Montreal Escorts



Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Montreal SPs knew pandemic was a total scam.
Right from the start.

Hobbied right though. Saw just about 100 SPs during last 3 years.
Was never once asked about it, or the injections.

These were smart girls ... including at least six nurses/nursing students (lots of nurses in the hobby right these days).

I'd ask about it.
True, all the nurses took the injections to keep their jobs.
But none were worried about covid.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
COVID-19 was not a scam and not a hoax. It was a serious worldwide public health crisis. It is now endemic and can be medically managed without the need for crisis intervention. Fortunately, we now have vaccines that are safe and effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Plus, we now have effective anti-viral treatments.

Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
COVID-19 was not a scam and not a hoax. It was a serious worldwide public health crisis.
It was embellished to the max. They could have easily locked down people over 70 with preexisting conditions ( or anyone who wanted to ) and those with medical conditions, brought them their necessities paid their bills and let the rest of us go on with our lives and it would have saved billions if not trillions. Do a quick check for Canada deaths under 70, many other issues kill far more people than that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
COVID-19 was not a scam and not a hoax. It was a serious worldwide public health crisis. It is now endemic and can be medically managed without the need for crisis intervention. Fortunately, we now have vaccines that are safe and effective in preventing severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Plus, we now have effective anti-viral treatments.
You believe everything the government tells you? Lol It was a scam from day one, the vaccines did not even work. Many ppl who had 3 doses still got covid. Imagine a disease so deadly that you have to get tested even if there are little to no symptoms. But the government and pharmaceuticals made tons loads of cash of this fake pandemic and they are still trying to scare ppl to reinstate mandates. Want to see lies, look at CBC and CNN who spread lies for over two years about covid. They made it sound like doomsday, I went to the hospital, everything was as usual except the face diapers.

Having said that, paternalism is very destructive to society as we have witnessed with an all time high inflation. Government is not our Grandma, let parents play the role of restricting their kids freedoms in the name of protection. The state has no love, only the desire to control and profit. Communism (Collectivism) is evil to the core.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Here is an example of how government benefits from covid mandates. The premier of Quebec, Legault sat on the board of directors of Provigo and Technilab. Provigo is a grocery store and Technilab a pharmaceutical company in Mirable, QC.. For sure he has shares in these companies and they made a lot of money off this fake covid mandates. The more money they make the more Legault makes. And I guarantee you most government official have shares in pharmaceutical companies.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
You believe everything the government tells you? Lol It was a scam from day one, the vaccines did not even work. Many ppl who had 3 doses still got covid. Imagine a disease so deadly that you have to get tested even if there are little to no symptoms. But the government and pharmaceuticals made tons loads of cash of this fake pandemic and they are still trying to scare ppl to reinstate mandates. Want to see lies, look at CBC and CNN who spread lies for over two years about covid. They made it sound like doomsday, I went to the hospital, everything was as usual except the face diapers.

Having said that, paternalism is very destructive to society as we have witnessed with an all time high inflation. Government is not our Grandma, let parents play the role of restricting their kids freedoms in the name of protection. The state has no love, only the desire to control and profit. Communism (Collectivism) is evil to the core.
This is not the thread to debate libertarianism and anti-government philosophy - working it in to every post is extraneous and unhelpful. Let's stick to COVID, specifically COVID vaccines, shall we?

The vaccines were not developed to prevent infection. They were developed to train one's immune system to recognizing this novel coronavirus and to quickly develop an effective immune response. The vaccines preform exactly as designed. Vaccines prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Public health officials continue to recommend vaccine boosters to vulnerable individuals - the elderly, those with certain co-morbidities, and the immunosuppressed. If you choose not to get the vaccine, that's up to you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
This is not the thread to debate libertarianism and anti-government philosophy - working it in to every post is extraneous and unhelpful. Let's stick to COVID, specifically COVID vaccines, shall we?

The vaccines were not developed to prevent infection. They were developed to train one's immune system to recognizing this novel coronavirus and to quickly develop an effective immune response. The vaccines preform exactly as designed. Vaccines prevent severe disease, hospitalization, and death. Public health officials continue to recommend vaccine boosters to vulnerable individuals - the elderly, those with certain co-morbidities, and the immunosuppressed. If you choose not to get the vaccine, that's up to you.
Enforcing mandates is about covid. And I never heard of a vaccine where you still get infected. When I travel to tropical countries, I take my vaccine shots and never got infected. Do keep on drinking the kool-aid though, whatever rocks your boat.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
And I never heard of a vaccine where you still get infected.
You just show up your ignorance in the way vaccines work. Infection always occurs before a vaccinated person can react. It is the infection that triggers the vaccines power to fight it. Whether you get symptoms is depending on the infectious agent and yes COVID is different from others, more potent. Fortunately, vaccines protect against the more severe disease. We can see it now as even if hospitalisations are increasing, it is pretty stable on the intensive cares requested.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You just show up your ignorance in the way vaccines work. Infection always occurs before a vaccinated person can react. It is the infection that triggers the vaccines power to fight it. Whether you get symptoms is depending on the infectious agent and yes COVID is different from others, more potent. Fortunately, vaccines protect against the more severe disease. We can see it now as even if hospitalisations are increasing, it is pretty stable on the intensive cares requested.
Just because the government says so does not mean it is true. One has to use critical thinking and observe the reality. The main reason why severe disease is because the newer strains of covid are less lethal, not because of the vaccines. Many ppl who were quadrupled vaxxed still got infected. It was the same for the Spanish Flu, the newer strains were much less lethal. Destroying a society over a cold is ridiculous especially one with less then 1% mortality rate. Those who want to get vaxxed can do so, get 100 shots if that suits you but it is my body my choice. Talk about ignorance, the info are all on the medical sites. The government is still itching to reinstate mandates though.

Btw: They locked ppl up and enforced mandates based on how many cases were recorded no matter how severe a case was so if someone has just a cough and gets tested positive he gets entered into the stats. If someone is sick with something else goes to the hospital, they were automatically tested for covid so if positive they were entered into the stats. The pushed ppl to get tested for minor symptoms. They intentionally inflated the stats to enforce mandates. They played politics till the truckers came to the rescue. Now Tamara Lich, Pat King, and Chris Barber are political prisoners of the government. But thanks to their sacrifices we are enjoying freedom.
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Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
The vaccines were not developed to prevent infection. They were developed to train one's immune system to recognizing this novel coronavirus and to quickly develop an effective immune reresponse.
It was proven that catching covid was better than the second booster shot.

By Akshay Syal, M.D.
Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.

Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months, the study found.

And for masks

  • A cloth mask or face covering does very little to prevent the emission or inhalation of small particles. As discussed in an earlier CIDRAP commentary and more recently by Morawska and Milton (2020) in an open letter to WHO signed by 239 scientists, inhalation of small infectious particles is not only biologically plausible, but the epidemiology supports it as an important mode of transmission for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Enforcing mandates is about covid. And I never heard of a vaccine where you still get infected. When I travel to tropical countries, I take my vaccine shots and never got infected. Do keep on drinking the kool-aid though, whatever rocks your boat.
Vaccines don't work based on what you have heard or what kool-aid you have consumed. It's science. It's immunology. A vaccine is not a suit of armor or a hazmat suit. Instead a vaccine has created a primed, awakened immune system ready to respond to an antigen.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Vaccines don't work based on what you have heard or what kool-aid you have consumed. It's science. It's immunology. A vaccine is not a suit of armor or a hazmat suit. Instead a vaccine has created a primed, awakened immune system ready to respond to an antigen.
Inflating stats, locking ppl up, forcing masks, and using vaccine passports is not science, that is politics. Do not confuse the two.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
We are discussing the science of vaccines and suddenly you divert to an anti-government rant. Is it possible to stay on subject just once without an anti-government tirade?
How is that even possible when so much of covid is politics? You cannot remove one from the other because the two are interwined. And also doctors who openly challenged the political narrative were silenced, they were threathened to get fired. So how can you separate the two? You cannot cherry pick what to discuss, that is anti-science.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Just because the government says so does not mean it is true. One has to use critical thinking and observe the reality. The main reason why severe disease is because the newer strains of covid are less lethal, not because of the vaccines.
Why doing so much assumptions without any data to support them. We all know vaccinated people are more protected against severe disease. Hopefully most "at risk people" are vaccinated. Unfortunately, vaccines are less efficient on older people (80+) which immunological response is not as efficient as in 60 years old ones. For those people, "Paxlovid", an antibody drug is often the only way to help. Those infos, you will not find on conspiracy theorist sites but are easily accessible for people looking for scientific knowledge and not trying to push hidden political agenda. Observing reality is nice but understanding and explaining it needs more research and more knowledge. Not everybody is able or willing to do objective research when those are contrary to what they want to propagate to support their hidden agenda. Take out politic from your posts and we will see that not so much will remain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Why doing so much assumptions without any data to support them. We all know vaccinated people are more protected against severe disease. Hopefully most "at risk people" are vaccinated. Unfortunately, vaccines are less efficient on older people (80+) which immunological response is not as efficient as in 60 years old ones. For those people, "Paxlovid", an antibody drug is often the only way to help. Those infos, you will not find on conspiracy theorist sites but are easily accessible for people looking for scientific knowledge and not trying to push hidden political agenda. Observing reality is nice but understanding and explaining it needs more research and more knowledge. Not everybody is able or willing to do objective research when those are contrary to what they want to propagate to support their hidden agenda. Take out politic from your posts and we will see that not so much will remain.
Point well taken. What I can say is those who are quadrupled vaxxed still got infected. Imagine being promised a product and it is not doing what it was supposed to. This is how I see it. To conclude, ppl are entitled to do what they want with their bodies. Those who want to take the vaccines are free to do so, those who want to wear a mask are free to do so. Just leave me out of it, all I ask is to be left alone... No forced masks and no vaccine passports. I can take care of myself, I already have parents, I do not need the government to be my Grandma. Does not matter the reasoning, freedom is a right not conditional. My problem are with the mandates. That is all I got to say.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Point well taken. What I can say is those who are quadrupled vaxxed still got infected. Imagine being promised a product and it is not doing what it was supposed to. This is how I see it. To conclude, ppl are entitled to do what they want with their bodies. Those who want to take the vaccines are free to do so, those who want to wear a mask are free to do so. Just leave me out of it, all I ask is to be left alone... No forced masks and no vaccine passports. I can take care of myself, I already have parents, I do not need the government to be my Grandma. Does not matter the reasoning, freedom is a right not conditional. My problem are with the mandates. That is all I got to say.
Once again the vaccine is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. A vaccine cannot prevent an airborne viral infection. What a vaccine can do is train and prepare your immune system to fight this virus. Once your immune system has produced antibodies to the virus through vaccination, you are ready to immediately produce sufficient neutralizing antibodies to a vital antigen that can keep you out of the hospital or the morgue.

So do what you want. Nobody cares. But please stop spreading misinformation about how the vaccine works and how effective it is.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Once again the vaccine is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. A vaccine cannot prevent an airborne viral infection. What a vaccine can is train and prepare your immune system for this virus. Once your immune system has produced antibodies to the virus through vaccination, you are ready to immediately produce sufficient antibodies to a vital infection that can keep you out of the hospital or the morgue.

So what you want. Nobody cares. But please stop spreading misinformation about how the vaccine works and how effective it is.
The only one misleading people is the government. The problem is the politicization of a virus for personal and political gain. Vaccines is intended to protect the person getting the vaccine. This is common sense. If I do not get a tetanus shot it does not mean my friend will get tetanus. Besides forcing vaccines to make money, this is the government trying to put blame on someone else for their negligence. The mandates were also put in place because the healthcare system is broken. Capacity has not been increased to manage this rapid population increase (via excessive immigration and entrants of refugees). Hospitals were not overflowing, they just do not have enough staff to handle all these patients due to their mismanagement. This is a problem 30 years in the making. Mandates are very destructive to a society especially for a virus with less then one percent mortality. Legault has imposed a curfew on us twice even though no science backs up that curfews are effective at slowing down the spread of covid (covid only spreads at night? Lol). Yet he still did it. Quebec did have the most covid cases and the worst healthcare in the country so he imposed a curfew. This was him playing politics just to show he is doing something. Btw you never questioned as to why the covid vaccine contracts are kept secret? Up to today the details has not been released.

The ones benefiting the most from the mandates are also the ones pushing the most for the mandates which is the government and pharmaceutical companies. Does not matter the reason, mandates should never happen ever. Freedom is a right, not conditional. The constitution and bill of rights shall not be suspended for any reason especially not for covid.

So what you want nobody really cares. The truckers retaliated and most people are not interested in a return to mandates. I got two doses, I stop there. The beauty of freedom (something you do not believe in, you pull a lot of things from the Communist Manifesto) is that you are free to wear a mask and get vaccinated. No one will prevent you, I ask the same courtesy in return is to not force me to wear a mask or to get vaccinated. The principal is very simple. You do you and I do me. That is all I got to say on this.
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