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Etiquette when it comes to... turning away


Professional browser
Aug 17, 2017
Hello everyone,

I recently met an SP and as soon as she opened the door, I felt embarrassed because she physically looked very much like someone I know and despise! I chose to ignore that feeling because there was no way this person was going to prevent me from enjoying myself.

But looking back, I realize I didn't have a very good experience because of that: I couldn't help seeing the other person. I was unable to perform properly and couldn't enjoy the experience at all.
I'm thinking I should have left as soon as I realized who the SP reminded me of.

Which leads me to wonder: what should we do in such cases? Or let's say if the girl who opens the door is not what you were expecting at all? You loved her body on her posting, but cannot bear to see her face!

Is it ok to just turn away and leave? Should we give her some money as a compensation for the trouble? Or should we force ourselves to stay and simply focus on the body? That is, if you can - although, there's still the solution of the paper bag on the head!

What would you have done? What is the right thing to do?

Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I would just give her $20 and move on. That is if she is the girl advertised yet some how in some way you just don't want to carry things forward. Now if she is not the girl advertised and you know there is deception involved you don't owe anyone anything. If there is a problem call security if she is there to meet you. If an incall just leave.


Apr 9, 2017
Agreed on moving on with compensation. But I would perhaps give $50, for a reputable girl. After all she is losing a one hour appointment which she could make some where between 200 to 250.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
There is a non written rule where you can refuse a meeting for any reason as well as the SP can refuse to see you as a client. Normally the 20$ given is for the driver... in an outcall. You are not forced to give anything for an incall. Obviously you can DECIDE to give some if you want to.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
for any reason as well as the SP can refuse to see you as a client

I wonder if this actually ever happens. If not, it probably should. That would decrease the chance of the client receiving poor service. I wonder, however, how the agencies feel about SPs refusing a client.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I saw it happen one time when i was a booker. The SP called me back and said she was unconfortable with the dude so she canceled. Client called me back and was wondering what was going on but i explained to him its a right for an SP to refuse a client. Obviously i was not there so i don't know why exactly she decided to do it but as her booker obviously i was to side with her.

I also had another SP told me she did it once. Client opened the door, just got to sit on his bed rolling a joint and not even talking to her... basically doing like she was not there, not smiling or anything. She was unconfortable and left...

But usually you hear more about the stories of client being "brown/black" and SP not expecting it and then declining to see him as she does not see black client in general. Don't want to restart the debate on the whole thing if its right or wrong there, just saying you see it sometimes happening.

As for agencies, well any good agency would totally accept that the SP they represent do it. Unless it become a habit and she does it everytime the client is not a 35-40 years old stud ... obviously. In that case she could not be suited much for this business lol.

Personally i always prepared myself to it, as in it could happen one day. I mean im a nice guy and all and im always friendly and smiling when seeing somebody but i know maybe it could happen due to my weight or physical apearence. From what i heard its VERY VERY rarely a possibility as escorts are used to deal with overweigh guys and im not "that terribly fat" , well most of you saw me in person a few times, so you know, but still... if it was ever going to happen ill be ready. The classic line being "i forgot something in the car" , i would politely tell her i know she is cancelling the meeting and just ask to tell me why honestly as it would help me knowing if i did anything wrong or its just a physical reason. In any case as soon as she would walk off i would call the agency and just confirm the meeting is cancel so i can move on to another plan.

I do hope it never happen tough ...lol


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Jun 21, 2003
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If you're too nice to turn away and go through with the session then you just do your best to avoid seeing her face and position her where you just see the top or back of her head.

It's not that hard, I've done it several times.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I have had this experience as have many other members. If it's an independent who has posted phoney pictures and the ad was misleading I will just call her on the false pictures and walk away. If it's an agency who has given me a description and the description is nothing like the girl I was sent to meet again I walk away. I have on occasion tuned and left and given the girl $20. which seems to be appreciated.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Same as Doggy for me. If it's a bait indy I say sorry no offense but I need to leave and you know why. Happened 3 times.

With agency or merb advertised indy it happened a few times that I was a bit disappointed upon seeing the girl but I always went ahead anyhow. As SSJ writes me often, I am a pig haha


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I have been cancelled on by a guy who just said ''You're not 18'' and walked away as fast as lightning. LOL I was 18 at the time. I texted him that he could have asked for an ID. A year later, new number new everything, the same guy books me. I didn't recognize the number. He did the SAME THING. ''You're not 19'' and left. Ok. Like, the first time it wasn't that bad. But the second time I thought WTF.

I have once cancelled a guy at door because he texted me for 10 mins trying to figure out where my hotel room was (I was in another city). The thing is my instructions were very clear. Just when I thought ''he's not there, it happens'', I hear a knock. I open the door and here stands this tall, super skinny guy with yellow eyes that don't lie, high as a fucking skyscraper, with his taxi driver that had to help him find the room and a ''wtf am I doing here'' look in the taxi driver's face. LOL I just said no sorry.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol thx for the good laugh Julia... some peoples just don't know basic stuff... oh boy


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Yeah but you have to be careful. If you call one of the B&S agencies they will threaten you if you don't give the girl $100. They will say something like, "the girl is not leaving until you pay $100." My friend who was staying at Hotel W was baited and switched (this despite my warning not to do the booking because he showed me the website and I had never seen it before). The Booker threatened him and said "she ain't leaving til you give her $100." My friend, a total no nonsense kind of guy, said "no way, I would like to see you try and get past Hotel W Security to collect on that debt." The Booker backed down and he eventually sent her away with $40. I never sent anyone away because I am a little more careful with my bookings than you guys are, but if I fucked up or someone was not what I was told, I would give her $50. I only book with reliable agencies and indies and IMHO shit like what is discussed in this thread only happens to people who are risk takers and/or careless and they are usually getting what they deserve for taking risks or being sloppy. It can happen, I know, but it never has to me and I seen many, many ladies and been doing this for 20 years.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Agreed on moving on with compensation. But I would perhaps give $50, for a reputable girl. After all she is losing a one hour appointment which she could make some where between 200 to 250.

Kind of makes sense but does the girl refund you part of the donation if she did not provide you with GFE service as advertised or with a really poor service? It should work both ways. No?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I never sent anyone away because I am a little more careful with my bookings than you guys are, but if I fucked up or someone was not what I was told, I would give her $50. I only book with reliable agencies and indies and IMHO shit like what is discussed in this thread only happens to people who are risk takers and/or careless and they are usually getting what they deserve for taking risks or being sloppy. It can happen, I know, but it never has to me and I seen many, many ladies and been doing this for 20 years.

Precisely most of the offers on Backpage and the like are scams. Over 95% of the pictures are fake. Anyone who goes into it must accept the risk of getting extorted, bait and switch, and getting a bad service.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Precisely most of the offers on Backpage and the like are scams. Over 95% of the pictures are fake. Anyone who goes into it must accept the risk of getting extorted, bait and switch, and getting a bad service.

Lol When I see Indy I go to backpage to make sure the girl is not on it ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Lol When I see Indy I go to backpage to make sure the girl is not on it ;)


I have seen some Independents from Indy Companion and Merb advertising on Backpage.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Precisely most of the offers on Backpage and the like are scams. Over 95% of the pictures are fake. Anyone who goes into it must accept the risk of getting extorted, bait and switch, and getting a bad service.

99% of the bait and switch threads on MERB are broken record, pointless threads because they are started by the very posters who are responsible for the proliferation of the bait and switchers. They are the risk takers who just don't care and/or the sloppy researchers. They deserve the bait and switchers and vice versa. The only thread on bait and switch that matters on this board is/was the sticky threads, and time and time again the B&S thread starters prove that they never read the sticky thread and lost money as a result. I rarely even read these threads any more. It's like watching a baseball pitcher in the National League try to hit.........an exercise in cluelessness .............


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
There are the green and blue boards for Montreal. There is no way one can mess up if he actually go and do his homework. I rejected a girl only once because I didn't find her attractive. Funny thing is was that all you guys gave her a 9 in looks. That was the only major stand alone wtf aberration moment. All the rest things were spot on.
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