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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello BOYZ,

I think that a freshly tuned up hip will allow ARod to mash like he did when he returned in 2009.

:rolleyes: You're dreaming! The greatest fake in modern baseball history was using roids in 2009 as he always had up to that time according to real evidence, not the least of which is his own admission. Since then the real Arod has shown who he is, a fading roid-ravaged player, who i distracted by women and the high life rather than staying focused during games. If he had real dedication to athletic excellence and the sport he could sustain a moderately effective level of performance with periods of high achievement. But with his injuries, attitude and age I believe the best that can be expected is a streaky average player; unless he's found some...boosting CHEMISTRY...again.

I agree completely, because, after all, he hasn't aged any since 2009.

Took a little trip to NYC this weekend and happened to take in a game at The House That Ruth Didn't Build. Must say, I haven't been to that desolate a ballpark since the Expos left town. I wonder why people don't want to go to Yankee games. Maybe 20,000 in the house.

The official attendance shows numbers consistently the size of the capacity at Fenway, anywhere between 10,000-15,000 less than stadium capacity. Considering the Yankees achievements to this point, hanging in closely despite so many injuries and that there are 8.3 million people in New York City alone, one has to wonder what it takes to get people to go to a game. Less than half capacity at 20,000 is a disgrace.

I don't think visiting teams from anywhere will be winning many games in Arlington this year.

They are one of the tough teams to play this year. The Red Sox lineup has done well overall along with the pitching. But I have significantly more faith in Boston pitching than hitting despite their achievement thus far. I'm not sure if we just faced very good Texas pitching or a hitting inadequacy got exposed, maybe both. But as I have said, there is plenty of room for improvement.

You are full of it,...

No response since I installed the correct video. Concession by silence.

It's no fun to accuse anyone of cheating. Cheating episodes damage the game we (baseball fans) all loved as kids and follow with anticipation every year since. The video shows Rivera spitting on the ball. The image is pretty conclusive on the surface, and it's not doctored. The only qualifier is that if you believe Rivera is an honorable man, and I do, having done a lot of photography myself I could suggest logically no one would cheat in front of 50,000 witnesses, and he may have just spit to the ground during a coincidentally implicating camera angle. But mean children like .T don't make such allowances, so by his own standards Rivera is GUILTY!!!

Whether or not anyone labels Rivera a cheater, one who habitually cheats in some way, is a matter of what one believes. He possibly did it once, but I still won't call him a cheater. I and the MLB respect him enough to say he still has general integrity, though in the case of the MLB I'm sure protecting one of the sports icons for profits was a key part of pulling every video they could control. Unfortunately for them there are many ways to record what happened they don't control.

I consider Rivera legitimately one of the best there ever was despite one incident, and no respectable real fan would say otherwise. The problem is some pissy mean-spirited little children who care nothing about integrity and have none in themselves make fake standards where an accusation without proof destroys every ounce of a players reputation. By Joe.ts standards Rivera show be thrown out of the game in disgrace right now because immaturity lets him attack every appearance and conjecture like a child mindlessly willing to ruin anyone not wearing pinstripes.

Sure we push each other around on many things about our teams, but I don't cross the line to destroy real reputations. Saying you have suspicions is one thing, branding someone with slander is another. If Buchholz is doing anything it remains to be proven, possibly on a solid level like the Rivera video, not on the word of some biased has been. Reputations should not be toys for extremely biased rotten kids who ignore or don't know and don't care what FACTS are. One day maybe the children here will grow up and realize that.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Hello BOYZ,

No response since I installed the correct video. Concession by silence.

It's no fun to accuse anyone of cheating. Cheating episodes damage the game we (baseball fans) all loved as kids and follow with anticipation every year since. The video shows Rivera spitting on the ball. That is conclusive. Whether or not anyone labels him a cheater, one who habitually cheats in some way, is a matter of what one believes. He did it once, but I still won't call him a cheater. I and the MLB respect him enough to say he still has general integrity, though in the case of the MLB I'm sure protecting one of the sports icons for profits was a key part of pulling every video they could control. Unfortunately for them there are many ways to record what happened they don't control.

I consider Rivera legitimately one of the best there ever was despite one incident, and no respectful real fan would say otherwise. The problem is some pissy mean-spirited little children who care nothing about integrity and have none in themselves make fake standards where an accusation without proof destroys every ounce of a players reputation. By Joe.ts standards Rivera show be thrown out of the game in disgrace right now because immaturity lets him attack every appearance and conjecture like a child mindlessly willing to ruin anyone not wearing pinstripes.

Sure we push each other around on many things about our teams, but I don't cross the line to destroy real reputations. Saying you have suspicions is one thing, branding someone with slander is another. If Buchholz is doing anything it remains to be proven, possibly on a solid level like the Rivera video, not on the word of some biased has been. Reputations should not be toys for extremely biased rotten children who ignore or don't know and don't care what FACTS are. One day maybe the children here will grow up and realize that.



Come on, Merlot, the film maker, Julio, of Queens, is a Mets fan. He's also a drop out of NYU School of Film. His film is doctored, and not believable You mean to tell me that Mariano Rivera could take 5 seconds and just spit on a ball in front of a stadium of people? Damn, Merlot, I have the Metropolitan Art Museum to sell you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That guy is annyoing, you sure he is not really a red sox fan? Mets fans come close but sox fans take the crown.

And yes dd41, the film is obviously doctored.

On another note, AROD is back on the field for the first time since his surgery...hitting off a tee, running and playing catch at the Yankees complex in Tampa.

Come on, Merlot, the film maker, Julio, of Queens, is a Mets fan. He's also a drop out of NYU School of Film. His film is doctored, and not believable You mean to tell me that Mariano Rivera could take 5 seconds and just spit on a ball in front of a stadium of people? Damn, Merlot, I have the Metropolitan Art Museum to sell you.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Sorry, Merlot, but this is every bit as silly as the Buchholz nonsense. No serious person should take the allegations against Rivera any more seriously than they would the foolishness being hurled at Buchholz by the know-nothings.

If Buchholz is doing anything it remains to be proven, possibly on a solid level like the Rivera video, not on the word of some biased has been.
Actually, Merlot, it doesn't remain to be proven since it has already been thoroughly debunked by more than one serious analysis of Buchholz' season, pitch by pitch. This is over, except, of course, in Joe.T's mind.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Sorry, Merlot, but this is every bit as silly as the Buchholz nonsense. No serious person should take the allegations against Rivera any more seriously than they would the foolishness being hurled at Buchholz by the know-nothings.

Nice try in trying to de-legitimizing Dirk Hayhurst and Jack Morris by comparing Julio of Queens to Hayhurst and Morris, who are honest and knowledgeable guys, as Joe t. says.

Actually, Merlot, it doesn't remain to be proven since it has already been thoroughly debunked by more than one serious analysis of Buchholz' season, pitch by pitch. This is over, except, of course, in Joe.T's mind.

Joe's mind is very good, rumps. You should have an open mind to Joe's good common sense.


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Feb 9, 2004
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That guy is annyoing, you sure he is not really a red sox fan? Mets fans come close but sox fans take the crown.

And yes dd41, the film is obviously doctored.

Julio's youtube name is lostiburonesdequeens. So de queens is of Queens. He must be a Mets fan. Although, not as bad as Red Sox fans, Mets fans can be quite vile. 1969 was eons ago.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...the film is obviously doctored.


It has to be doctored because he wears a Yankee uniform. :lol: You couldn't find a real reason to exonerate him based on logic and integrity. CHICKEN!

Hook, line, and sinker. By saying it's "doctored" you agree with your bud it shows Rivera spitting on the ball, real or not. Of course, this is coming from one who is Homer personified, and one who is not a baseball fan. I say Rivera probably didn't do it because he has integrity and the camera angle of spit to the ball was just unlucky. You two guys aren't backing up Rivera as a man, you're pissing about the fan who recorded the image for an excuse. Then again .T says accusations are facts. ;)

If you guys had any integrity you could find real sense to backup Rivera instead of just pissing on what you see. As a photographer I guess I have the advantage of being able to see what might have really happened. But you fan boys don't even try. For you it's the other guy is lying ...he's a Mets fan ...he's a Sox fan ...any childish nonsense for a pathetic excuse. Soooooo typical boys.

Sorry, Merlot, but this is every bit as silly as the Buchholz nonsense. No serious person should take the allegations against Rivera any more seriously than they would the foolishness being hurled at Buchholz by the know-nothings.

That's my whole point. Brats here are more interested in being cheap babies willing to slander baseball than caring about the sport...the whole gang, Doc, .T, Iggy, fake fan. As I've said, I don't think Rivera did it, but by their standards he did.

If accusations are the only standard of guilt then we can get into the holy grail with Jeter too. How about it Joe.t ...are accusations still proof. DUH!!!




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
as Joe t. says.
ROFLMAO. I love a guy who thinks Joe.t is an expert on anything. Doc, your little buddy is a laugh a minute.

Just one of many articles by many people, each of whom has forgotten more than Jack Morris or Dirk Hayhurst.

What's the difference between Jack Morris and Orel Hershiser? Orel Hershiser is smart, very smart.

ESPN MLB analyst Orel Hershiser talked with Colin Cowherd today and the first topic they talked about was Clay Buchholz and the accusations by Blue Jays broadcasters Jack Morris and Dick Hayhurst that Buchholz was cheating during his start Wednesday night.

Here are some of the highlights from Hershiser, who defended Buchholz and said he didn’t think the Sox pitcher was cheating:

-- On whether he’d ever put rosin on his arm: “Yup, for sure ... Why, to get a better grip on the ball. The hitters even want to you to do it because they don’t want to get hit. There’s video of me pouring a cup of water over my head before I take the mound in the world series or any other game, where you just want moisture so that you can activate the rosin to get your hand sticky and there’s nothing wrong with having your hand sticky to get a grip on the baseball.”

-- Is it illegal: “It’s not illegal, it’s not even close to illegal.”

-- Was Buchholz cheating: “No I don’t think he’s cheating at all.”


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Feb 9, 2004
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-- Was Buchholz cheating: “No I don’t think he’s cheating at all.”

If it was rosin. But what if it was a white cream that he was using?

Only time will tell if Clay B. was cheating. He pitches tonight. It should be interesting. All eyes will be on him; even Julio from Queens.


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Oct 3, 2008
Uhhhhhmm why do we need to "try" merlot? Like we said the video is obviously not real, why must we explain how it was done to suit you? Wow, talk about entitlement. Calm down, you are too serious, its a game, its fun and not worth having cardiac arrest over. Me thinks someone needs a trip to the Mecca. :)

So Granderson should be back in a week or 2, Tex and Jeter after the allstar break and maybe Arod soon after that???? I am looking forward to all but really cant wait to get a 100% healthy Pineda back.


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Feb 9, 2004
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That's my whole point. Brats here are more interested in being cheap babies willing to slander baseball than caring about the sport...the whole gang, Doc, .T, Iggy, fake fan. As I've said, I don't think Rivera did it, but by their standards he did.



So Merlot, you are calling me a fake fan? Where do you get off doing that? Some disturber you are.

Prediction. Clay Buchholz gets rocked tonight without his brill cream.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Funny how merb mirrors the real world in that no one with the slightest shred of credibility thinks anything of the so-called Buchholz affair.


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Jul 11, 2003
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Calico Joe

I am reading a very interesting baseball novel called "Calico Joe", written by John Grisham. The book is about the 1973 Major League Baseball season and the NL East Pennant race. The book focuses to a large extent on 2 fictional characters, a rookie sensation with the Chicago Cubs and a washed up veteran pitcher with the New York Mets, whose son is the narrator of the book. Almost all the other characters in the book are or were real major league players, managers and coaches. The book is a very interesting weave of fact and fiction and discusses, for example, managerial moves made by Whitey Lockman (Cubs manager) and Yogi Berra (Mets manager) in the aftermath of events which actually never happened. The book relates a conversation between Willie Mays, then in his last major league season, with the narrator, which obviously never occurred, but might have had the narrator been a real person. In that conversation, Willie Mays reveals why he chose to be an outfielder/position player rather than a pitcher.

I think several actual major league baseball historical events inspired the book, the most notable being the 1967 beaning of Tony Conigliaro, a very promising Red Sox player whose playing career ended a few years later. Joe Morgan (the former Reds player and Hall of Famer) has spoken glowingly about Conigliaro's potential had he not been beaned.

Although beanings and the justifications for beanings are debated by the characters in the book, the book generally evokes a lot of memories of 1970s baseball and Grisham, who was apparently in his teens in 1973, clearly has many. Some of my favorite early memories from the 1970s:

1971 All Star game - I can remember watching it while on vacation in the State of Delaware, where Joe Biden was soon to be elected a US Senator. Reggie Jackson's homer off the light tower on top of Tiger Stadium is the most famous play from this game, but Johnny Bench hit an opposite field missile which was still rising when it hit the upper deck if I recall correctly.

Here it is, Reggie's blast:

1971 World Series - performance of Roberto Clemente who won MVP. I rooted for the Pirates. This team had Willie Stargell at 1st base, Al Oliver in CF, Dave Cash at 2nd Base, Bob Robertson at 1B, and Richie Hebner at 3rd Base. Manny Sanguillen was their very underrated catcher who as I recall used a big bat and was hard to strike out. Sanguillen was a career .296 hitter. Their ace pitcher in the rotation was Steve Blass, who pitched great in the WS and later lost his control.

Side note: when Clemente was killed in a tragic 1972 plane crash, Manny Sanguillen, Clemente's close friend, was the only Pirates team member not to attend his funeral. The reason why was he chose to dive into the waters off Puerto Rico where Clemente's plane had crashed, in a futile personal effort to find Clemente's body, which was never found.

1972 World Series - Gene Tenace raking the Reds for 4 homers, but I remember this being a World Series the Reds left on the table. I personally think the Reds should have won 4 World Series with the team they had. What I recall is a fluky play in which the As headfaked Johnny Bench into thinking he would be intentionally walked with a 3-2 count and men on second and third. Dick Williams told the As he would call for an intentional walk and Tenace stood as if to receive one, but Williams ordered Rollie Fingers to throw a strike, Tenace suddenly reverted to his catching crouch at the last second and the pitch went over the plate for a called 3rd strike that a stunned Bench watched motionless. I don't know if you guys ever heard but Joe Morgan, who was on 3rd, claimed he hand signalled to Bench that he might be coming or something to that effect and he was expecting Bench to swing away regardless.

1975 World Series - I actually remember the Carbo homer to tie game 6 and the Joe Morgan single to win the series.

1976- Thurman Munson batted .529 in the World Series after being repeatedly insulted by Sparky Anderson prior to the series. Chris Chambliss' homer to win the AL pennant.

1977 - Reggie's 3 homers in the World Series.

1978- Bucky Dent HR vs. Red Sox, Reggie's homer later the same game which was a monster blast. Lou Piniella using the old mitt pump to fake the Red Sox into thinking he had a bead on a ball he had stone lost in the sun and had not a fucking clue where it was. It worked. All guts.
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Feb 9, 2004
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Funny how merb mirrors the real world in that no one with the slightest shred of credibility thinks anything of the so-called Buchholz affair.

Let's get a translation, rumps. You have credibility and the rest of us don't. Dennis Eckersley has credibility and Jack Morris and Dirk Hayhurst, cause Dennis Eckersley agrees with rumps from merb, but Morris and Hayhurst don't. I guess you da man, rumps.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wth is wrong with the Jays? I told Mr.T before the season when we were doing our picks for the AL East that they would F up this season, but was not too serious, now maybe i am!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Let's get a translation, rumps. You have credibility and the rest of us don't. Dennis Eckersley has credibility and Jack Morris and Dirk Hayhurst, cause Dennis Eckersley agrees with rumps from merb, but Morris and Hayhurst don't. I guess you da man, rumps.
Well, you're right that you have no credibility, but as far as debunking Morris and Hayhurst, I'm smarter than to rely on The Eck. No, the debunking comes from many sources, from Fangraphs to Baseball Prospectus to Brooks Baseball. You should try reading them; you might learn something.


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Jul 11, 2003
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Wth is wrong with the Jays? I told Mr.T before the season when we were doing our picks for the AL East that they would F up this season, but was not too serious, now maybe i am!

I saw all 4 games of their sweep at the hands of the Yankees and I saw numerous problems which can be summarized as bad fundamental baseball. They had a staggering amount of strikeouts in that series, way too many. There was a total lack of plate discipline and they allowed the Yankees pitchers to expand the strike zone on them. This is the major leagues and when you play major league teams you have to be solid in your fundamentals. When you are not you solid in the fundamentals, you get beat, it is really that simple. They also did not play good defense when I saw them nor did they run the bases well.

Do you really think Joe Girardi and has staff did not know this? When a team is swinging at everything you tell your pitchers to let them chase pitches and that is exactly what the Yankees did to the Blue Jays.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Clay B before getting caught cheating, a 1.01 earned runs per nine.......... after getting caught cheating, 4 er in 5 innings, whats that for an era rumps, merlot, jayman???, no really, either of you can answer, it does not matter to me.... have at it "boyz"



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Jun 20, 2003
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Nice to see Buchholz back to normal after getting caught playing dirty and with the baseball world watching him like a hawk, suspicions are starting on David Oritz also, Hmmmmmm....

Quote from another board on Ortiz-

"Can anyone explain to me how David Ortiz (a historically large, unathletic man) can do what he's doing at age 37, coming off of an injury? That's not a rhetorical question, I'm actually curious if anyone who's been following him closely might know."
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