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What Do You Do to ENDURE Quebec's Winters?


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
The last 10-12 years it has been mild, not like the knee high winter snow we use to get when I was in high school. This year it has been colder than last.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Myself it’s not so much the cold that gets to me . The thing that I dread the most is the nasty snowstorms that Quebec winter brings that make it a real nightmare for driving and walking.

This week's Polar Vortex made much of the US Mid-west (and the East Coast) very dangerous for folks to venture outdoor. Motorists crashing into each other when they were enveloped by white outs and snow squalls.

It amazes me how motorists were able to (better) negotiate treacherous winter roads before All-Wheel Drive and 4-Wheel drive vehicles became tremendously popular especially in the US.

I wonder if snow and ice boot cleats help much when walking ice-covered sidewalks.

Several years ago, I bought a pair of North Face ski boots (supposedly the soles provide better tractions on icy surfaces) for a trip to Montreal. They keep my feet very warm but I do experience an occasional slipping -- knock on wood, I have yet to slip and fall while walking around Montreal.

I'm building my tolerance for Quebec's extreme cold, which makes New York City's winters (during my youth growing up there) feel tropical ;)

I'm wondering how ladies can withstand Montreal's cold weather wearing tights on their legs. They look sexy though. :) (I see them, mostly ladies in their teens, 20's and 30's, in the Metro and walking around Montreal.) I'm wearing long johns under my jeans and my legs still feel cold. I guess women's legs can better withstand cold weather than men?

I discovered that a humidifier is almost a must as the indoor humidity often falls below 20%.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences and insights.

Mr. Roarke

New Member
Feb 18, 2011
I layer my clothes, it is the wind and humidity that will get you. We are having a colder than usual winter but better than -46C in Chicago had last week.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I learned the importance of layering, extremely important in recent days.

And I finally got a pair of "strap on" ;) ice cleats for my boots. They help me walk with confidence on icy roads.

Ob1 Kenobi

New Member
Sep 28, 2010
If I am not inside then I am inside my car, if I am outside it is just for a minute to get inside.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In the Vancouver area again. Yesterday -8 with about 10cm of snow. The guy on the radio " If you are stuck outside in this freezing weather be very careful, if you must go outside be very careful and dress warm ". Our job was shutdown for the day, today is the same.
We are shutdown because the drivers here are clueless about snow, the client is not worried about us ( mostly from out of province ) getting in accidents but people here hitting us.... Most still have summer tires.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I'm actually getting used to the cold, but I still have a long way to go before I can confidently negotiate the icy streets but ice spikes help so much in that regard.

The other "coping" tool is pockets with zipper enclosures -- they are essential for storing scarf, gloves and ice spikes when going inside the Metro, malls and any other places -- it gets super hot inside especially wearing my winter coat. Luckily, my coat and jacket have sufficient pockets for storing those items.

I find that most people are kinder here than elsewhere especially in the winters. Here's a story that I find heartwarming. On Saturday, I was having a meal at a food court above a Metro station in downtown Montreal. I see a middle age lady approach an elderly gentleman, who looked like an ordinary patron, eating at another table about 3 meters away from me. She asked the gentleman in French something and showed him a bag of fruits. He nodded his head and she handed the bag of fruits to him, respectfully. A few minutes later, I see two teenage girls, probably about 12 to 14 years old, approached shyly the gentleman and respectfully handed him a $5 bill and he accepted it. The gentleman continued eating. He seemed well nourished and I surmise that he is a veteran who likely saw combat in the late 1960's. I eat fast and I finished eating before the gentleman was done. These acts of kindness are heart warming and I figure hundreds and thousands of people living in Montreal and throughout Quebec engage in acts of genuine kindness to help each other cope with the harsh winters.

What puzzles me is how the panhandlers I see sitting on the sidewalk in front of SAQ on St. Catherine or other panhandlers on other parts of St. Catherine near Condordia University do not suffer frostbites or "freeze to death" in the freezing cold or sitting on icy sidewalks.

Even Seattle, Washington has been blanketed by snow. It's nice to see news reports on TV of Nasty Old Man Winter visiting Vancouver and the rest of B.C.; nice distraction from the political stories. People in Montreal and the rest of Quebec are hardier. But still winter sucks, everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Get ready for a big one starting tonight until tomorrow afternoon......enjoy quality time with your loved ones.....:kiss:


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles j'aime vivre en condo...lollll.....finalement Montréal aura recu près de 40 cm...hohoho..


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Shyman now you need to replace your ice cleats for snowshoes. You can buy some at canadian tire store. Good luck!

Many years ago while living in Montreal we had such a snowstorm. I remember shovelling my car for 1h only to found out it was the wrong car! Had to start over once I found mine ;)



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..mais rien comme la tempête du 04 Mars 1971 qualifiée de la tempête du siècle...en quelques heures était tombé entre 50 et 75 cm de neige dans la région de Montréal.....j'ai quitté l'Université de Montréal vers 13 hres et tout était paralysé....j'ai du marcher de l'Université jusque chez moi dans Rosemont....

mais comme on était jeune et en forme c'était une expérience à vivre...and life was beautiful.....parmi mes meilleurs souvenirs......


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I remember shovelling my car for 1h only to found out it was the wrong car! Had to start over once I found mine

I'm sure others have done the same. Did you leave a note for the owner of that car? ;) The owner/driver might have been a hottie. :)

I would have gone nuts, like the dude (Jerry) in the Fargo movie. ;)

I see kids in the neighborhood playing in the snow; maybe schools will reopen tomorrow.

I like the ice spikes I bought -- all stainless steel chain with stainless steel spikes. I'll go back to Place Alexis Nihon for a pair of snow boots -- many of the stores there are having sales on their winter clothes, boots and accessories.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Talked to my son today ( Drummondville ) and he said 60 people did not show up for work today because of the weather conditions.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Thank goodness for the Internet connectivity.

In the US, more companies are allowing their employees (office workers) to work from home.

I wonder if employers in Quebec are allowing and enabling employees to work remotely from home. I think Montreal's mayor office was encouraging people to work from home, if possible.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
I wonder if employers in Quebec are allowing and enabling employees to work remotely from home. I think Montreal's mayor office was encouraging people to work from home, if possible.
Indeed .. working from home
and most of my colleagues today!
anyway car is stucked in tempo .. Snow removal ppl didn't still showed up
I guess they are busy as hell ;)


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Indeed .. working from home
and most of my colleagues today!

That's great. Being able to work from home is a win-win situation for employers and employees, especially on days like this. (Employers should reimburse employees for the costs of working from home. Internet service is expensive.)

Reliable residential Internet connectivity (and the electricity to power it) has become an essential part of our daily lives.

Downtown is getting priority -- lots of snow plows have been working to clear snow from major streets in downtown. It seems the worst part of this storm has passed Montreal and headed to Quebec City.

Hopefully, the rest of Montreal and surrounding towns will get their streets and sidewalks cleared soon. They may actually have to hire contractors to help, as Mayor Plante has said.

CBC is reporting the following:

[FONT=&amp]"In Montreal, Mayor Valérie Plante told Radio-Canada that crews were working hard to dig the city out, but the conditions are exceptional and it will take some time to clear the snow.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Snow-removal operations will start this evening at 7 p.m.[/FONT] "


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yep true...on my street signs are already installed for snow-removal for tonight starting at 7.....can't complaint......Plante said the entire operations will take 7-8 days to clean the city.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Large arteries are already very good. On most streets you see cars completely imbedded in the snow. I wouldn’t want to be that person digging for an hour or two to get their car out of the snow banks!
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