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Simple explanation of Bill C-36, please !


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I would like to have a simple explanation of bill C-36, how it affects or might affect clients? How it affects or might affect agency's ? How it affects or might affect independents ? How it affects or might affect MP's ?

I have seen other threads with the legal explanation but it might be a good idea to give the readers digest (god that makes me seem old lol ) version for us all.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
From the client's point of view, it's pretty simple: it became illegal to pay for sex. What is sex? Not clear. The tribunals will have to define that. The law does not tell,specially in areas like contact dance and domination (often without sexual contact). From what we have heard so far by most police forces in Canada, the law will change nothing except for street workers who they can't arrest under the new law (but they will simply substitute arrest under municipal regulations when needed). They will continue to arrest clients of street workers just like they did before. Of course, they have the power to arrest clients in situations where they could not under the old law. The consequence, in such a case, is a criminal record if found guilty. They will use this power against clients of exploited sex workers. So basically, trust becomes much more important now to protect yourself. However, there is no reason to believe LE will start sting operations, except for those o the street. Indys will be affected economically only because of client's fear. MP's will be continue to be tolerated unless there is exploitation of course. As for agencies, nothing much has changed with the new law except for publicity. They can be arrested being an illegitimate third party with the new law, but they could also under the old law.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Without delving into the specifics of the law, the most important thing to know, as gugu has hinted at, is that several jurisdictions, including Vancouver, Victoria and Montreal, have basically said they're going to ignore the new law and go after those offering services by girls who are underaged or are being always.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

They will use this power against clients of exploited sex workers.

It goes without saying exploitation is unacceptable in any circumstances. One thing worries me though. I've seen when unscrupulous women have used the intent of the law to exploit it for personal reasons. That kind of abuse will be tougher in this case since such attempts also expose what they are doing. Still, if the law targets clients and not the ladies I am somewhat concerned some women will twist the law for their own purposes. So I'll stick to the better agencies who will do their best to avoid such complications.

In general though Gugu and Rumps are right. Real risk regarding the LE won't come into play for the reasons cited in this thread and a number of others.

Good luck,



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I guess, Merlot, that this is a reasonable price to pay in order to encourage sex workers to report aggressions. LE is interested only into that. The new trend, solidly implemented into LE in Victoria, Vancouver and more recently in Montréal under Johanne Paquin of the SPVM, is to make everything easier for sex workers to report aggressions. It's a two step dance: 1 build confidence 2 don't fuck up with the confidence by attacking, for istance, their otherwise necessary means of subsistence. They are doing exactly what they ought to do.

True some sex workers could abuse this power just like, elsewhere, women can abuse the right to report rape. You must admit, however, that this is a risky adventure. The last time I remember in Montreal was those two sex workers who went against the Laval Mayor 2 years ago. Of course he had to resign. However it was a hoax and they themselves, not the guy, were found guilty. I doubt very much they would try that again. So of course the risk exists. Just like the risk of any women reporting you as a rapist.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
They will use this power against clients of exploited sex workers.

One wonders why they do not simply use the laws that make it illegal to exploit someone. Often it's hard to get evidence of exploitation, so they can fall back on prostitution laws to make an easier arrest. The problem, is that if they do not have convincing proof of exploitation, how do they know they are really arresting abusers with these prostitution laws? It's a good thing we have LE with a good attitude in this matter, unlike some other countries. Plus, the reality of an impending court challenge will make LE cautious when applying the law.
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