Trump's bizarre labour day statement will shock you.
Trumps the kind of guy if you found his wallet and returned it would turn around and accuse you of stealing it.
My question is why is the monster still running free?
Trump told that if Roert E. Lee would have be in charge of the war in Afghanistan, he would have won the ce combat se tiendra le 11 Septembre en Floride.........c'est sa facon de souligner le 20 ème anniversaire de ce sordide jour et de rendre hommage auxètement insensé et dégueux.....à son image.
Trump told that if Roert E. Lee would have be in charge of the war in Afghanistan, he would have won the war.
It proves his complete ignorance.
Robert E. Lee army lost the war to the Union Army led by general Ulysse Grant if I remember.
Traditionnaly former Presidents are referenced as President by journalists or on TV News.
Former President Donald Trump is speaking to first responders on 9/11
Trump has no class, he speaks against Biden on this day of infinite sadness. He doesn't give a damn about the 2,977 people who died there.
I am sure his ass must taste very good considering all the GOP at the House and Senate that lick it !Yes exactly...what an a refusé de se joindre à 4 Présidents---BUSH--CLINTON--OBAMA--BIDEN pour rendre hommage aux victimes...fidèle à sa monstrueuse image il a préféré profiter de cette occasion pour se livrer à de basses et mesquines attaques
sur la grande classe !!!! être commentateur sportif lors d'un sordide match de boxe ...yes what an ass...
There is a new book by renowned journalist Bob Woodward that describe the measures taken by Gen. Milley to keep Trump from using nuclear missiles against China after Jan. 6th.
Donald Trump's Latest rally fails miserably.
Donald Trump and his allies planned an event where they expected ten thousand people to show up but less than 300 did. This shows that even if they support Trump, his base is growing bored of him and some of his arguments.
There's more reasonable people that don't want anything to do with Trump and his Cult.
Trump just looks like an old grumpy guy screaming into the wind.
Trump is like a comedian still working three year old material .