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News from Asia - The day after tomorrow !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Since the non-event "End of the world maya Style" crap is now over and gone...

I have to admit that THE world news event has been "Psy - Gangnam Style".

Even if I said in the past that electronic music (like techno-trance-dance-house...) would overtake hip hop...
I was even surprised by this crazy "Gangnam Style" phenom that took the world on like an Asian tsunami.

And unless a real one like the one in Japan, happen in the coming 4 days, it won't be the latest killing in the US, Obama's re-election, hurricane Sandy or any other world event like the Palestinians vs Israelis conflict or even Syria that will top them off.

Nop ! the one event to take note is how a Korean song has made it's way as THE cultural event of 2012.
Not a Chinese, Spanish, French or even English song for despite Adele's incredible talent, The Rolling Stones and the money put in Justin Bieber's publicity...

A crazy a** Korean took over the world !
Despite his past stupid comments, his stupid dance moove and his stupid attire... the guy has put Asia in the center spot !

So, I think now's the time (specially for the conservative ones) to really look beyond 'our own reality' for the year to come ! :D


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Beijing subway has 4 new lines with a total of 16 now for a total of 442kms.

China who already has the most no. of subway system is planning to build in the coming years 25 new projects for a total of over $125 Billions.

From 10 operative subways in 2006, to 48 in 2010, China should have 96 subway systems in less than 3 years from now.
Almost 7 times what the US or England has.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Out of the 20 longest bridges in the world USA has 4 of them while China has 13.
Out of 50 of them USA has 14 while China has 28 (double)

If you add up the other 10 in other asian countries you get 38 out of 50 (more than 3/4 of them are in Asia).

Under construction ? almost same %
11 out 15 are being built in Asia.

The latest to open was No.4 over the Yangtze in China on Dec. 24th 2012.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Out of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, American citizens have all of them and Chinese citizens have none of them. Residents of Hong Kong used to enjoy a few of these rights, but since the Chinese took over, they also have none of them.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Residents of Hong Kong used to enjoy a few of these rights, but since the Chinese took over, they also have none of them.

Hong Kong has ranked as the world's freest economy in The Wall Street Journal and Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom for 17 consecutive years, since the inception of the index in 1995.[21] The Index measures restrictions on business, trade, investment, finance, property rights and labour and considers the impact of corruption, government size and monetary controls in 183 economies. Hong Kong is the only one to have ever scored 90 points or above on the 100 point scale

Only 2 of those years were under British rule. 15 under Chinese rule !

Kinda screw up your perception hey Capt ?


Nov 18, 2009
Heritage Foundation is a far right conservative think tank who's only concern is money. When people mention rights, they usually have in mind: democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, respect for human rights, freedom of assembly, etc. China has a poor record with all of them.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
When people mention rights, they usually have in mind: democracy, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, respect for human rights, freedom of assembly, etc...

Your right ! last time in China people were able to change anything was during Vietnam I think.

Last year they started a movement for justice against corruption on high ranking officials and they thought this movement could even be worldwide but there was a crack down on the people in the streets and they just gave up knowing their gov. would never hear them.

I think it was called Occupy Wall Street !

Damn those Chinese ! :rolleyes:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
ECA forecast for increase in salary worldwide includes :

Western Europe average 2.8% (not good)
Canada and United states 3% (not good)
Eastern Europe 4.3% (not so good)
Middle East 5.2% (better)
Latin America average 12% (the best)

Some countries in Asia :
Japan 2% (not good)
China 5.5% (better)
Vietnam 5.8% (better)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
This pattern of protest....[/URL]

Dam' right !
I say give all Chinese the freedom and rights to bear arms...
at 89% rate that would mean roughly 1Billion guns in China alone ?

Better than that give it to all 2,453,231,500 people in Asia x89% = 2Billion guns for all of them.

I've got a better Idea... lets give all Asian nations the ratio of Nukes the US or Russian have.
We could have a world with 108K nukes just in Asia.

Wow ! wouldn't be great to have such a world ?

Then lets give them the right to eat whatever they want and do whatever they feel like doing (like sitting on their ass all year long) and
China alone could have 240Millions obese children.

Wouldn't that be great ? I mean this must be Nobel Prize material !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Oh look... The Star picked up where I started (before them)...

I like where it says "The success of Korea is particularly astounding since until the 1960s the nation was dirt poor"
I could add... without almost not much natural ressources.

"Canada, after more than a decade of negotiations, is still uncertain if it wishes to sign a trade agreement with the European Union, India, Korea or any major economy. Watching from the sidelines is not a good strategy in the fast-moving global economy."
Did I said some major f*cking changes were coming up ?

Now that must be once again some major Nobel prize thinking in Ottawa on how to manage and gov. a country like Canada. :rolleyes:
I mean I can't wait to see the futur !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Say cheese !

Trends in photography :
1st-We got the family pictures, the babies, then we got instant photos...
2nd-The Japanese
3rd- The digital camera
4th-The Smart cellphone & social media

Which all contributed to about 3.5 Trillion photos taken altogether since the invention of the camera around 1838.

In 2011 the number of photos taken each year is now about 360Billions.
4 times as many each year since 2000. Thanks to the Smart Cell phone, facebook, flickr's, etc...

Now comes in 5th-China !

With China fast becoming a nation of shutterbugs, the amount of pictures taken in one year is likely to jump 10 folds by the next generation which will mean that the whole world will take as many pictures in 1 year than all what was taken since day one.

...So on your next vacation don't be surprised if you start hearing "Qing :smile: (weixiào)" instead !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Just heard a computer glitch in TO's Pearson cancelled many flights and delayed even more.
While listening to Rigth time from Mistress an airport lobby !

Meanwhile in less than 3 years from now China will have the 2nd-largest volume of domestic flight passengers, after the US, with 415 million.
With 82 new commercial airports to be constructed at a rate of 2-3 per month.

Of course, Beijing Capital International airport overtook London Heatrowh in 2010 as the 2nd busiest in the world behind only Atlanta.
It took only 10 years to go from 26th to 2nd. is the right time for your love....


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
ECA forecast for increase in salary worldwide includes :

Western Europe average 2.8% (not good)
Canada and United states 3% (not good)
Eastern Europe 4.3% (not so good)
Middle East 5.2% (better)
Latin America average 12% (the best)

Some countries in Asia :
Japan 2% (not good)
China 5.5% (better)
Vietnam 5.8% (better)

I'll take my 3% raise of a 6 figure salary over a 5.5% of $3,300 salary. Recently adding a full-time exempt man in China cost 36,000 for everything! I like China and I like the Chinese people. They are compensated far less than westerners for the work they do. Also, they ignore international patents and disregard secrecy agreements. They do not play on a level playing field. But they have come a long way from Mao's Great Leap Forward which killed millions. And they are a subserviant lot that doesn't mind being told what to do. That is starting to change with a little freedom but I still am surprised to see the way they follow orders from policemen and security guards etc.
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