Toto beefcake
Theres not enough people who think like this. Take away travelling restaurants and since were on this site ( seeing sps) and people will go bannanas and do pretty much anything government tell you to do.I am confident that there will likely be another orchestrated pandemic by the government, where they manipulate the number of infected individuals and deaths. Their strategy will involve increasing panic levels and manipulating the public through local media. Between 2019 and 2021, I noticed a significant decrease of 50% in natural causes of death. I wonder where the other 50% went, most likely added to the COVID death count. It is astonishing how gullible people can be. Although I am aware that my personal opinion has garnered hate on this platform, I am not a medical professional. However, I firmly believe that anything that doesn't make sense is likely filled with falsehoods. It saddens me to see people still walking on the streets wearing masks, as their own government, which is meant to work for us, has the power to manipulate beliefs using tactics reminiscent of the Nazis. It is disheartening that people fail to see the reality of the situation. We are on the verge of losing our rights and freedoms, becoming mere puppets of the government, much like in China. People underestimate the significance of losing our rights and freedoms. The only way to fight back is to not take the bait and refuse to follow their rules. Once we stop complying, they will eventually give up, and life will continue. If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology. I am only expressing my opinion while I still have the freedom to do so, before the government takes away that right and suppresses any dissent.
the saddest part of all this is having my fellow human chastise me because of a personal decision. Willing to do whatever is necessary to “punish” people like myself. Ive forgiven but ive sure as hell not forgotten. Those same people did it once and will do it again. Best part about covid is the true colors came out from alotttt of people. Familly friends etc .