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Castro is Dead


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Politics and Historical dictators are not your thing Doc, you get it wrong all the time.
I should have known not to side with you on Trump, ( I am learning to blame things I get wrong too on others).
Stick with the Leafs they are on the rise and may just end up being a good team in a year or two.

He is just trying to piss you off.

We are lucky that the Psychopath #1 (Hitler) decided to attack his buddy Psychopath #2(Stalin) because before that the two signed an agreement and split Poland in two. In fact, the Poles were worse off under Stalin. Please check out the Katyn Massacre The Poles who went into battle with the Germans under the slogan For our Freedom and For Yours were hung out to dry by Chamberlain and the French when WWII started. They even drove the German 8th Army back for 3 straight days taking massive casualties. Meanwhile their so-called ally England dropped leaflet bombs in Germany while the gutless French coward behind the Maginot lines preparing their white flags for the upcoming battle. They English and the French had 3-5 weeks to attack Germany from the rear and they did almost nothing. The French had the best tank in the world at the outbreak of the war and they would only use them to support infantry even though Charles de Gaulle argued for massed tanks supported by infantry and the new warfare...he was reprimanded.

Luckily for Poland Hitler decided to attack his ally Stalin. This saved many lives in the gulags. The poles were released because Russia needed infantry and the US agreed to arm them. Poles were sent to the gulag for wearing Boy Scout uniforms. The gulag is a labor camp where people are worked to death. They are death camps and very important to communism (many Poles were just shot in the back of the head and therefore escaped the gulags.) Poles were released if they were willing to fight. They had to be nursed to health and walk 1000 miles to join the Divisions that were being formed up. Stalin also played a shity on the Polish underground. When the battle of Warsaw commenced the Poles were to start an uprising coordinated with the Russian attack from the East. The Poles did their part. Uncle Joe halted his armies until the revolt could be put down. When the Poles finally surrendered the German SS presented arms to the Poles who climbed out of the sewers and these men were marched off to camps in the west that were liberated by Americans. After the war, Stalin invited free Poles to return to Poland to form a government. They were executed. He did this a few times.

BTW - I know that there are a lot of self-loathing liberals up north but would the Soviet Union been able to fight off the Nazi's if it weren't for the Arsenal of Democracy? You know, that country that lay to the South of you? They have a president that travels around the world apologizing and bowing to people???

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Politics and Historical dictators are not your thing Doc, you get it wrong all the time.
I should have known not to side with you on Trump, ( I am learning to blame things I get wrong too on others).
Stick with the Leafs they are on the rise and may just end up being a good team in a year or two.

I'm obsessed with dictators, which is why i love Donald Trump.

As for the Leafs, they're already a good team. They'll be great in a year or two. :D


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Woke boy PM Trudeau's view of Castro:

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.
“While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for “el Comandante”.

“I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.
“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”

The reality of Castro's Cuba:

The Last Communist City

A visit to the dystopian Havana that tourists never see
Michael J. Totten
Spring 2014

...Outside its small tourist sector, the rest of the city looks as though it suffered a catastrophe on the scale of Hurricane Katrina or the Indonesian tsunami. Roofs have collapsed. Walls are splitting apart. Window glass is missing. Paint has long vanished. It’s eerily dark at night, almost entirely free of automobile traffic. I walked for miles through an enormous swath of destruction without seeing a single tourist. Most foreigners don’t know that this other Havana exists, though it makes up most of the city—tourist buses avoid it, as do taxis arriving from the airport. It is filled with people struggling to eke out a life in the ruins...

...When the ailing Fidel Castro ceded power to his less doctrinaire younger brother Raúl in 2008, the quasi-capitalist bubble expanded, but the economy remains heavily socialist. In the United States, we have a minimum wage; Cuba has a maximum wage—$20 a month for almost every job in the country. (Professionals such as doctors and lawyers can make a whopping $10 extra a month.) Sure, Cubans get “free” health care and education, but as Cuban exile and Yale historian Carlos Eire says, “All slave owners need to keep their slaves healthy and ensure that they have the skills to perform their tasks.”
Even employees inside the quasi-capitalist bubble don’t get paid more. The government contracts with Spanish companies such as Meliá International to manage Havana’s hotels. Before accepting its contract, Meliá said that it wanted to pay workers a decent wage. The Cuban government said fine, so the company pays $8–$10 an hour. But Meliá doesn’t pay its employees directly. Instead, the firm gives the compensation to the government, which then pays the workers—but only after pocketing most of the money. I asked several Cubans in my hotel if that arrangement is really true. All confirmed that it is. The workers don’t get $8–$10 an hour; they get 67 cents a day—a child’s allowance.

The maximum wage is just the beginning. Not only are most Cubans not allowed to have money; they’re hardly allowed to have things. The police expend extraordinary manpower ensuring that everyone required to live miserably at the bottom actually does live miserably at the bottom. Dissident blogger and author Yoani Sánchez describes the harassment sarcastically in her book Havana Real: “Buses are stopped in the middle of the street and bags inspected to see if we are carrying some cheese, a lobster, or some dangerous shrimp hidden among our personal belongings.” Perhaps the saddest symptom of Cuba’s state-enforced poverty is the prostitution epidemic—a problem the government officially denies and even forbids foreign journalists based in Havana to mention. Some Cuban prostitutes are professionals, but many are average women—wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers—who solicit johns once or twice a year for a little extra money to make ends meet...

...As for the free health care, patients have to bring their own medicine, their own bedsheets, and even their own iodine to the hospital. Most of these items are available only on the illegal black market, moreover, and must be paid for in hard currency—and sometimes they’re not available at all. Cuba has sent so many doctors abroad—especially to Venezuela, in exchange for oil—that the island is now facing a personnel shortage. “I don’t want to say there are no doctors left,” says an American man who married a Cuban woman and has been back dozens of times, “but the island is now almost empty. I saw a banner once, hanging from somebody’s balcony, that said, DO I NEED TO GO TO VENEZUELA FOR MY HEADACHE?”

...Tourists tip waiters, taxi drivers, tour guides, and chambermaids in hard currency, and to stave off a revolt from these people, the government lets them keep the additional money, so they’re “rich” compared with everyone else. In fact, they’re an elite class enjoying privileges—enough income to afford a cell phone, go out to restaurants and bars, log on to the Internet once in a while—that ordinary Cubans can’t even dream of. I asked a few people how much chambermaids earn in tips, partly so that I would know how much to leave on my dresser and also to get an idea of just how crazy Cuban economics are. Supposedly, the maids get about $1 per day for each room. If they clean an average of 30 rooms a day and work five days a week, they’ll bring in $600 a month—30 times what everyone else gets. “All animals are equal,” George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm, his allegory of Stalinism, “but some animals are more equal than others.” Only in the funhouse of a Communist country is the cleaning lady rich compared with the lawyer. Yet elite Cubans are impoverished compared with the middle class and even the poor outside Cuba.

About half the dinners I had were acceptable, and a few were outstanding, but the breakfast buffets in my hotel, the Habana Libre, were uniformly disgusting. Bacon was half-raw, the sausage made from God-knows-what. The cheese was discolored, the bread hard and flavorless. Yet the grim offering was advertised in the lobby as “exquisite.” Maybe if you’ve spent your entire life on a Cuban ration card, it’s exquisite, but otherwise—no. The question wasn’t what I wanted to eat, but what I thought I could eat without my stomach rising up in rebellion.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Finally you admit it, hope it didn't hurt too much.
As for the Leafs, you are right, if they had a goalie like Price they could be great.

Donald Trump has great potential to be a successful dictator and will lock up all flag burners and strip their citizenship. I don't know where they'll go but they can't come to Canada. Because he can send them to Taiwan and they can live in his new Trump hotel, who knows.

My favorite dictator of all was Idi Amin Dada. Man, that guy could sure kick some major ass!!!!! I loved that guy and had a poster of his on my wall when i was a teenager! I wasn't much impressed by Mobutu, though. Another great leader who was on my wall years ago was good ol' Uncle Joe.....Josef Stalin. He was a very strong leader and took no crap from anyone!

But today, we're running short of great leaders like the ones we had in the past. I hate Kim Jong Un of North Korea. He's a fucking idiot. I do like Vladimir Putin because he's a man's man, the people love him and he also doesn't take any crap and when he wants something, he just grabs it. Okay, he doesn't grab them by their pussies, but still.

King Abdullah of Jordan is a weakling. A pussy-cat. Bashir Al-Assad has a hot british wife, i give him this. He's a doctor, right?? But if it weren't for the great Vlady Putin, he'd be toast right now. So i can't respect someone like that. I also can't cheer for the Chinese dictator since i can't even pronounce his name. So that's why The Donald is my guy. But he'll never truly be my guy until he shows his gonads are not b.s. and he actually starts imprisoning his political opponents like he promised and start torturing people like he said he would. But i'll be even more impressed if he starts killing a lot of innocent people like Bush, Cheney and Obama did before him. Now i'll be impressed!!! Go Donald Drumph!!!! You're my kind of dictator!!! :thumb:

Do you know what i'd tell him to do if i were one of his advisors?? I'd tell him to order everyone who owns a gun to go out and shoot one another over a 24-hr period once a year. Americans love to kill Americans, after all. So why not make it fun?? We all know that every year, thousands of Americans kill one another. So why not add some spice to it and hold a special day for it?? We could call that day The Trump Purge. And then, things will be more quiet for the remaining 364 days of the year and people will be able to concentrate on more important things than killing one another, right?? We could also allow people not to participate, but if they're too chicken and we give them a free pass they have to forfit their weapons. If not, they gotta play the game! Of course, you'll always have the idiot toddler who'll grab one of his parents' gun and kill the parent, but what can you do? Lock up the toddler?? Hey Donald, i have another great idea for you! A prison for toddlers! Bring back spanking? No way!! Waterboarding for kids! :lol:

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Every strong leader has tough decisions to make. But El Presidente had the gonads to make them, popular or not. And that's why he's a legendary historical figure.

So given that logic in your mind GWB is a strong legendary historical figure for invading Afganistan and Iraq after 9/11. Defending the Republic. Good to know.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Finally you admit it, hope it didn't hurt too much.
As for the Leafs, you are right, if they had a goalie like Price they could be great.

The Leafs need some solid d men. I think Anderson is decent enough, although he is not in the league of a Price.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
The Leafs need some solid d men. I think Anderson is decent enough, although he is not in the league of a Price.

No other goalie in the NHL is in the same league as Carey Price. But i agree that Andersen is very good and now looks he'll be worth the investment they made in him. The offense is very good, but they need to add at least 2 high-end defencemen, which are very hard to get. Rielly, Zaitsev and Gardiner are okay....but the rest?? Oh boy!! Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing if they missed the playoffs one more season in order to draft a top defenceman.

By the way, the great Fidel Castro was also a very good ballplayer in his younger years. I once read that he had the potential to be a major league ballplayer. Not only was a great leader, but it turns out he was also a very good athlete! :thumb:

Hail Castro! Hail Trump!! :D

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
So given that logic in your mind GWB is a strong legendary historical figure for invading Afganistan and Iraq after 9/11. Defending the Republic. Good to know.

Invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do since the Taliban were hosting OBL. But invading Iraq was absolutely stupid and it turned out to be a global catastrophe which we'll pay for during the next 30 years. That invasion was made under false pretense and it was personal. Never mix good business with personal reasons. Old italian friends of mine always told me this.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I luv Doc`s sarcastic humor :decision:
Hard to believe that in the real world he is a damn nice guy :thumb:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do since the Taliban were hosting OBL. But invading Iraq was absolutely stupid and it turned out to be a global catastrophe which we'll pay for during the next 30 years. That invasion was made under false pretense and it was personal. Never mix good business with personal reasons. Old italian friends of mine always told me this.

Correct. And the USA invading IRAQ was a turning point that enforced the Islamic State. The American really created a fucking mess in Iraq, a lose/lose situation.


Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Shame on you Doc. Supporting a murderous tyrant who operated a gulag for 49 years. SMH

I never claimed i supported him. I just chose to look at his good side. Sure, he did some bad things and screwed up on others. No one's perfect. But just like others i studied such as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin, they were very effective and strong leaders who at one point in time did a lot of good for their country and supporters. Hitler rebuilt Germany from scratch, rebuilt its military and made it a world power; Stalin was equally as strong in his leadership and turned his country into a major world power for half a century; Benito Mussolini made many positive changes for Italy and also made it into a powerful country. Had he not been influenced by Hitler and joined him into starting WWII, things would likely have been very different for him and his country. But like i said, they were all human after all and made their share of mistakes which led to their downfall. Other than Stalin, that is. He chose to join the good side, but he had no choice after his ally Hitler backstabbed him and attacked Russia.

As i look at things today, the Americans have a gem-of-a-potential-dictator in Donald Trump. Not only is he also fascinated with dictators, but he really wants to be one and impose his will on the rest of America. You Americans have a good thing going, folks. If the right buttons are pressed, President Donald Trump will be a strong and powerful leader and will squash each and every opponent of his. Long live Fidel Castro! Long live Donald Trump!!

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Invading Afghanistan was the right thing to do since the Taliban were hosting OBL. But invading Iraq was absolutely stupid and it turned out to be a global catastrophe which we'll pay for during the next 30 years. That invasion was made under false pretense and it was personal. Never mix good business with personal reasons. Old italian friends of mine always told me this.
I'd like to know what evidence you have that the invasion of Iraq was done under false pretenses? They made the decision based on intelligence that was faulty. It was the wrong decision no question and it destabilized the region tremendously. Obama didn't help matters any by pulling the troops out in 2011 against the advice of most of his generals.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
I never claimed i supported him. I just chose to look at his good side. Sure, he did some bad things and screwed up on others. No one's perfect. But just like others i studied such as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Josef Stalin, they were very effective and strong leaders who at one point in time did a lot of good for their country and supporters. Hitler rebuilt Germany from scratch, rebuilt its military and made it a world power; Stalin was equally as strong in his leadership and turned his country into a major world power for half a century; Benito Mussolini made many positive changes for Italy and also made it into a powerful country. Had he not been influenced by Hitler and joined him into starting WWII, things would likely have been very different for him and his country. But like i said, they were all human after all and made their share of mistakes which led to their downfall. Other than Stalin, that is. He chose to join the good side, but he had no choice after his ally Hitler backstabbed him and attacked Russia.

As i look at things today, the Americans have a gem-of-a-potential-dictator in Donald Trump. Not only is he also fascinated with dictators, but he really wants to be one and impose his will on the rest of America. You Americans have a good thing going, folks. If the right buttons are pressed, President Donald Trump will be a strong and powerful leader and will squash each and every opponent of his. Long live Fidel Castro! Long live Donald Trump!!

Hail Castro. Long live Fidel Castro sure the hell sounds like supporting him to me. Nice backtrack :)

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I'd like to know what evidence you have that the invasion of Iraq was done under false pretenses? They made the decision based on intelligence that was faulty. It was the wrong decision no question and it destabilized the region tremendously. Obama didn't help matters any by pulling the troops out in 2011 against the advice of most of his generals.

Seriously, dude. Where have you been over the past 10 years or so?? Or right, in the bubble. Watching Fox News and getting your news from all kinds of other fake news sites. I love it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Correct. And the USA invading IRAQ was a turning point that enforced the Islamic State. The American really created a fucking mess in Iraq, a lose/lose situation.

As i've heard many times: George W. Bush is the Father of ISIS.

Thank you Mr. Bush for the mess you've left us with. Thank you, you fucking clueless asshole!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Hail Castro. Long live Fidel Castro sure the hell sounds like supporting him to me. Nice backtrack :)

I don't support him. I just respect the guy for all the good he did and for his extremely strong leadership. I give Cezar his due. But support him?? Nah. That's why i've never been to Cuba. I wasn't going to give that cigar-smoking bearded cocksucker any of my money! He's kept his people in the past and imprisoned everyone who disagreed with him, after all!!! He was a dick!!!!

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Seriously, dude. Where have you been over the past 10 years or so?? Or right, in the bubble. Watching Fox News and getting your news from all kinds of other fake news sites. I love it!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Where do you get your news - Huffington? Slate? NYT? Al Jazeera? Too funny :D

There is NO evidence that Bush/Cheney went into Iraq for any reason other than to fight terrorism. The UN was ultimately responsible for the US going in because that organization is a sick joke.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
There is NO evidence that Bush/Cheney went into Iraq for any reason other than to fight terrorism. The UN was ultimately responsible for the US going in because that organization is a sick joke.

It'd be clueless and idiotic to say that they went into Iraq to fight terrorism when there was zero terrorism going on in Iraq in the first place. The real reason he went in was because big bad Saddam had once sent an assassination team to kill his daddy Georgie. That's the real reason he went in. George Tenet and Richard Clarke all admitted since then that the intelligence was bogus and that Bush and Cheney knew it was bogus. But they used it as an excuse to settle a personal vendetta.

As i said, my former italian buddies often told me never to bring personal matters into business. It's bad business to do so.
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