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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There is no guarantee that you will get full hour even with a reputed agency. Do you remember there used to be a girl Valentina at GG? She charged me $ 200 for 25 minutes of service and GG never apologized and never returned my money.

You are unfortunate then, i must admit i didn't saw Valentina, but i saw a great deal of GG girls and they always remain the full hour with me. Its a reflex nowadays to look at the clock when she enter, and i check back when she leave and everytime its in the 5 mins range.. sometimes i have girls leaving at 57 mins, sometimes at 63 ... its always good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
SPs are very personable people so they have already met me half way from the very start. Especially if they are indies since they are first contacted through e-mail. If you are clean and carry yourself well, chemistry would be a natural occurrence. Also really helps if it was a dinner date and you don't go ahead and jump her bones.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I have been seeing a girl at an agency in Laval for about 4 years now. Sometimes once a week sometimes once a month but regularly ;) I remember the first time I met her, shy and standoffish but beautiful which is probably what made me come back the second time. Our relationship is purely business there is not nor will there ever be anything beyond and I am glad of this. We exchange gifts on our birthdays and a small gift each at Christmas. I always stay with her for a minimum of 1 hour during which we talk, joke and poke fun at each other. We have come to know each others likes and dislikes sexually and as a result have a great time together. I am a 1 SOG guy so the time spent is more about enjoying the time with someone I truly enjoy being with, not just the sex.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Chemistry is more than just exchanging words, its everywhere, its in the sex too. Sexual chemistry is what is the most important part to me.

There are 2 types of chemistry. Sexual and compatibility. Sexual is physical and mental. Compatibility is as you say exchanging words.

I think they sometimes overlap. The best chemistry overlaps. But since the relationship is with professional from the SP perspective, I think you will get the most chemistry from girls who like what they are doing. I have met several in Montreal. They are sensual and imaginative. And they like turning guys on in general. They are special breed. But there is sometimes where there is a chemistry which involves 2 people who just happen to be SP and client. I have experienced it a few times. It can be quite nice.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
There are 2 types of chemistry. Sexual and compatibility. Sexual is physical and mental. Compatibility is as you say exchanging words.

I think they sometimes overlap. The best chemistry overlaps. But since the relationship is with professional from the SP perspective, I think you will get the most chemistry from girls who like what they are doing. I have met several in Montreal. They are sensual and imaginative. And they like turning guys on in general. They are special breed. But there is sometimes where there is a chemistry which involves 2 people who just happen to be SP and client. I have experienced it a few times. It can be quite nice.

Yes. And the older I get, the less I really understand it. It might be pheromones. It might be the subconscious. Associated memories...
It could be a mood. Whatever it is, when it is working for both parties, WOW! And when it is working in my 'head' (well, that's why we say the head is the biggest sex organ...but I usually notice it in the other head too....), and she at least does not disturb it, still, I think with some situations....pretty WOW!

Seen some beautiful girls, some well reviewed here, ... did not do much for me. Not the fault of the girls, but of the chemistry. IMO.
And, as suggested, 'chemistry' has other factors too: stress, lack of sleep, too much to eat, too tired, too much booze, nervousness (same as stress??), etc, etc.
If you mess with these basics, you make it harder for the chemistry to happen.

Two things to bear in mind:
For most SPs, the first meeting is stressful. Most have had a least one bad experience. And each new experience could be that bad one happening again.
(I hear that most experiences are pretty good, at least. I think I believe that.)
Anyway, she is stressed: 'what am I getting into?'
So, the 2nd session is usually better for her. A good reason for us to repeat.

Similarly, she also is looking for chemistry, and it 'happens' for her too. (Sometimes she thinks she knows 'why' or 'the type', but I think for her too, she is often surprised.

It is always appealing when someone honestly desires you. Few things are sexier.

I think if I really understood this mystery, I could make billions of $. As it is, it totally fascinates me. Well, and women do too. Women are great, in so many ways.
Men are not so bad either, but women to me are more beautiful in so many ways.

Regards, H

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
First impression makes a huge difference, with the last SP I saw we talked for about 10-15 min when I arrived. After I had my shower and heading to the bedroom she thanked me for the conversation , I received a no charge extra at our meeting.
Treat the ladies with respect and you should have a pleasant encounter.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
And they CARE about hygiene! I have been told.
And I am convinced it pays us guys dividends. A bit more flossing, a bit more cologne. Don't forget anything. It makes a difference.

One impression is 'your smell'. To some degree this is hygiene. To some degree, you are who you are. And her nose likes it or not. Or so I have been told by a couple of women.


I love women a bit too much
Sep 23, 2011
Not positive but I think a few SP's would disagree on this one, no or minimal smell would be preferred.
Again, I could be wrong.

I've been told more than once by SP's that they like my cologne and ask me wich one it was. So it think they like it but I don't exagerate on the quantity it's only when she's close that she can smell it ;)

Chemistry is has important has the service provided, even if you have the best girl service wise but if you don't have chemistry for me I won't repeat with her.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've been told more than once by SP's that they like my cologne and ask me wich one it was. So it think they like it but I don't exagerate on the quantity it's only when she's close that she can smell it ;)

I get this all the time. I realized that they probably say this to all the guys with cologne. My guess is that they probably meet guys who hate cologne and others who may be smelly, so it's a bonus for many of them to meet a client who smells good.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Not positive but I think a few SP's would disagree on this one, no or minimal smell would be preferred.
Again, I could be wrong.

I think you are right. It depends. Some she (the SP) may like, and some she may not like (colognes, I mean)....just as I feel about perfumes.

I seem to have a cologne that 'everyone' likes (a bit expensive, and a woman helped me buy it)....but maybe I should offer a choice more...

And, if the fragrance comes off on her, she needs to wash up before she leaves. But that is less frequently a problem.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Chemistry is has important has the service provided, even if you have the best girl service wise but if you don't have chemistry for me I won't repeat with her.

But what is chemistry?
Or what causes chemistry?

Or how can I pick 'em so that the likelihood of chemistry is higher?
And how do I know that yesterday's chemistry will recur tomorrow?

I want to emphasize: It turns people on to be desired. So, maybe I should 'desire' her, then she desires me, then I desire her more, ... in a nice reinforcing circle....


"I don't know what it is, but I know it when I see it." Justice Potter Stewart (I think)


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Feb 9, 2004
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Unless you are in your 20s or 30s, I doubt very much you will have physical chemistry with a SP, since most are in their 20s.

However, you may have emotional chemistry. Emotional chemistry is about a connection. You will have this with some people but not the majority. It is very rare to develop this type of chemistry right away. It can be done, but usually it takes time.

The best way to find out is to be lighthearted and relaxed with her. If you feel comfortable with her, and she feels comfortable with you, you are at a good start. Also, remember that the SP relationship is not the same as a romantic relationship. But you could look past that just to enjoy the encounter. Once you feel comfortable in this way and you think she is, you will be able to see if you can develop that Chemistry you are desiring.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Unless you are in your 20s or 30s, I doubt very much you will have physical chemistry with a SP, since most are in their 20s.

However, you may have emotional chemistry. Emotional chemistry is about a connection. You will have this with some people but not the majority. It is very rare to develop this type of chemistry right away. It can be done, but usually it takes time.

The best way to find out is to be lighthearted and relaxed with her. If you feel comfortable with her, and she feels comfortable with you, you are at a good start. Also, remember that the SP relationship is not the same as a romantic relationship. But you could look past that just to enjoy the encounter. Once you feel comfortable in this way and you think she is, you will be able to see if you can develop that Chemistry you are desiring.

I definitely agree, that as I get older, building a 'relationship' of some sort helps her and me. I see that.

Still, I have to say...sometimes 'it' hits me, even at my advanced age (more than 50)... and I cannot explain it. She walks in, something frickin happens, and bada-bing... No, not like in my 20s (there were times then when I would have ------ a tree or about anything. No, not like that.) But 'something'...you don't know her, but she or something arouses you in a special way...
Maybe you are right that it is not the physical chemistry...damn, it is something! (But it does not happen often to me...)

It is also true, that with another girl, the first time is 'alright' (not great, but I like her, she seems 'my type' in some way) and then later it becomes 'something'.

If I really understood it, I might lose interest, or some interest.

Related to this, I used to think I could identify 'my type'. And certainly I can identify people I like. And they do have some similarities. Or many do. But I have been around enough that I know that someone who is 'the opposite' in many of my categories.... sometimes she 'hits' you, and you see that the categories have to change.
It is fascinating. People are rather complex. And sex happens on many levels...many. And 'love' on even more....
(Yes, I do not recommend 'falling in love' as we usually mean that.... still, we can say that we love the Canadiens, or we love the Mona Lisa, or we love Monet....there are many many types of love, of ... let us say, appreciating all that a woman is...let us put it that way. I do love women...)


New Member
May 17, 2015
Speaking as a client who is giddy and nervous on first encounters (which probably to some extent rubs off on the SP and causes her to be more uncertain or hesitant), I think clients should take matters into their own hands to build some connection and familiarity, and in return get more for their money. IMHO sex even with non-SPs only gets better after the first encounter, after you get to know each other better. SP isn't a machine, help her help you!


Active Member
Apr 17, 2013
As a long time hobbyist, IMHO, chemistry is everything. She can be DDG, if it does not click, no chemistry, bad experience. I have meet many girls that while not DDG, has great chemistry. Some worked at it, for others it came naturally but end game was good chemistry. Sure, the physical aspect is important and is the 1st thing you see but again, no chemistry and its disappointing. Witch is why as usual you may have a great encounter but its not the same for another and why in all encounters YMMV.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Chemistry is a MUST....If you dont have that...the session will not be awesome...So for me,chemistry and DFK is the most two important,Cause i want too feel like i am meeting my GFE for the first time and have butterfly....That is why i love party or get together cause damn it did save me some money in some case trust me....So yes you need to be two to dance the tango...But if the chemistry is not there...Sorry but the encounter gonna be like a regular couple after 10 years with each other lollll
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