Montreal Escorts

June 1st Reopening

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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Don’t understand? Please explain


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I tell chics I’m cloudsurf

Honestly, I do not think most agencies or escorts expect to hear truth from us. What they are interested in hearing is a good story, whether it's true or not. If you can tell a good story, you are all set, and if you are not able to tell good stories, then you need to worry, because you do need to at least keep your company amused. I met an escort around 15 years ago and she asked me what I did for a living. I told her I was an attorney. She said "no way, you are either a cop or a construction worker. You just don't look like an attorney to me." So I said, "you know what, I am busted, I am NYCPD. I just did not want it to get around that a NY cop is seeing ladies at this agency. It could get back to my boss." So she laughed. It was just a story. Stories do not hurt people. What hurts people is the kind of lack of discretion I mentioned in the post above. You guys are all supposed to have heads on your shoulders, so use them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes it's true, for singles, there is no problem.

If we live alone we can receive at home. I pay special attention to choosing the girls who will come to my house, because even if I have lived alone for ten years, I have children.
I would feel so looser if they learned that I see young escorts. Even if my children are very open-minded, I'm really not sure they would understand.
I wouldn't want them to see me as a "mononcle cochon"

Let's say that it's not a hobby that is accepted by the vast majority of the population.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
I do not know what personal information you are giving the agency. Only thing they have is my first name and my phone number. You can give any first name you want, they will not be able to tell the difference so the only info they have is your real phone number. You can always use a burner phone if you are afraid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You guys have spent the whole quarantine debating whether or not the prices would go up, down or stay the same. Agency owners and Indies alike were silently reading your posts. Seeing how you couldn't even stop talking about seeing providers, can you imagine how many silent clients are also thinking about providers and wanting to have sex/intimacy? Given that the risks with COVID are not going anywhere, you are left with a choice: see a provider with added risks (health or financial) or jerk off for a year or more.

Now, we are faced with the same dilemma. What are we willing to accept in exchange for the added risk we face? Considering that we wouldn't be currently working if we followed the rules of political correctness, we would be making 0$. Considering also that seeing one client for 60 minutes is the same risk as seeing one for a few hours, wouldn't I want to ensure I get a longer booking for the same risk? Don't get me wrong, I love 60 minutes bookings, but in the idea that I want to have maybe one or two bookings a week, isn't it better for me to have a 4 hours booking for the same health risk? I think the answer is pretty obvious. I would rather raise my minimum duration, then having someone waste their time contacting me, only for me to tell them I'd rather not meet for an hour booking.

You keep on saying ''business 101'' and being quite patronizing over the fact that we are not-so-bright to raise our rates in a pandemic. Let's take the example of the hairdresser. She isn't able to see as many clients as she did before and has to spend more time cleaning in between clients. She also has to purchase more products to keep the place spotless. Now let's transfer this to agency owners. They have a few condos where girls can wait, except now they probably can't wait all in the same room, they can't really do outcalls and they have to have more downtime in between clients. They simply CAN'T have the same volume as they did before. So, considering you guys were basically counting the days before you can see providers again (add the lurkers and other clients from other sources), wouldn't you say the demand is probably the same (if not more since people have needed intimacy for a while now and they're not getting it)? It is only logical for the owners to raise their rates slightly to partly make up for the volume they possibly can't cater to (due to increased downtime and such).

Agencies will always be lower priced because they rely heavily on volume. Independents don't rely on volume. In general, they work less hours in a day, which also has its appeal for clients. We also carry more costs (usually two rents) and have to cover our advertising and photoshoots ourselves. Matching agency rates wouldn't be sustainable for independents. Both have their pluses and minuses. Both have VERY different clientele as well.

All this to say, I think it's fair for providers and agencies to raise their rates given the added risks and that what you think is the reality in terms of demand... might not quite be accurate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Guys, if a supermarket wants to get rid of foods that will expire in a week what do they do?
They put it on sale. Half price. More customers buys. Win win.

Escort agencies: We have less customers, people are scare to book with us, what do we do?
Increase the price !

Huh? Why do you compare a supermarket to an escort agency? These girls are not selling burgers or food. They are selling sex and intimacy and it means human relations even if for money. You compare economics to this. It could not be further from the truth. How can you compare economics to intimacy and human relations? These girls are not dolls or robots. Btw foods rot girls do not. Weird. You do realize there is covid and now there is an increased risk. These girls got to charge extra and it makes sense. It is not in the way you placed it. Even hairdressers have and will jackup their prices. You do realize for hairdressers there are government enforced social distance rules. They have to operate at half capacity, there is a increase in cost for PPE, plexiglass and setting up the salon for social distance, frequent cleanings, etc.. Unfortunately that cost will be passed on to the client. They are not working for charity. Same for the girls. There is an increased risk of getting infected. They rather see fewer clients to reduce risk and that means raising prices to compensate. You do not like it use an agency or watch some porn and jerk off. It is their body. These girls rather retire and move on to other things then lower their prices.

Until the Euphoria, XO and VOG reduces their prices and make it easier to book without giving away your personal info,
let's not book them anymore.

You take it all for granted. These agencies offer you a bargain. Top gorgeous fit young slim girls offering GFE with incalls except for Vogue. To me it is a bargain. Here you are whining about $20 extra. Wow! With the covid situation you are lucky these agencies are back and Merb has opened up the advertising section. On Terb it is still closed and agencies there are talking about more restrictions. Have you seen on Humpchies or even Terb what the situation is? And what personal info are you talking about? I booked with XO last week Sam did not ask me for any personal info.. I sent a text told him my handle and booking was very simple and straight. It was so easy to make a booking. True that Indys fuss a lot. They want references and I honestly cannot provide one since I am not in the escort scene but with stripclubs closed this is what I will use for now.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Another way to look at it is that they will loose 100% of the business from guys who don't do 2 hour appointments.
They may lose the one hour customers, but they will lessen their risk and at the same time not lose revenues. There are many who prefer multiple hours and now there will be more as they realize that their risk is lowered as a result of the lady seeing less customers on a daily basis. Ladies will also be less tired, in a better mood translating into a better interaction all around. At the moment I will not partake for safety reasons but I have always preferred 2-3 hour sessions. I find one hour is rushed and i like to take my time and get to know the lady better. And i find charging a bit more for the added risk quite normal in these times. There is no price for intimacy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Let's hope this "coronavirus tax" doesn't become the norm for an excuse to charge more money for services rendered. It's a bullshit excuse for people to raise their rates. You wan't to raise your rates? Go ahead and raise your rates, that's entirely up to you. But let's cut the bullshit about paying for the additional risk or because people aren't making as much money anymore. So you went from making a crazy amount of money for so many years and now you have to take a hit, boo hoo.

Nurses, doctors, police, firemen, paramedics, and all of the first responders are the people that deserve of a form of hazard pay and they signed up for the risk that comes along with their jobs. If your jobs too risky, find another profession.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2006
Let's hope this "coronavirus tax" doesn't become the norm for an excuse to charge more money for services rendered. It's a bullshit excuse for people to raise their rates. You wan't to raise your rates? Go ahead and raise your rates, that's entirely up to you. But let's cut the bullshit about paying for the additional risk or because people aren't making as much money anymore. So you went from making a crazy amount of money for so many years and now you have to take a hit, boo hoo.

Nurses, doctors, police, firemen, paramedics, and all of the first responders are the people that deserve of a form of hazard pay and they signed up for the risk that comes along with their jobs. If your jobs too risky, find another profession.

You cannot compare those professions to SP's. In those other professions you mention, although they do deserve hazard pay , they are not in control of their paycheques, however the SP's are and more power to them.. In my opinion their risk is higher because in those other professions they do wear ppe and practice social distancing as much as they can. It is practically impossible to practice social distancing as an SP. And the thing is they are not doing this job because they enjoy it. They do it because they feel they have to, so for them to provide the service we want they will only accept what they are comfortable with. And in the Montreal market they certainly have not made a crazy amount over the years. So many escorts have told me how cheap Montreal clients are. Lets face it, this is an expensive hobby. If one can't afford it then don't participate. Complaining about pricing is a waste of time.

That One Guy

Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Let's hope this "coronavirus tax" doesn't become the norm for an excuse to charge more money for services rendered. It's a bullshit excuse for people to raise their rates. You wan't to raise your rates? Go ahead and raise your rates, that's entirely up to you. But let's cut the bullshit about paying for the additional risk or because people aren't making as much money anymore.

The whole thing is just silly from both sides. Is a measly $20 hike in prices actually going to make a tangible difference in how comfortable an SP is with the added risk? Get real. Likewise, is a $20 increase really going to stop most hobbyists from booking? I doubt it.

The only issue I have with this is that the occasional bad experience is going to sting a bit more. Usually the premium agency rates were reserved for the SP's which were an almost guaranteed positive experience, I don't need to tell you who these girls are, they have pages and pages of positive reviews. Now think back to your last terrible session and imagine paying a premium for that particular session, OUCH
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
You cannot compare those professions to SP's. In those other professions you mention, although they do deserve hazard pay , they are not in control of their paycheques, however the SP's are and more power to them.. In my opinion their risk is higher because in those other professions they do wear ppe and practice social distancing as much as they can. It is practically impossible to practice social distancing as an SP. And the thing is they are not doing this job because they enjoy it. They do it because they feel they have to, so for them to provide the service we want they will only accept what they are comfortable with. And in the Montreal market they certainly have not made a crazy amount over the years. So many escorts have told me how cheap Montreal clients are. Lets face it, this is an expensive hobby. If one can't afford it then don't participate. Complaining about pricing is a waste of time.

You have some valid points, but I would point out that I was loosely responding to a quote earlier about charging more due to the risk. To me, this is no different than what a first responder must think about. First responders are indeed in control of their paychecks, they can do something else. SP's may be taking on an additional risk, but that's a reason for them to get out of the business, not to increase their price. Again, if someone want's to raise their rates, more power to them. But to put a price on the risk of catching a deadly disease is something to me I just wouldn't be able to justify with a price increase. Especially if it's "practically impossible to practice social distancing". Also, most people don't enjoy their jobs, they work because they need to pay the bills, if it's too dangerous of a job I'm sure their are plenty of other professions they can choose. If Montreal clients are so cheap they can go elsewhere to make a living and charge their "coronavirus tax".

Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about the price, I agree, that would be a waste of time. Raising rates is something that will happen no matter what. But, I'm not buying the fact that rates need to go up (a coronavirus tax) because people are more at risk. If they want to raise their rates, then do it, it's about increasing profits and greed. Not about some bs risk excuse.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about the price, I agree, that would be a waste of time. Raising rates is something that will happen no matter what. But, I'm not buying the fact that rates need to go up (a coronavirus tax) because people are more at risk. If they want to raise their rates, then do it, it's about increasing profits and greed. Not about some bs risk excuse.

I don't agree.

Before the pandemic the risk was very low, now it has increased.
For me the risk increases, the price increases.

By cons 300 $ / hr. is the maximum I can afford.
And I fully realize how lucky I am.

So do I change girls or repeat? This is a question I will address in another thread.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
It doesn’t really matter what any of us think.
If indys can ask for longer sessions and higher prices and get It then that is what they will do.

I will still see my regular indys because I enjoy there company they are fabulous women.
as Fly said you can either opt for the cheaper agency girls or jerk off.
Like the women we all have a choice.
I like the ones I am seeing so if need be I may see them a few less times but I will stick with them, they have been good to me.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There is absolutely an increased risk providing FS to multiple guys a day, multiple days of the week, no question about it. Also, I don’t know if requiring 2 hour minimum appointments or whatever will have any epidemiological significance in reduction of transmission, but if it puts people @ ease, go for it I guess.

I don’t think adding $20/hour is greed. Take a look @ other markets, and I will use someone like Priscilla from XO. She’s a local Québécois, not someone who has come to Montreal to work in the industry from a developing country. Definitely beautiful and gives waaay above average service. Lexis from euphoria is another provider that comes to mind. In London they would be easy commanding £250/hour or more, Prague about and above €250/hour, so as you can see, again I’ll say it, you F’ers r certainly getting a steal for the ability to have FS provided by such lovelies and with such ease as picking up a phone as if your ordering a pizza. No where else in the world I have seen this. Definitely to me this is not greed by anyone to raise prices by $20


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm sorry but raising my rates and my minimum duration is 100% due to increased risk and lost revenue as it is impossible for me to cater to as many clients as I did before. Seeing as I can't see many clients in a week, raising my rates seem like the appropriate choice to make up for (some) lost revenue. The demand remains the same on my side. I am simply ''thinning the herd'' by raising my rates and raising my minimum duration. It is not greed nor is it undeserved. There is a reason why many businesses have a ''coronavirus tax'' and greed isn't one of them.

So according to you, thegreatwaloo, our options would be: take what you guys offer (even with added health risks) or get out of the business? If that was how this worked, we would all be charging 150$/h or less and offering all the services you guys require at no added fee. Unfortunately, the prices in Montreal have been stagnating for a while and haven't even followed inflation. Yet it is now required of us to have an online presence, have a website, wear nice lingerie and host you in nice, clean condos. But that's a discussion for another day.

Why would I want to get out of the business simply due to increase risk? SW is one of the riskiest and most stigmatized job there is. Yet, I love what I do and I don't see myself doing anything else. I am very privileged to choose this job rather than do it out of survival. But saying that if I don't like the risks, I should just retire is nonsensical. You guys want girls who actually enjoy themselves and love their jobs, but at the same time we should not be properly paid for the risks we face? There is a reason why agency workers usually last less longer in the business or switch to independent work when they have made a name for themselves. The volume of men they see in a day is bound to cause someone to be jaded. Especially with the pay they end up leaving with. We absolutely are exposed to higher risks than any frontline workers as we have to kiss you and have sex with you. We don't wear any PPE or protection gear. So the comparison isn't valid.


New Member
May 29, 2017
I avoid indies completely. They tend to be older, can cancel at last minute, just not worth the time and extra $$$. There is no point when you get younger girls through reliable Montreal agencies. Euphoria is a weird agency anyways just avoid them. James is good but the a-holes from MM create for a bad booking experience. Let your money talk, we have the money and the power. Expand your scope for mongering, try the Fkks when open so you get your fill for the year and it’s what you see what you get.
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Jul 11, 2003
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The concept of building into the fee one charges a client a particular risk is not at all novel. In the legal profession a retainer fee sometimes builds into it a component of the risk of multiple court appearances. Sometimes they are refundable if the risk isn't realized, sometimes not.

Sometimes a baseball player who is frequently injured gets a contract that builds into it the risk that the player is injured. Bonuses are given for games played and total value of the contract may be reduced due to the risk of the player being injured. See the contract the Yankees signed injury prone CF Aaron Hicks to. Hicks got the years he wanted and the Yankees got the discount for him being injured during the life of the contract. In that case the player bore the financial brunt of the risk.

So it's fair for Rose to charge for her risk. While health workers take on some risk of Covid 19, they get to wear PPE. I don't think most escorts wear PPE while sucking your penis bareback with their mouths. So the risk isn't the same!
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