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The Trump Crime Family

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Trump's bizarre labour day statement will shock you.

Trumps the kind of guy if you found his wallet and returned it would turn around and accuse you of stealing it.

My question is why is the monster still running free?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

More evidence emerges that Trump lined this pockets during Presidency.

In case you needed anymore evidence that the Presidency was nothing but a get-richer-quicker scheme from Donald Trump, consider this latest information. Kelly Craft, a Trump appointed ambassador first to Canada and then to the United Nations, insisted on staying in Trump-owned properties whenever she traveled back to Washington, D.C. or areas where his hotels were an option.

This served no other purpose than to put more money into Donald Trump's already-over stuffed pockets.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Ron DeSantis is the only person who can challenge Donald Trump for his party's nomination, and this is is why Trump hates him and resents his popularity. This is a clear sign Trump is scared he could lose.

The fight for the Republican bid is going to be like rats trying to save themselves from drowning in a barrel of rainwater. This will truly be interesting, and probably grossly entertaining.

Can’t wait to see both of these mass murders sink each other’s battleships.

I hope he loses his sh** and goes all in on attacking DeSantis. We need DeSantis as wounded as possible by his own party.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

What Trump did to his supporter will shock you.

What shocks me is that Trump who tried to openly fix the 2020 US Presidential election, a fraudster and crook is still free and not in jail.

As I sit here being made ill by those awful photos of Trump I can't help but think isn't it sad that all of his daddy's money went to pave the road to nowhere and the near destruction of America.

Walker history with women will be just one more reason for women to turn out against Republicans.
I don't see Suburban women going back to the Republican Party anytime soon.

The fact he's not paying for his crimes in jail is what shocks me.

He is disgusting.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump is hosting a Boxing match because he needs money and wants attention. This is the only way he can get both, but it shows his true desperation.

I rather give money to a homeless person than give it to a looser.

He'd know about boxing? Of course he knows more about defence than the generals, and he'd fight Covid with Lysol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
113 ce combat se tiendra le 11 Septembre en Floride.........c'est sa facon de souligner le 20 ème anniversaire de ce sordide jour et de rendre hommage auxètement insensé et dégueux.....à son image.
Trump told that if Roert E. Lee would have be in charge of the war in Afghanistan, he would have won the war.
It proves his complete ignorance.
Robert E. Lee army lost the war to the Union Army led by general Ulysse Grant if I remember.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Trump told that if Roert E. Lee would have be in charge of the war in Afghanistan, he would have won the war.
It proves his complete ignorance.
Robert E. Lee army lost the war to the Union Army led by general Ulysse Grant if I remember.

What does it say about a former President that admire a general that fought for racists and slavery ?
We know a good part of his base is White Supremacists and low educated peoples.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump supporters are furious at him for endorsing the wrong candidate in a GOP primary, which shows that they only want Trump to push their agenda, and now what can actually win. Trump created this movement.

So , now everybody calls him a stupid failure.

Well, “stupid failure” is kinda Trump’s brand.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Stephanie Grisham, a former staffer to both Donald Trump and Melania Trump, has a new tell-all book coming out where she promises to "set fire" to the entire Trump administration.
The claims are making headlines in the media, and interviews with people close to her seem to confirm that she has the receipts to back up her claims.
But what could she possibly have to offer that isn't already public knowledge?

Notice how sue-happy Trump hasn't sued anyone that has written books about him? Why? Because he knows all that stuff said about him is true.
And in court that would come out as truthful. And that is why he never sues.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Former President Donald Trump is speaking to first responders on 9/11

Trump has no class, he speaks against Biden on this day of infinite sadness. He doesn't give a damn about the 2,977 people who died there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump was on Fox News where they added fake laughs to make him seems funnier and smarter than he ever really is. This shows how hard the network works to protect Trump at all costs.

After "Fake news" now fake laughs. :D:p

Of course they added fake laughs. Trump can't get real ones outside the cult.

They really didn't need a laugh track. We laugh at him every time he opens his pie hole. He IS pathetic.

I’m sure Trump has been hearing a laugh track in his head for a long time. But doesn’t realize the laughs are at him.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Former President Donald Trump is speaking to first responders on 9/11

Trump has no class, he speaks against Biden on this day of infinite sadness. He doesn't give a damn about the 2,977 people who died there.
Traditionnaly former Presidents are referenced as President by journalists or on TV News.
He doesn't deserve that at all.
They should just make reference to Trump failing business man and failed president.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump just proved he is an an awful person who takes moments of unity and turns them into moments of division for his personal gain. This shows why he should never be president again.

Every video Trump puts out is disgusting, but this is just.

RIP to all those who perished on this horrible day. Still so fresh 20 years later.

"Donald drumpt is an awful human being" truer words never spoken this man sinks lower and lower every single second.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Yes exactly...what an a refusé de se joindre à 4 Présidents---BUSH--CLINTON--OBAMA--BIDEN pour rendre hommage aux victimes...fidèle à sa monstrueuse image il a préféré profiter de cette occasion pour se livrer à de basses et mesquines attaques
sur la grande classe !!!! être commentateur sportif lors d'un sordide match de boxe ...yes what an ass...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Yes exactly...what an a refusé de se joindre à 4 Présidents---BUSH--CLINTON--OBAMA--BIDEN pour rendre hommage aux victimes...fidèle à sa monstrueuse image il a préféré profiter de cette occasion pour se livrer à de basses et mesquines attaques
sur la grande classe !!!! être commentateur sportif lors d'un sordide match de boxe ...yes what an ass...
I am sure his ass must taste very good considering all the GOP at the House and Senate that lick it !


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Donald Trump's Latest rally fails miserably.

Donald Trump and his allies planned an event where they expected ten thousand people to show up but less than 300 did. This shows that even if they support Trump, his base is growing bored of him and some of his arguments.

There's more reasonable people that don't want anything to do with Trump and his Cult.

Trump just looks like an old grumpy guy screaming into the wind.

Trump is like a comedian still working three year old material .


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017

Donald Trump's Latest rally fails miserably.

Donald Trump and his allies planned an event where they expected ten thousand people to show up but less than 300 did. This shows that even if they support Trump, his base is growing bored of him and some of his arguments.

There's more reasonable people that don't want anything to do with Trump and his Cult.

Trump just looks like an old grumpy guy screaming into the wind.

Trump is like a comedian still working three year old material .
There is a new book by renowned journalist Bob Woodward that describe the measures taken by Gen. Milley to keep Trump from using nuclear missiles against China after Jan. 6th.
For what ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Milley took top-secret action to limit Trump's ability to order military strike, book says.

Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took top-secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Explosive new details about former President Donald Trump's actions around last year's election and the January insurrection have been revealed in a yet-to-be-released book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of the Washington Post.

Judy Woodruff discusses them and the questions they raise with White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor and foreign affairs and defense correspondent Nick Schifrin.
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