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June 1st Reopening

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Then don’t go see anyone dude?

Who is reopening tomorrow? What are the strict standards they r reopening with?

Who r these two agencies you are talking about? What strict standards are u expecting? Can you name a few u would like to see? Your not buying a cafe latte from one of these girls, you know what your doing. How would you expect same set of standards?
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Oct 24, 2011
I would like to believe the risk is very low. but every time I think of it, I understand there is always the chance that one of the two in a meeting could have contracted the virus prior at the store or work or wherever, you don't know how careful either person have been (ie. if they wear a mask in public...), the thing that complicates everything is that you do not show any symptoms as you can be asymptomatic for over a week and all you have to do is breathe the same air. in that time if an escort sees clients during that period they would most likely pass it to them and have no idea. then, that infected client if see's another escort and infect them who then infects her clients...who will be the unlucky one :(
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The 2 top tier agencies have been secretly open for a week or more. One of them maybe for a month or more.
The others will officially open on June 1st.
Pricing will be up a small percent by some agencies, and then probably the others will follow as volume drops and overhead creeps up.
BDM your trip will depend less on what the agencies do as to when the border will re-open.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Then don’t go see anyone dude?

Who is reopening tomorrow? What are the strict standards they r reopening with?

Who r these two agencies you are talking about? What strict standards are u expecting? Can you name a few u would like to see? Your not buying a cafe latte from one of these girls, you know what your doing. How would you expect same set of standards?

Yes, I will follow your advice ;)

I am not the owner of an agency, but if I were, I would set up a few standards to secure and reassure my staff and clients. Of course all this isn't permanent.

Reduce the number of clients, so that the girl has plenty of time to take a shower, change the sheets between each client (1 sheet/1client and wash).
All the customers entering enter disinfect their hands, undress, take a shower, and the same thing before leaving.

Ask clients if they have a sporadic cough, no matter why, we can't accommodate them right now.

In short, little things to reassure everyone.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
What is interesting is that the government will allow you to see an escort on June 1st while not allowing you to see a barber till June 15th in Montreal. All the stranger since the escort will be as naked as the day she was born while your barber will be dressed in a Hazmat suit and you`ll have to wear a mask.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
But Cloud the escort wont see 24-25 client like some barber see in a day. And she will be alone in a big room not like many barber in the same area.

That said I am not sure if I can see a girl before I can get an haircut. I look ridiculous!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yes, I will follow your advice ;)

I am not the owner of an agency, but if I were, I would set up a few standards to secure and reassure my staff and clients. Of course all this isn't permanent.

Reduce the number of clients, so that the girl has plenty of time to take a shower, change the sheets between each client (1 sheet/1client and wash).
All the customers entering enter disinfect their hands, undress, take a shower, and the same thing before leaving.

I mean that’s just normalcy what you mentioned. Booking an appropriate # of clients, changing sheets, taking a shower, requesting customer to be clean and shower. These aren’t practices required because of covid, it’s what should be done.

The sporadic cough to me doesn’t make sense, reflux, allergies even asthma. One time Scarlett had to run into living room and get me my inhaler after a rigorous SOG.

If someone’s coughing as they walk through door and after they get out of shower, than that’s something different


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Does anybody have a ballpark idea/percentage of what the risk of catching covid 19 from an SP is?

Lot's of variables, but I'm guessing the risk is extremely low unless you have a preexisting condition.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There’s a difference between risk of catching it, risk of getting sick from it, and then risk of dying from it. The risk of dying from seeing an escort if you don’t have prexisitimg conditions is low, would say risk of catching covid is tough to tell and totally different. Obviously the lower the R naught is in MTL the lesser risk of catching and spreading
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You have a good point. I know in NY state there were less than 100 new hospitalizations and a total of 1,300 new cases along with less than 50 deaths. I know it's not as simple as dividing the new cases or hospitalizations by the population but if you did it would appear to be extremely difficult to catch it. But with an SP there's the lack of social distancing, surfaces, no masks, previous client etc. that would make it really tough to come up with any number.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Actually, if the R naught is less than 1, if I remember my Epi @ all it means the penetrance of the disease in the community is low(not much community spread, very little scenarios where you get sick and have no idea where/who you got it from). If the R naught is below 1, this is a bench marker used by all these fuckers to say it’s safe to go out, even those with pre existing conditions provided you are taking precautions of wearing mask and washing hands. @
An r naught in less than 1 you can easily eat @ restaurant (even inside with mild social distancing) get hair cut, get your nails done Waterloo! Keep in mind though seeing an SP and an SP seeing a John is not minimal risk behavior. I remember reading someone on the discussions on STD’s said I could get in my car and get hit by a car or something and have less of a chance getting the clap. Lol, silly comparison. Keep in mind that none of us, SP and John alike is that guy or girl rushing to work and kissing our significant other bye bye in the morning and getting on freeway goin 90 on an 80 km/hour freeway. When u engage in all this, your the person gettin into your car buzzed from drinking. I’m not here to tell people what they should and shouldn’t do, or to even say we r not normal, I’m just saying do not think that our risk levels are the same as the general population

Everyone’s gotta figure their own shit out for themselves and don’t count on anyone but yourself to take care of you and your loved ones and keep them disease free and safe
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
If someone’s coughing as they walk through door and after they get out of shower, than that’s something different

I understand your point of view.

We must not be more Catholic than the Pope.

But yes indeed these are things that can happen. Normally I would never talk about it. But there with covid-19, now as it's well known that this respiratory virus is transmitted by close contact from person to person, if we cough, if we sneeze we thus projects droplets.

I agree there are many if.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Le salon exotica laval:

La pratique de notre profession nous empêchent de suivre les règles de distanciation sociale imposées par la santé publique du Québec et la CNESST. Donc, nous n’avons pas le choix de suivre les mesures émises par ces deux organismes tel que la protection individuel ; soit le port du masque obligatoire pour nos travailleurs et les clients. Nous sommes conscient que cela rend l’expérience moins agréable pour vous et en sommes profondément désolé. Par contre, c’est le seul moyen de continuer à offrir nos services de façon sécuritaire pour l’instant. Il nous fera plaisirs de vous en fournir un si vous n'en posséder pas.

La direction


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Looks like the MPs all closed down and will reopen on June 15th. Either they got visits from LE or the enforcement of masks is not working out. But under the reopening schedule MPs do not really qualify.
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Active Member
Jan 6, 2020
The Indy Advertisement section in MERB appears to be fairly quiet. It seems to me many Indies are not comfortable about resuming working.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I checked on Terb and the advertising section there is still off. I suspect Indys are selling OnlyFans there since it is online physical location is irrelevant. I think when Terb advertising is back and the agencies reopen we will probably see more Indys resuming work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Euphoria raised their rates by 20$. Hopefully the other agencies don’t follow suit raising the standard yet again.
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Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Euphoria raised their rates by 20$. Hopefully the other agencies don’t follow suit raising the standard yet again.
I am pretty sure this will be the trend. I think $20 is reasonable given the risks involved now, and I have heard that there are not many customers in the market as many are not partaking due to the risks involved. They also don't want to have to explain to family and friends contact tracing in case they end up being infected.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
What did you expect NCTW ? The risk is higher so 10 for the girls and the overhead is higher so 10 for the agency.
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