prendre le numero de plaque, je suis presser, je me dirige quelque part... bref. J"imagine aussi sa dois pas etre evident le soir tard a moitier saoul de lire sa ... :p

Mais ces sur je te crois que les chauffeur de taxi doivent en voir des vertes et des pas murs aussi


Nov 12, 2007
I've heard multiple stories locally.

I find it funny how they make a big stink about having a government monopoly for safety and how we can'r have uber yet it doesn't make much difference.

Much like the Dairy and Chicken cartels the cab cartel should be smashed. Either remove any need for the licence or make it a very simple an inexpensive process to get one and anyone who bought one [or an agricultural quota] at an inflated price, well to bad. Teach you not to be a putz.

Greatest thing, maybe it is different in downtown Toronto and Montreal but everywhere else it is more often than not the poorest of people who can't afford cars who need to take the cab. Much like how inflating milk and chicken which would be normally some of the cheapest animal products also hurt the poor. Nice <sarcastic clapping>

Then those cab buggers try to prevent any sort of bus or light rail service to airports. The schmucks. There should be a fresh place in hell for those cab company owners and the political asshats who work with them to screw over the regular joes out there.
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