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Bad Flu season


New Member
Mar 8, 2008
This is a bad flu season for the lower 48 states of U.S. . Many states have reported large number of flu cases. Some areas ( Example: Boston, MA ) declared health emergency because of flu related death.
What is the flu situation in Montreal right now ?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Another reason our healthcare costs are so high. Unless you are old or have another contributing illness there is no need to go to an emergency room for a flu. Suck it up, stay at home and get rest. I have seen a bicyclists with a scraped knee in the emergency room and walk out 10 min after seeing a doctor with a band-aid, pussies.

forever newbi

Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Took about a week of hot tea and aloe juice to fight off mine flu...

It is to your best interest to stay out of hospital if you do have to. SARS first become a Major problem due to the amount of people in hospital while the patient zero was been treated.

On top of that last summer I have to kick a nurse out of his apartment due to, out of all thing you can think of, cat harding!!!! 40 plus cats, shit everywhere... And this guy work night shift at Montreal general or something !!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
The flu was terrible. I had to cancel my rendezvous with Sophia of MGF this week because of it. Major bummer. Once you get it, it hits you hard and fast. With me within two hours of catching it I was feeling tired, headache, body chills/ache and just don't feel like moving at all. Best thing to do is to stay home and rest. Only go to see the doctor when you have to. Good thing was that I didn't have to see the doc. Luckily it only lasted four days for me but the remnants of it lasts a week or two more.


Aug 30, 2009
The flu vaccine

There is an interesting article, which was just published today by Global News, discussing how well this year's flu vaccine matches the strains of the flu which are now in the population, and how this relates to the effectiveness of the vaccine which, by the way is still available, for those who have not yet had their shot this year - Flu studies suggest vaccine 'match' not super predictor of effectiveness

Here is an extract from the article:

From the start of this year's influenza season, public health officials assured people the flu vaccine was a good 'match' for circulating strains of the virus, which suggests it should offer good protection this winter.

But an early assessment of how well the vaccine is doing at preventing illness in those who are vaccinated suggests this year's shot reduces one's risk of being infected with influenza A — in other words H3N2 or H1N1 — by about 55 per cent and influenza B by 70 per cent. (Those are U.S. estimates; a corresponding Canadian analysis is underway.)

Of course, reducing one's risk between 55% and 70% still makes it worthwhile to get the vaccine.


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
flu shots are useless. always are and always will be. and i know plenty of people who got them that always get it.

"Flu Vaccines Prevent the Flu in Only 1.5% of Adults

A new study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases reveals that the flu vaccine prevents lab confirmed type A or type B influenza in only 1.5 out of every 100 vaccinated adults … but the media is reporting this to mean “60 percent effective.”

It is estimated that, annually, only about 2.7% of adults get type A or type B influenza in the first place. The study showed that the use of flu vaccines appear to drop this down to about 1.2%. This is a roughly 60% drop, but that ignores the fact that the vaccine has no protective health benefit for 97.5% of adults.

The researchers’ own conclusions are also somewhat more lackluster in their tone than the media would have you believe:
“Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.”
So where is the 60% effectiveness claim coming from? This number is based on relative risk, and it does not mean that 59 out of 100 people who get the flu shot will be protected against the flu … allow me to explain."


Oct 11, 2010
This flu virus has actually been engineered by the government.

The "vaccine" contains chemicals that will give you cancer several years later.

All this is a conspiracy to reduce the earths population

:smile: have a nice day lol


Aug 30, 2009
Vaccines are a favorite target of conspiracy theorists. In fact, some of the same people who believe that man never landed on the moon, and that is was all a big hoax and an elaborate conspiracy, also believe that vaccines are a conspiracy as well. Here is an example of an article linking the two: Hubbs' Opinion on the Moon Landings

This is from a blog discussing the phenomena of vaccine conspiracy theories:
The Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist: A blog describing the actions, lies, and continual hypocrisy of anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists

Such conspiracy theorists also share a lot in common with those who stockpile food and weapons preparing for domesday scenarios, and they should not be taken seriously.


New Member
May 24, 2011

Um, Bill Gates wasn't saying in his TED talk that vaccines reduce world population by killing people. He was saying vaccines reduce world population because women in 3rd world countries have a whole bunch of children because the expectation is that many will die of childhood of diseases that are easily prevented by vaccine. We reduce world population by changing that expectation by providing vaccines to the third world. If we lower infant and childhood mortality rates, women in the 3rd world don't feel the need to have so many kids, and can stop at some reasonable amount.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
This year is worse than the infamous swine flu year (2009) when World Health Organization had everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Today I got a text from my best buddy from high school who is a medical doctor. We were supposed to go to a local high school basketball game tonight but he cancelled because his two boys have the flu. He told me he and the boys are taking tamiflu, an anti-viral drug:

Don't know what it is called in Canada or availability.

Lily from Montreal

It's called the same thing except that the supplier cannot keep up with the demands so the government said they will have to use the emergency reserve till the company catch up...


Oct 11, 2010
Um, Bill Gates wasn't saying in his TED talk that vaccines reduce world population by killing people. He was saying vaccines reduce world population because women in 3rd world countries have a whole bunch of children because the expectation is that many will die of childhood of diseases that are easily prevented by vaccine. We reduce world population by changing that expectation by providing vaccines to the third world. If we lower infant and childhood mortality rates, women in the 3rd world don't feel the need to have so many kids, and can stop at some reasonable amount.

i beg to differ but he is clearly saying that there are too many humans on earth and that we are producing too much co2 and we need to absolutely reduce the worlds population or else we risk becoming extinct. like the dinosaurs...
and thinking that people in 3rd world countries are going to fuck less is total nonsense. people in 3rd world countries don't have babies cause they want them. its because they fuck and don't have access to condoms or birth control.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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History teaches that when certain areas of the Earth became overpopulated, opportunistic diseases and famine served to weed out excess population. It is fact. The Bubonic Plague killed one third of the population of Europe in the 14th century; Europe was hit harder than other parts of the world due to the concentration of population and the ease with which the disease was spread by rodents largely dependent on a concentrated human population.

Right now in certain areas of Africa, this phenomenon is occurring again with Ebola. It is not being widely reported because most people outside of Africa do not care what happens there.

Modern medical science in the developed countries have stayed ahead of most opportunistic diseases but bacteria and viruses evolve with us and overpopulation is an issue that must be grappled with. China is one country that has suffered historically due to overpopulation and they corrected it by reducing and controlling their population. Birth control is imposed by law.


New Member
May 11, 2012
I have seen on the news the the ERs are 2-3 times capacity, but I have not noticed any more sick people than usual around me. There was a guy that sneezed in the isle at Best Buy, I took off like he had the plague.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Looks like they blew the vaccine this year. Latest stats are that it's less than 50% effective compared to the normal 2/3's
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