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The Emergence of ERIS: A Coincidence or Something More?


Toto beefcake

I am confident that there will likely be another orchestrated pandemic by the government, where they manipulate the number of infected individuals and deaths. Their strategy will involve increasing panic levels and manipulating the public through local media. Between 2019 and 2021, I noticed a significant decrease of 50% in natural causes of death. I wonder where the other 50% went, most likely added to the COVID death count. It is astonishing how gullible people can be. Although I am aware that my personal opinion has garnered hate on this platform, I am not a medical professional. However, I firmly believe that anything that doesn't make sense is likely filled with falsehoods. It saddens me to see people still walking on the streets wearing masks, as their own government, which is meant to work for us, has the power to manipulate beliefs using tactics reminiscent of the Nazis. It is disheartening that people fail to see the reality of the situation. We are on the verge of losing our rights and freedoms, becoming mere puppets of the government, much like in China. People underestimate the significance of losing our rights and freedoms. The only way to fight back is to not take the bait and refuse to follow their rules. Once we stop complying, they will eventually give up, and life will continue. If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology. I am only expressing my opinion while I still have the freedom to do so, before the government takes away that right and suppresses any dissent.
Theres not enough people who think like this. Take away travelling restaurants and since were on this site ( seeing sps) and people will go bannanas and do pretty much anything government tell you to do.

the saddest part of all this is having my fellow human chastise me because of a personal decision. Willing to do whatever is necessary to “punish” people like myself. Ive forgiven but ive sure as hell not forgotten. Those same people did it once and will do it again. Best part about covid is the true colors came out from alotttt of people. Familly friends etc .
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Apparently were not allowed to have an opinion if we dont have a diploma of some sorts.
Governments via the media sometimes employ tactics to suppress public opinion, and one such strategy involves creating conflicts between those who question the government and those who are easily influenced by covid-19.This division prevents people from collectively challenging the government's decisions.Regarding the doctors who support the existence of COVID-19, skepticism arises. One wonders if their qualifications were obtained in a cereal box or they are in on it in the government's agenda. These doubts add complexity to the situation.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Theres not enough people who think like this. Take away travelling restaurants and since were on this site ( seeing sps) and people will go bannanas and do pretty much anything government tell you to do.

the saddest part of all this is having my fellow human chastise me because of a personal decision. Willing to do whatever is necessary to “punish” people like myself. Ive forgiven but ive sure as hell not forgotten. Those same people did it once and will do it again. Best part about covid is the true colors came out from alotttt of people. Familly friends etc .
The emergence of the vaccine passport can be attributed to the government's desire to regain control over the population. It seems that people are compelled to take the vaccine, even if they were initially against it, simply to regain their personal freedoms. It is as if they feel cornered and have no other option. This raises a crucial question about the extent to which humanity is willing to comply with the government's tactics, reminiscent of Nazi strategies. The vaccine passport essentially pits our own people against each other, with the condition that those who desire their pre-pandemic lives must obtain the passport. Those who remain skeptical or choose not to comply are left to suffer the consequences, paying the price for the naivety of those who took the bait. Had more people resisted the temptation, the COVID-19 situation may not have persisted for as long as it has.It is worth noting that while we are familiar with passport books from our youth, the crucial distinction lies in the fact that no one forced us to obtain them. However, in the current context, the government is actively mandating the vaccine passport for various activities such as travel, socializing in bars and restaurants, and even discouraging unvaccinated individuals from engaging in Christmas family gatherings or associating with non-vaccinated peers. The extent to which they have gone is truly mind-boggling, as is the alarming level of naivety and susceptibility to manipulation evident in society. If anything, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the unfortunate reality of how easily people can be naive and brainwashed.
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Aug 28, 2022
I am confident that there will likely be another orchestrated pandemic by the government, where they manipulate the number of infected individuals and deaths. Their strategy will involve increasing panic levels and manipulating the public through local media. Between 2019 and 2021, I noticed a significant decrease of 50% in natural causes of death. I wonder where the other 50% went, most likely added to the COVID death count.
Where did you notice this exactly?
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Where did you notice this exactly?

The phenomenon can be understood through a straightforward mathematical analysis. Historically, there has been a consistent annual count of deaths, with minimal variation. However, during the period from 2019 to 2021, there was a noticeable decrease in the number of deaths attributed to natural causes. It becomes evident that this decline can be attributed to the fact that all deaths resulting from natural causes were included in the overall count of COVID-19-related deaths. Consequently, it is plausible to suggest that even if an individual were to experience a seemingly unrelated accident, such as slipping on a banana peel, during this specific timeframe, they would still be classified as a victim of COVID-19, either as an infected patient or as a death indirectly linked to the virus.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
So you have no evidence at all and just made it up
Hey there, my friend, I assure you I'm not fabricating this story. I came across an intriguing article last year that presented a rather eye-opening perspective. It delved into the statistics surrounding annual deaths and revealed a significant drop in deaths attributed to natural causes compared to previous years, approximately 25-30%. Now, let me regale you with a perfect example of how the media and government can be quite the mischievous duo, playing with people's fears and manipulating their minds. In 2020, there was an article that discussed the unfortunate passing of an 20 years old individual from Ontario from a tiny village due to complications related to COVID-19. However, here's the kicker - a neighbor of this person left a comment on the Facebook post stating that the cause of death was not COVID-19, but rather the result of the individual jumping off their balcony due to the depression caused by the strict COVID rules imposed by the government. To add fuel to the fire, the neighbor even shared a picture of the person who took this drastic action. Can you believe it? The media twisted the narrative, turning it into a COVID-19-related death, when in reality, it was a tragic consequence of government guidelines. It's mind-blowing how twisted and absurd this story is, isn't it? It's enough to make you question the integrity of the media, especially when they're in cahoots with the government. I was utterly disgusted by this revelation, and since that day, I haven't trusted a single word that comes out of the media or the government. I'm confident I can track down that Facebook post, as I made a comment on it and it should be buried somewhere in the archives.
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Aug 28, 2022
I dont beleive it for a second. Facebook isnt news its usually shit and fake crap. I doubt you have any article worth anything to read.
I think you're fueling a bullshit series of post about a pandemic that was largely overblown but still serous enough to warrent some concern. I doubt you've ever even seen a death certificate with covid written on it


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I dont beleive it for a second. Facebook isnt news its usually shit and fake crap. I doubt you have any article worth anything to read.
I think you're fueling a bullshit series of post about a pandemic that was largely overblown but still serous enough to warrent some concern. I doubt you've ever even seen a death certificate with covid written on it
Sure thing, my friend. If you want to continue placing your trust in the government and media, go right ahead. However, mark my words, it's the future generations who will bear the brunt of all this. I have a hunch that another pandemic is looming on the horizon within the next few years. History has shown us that pandemics tend to occur every 60-70 years, so it be very very strange and not logical. One day, you'll see that my prediction was spot on, but hey, I respect your beliefs and won't argue with you. I kindly ask for the same respect in return. Oh, and just to clarify, the story I mentioned wasn't some random person's Facebook post. It was actually a story shared by the media, and it was the neighbor who spilled the beans regarding the true cause of death. Just to give you an idea of how much faith I have in COVID-19, I probably believe more in Santa Claus magically sliding down my chimney to deliver gifts because I've been a good boy this year. That's how close I am to believing in COVID-19.
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Aug 28, 2022
I dont recall saying i trusted the government narrative but thanks for assuming that.
And unless i see that story or article i don't believe it for a second. Was it on facebook or not? you've said both so far. These debates have gone no where for over 3 years. There is no need for another


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
I dont recall saying i trusted the government narrative but thanks for assuming that.
And unless i see that story or article i don't believe it for a second. Was it on facebook or not? you've said both so far. These debates have gone no where for over 3 years. There is no need for another
I distinctly remember Health Canada published 2020 guidance for covid death reporting for medical practitioners.
These protocols were not in the news for some reason.
There was death by covid alone and death with covid and comorbidity including trauma like from an accident.
And I specifically remember death by covid alone was very very rare for people under 40.
This page from Health Canada has either been Deleted or Unsearchable!!!
They hiding something? It would be gold if anyone could find and post.

But i find CDC interview article here:

PDF The issue of when to classify a death as a COVID-19 death

"Host: Another example that has confused people in the past: someone is in a car crash and maybe the victim had COVID or develops COVID, and people get confused - how can COVID be responsible for somebody who's been injured in a car crash? What will you tell folks who are confused about that?

ROBERT ANDERSON: Well it really depends on the circumstances. In cases where the death is clearly the result of trauma caused by the crash, whether the decedent had COVID-19 or not should be irrelevant. COVID-19 is not a factor in those cases. Now, in these cases it should not be counted as COVID-19 deaths - because the trauma caused the death, not any sort of viral infection that person might have had. However, we do know of cases where people have been hospitalized with serious but not life-threatening trauma from a car crash, who contracted COVID-19 in the hospital and then subsequently died as result of COVID-19. So in a case like that the crash and the trauma might be a contributing factor, but the underlying cause was COVID-19. So that was the primary cause of death because that's what caused them to die when they died - it wasn't the trauma. So it's complicated and it does depend on the circumstances."
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I distinctly remember Health Canada published 2020 guidance for covid death reporting for medical practitioners.
These protocols were not in the news for some reason.
There was death by covid alone and death with covid and comorbidity including trauma like from an accident.
And I specifically remember death by covid alone was very very rare for people under 40.
This page from Health Canada has either been Deleted or Unsearchable!!!
They hiding something? It would be gold if anyone could find and post.

But i find CDC interview article here:

PDF The issue of when to classify a death as a COVID-19 death

"Host: Another example that has confused people in the past: someone is in a car crash and maybe the victim had COVID or develops COVID, and people get confused - how can COVID be responsible for somebody who's been injured in a car crash? What will you tell folks who are confused about that?

ROBERT ANDERSON: Well it really depends on the circumstances. In cases where the death is clearly the result of trauma caused by the crash, whether the decedent had COVID-19 or not should be irrelevant. COVID-19 is not a factor in those cases. Now, in these cases it should not be counted as COVID-19 deaths - because the trauma caused the death, not any sort of viral infection that person might have had. However, we do know of cases where people have been hospitalized with serious but not life-threatening trauma from a car crash, who contracted COVID-19 in the hospital and then subsequently died as result of COVID-19. So in a case like that the crash and the trauma might be a contributing factor, but the underlying cause was COVID-19. So that was the primary cause of death because that's what caused them to die when they died - it wasn't the trauma. So it's complicated and it does depend on the circumstances."
I understand your point and I agree. It is unfortunate that nowadays people often require solid evidence, like articles or videos, to support any claims. However, it is disheartening that any content exposing the alleged Covid-19 hoax has been deleted by the media or requested to be deleted by the government. This makes it difficult to convince someone who strongly believes in this narrative.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Ohh looky here!!

This is not the actual Health Canada medical practitioner protocol for covid death designation I claim was Deleted or Hidden.
This article is from Statistics Canada Archives our Canadian Government itself also!!! Yeaaaa...Close enough!

From 2020:

COVID-19 death comorbidities in CanadaStatistique

"Of the over 9,500 COVID-involved deaths between March and July, the majority (90%) had at least one other cause, condition or complication reported on the certificate."

"When a pre-existing condition is suspected of putting a person at higher risk of a severe course of COVID-19 resulting in death, the death is counted as a death due to COVID-19 rather than a death due to the pre-existing condition."<<<<<<yea wtf

"It is also possible that the death may have been influenced by COVID-19 but caused by another disease or an unintentional injury event.
In these situations, COVID-19 should still be recorded on the medical certificates of cause of death, but would not be considered a death due to COVID-19."<<<<<<<yea wtf

Check this out!
This below one a little ambiguous but a reference to post#30 about the guy jumping off balcony "The media twisted the narrative, turning it into a COVID-19-related death"

"Some deaths may have involved COVID-19 but were ultimately attributable to another disease such as ischemic heart disease, or an accidental injury such as a fall.
These deaths do not consider COVID-19 as the underlying cause, but the virus was reported as being present on the medical certificate of death, either as a contributing cause or condition "


If you die from a fall with positive covid test the covid will be reported on death certificate as contributing cause or condition.

#1 Death certificates with covid the cause of death
#2 Death certificates with covid being present.

Whoa... were these two death certificate situations lumped together for covid deaths counts?

I am sure the media messed around with this ambiguity to exaggerate panic.
Will this be done again with Eris?

What a strange deadly disease this covid crap was.
What a mind F#ck by Government Canada medical protocols.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I said it a long time ago that the government will try to reinstate covid mandates. They try often by posting articles and seeing how people react to it. If positive they will implement the mandates, if negative they keep trying. The politicians are following the UN which is the root of all problems. The people there are power hungry and greedy. What happened the last two years should have never happened in a democratic society. The truckers sacrificed to give us freedom, the government had no intention to let us go. See how everything is costing so much? Follow the money trail. Pandemics is a dream come through for governments. Now the question is will people fall for this trap again? I sure hope not. This whole covid thing was nothing but a scamdemic and the covid theatre continues. The stats were also manipulated to make the numbers appear more higher. Notice how they post cumulative numbers vs daily or monthly covid stats? Cumulative numbers make it appear more sinister. Also anyone that dies and was infected by covid was labelled a covid related death and added to the stats even if that person died of some other disease.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
First of all let's not start again with these baseless conspiracies.

And that new law you mention. Isn't new at all. It's the emergency act and was passed into law in 1988... And was deemed justified to have been used during the terrorist trucker occupation of our capital last year.

And finally, let's listen and trust the medical experts on anything related to infectious diseases like this.

Are you a doctor, a virologist or a specialist in any related field to this? I'm not but listening to the experts has served me well so far. I'll keep going with that strategy.

No need to reply. I won't entertain this any further.
What terrorist trucker demonstration.
The one where truckers were demanding their freedom and rights.
The one that caused our brave Prime Minister to hide in a bunker for weeks.
Perhaps these new vaccines work perhaps they don’t, I have had 5 doses of the Covid and still got it perhaps it helped to have a milder version who knows.
I will not however succumb to these BS curfews again they were ridiculous and achieved nothing except that it allowed government control over your freedom.
Quebec had the strictest control over your freedom yet had the highest infection and Covid death rate in Canada, so much for giving up your freedom.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Canada has reported about 53K COVID death so far. The logic dictates that this should be on top of the general mortality rate and thus we should expect to see a very noticeable spike in mortality during 2 COVID years. This is not the case as you can see from the graph below. Thus, this COVID death statistics is BS.



Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
US statistics on the other hand does show the spike:
Ahh looks like the spike protein death spike.
"Excess deaths".....All Fact checkers say vax is not causal factor.
But insurance companies are first in line with death.

In UK....but can be extended to all populations that got spike injected mRNA vaccine.

UK - PIP Analysis - Causes

In US 2022:

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
"Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said."

Insurance companies must not lie cause they have shareholders and accoutability.
If they lie it is fraud and can be liable for monetary damages.
Governments and News can misinform and are untouchable by general public.
So I trust more Insurance company statements concerning excess deaths.

I hope Eris and further strains is not vaccine damage.
To medically prove vaccine damage probably impossible years later.
Statistics do give a probability of that though.
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