Montreal Escorts

US Based Company Doing illegal business Practice in QUEBEC ?What of it?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all
Montreal's taxi bureau is ramping up its fight against UberX, the car-sharing app which allows drivers without a taxi licence to offer rides in the city.

Alain Rochon, general manager of the Montreal taxi bureau, said his association has seized 40 vehicles used by UberX drivers since mid-February with the help of Montreal police.

Two Montreal UberX drivers fined and have cars impounded
Uber warning issued by Canada's insurance industry
UberX illegal, says Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre
"UberX is illegal and it's being monitored by the Montreal Taxi bureau," Rochon said Monday.

"For the past few weeks, we've been intervening."

Mayor Denis Coderre and the Quebec government have called the service illegal.

But UberX continues to operate in Montreal, and company officials say they intend to fight every vehicle seizure in court.

I think Montreal and the taxi bureau will benefit by sitting down with us and creating a new regulatory framework, making sure we offer what the population wants."
- Jean-Nicolas Guillemette, Uber Quebec
The introduction of UberX to Montreal has been a hotly debated topic at the municipal and provincial level, with cab drivers arguing the service is compromising their ability to make a living.

The company has asked the province to make clear rules about car sharing.

Seizures a waste of money, Uber says

Jean-Nicolas Guillemette of Uber Quebec said the vehicle seizures are a waste of time taxpayer money.

"What is happening is you have bylaw officers from the taxi bureau who have to call a police officer," Guillemette said.

"It takes time and it costs a lot of taxpayers money trying to fight it."

He said the company plans to continue to meet with elected officials to find common ground.

"I think Montreal and the taxi bureau will benefit by sitting down with us and creating a new regulatory framework, making sure we offer what the population wants."

Province opposed

Quebec Transport Minister Robert Poëti said the government is open to an agreement with Uber, which uses licensed taxi drivers, but not the UberX service, which doesn't require a taxi licence.

"With UberX, it's totally illegal right now and when you do something illegal in front of the law, you could have a few problems and seizing the car is one of the possibilities," Poëti said.

Uber says its UberX service costs users between 20 and 30 per cent less than a standard cab fare.

The company takes 20 per cent of the fare, leaving the rest to the driver.

Users' credit cards are automatically charged through the app — tip included — meaning no cash exchanges hands.

Such trips are not eligible under the insurance plans that cover licensed taxi rides, and opponents describe this as only one among many safety risks associated with the practice.

Uber, in turn, argues that developing a mobile app that lets customers hail nearby cars makes it a technology company rather than a transportation firm.




Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Collaborative economy like sharing what you have like your car , rent your house or other small services is booming exponentially
Everything you have can be shared through an app . I need a ride or a place to stay or sound systems , some chair tables ... There an app for that and somebody somewhere will lend it to you for a small fee!

The taxi problem it's all the taxes , permit and courses that they have to go through to be able to do the same job as any Uberx driver doe in its "spare time"
Taxi do they have to adapt ... Or is more that the governing body is charging too much for a taxi licenses?
I think Uberx is better taxying , faster services and any one with a smartphone and gps can be a taxi driver . So lower the permit and the market will regulate itself ! The money from taxes will always be collected because it's an electronic transactions!

If you have an room or flat to rent why not offer it on air bnb!

Air bnb as close to more rooms than Hilton and is way more cheaper!

Internet brings the world much more closer !

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Here is what i put on the page of Martine Ouellet, sorry im too lazy to translate it in english.

Les services de se genre ces excellent. Les taxis ces HORS DE PRIX, j'ose jamais en prendre parce que sa pas de sense. Tu embarque dans un taxi SUR PLACE et tu commence deja a 4$ colisse !!! S'il vien te chercher chez vous je veut bin, mais la ces ridicule. Tu fait un ti boute de rien et tes rendu a 10-15$. Une ride qui coute 10$ de gaz finis a couter 50$ si ces pas plus. Le gouvernement est toujours la en tout cas pour essayer de nous crosser. Les gens paye deja un motton de piasse sur des permis et liscence pour les char, ces pas encore assez?? Bin non le gouvernement en veut encore plus dans les poches hein. Un service comme uberx devrais devenir la norme.

Et la je sens que je vais me faire crucifier, mais combien de fois a Montreal je veut prendre un taxi et je ne peut pas pas trouver UN SEUL chauffeur francophone de naissance. Ils sont tous immigrer, parle un francais cassé dur a comprendre, ou alors a peine francais, ces dur leur expliquer ou on veut aller. On a pas toujours l'adresse de l'endroit. Une fois je dit au gars je veut aller sur la rue St-Michel (j'etait a Laval) et la il pars et il etait en train de me ramené a montreal criss... Un moment donné je me rend compte que s etait pas la bonne direction, sa avais pas de sense, et il me dit sa... Heureusement dans se cas il a entendu raison et ma pas forcer a payer son erreur, mais je suis sur que ces pas tout les chaffeurs qui aurais fait sa. J'avais pris la peine de prendre le metro pour laval. J'ai attendu 40 minutes a la station le taxi que j avais demander par telephone... au final j'ai du en prendre un qui passais... 40 min, sa avais pus de sense. J'allais chez un ami que j'avais jamais vu son nouvel appart depuis le demenagement alors le taxi je le prennais justement pour pas avoir a chercher et arriver plus vite.

Au final une mauvaise communication et une attente deraisonable ma fait perdre encore plus de temps. Non serieux les alternatives moi je suis bien d'accord, et je vais pas pleurer sur le sors des taxis normal.

Laissez le monde vivre, ces comme ceux qui veulent interdir le covoiturage... aye 20$ pour aller de sherbrooke/montreal allez-retour, en bus sa me coutais presque 80$ ... pas de sense. J'suis content d'avoir trouver le co-voiturage.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Bookie...WELCOME BACK!

Such trips are not eligible under the insurance plans that cover licensed taxi rides, and opponents describe this as only one among many safety risks associated with the practice.

Uber, in turn, argues that developing a mobile app that lets customers hail nearby cars makes it a technology company rather than a transportation firm.



I don't know why Uber didn't wait to get their company accepted legally first. Yeah sure there's probably a lot of red tape. So they seem to have purposely created conflict for publicity to gain public support. Crying about cars legally confiscated for their illegal acts is just a tool, and doing it uninsured is a risk for them and clients.

...any one with a smartphone and gps can be a taxi driver.

Was that supposed to be a good thing? I've had plenty of experience with Montreal drivers and let me say a lot give the bad Massachusetts drivers some fierce competition. I wouldn't want unlicensed cab drivers from either place driving me.

Just to check, I looked at two lists of cities with the world's worst drivers. Here's one. Both Boston and Montreal did NOT make it. But Toronto did. Maybe that explains their skating skills ( lack of ) too. :D




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hey Bookie...WELCOME BACK!

Yeah sure there's probably a lot of red tape.
Province of Quebec does have lots of red tape compared to other Canadian Provinces,but its the way it is .
So they seem to have purposely created conflict for publicity to gain public support. Crying about cars legally confiscated for their illegal acts is just a tool, and doing it uninsured is a risk for them and clients.


UberX has not run to say they will pay all the fees and/or damages for impounded cars ?Fun for everyone ,but not the drivers ?If they are the owners of the vehicules




May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
...doing it uninsured is a risk for them and clients...I've had plenty of experience with Montreal drivers and let me say a lot give the bad Massachusetts drivers some fierce competition. I wouldn't want unlicensed cab drivers from either place driving me...

This isn't really any different than the drivers that are paid to bring lovely ladies to your doorstep. ;)
Giving a ride to anyone for compensation is a violation of the law in Montreal. They are just going after UberX because of their popularity.

I'm actually not sure of my position on this one. On one hand I'm all about free enterprise and maybe the taxis could use a little competition, they are pretty expensive. On the other hand, taxi drivers work long hours for low wages. I read an article that said the initial cost to get a taxi license is about $220,000 in Montreal! That to make an average of $35,000/year. Tough call.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
je ne peut pas pas trouver UN SEUL chauffeur francophone de naissance. Ils sont tous immigrer, parle un francais cassé dur a comprendre,

It's altogether possible that the francophones actually have better jobs. I read that the average taxi driver makes only $35,000/year, and the majority that I have spoken with work 12 hour shifts.

The immigrants who are driving these taxis are often people who are unable to get work in their fields in Quebec. Instead of giving up they are out there working hard to support their families, usually to offer their children a better future than they would have had in their country. Their French may not be perfect but they are making the effort. I respect this.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
This isn't really any different than the drivers that are paid to bring lovely ladies to your doorstep. ;)
Giving a ride to anyone for compensation is a violation of the law in Montreal.

Hello Tianna

Of course escort driver are breaching the law ,however they are not hiding under a legitimate business facade ,pretending it is legal .
When I was driving lovely ladies and was intercepted by the Police for age verification of all my occupants ,I always kept my mouth shut about my activities even if the cops would say " we know what you are doing "
Well good for you ,so you know we are all friends :lol:




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Tu te plaignes de la qualité du français des chauffeurs de taxi dans un texte d'à peu près 15 lignes où on peut recenser plus de 100 fautes de français. Cela s'appelle l'ironie.

Doit- on favoriser la courtoisie au bon parlé?
La meilleur syntaxe, au transport avec diligence et promptitude ?
Les fautes de langage? Ou fautes de conduites ?

Le respect des lois ,dans une entreprise qu'on dit" légitime "?

Au Plaisir



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Nothing illegal about Uber. It's a great company, innovative and backed by huge corporations. Not surprised narrow minded Quebec doesn't get it. If I would have kept my business here I'd still be struggling. Opened an office in the U.S. and made it huge.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Tu te plaignes de la qualité du français des chauffeurs de taxi dans un texte d'à peu près 15 lignes où on peut recenser plus de 100 fautes de français. Cela s'appelle l'ironie.

Ya une méchante difference entre ecrire avec des fautes pis qqu qui parle tres mal le francais au point ou sa en est dur a comprendre. Moi quand certain joue a la police grammaire, tu sais ce que j'leur dit? Je suis Quebecois, j'ecris comme j'parle. Et oui le L'P existe dans le language quebecois :p

The immigrants who are driving these taxis are often people who are unable to get work in their fields in Quebec. Instead of giving up they are out there working hard to support their families, usually to offer their children a better future than they would have had in their country. Their French may not be perfect but they are making the effort. I respect this

Personally i just feel if there is a job where communication with the client is important, its the taxi industry. I took taxis in sherbrooke a couple times, in mont-tremblant and in Quebec City and those where all franco-drivers exept once there was a Russian in sherbrooke, but he speak a very good french only with the caricatural movie russian accent (we tough it was awesome) and when you are partying and having fun its cool to enter the cab and the driver like to chat with you and all. I remember once in QC we wanted to go at a strip club, but knew nothing about the city yet, the dude knew a place and got us there, we had a great time.

Of course that is just bonus, im not asking them to all be like that, but at least speaking properly in french should be a must. Sometimes i even got some that couldn't speak a proper english... communication was VERY difficult....

So well... if a compagny can bring us an alternative where mister everybody could take the call and lift us, then i think its not a bad idea at all...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
When people smoke pot they don't respect the law either, yet tons of people do. Hell what we do here on this board is thecnically illegal... lol. So well not a fan of stupid laws, i can't give a dime about them being broke...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut HM

Évidemment plusieurs lois qui son continuellement brisé ,simplement ignoré ,par contre nous somme devant une situation différente la ou un gros citoyens corporatif Américains ne respecte pas la législation Québécoise, pendant que toutes les autres immigrants taxi la respecte .

Au Plaisir



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Did you know that they charged 4 times the price during a subway breakdown today in Toronto.
They warn you about price hikes before you book. When there's more demand, the price goes up. You have the choice to accept or not. That's just business.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

They do have resistance outside Quebec

Vancouver four main cab companies are going mobile on Wednesday with an app that allows smartphone users to hail a ride with their phones.

The eCab app is available for download already, but will officially start working in Vancouver on Wednesday with Black Top Checker Cabs, MacLures Cabs, Vancouver Taxi and Yellow Cab.

The app, which is being launched after the taxi industry fought off Uber's plans to launch in Vancouver last year, was a year in the making, according to Carolyn Bauer with Vancouver Taxi Association.

"What we needed to do was find an app that could integrate all four companies together as one dispatch," said Bauer.

The app, which is already used in 10 cities in Europe, will launch in other Canadian cities in the coming months, according to Bauer.

Much like Uber, the eCab app allows users to pre-book a cab, track it in real time, pay with their phone, and rate their driver. It is Apple and Android compatible.

Last November the four taxi companies launched a lawsuit to prevent Uber from launching its mobile car service in the city, but the lawsuit was dropped after Uber shelved its plans in the face of objections from city hall.

Uber's smart phone app allows non-regulated drivers to pick up fares in their own personal vehicles and already operates in more than 200 cities worldwide.




Sep 4, 2006
I appreciate that taxi drivers pay huge sums in licensing fees. My problem is that they are fighting to keep the same shitty level of service when technology has moved on. Taxi Authorities/Bureaus could use some of the insane licensing fees they collect to adapt to the latest technology and create an app of their own. But no, they would rather have people arrested and vehicles seized while being protected from ever have to compete themselves.

The ability to use GPS to establish pick up location, route vehicles and determine fares and settle disputes has existed for at least a decade. But regular cabs and the associated authorities did NOTHING all that time. I can and will continue to use UberX and similar services because:
1. Prices are similar to what you get a cab for.
2. I have had disputes in the past (driver took a wrong turn and the trip ended up being way longer than it should be) and it was resolved quickly and was refunded within a day
3. Innovation should be encouraged.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I appreciate that taxi drivers pay huge sums in licensing fees. My problem is that they are fighting to keep the same shitty level of service when technology has moved on. Taxi Authorities/Bureaus could use some of the insane licensing fees they collect to adapt to the latest technology and create an app of their own. But no, they would rather have people arrested and vehicles seized while being protected from ever have to compete themselves.
The app, which is already used in 10 cities in Europe, will launch in other Canadian cities in the coming months, according to Bauer.

Much like Uber, the eCab app allows users to pre-book a cab, track it in real time, pay with their phone, and rate their driver. It is Apple and Android compatible.
The ability to use GPS to establish pick up location, route vehicles and determine fares and settle disputes has existed for at least a decade. But regular cabs and the associated authorities did NOTHING all that time. I can and will continue to use UberX and similar services because:
1. Prices are similar to what you get a cab for.
2. I have had disputes in the past (driver took a wrong turn and the trip ended up being way longer than it should be) and it was resolved quickly and was refunded within a day
3. Innovation should be encouraged.

Excellent Idea rollingstone its exactly what the Vancouver cab companies are doing


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