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Castro is Dead


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I think some people are embellishing the Canada prostitution law a lot. Do not think anyone has been charges if they are staying away from minors and drugs. I have not seen any news of the drama teacher changing the law many Liberals hate so much, perhaps too concerned about climate change or all the taxes that come with it.

I beg to differ, I know a very well known hobbyest who got caught(watch yourself H101), and the reason why they didn't hall his ass off to jail is because the SP refused to press charges(his explanation to me).


Feb 12, 2012
I know a very well known hobbyest who got caught.

Can you explain a little bit how that happened? He saw an agency girl, a girl found on the classifieds, an indy who had his own web site, a street girl, or was he in a massage parlor?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Can you explain a little bit how that happened? He saw an agency girl, a girl found on the classifieds, an indy who had his own web site, a street girl, or was he in a massage parlor?

Don't remember the full details as I ran into this individual at party a while ago and I talked to him very briefly, my understanding is that it was an agency girl and that it was incall although I could be wrong, if I ever run into him again I will ask him the details and I will post them as he no longer is on MERB.

This law is in place because of the ignorant, arrogant toupee wearing right wing zealot Harper who went against the Supreme Courts intent on orders to change the ruling(which was to make it safer for the women) and changed it to suite his own arrogant right wing political agenda which makes every one of us criminals(are you paying attention H101), fuck the Conservatives!!!, you can all kiss my Socialist _ _ _!!!

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Today i was catching up on reading newspapers from a few days ago and saw pictures of hundreds of thousands of Cubans lined up to view their former leader Fidel Castro. It got me thinking: "If he was such a bad guy and so hated as many are claiming, why are their hundreds of thousands of Cubans lining up to say a last goodbye to their beloved leader?

Me thinks that El Presidente Fidel Castro would have been a beloved ally had the United States embraced him instead of later embracing dozens of awful dictators who were much worse than Mr. Castro.


Feb 12, 2012
Don't remember the full details as I ran into this individual at party a while ago and I talked to him very briefly, my understanding is that it was an agency girl and that it was incall although I could be wrong, if I ever run into him again I will ask him the details and I will post them as he no longer is on MERB.

Thanks. :)

And yes I agree with your anger against Harper. I would like the Trudeau government to pass laws analogous to the laws in force in New Zealand:

Prostitution (sex work), brothel keeping, living off the proceeds of someone else's prostitution and street solicitation are legal in New Zealand. Coercion of sex workers is illegal.

Prior to 2003, indoor prostitution in New Zealand was governed by the Massage Parlours Act 1978, which allowed brothels to operate in the guise of massage parlours. However, the act defined massage parlours as public places, so laws against soliciting in a public place applied to workers in parlours, and they were sometimes raided and entrapped by police posing as clients. Workers in the parlours were also required to provide their names and addresses to the police. Advertising the sale of sex ("soliciting"), running a brothel, and living off the earnings of prostitution were illegal. These laws were changed by the Prostitution Reform Act, passed in June 2003. The decriminalisation of brothels, escort agencies and soliciting, and the substitution of a minimal regulatory model created worldwide interest; New Zealand prostitution laws are now some of the most liberal in the world (see also Prostitution and the law).

Although prior to 2003 New Zealand had several laws meant to suppress prostitution, during the last decades of the 20th century, there had been a high degree of toleration of sex work in practice. Nevertheless, police continued to raid brothels, streets, and private residences of sex workers right up to the day before the Prostitution Reform Bill was passed by Parliament.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Don't remember the full details as I ran into this individual at party a while ago and I talked to him very briefly, my understanding is that it was an agency girl and that it was incall although I could be wrong, if I ever run into him again I will ask him the details and I will post them as he no longer is on MERB.

I believe i also spoke to the same person about it. I think he got out of it by having to bribe either the prosecutor or the judge.

This law is in place because of the ignorant, arrogant toupee wearing right wing zealot Harper who went against the Supreme Courts intent on orders to change the ruling(which was to make it safer for the women) and changed it to suite his own arrogant right wing political agenda which makes every one of us criminals(are you paying attention H101), fuck the Conservatives!!!, you can all kiss my Socialist _ _ _!!!

I totally agree with you. Stephen Harper's a fucking dickface cocksucker!!!! What a fucking prick!!!! The worst prime minister the entire Commonwealth every had!!! What an asshole!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I believe i also spoke to the same person about it. I think he got out of it by having to bribe either the prosecutor or the judge.

I totally agree with you. Stephen Harper's a fucking dickface cocksucker!!!! What a fucking prick!!!! The worst prime minister the entire Commonwealth every had!!! What an asshole!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

My understanding is that he bribed the SP not to press charges but I could be wrong and yes Harper is a real motherfucker, piece of shit of a CON-servative PM, will go down in history as the worst ever!!!, just look at the mess he left Canada in.


Feb 12, 2012
my understanding is that it was an agency girl and that it was incall although I could be wrong,

If it's an incall from an agency girl, it is rather frightening. It could mean we had to change our procedures.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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If it's an incall from an agency girl, it is rather frightening. It could mean we had to change our procedures.

We wouldn't have to if only Bozo the Clown did what the Supreme Court had in mind when it struck down the old prostitution laws instead of the opposite just to suite their own right wing, wing nut agenda, typical CONservative arrogance at it's worst.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
..This law is in place because of the ignorant, arrogant toupee wearing right wing zealot Harper who went against the Supreme Courts intent on orders to change the ruling(which was to make it safer for the women) and changed it to suite his own arrogant right wing political agenda which makes every one of us criminals(are you paying attention H101), fuck the Conservatives!!!, you can all kiss my Socialist _ _ _!!!

So now that self-proclaimed feminist Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party control Parliament, why haven't they overturned C-36 as they promised to do? They have been in power for a year. What's stopping them?

Sorry but Trudeau and his radical feminist supporters are just as eager to jail clients as the Conservatives were. When it comes to the interests of clients, there is no difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
So now that self-proclaimed feminist Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party control Parliament, why haven't they overturned C-36 as they promised to do? They have been in power for a year. What's stopping them?

Sorry but Trudeau and his radical feminist supporters are just as eager to jail clients as the Conservatives were. When it comes to the interests of clients, there is no difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

No a fan of Trudeau at all. That said, unless you prove me wrong, all I know is that he said he would revisit C-36, not overturn or cancel it. That is best answer to say that he will leave the law as it is without answering negatively. Pure bullshit.


Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Harper is a real motherfucker, piece of shit of a CON-servative PM, will go down in history as the worst ever!!!, just look at the mess he left Canada in.

I absolutely agree, but i'm quite confidant that our current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will get us out of this mess. In Trudeau I Trust. :thumb:


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
No a fan of Trudeau at all. That said, unless you prove me wrong, all I know is that he said he would revisit C-36, not overturn or cancel it. That is best answer to say that he will leave the law as it is without answering negatively. Pure bullshit.

Trudeau himself never promised to overturn C-36. Trudeau is first and foremost a politician and when his opponents hand him a win (by passing a law that pleases his feminist supporters), he is smart enough to keep quiet about it.

However it's clear that Trudeau and the Liberals were opposed to C-36 when it was proposed:

Trudeau voted against C-36: "...Trudeau voted against Bill C-36 without proposing new legislation."

Liberal MP Bill Morneau (Liberal) did promise to overturn it: "Well, on this there’s no disagreement. We would want to get rid of this bill just as the NDP would, and think that — now, I know there’s no Conservative here — but think that this is a continuing approach that the Conservatives seem to be doing, which is dismissing our courts and dismissing the judgments of our Supreme Court on issues that really matter to Canadians. So this is completely unacceptable. It’s a bill that puts people in danger, and we would not stand for it."

Trudeau took a very strong, radical feminist stance against all prostitution when he made this statement in January 2014: "..."prostitution itself is a form of violence against women."

There is no chance that the Liberals will change C-36. The only question is whether they will choose to help enforce the law nationwide. They could do this in the same way that the Obama administration has fought prostitution, i.e. by giving grants to local police forces to run Backpage stings, unleashing the FBI and other agencies to shut down advertising websites and prosecuting minor law offenders for major crimes such as "sex trafficking." I think Trudeau's government, under pressure from his feminist constituency, may eventually resort to such tactics. Keep in mind that there have been big crackdowns in the past on the sex industry in Montreal and elsewhere in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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So now that self-proclaimed feminist Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party control Parliament, why haven't they overturned C-36 as they promised to do? They have been in power for a year. What's stopping them?

Sorry but Trudeau and his radical feminist supporters are just as eager to jail clients as the Conservatives were. When it comes to the interests of clients, there is no difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

This law is in place because of the CONservatives., end of story, if the Liberals were in power at the time of the ruling you can bet your bottom dollar that this law would have been changed the way the Supreme Court intended it to be changed.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
remember that this law is in place because of the CONservatives, if the Liberals were in power you can bet your bottom dollar that this stupid law would have never seen the light of day and would have been changed the way the Supreme Court intended it for it to be changed.

I absolutely 100% totally agree with you! :thumb:

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
So now that self-proclaimed feminist Justin Trudeau and his Liberal party control Parliament, why haven't they overturned C-36 as they promised to do? They have been in power for a year. What's stopping them?

Sorry but Trudeau and his radical feminist supporters are just as eager to jail clients as the Conservatives were. When it comes to the interests of clients, there is no difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

Question: has anyone (not a pimp or human trafficker) been jailed or even charged with an offence under C-36? I"m pretty sure I know the answer there.
Trudeau won't overturn C-36 because he knows he will lose a huge chunk of support from his Catholic voter base.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005

This law is in place because of the CONservatives., end of story, if the Liberals were in power at the time of the ruling you can bet your bottom dollar that this law would have been changed the way the Supreme Court intended it to be changed.

The law is in place because the Supreme Court demanded the gov't take a position on the matter. I'm almost certain the Liberals would have come up with similar legislation. You guys need to understand the history behind the legislation before you spout off.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Question: has anyone (not a pimp or human trafficker) been jailed or even charged with an offence under C-36? I"m pretty sure I know the answer there.
Trudeau won't overturn C-36 because he knows he will lose a huge chunk of support from his Catholic voter base.

I don't think it's just the catholics. I actually think Harper did this to mostly gather support from anglicans, protestants and other religious groups.

By the way, how is all of this related to the legendary Fidel Castro Ruz?

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I don't think it's just the catholics. I actually think Harper did this to mostly gather support from anglicans, protestants and other religious groups.

By the way, how is all of this related to the legendary Fidel Castro Ruz?

It's not at all. Let's get back on topic. Fidel Castro is dead and that's a good thing for Cuba. Next up the 85 year old Raul :)
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