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Being respectful with personal information!!

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
This is a review board, to share our experiences that we have had with individuals who have taken the time, to share their time with us. This is not a gossip column site, for us to share personal information about the individual we have had the pleasure to have a sometimes beautiful encounter with.

How does, where she works, goes to school and what she is studying and how many kids she may have, or even if she's coming off a bad break up, have to do with your GFE experience with a woman who thought she could share some personal stuff with you, just so when you have a conversation to get acquainted, you both feel a little more comfortable. I just think what is shared, should not be made public. She shared because she felt comfortable with you. Why divulge this information for the whole world to see.

Reviews should about be the experience, using acronyms, passionate words and how you felt after the encounter. Be discreet in your reviews and its not hard.

If she tells you she goes to McGill to study to be an architect and she's in her third year and she's only doing this till she graduates, You can put in your review that if your looking for a hot university student to share some time with, she's your girl.

If she tells you about kids, just tell us she's a hot MILF. We will get the point.

If she shares with you that she was working in a restaurant as a chef, but lost her job because of covid, i personally do not need to know this, will not make my experience any better.

I think everyone gets the point, I'm just ranting because of what i read sometimes. What she does for a living, her teeth are yellow, she's fat, and so on.

I try to write about the experience, not helping to prepare her CV. If i did cross the line and mentioned something she felt she wanted to share with me, here on merb i apologize.

Okay, I'm done for now. If anyone has something to add, please, do tell. I did this because in the past, and recently, its been mentioned to me. That is all i will say..

Thank you and good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I always assume that whatever detail about her personnal life she divulge to me that is is meant for me and me alone unless stated otherwise.
Same thing about writing a review.. always get consent first.
Why would you want to get consent for writing a review that is ridiculous.
If she advertises on this board that is an automatic acceptance of a review this is a review board after all.

Now for me I have never written a review with a play by play of the action or the acronyms utilized. We each have our own style, I think I can get my point across without bragging or dehumanizing the lady in question, but asking for consent that will insure only glowing reviews of fabulous experiences and unfortunately occasionally there are some that are anything but that.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Why would you want to get consent for writing a review that is ridiculous.

Because some people don’t want to be reviewed for multiple reasons. They don’t want to be recognized, they don’t want it to be used against them if they’re trying to cross the borders etc

Just respect it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Because some people don’t want to be reviewed for multiple reasons. They don’t want to be recognized, they don’t want it to be used against them if they’re trying to cross the borders etc

Just respect it.
That wasn’t my point and there definitely wasn’t any kind of disrespect there.
I specifically said any lady advertising on this board it is an automatic consent to be reviewed. If you don’t want to be reviewed I have no problem with that but then you shouldn’t be advertising on a review board.
I don‘t do many reviews anyway simply because I see one lady 80% of the time and another 20% of the time and it is very rare that I see someone new.

They don’t want to be recognized crossing the border then they shouldn’t be advertising themselves as escorts it is unfortunate that US laws are like that and it is not even that they are escorts it is because anybody crossing the border to work illegally in the US will be banned and escorts unfortunately are not believed that they are just crossing over for leisure or a vacation. but it is not the reviews that give them away it is their advertising. There are no photographs or even blurred pictures in reviews. I doubt border security reads Merb. Perhaps only the ones that are clients.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
They could still decide not to be reviewed or to see the review before it’s posted so in that case, yes you’d need their consent.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
They could still decide not to be reviewed or to see the review before it’s posted so in that case. Yes you’d need their consent.
Again not if they advertise on Merb.
Wouldn't that be kind of ludicrous to advertise on a review board and then insist on not being reviewed or having to ask for approval.
Does that really make any kind of sense to you.

Which lady would give their consent to a negative review ?


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
If it’s a negative review it’s different. My issue and some of my peer’s issue is with graphic reviews. Whether we advertise on here or not, it’s legitimate to want to see the details before it’s posted.

Some people are more reserved and don’t want detailed/graphic to be posted about them.

If it’s negative, they can always argue after it’s posted.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
There was a very negative review, dare I say scary, posted about a woman who advertises on here that was posted a few days ago. It disappeared within a few hours so I suspect the person concerned complained to the moderators.

That is always an option but for detailed reviews it’s harder to have them removed


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If it’s a negative review it’s different. My issue and some of my peer’s issue is with graphic reviews. Whether we advertise on here or not, it’s legitimate to want to see the details before it’s posted.

Some people are more reserved and don’t want detailed/graphic to be posted about them.

If it’s negative, they can always argue after it’s posted.
Again no it goes against everything to ask for an SP approval prior to posting.
I agree with you completely that it shouldn’t be graphic or dehumanizing and reviews should be respectful.
I have never written a graphic or disrespectful review and never will but that is by my choice not because I need permission.

There are some Merbites that will argue with you and want a play by play with all the acronyms so that they know what to expect personally I hate these type of reviews and find them dehumanizing.

Sorry but the whole idea of a review board is to have reviews so that clients know who they should be seeing.
Any lady that advertises on them should be prepared and well aware that they will be reviweed and unfortunately sometimes not to their liking,
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
but it is not the reviews that give them away it is their advertising. There are no photographs or even blurred pictures in reviews. I doubt border security reads Merb. Perhaps only the ones that are clients.

I am glad you don’t know anyone that has been interrogated by home security.

They do indeed cross references reviews. It serves as a confirmation that you do sell your kitty. There are websites that don’t allow you to display prices or services, they wouldn’t suffice to prove that you are selling your chatte.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Where on earth did this idea of "automatic consent" come up? Any SP advertising here does it to raise her profile on a site that has a readership inclinded to be interested in her services. She's not automatically consenting to anything.
What do you think a review board is about. Playing yes man to what ever an SP wants
You rearly think you need an SP appproval or consent if they advertise here they are going to be reviewed simple as that if someone wants to review them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Anyways, keep doing your things without consent if that’s what you want. I am done engaging with you.
There is no need to get all upset over this.
I have written very few reviews never a graphic one and not one that was ever negative or disrespectful, and I have no issue if someone wants to have their review seen and approved by the SP prior to them posting it his choice and it is a nice thing to do if you had a nice time with the lady.

My point was simply that if you advertise on a review board then you have opened yourself up to reviews by default without anybody needing your consent or approval of said review. It is up to the Mods to monitor that review and let it stand as writtten or not, not the SP.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Dude, no one cares what you have to say on this matter.
Ladies, I can't believe the believe the shit you have to put up with.
Dude I have not said one disrespectful thing in any one of these posts.
Have no clue what you are on about.
I think many people will care as I am simply stating what a review board is for reviews.
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