Montreal Escorts



Dec 13, 2004
this is a word I hear often in peoples reviews
my feeling is as long as your clean and respectfull it should not be a problem
you are paying 200.00 AND MORE AN HR
after all her job is to make the chemistry work
this is not a date that your friend fixed you up with
or someone you picked up in a bar
its up to the escort to make it work that should be her priority
maybe im living in dreamland


Nov 12, 2007
OTOH you can't get blood from a stone. Should an escort make best efforts, sure. There are things they can do to help the process along. However sometimes with some people it just won't work.
It is much easier if you meet them half way.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sometimes chemistry just happens....a matter of good vibrations.
Sometimes you both work at it and you develop chemistry.

Other times nothing can make it happen.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Chemistry can't be taught, usually it either happens or it does not within only 1 or 2 hours but like cloudy said it can develop, over time.
I think for me there is a difference between compatibility and chemistry. Two (or more wink wink) people can be compatible and have a wonderful time together. This is fairly common if the pre-meeting correspondence goes well (i.e. screening is done easily and there is no attempt at negotiation). But then there are those combinations of two (or more - yes wink wink again) people that involves us 'clicking' in a very special way. Those are encounters involve chemistry. To take a bit from Gabrielle's post - it is magic.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
bash... chemistry may work for some, not for others...

Lets take me for exemple, i could find an SP that happen to be a huge gamer girl, have tons of fun chating about the next game coming out, what are out expectation, thus letting us have relax and friendly sex... but for the next "mister" wich is age 50+ could not work the same way.. Thats chemistry and that is proper to each....

But thats not saying mister 50+ y.o won't have a great meeting because she can't talk of something else... you see , this is all a matter of the SP "skills" and being able to center her client... sometimes it happen very easily, sometimes it just does not. And its not a matter of "was she trying" cause i seen SPs try hard, be the best they could to please me(the client) and still it was not working because it just didn't click... it was a matter of "bad chemistry" and not "bad will" from her part, so in those case its understandable...

Sometimes its mutual interest, sometimes its even deeper than that, thats really a case by case... and honestly i seen SPs wich i had zero chemistry with, as in i didn't gave a damn about her personality or interest, give me a good ride for my money, and i was satisfy... On the other hand i seen girls try hard to please me but still appear to want to be anywhere but with me and it showed so i had a not so good time... and then i had SPs, very few ones, where it clicked on every level(that or she was one hell of a good actress) and those where outstanding meetings...


Sep 19, 2005
Physics comes first, then and if it cliks, comes Chemistry. I (mostly) never book a 2-hours session on a first date. The first time you meet an SP, you are usually expecting that there will be physics, a lot of friction between genital organs, a lot of energy being dissipated in form of heat...One (or should I say two) sense from a first encounter if there are things that transcend physics to the realm of chemistry. If client and SP had nothing to exchange during the first encounter except platitudes, then the said-client should not excpect any chemistry during subsequent encounters. It just did not click and you cannot force it to click.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I think that chemistry can make the difference between a good session and an outstanding session. Further to the OP's point, yes you are paying for a service, and the SP needs to do everything in her power to provide a good session. However there are times when two people just click and that connection makes the session extraordinary.

It's also important for the client to choose the right provider. If a girl is known for providing a soft gentle GFE service and you are looking for a PSE service, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.


Sep 19, 2005

Actually it all depends what the SP is advertising. There are escorts and there are companions. companions are usually indies. A client who is hiring a companion is looking to spend some quality time with the lady, not only having sex with her. I will never expect any chemistry from an escort. And as I said before, even with companions, one should go for a dry run first to see if it clicks before booking longer appointnments.

I would also say that your odds are higer, chemistry-wise, with older SPs (30s or 40s) than with younger ones.



Sep 19, 2005
Maybe I misunderstood the definition of chemistry, JSB. Getting along with a girl sexually is what I called physics as it involves a lot of friction and energy. Chemistry, in my book, is feeling comfortable with a girl, talking to her so freely as if you knew her forever. Good chemistry translates most often into great and passionate physics.

On the other hand, I do agree with you, that some 19 years old are very mature and street-smart. But, that would be the 1% as you mentioned.


Sep 12, 2011
D'accord moi aussi avec JSB, l'age de la dame est important. Étant moi meme dans la jeune cinquantaine je connecte beaucoup plus avec des dames de 35 ans et plus voir 40. La partie conversation eat plus agréable et la partie sexe aussi

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First meetings are not chemistry but to feel each other out, chemistry is with repeat sessions IMO. Even when you meet a new person you can not click in 15 min ( the rest of the time you are having paid sex, so the other 45 does not count ). Be clean and polite and you may get some liking or respect.


Sep 19, 2005
First meetings are not chemistry but to feel each other out, chemistry is with repeat sessions IMO. Even when you meet a new person you can not click in 15 min ( the rest of the time you are having paid sex, so the other 45 does not count ). Be clean and polite and you may get some liking or respect.

Well-said STN, one has just about 15 minutes on a first encounter to see whether it will click or not. It is all about first impressions.


Dec 13, 2004
so what you guys are saying be clean and respectful which is a given
pay your money and hope for the best
thanks guys I just learned something

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Chemistry is more than just exchanging words, its everywhere, its in the sex too. Sexual chemistry is what is the most important part to me. I mean when she ride me cowgirl and i start to make a move to her mouth to kiss her, i want her to follow, do engage midway as i do, some SPs will try to avoid by for exemple getting "straigh up" and they think we don't notice its to avoid something :p I once had one where i wanted to kiss her boobs but as soon as i aproched she got out of reach... why? whats wrong with nipple kissing/licking? She should go ahead and put them straigh in my face.. I often book girls with big boobs too, so its obvios i want to have fun with them...

Thats where chemistry is super important to me. And it may sound a bit "weird" but i don't want the talk part to be too fun and good, cause its time that is flying by in my hour, and i am not here to have a conversation... i just want her to be bubbly, affectionate, but in the best scenario she wil initiate herself the action after 5 min or less. Kaila is like that for exemple, we will talk a bit casually and then she aproach herself close, start kissing me, thats good, it make it flow naturally.

And we all know we get the full hour anyway with the reputed agencies, this is not a "she want to get you off as soon as possible to be able to leave faster" , so if your a One SOG guy, then you can have a little post sex chating session.

Anyway, of course its all different for every girls, not one is the same, and even tough i aproach every meetings with a "pre-fabricated" set in term of positions and all, it often goes out of bounds, sometimes in the good ways, sometimes in the not so good... Depends of the provider...and how we click
Feb 12, 2005
And we all know we get the full hour anyway with the reputed agencies, this is not a "she want to get you off as soon as possible to be able to leave faster" , so if your a One SOG guy, then you can have a little post sex chating session......

There is no guarantee that you will get full hour even with a reputed agency. Do you remember there used to be a girl Valentina at GG? She charged me $ 200 for 25 minutes of service and GG never apologized and never returned my money.


New Member
Sep 11, 2014
There is no guarantee that you will get full hour even with a reputed agency. Do you remember there used to be a girl Valentina at GG? She charged me $ 200 for 25 minutes of service and GG never apologized and never returned my money.

You are not allowed to say anything negative about that agency. You should be ashamed.
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