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Is she or isn't he? Caster Semenya

Is Caster a girl or a boy?

  • Girl

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Boy

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • I haven't a clue!

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
OK, I really had trouble coming up with a catchy title for the thread but I hope I've gotten your attention!

I figured to get the answer to the latest controversy in the track and field world, where better to turn to than the experts of MERB. If anyone can definitively give an answer to the question it will be someone here. So here it is: I submit for your expert opinion, Caster Semenya!

Is she a female or a male? To be honest, I really can't tell. But for her sake, I hope she is male because she has to be one of the most masculine 'women' I have ever seen. This is really messed up. :eek:


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I watched the 800m final race and noticed that all the other runners wore skimpy bikini bottom type tights. Whereas Caster Semenya wore more of what male runners wear in longer runners tights.

Maybe because it's easier to tuck it in with the longer runners tights than the skimpy bikini bottom tights!?

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Adams apple is not very evident.
Mustache. Arabic, Italian, Greek and Turkish women have mustaches.
Thorax-Waist-Hips. Seem very masculine. No breasts.

I don't know. Don't they all shower together like football players do?

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
I want the name of all members who answered Girl or Not a clue, to put them on my Ignore List in case they write a review of what they believed was a female SP/MP.

I guess you won't be reading any of my reviews because I voted "I don't know". Looks male but I guess I'm niave enough to hope that South Africa would have done some basic testing before entering him/her because the person is so questionable.

Probably both or as someone mention hermaphrodite. Would that diqualify the runner from both male and female races?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
OK, I really had trouble coming up with a catchy title for the thread but I hope I've gotten your attention!

I figured to get the answer to the latest controversy in the track and field world, where better to turn to than the experts of MERB. If anyone can definitively give an answer to the question it will be someone here. So here it is: I submit for your expert opinion, Caster Semenya!

Is she a female or a male? To be honest, I really can't tell. But for her sake, I hope she is male because she has to be one of the most masculine 'women' I have ever seen. This is really messed up. :eek:

Hello Techman,

This is sooooooo cute. "The EXPERTS of MERB"...LOL! You are a bad boy. You found an amusing way to get your entertainment with this one. As I am sure you expected when you put this question up, the forthcoming answers would be most predictable and extremely humorous. I am getting a good laugh from some of these posts myself. "Mannerisms" ..."moustache" ..."Adam's apple" ..."no breasts"...and clothing. :rolleyes: WOW! Some of you guys better not go upstairs at Cleo's or by your standards you will be repeating a scene from "The Crying Game" :eek: There are people in this world who have a condition that gives them hair all over their faces. They still aren't werewolves really ...they aren'!.

A few here need to get past the silliness...unless that's their intent.'s a secret. One can be a woman and still look as far from Pamela Anderson as the Earth is from the Sun. I'm not saying there isn't something wrong here, but your methods are funny.

I don't know if this person is cheating with steroids or doing anything else to cheat. I am not saying man or woman. But where is it written that some male or female can't come along and just destroy all expectations. Anyone ever heard of Babe Ruth, Bob Beamon, Wilma Rudolph, Babe Didrikson Zaharias. Presuming anyone can just use visual references or apply some nonsensical chauvinistic standards to anyone and make a definitive determination is very entertaining.

So like me, you have no sexual attraction to this person. That still doesn't mean this is not a woman. If you guys just want to have fun...go for it. Otherwise, wait for the DNA test.

Happy Surprises Boys, :p :D

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Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Some of you guys better not go upstairs at Cleo's or by your standards you will be repeating a scene from "The Crying Game" :eek:

As opposed to those that would not vomit??

I walked into Café Cléopatre in 1972. It smelled of urine and I turned around and never went back. Rumours of partial or complete transexuals have never enticed me to go back.
Urine, transvestites and transexuals may be appealing to some BUT not to me.


Jun 8, 2009
I think it is in extremely poor taste to ask someone to undergo a gender test. If somebody asked to me to take a gender test, I would test my fist on their face!


Dec 11, 2004
so if i have it right, s/he runs better because of high levels of testosterone (the "male" hormone). Does this mean that the more "male" a female is, the better are her chances of success in track events?



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

SYDNEY -- World 800-metre champion Caster Semenya of South Africa has male and female sexual organs, the Sydney Morning Herald reported Friday, posing an ethical and political quandary for world track and field's ruling body.

Come on guys :confused: How can you even have a doubt?

I want the name of all members who answered Girl or Not a clue, to put them on my Ignore List in case they write a review of what they believed was a female SP/MP.

Look at his moustache ...

He accelerates for the last 100 m, and he doesn't look exhausted after finish.
Really pathetic to watch: the other guys look like a bunch of pussies ...

Only Elisa Cusma's cute little ass was worth watching :D

Hey Corleone,

Oh sorry sir, I should have called you Mr. 100% Certainty, as in Corleone is absolutely certain this is a guy and you're all pathetic losers if you don't see it his way...LOL!!! It looks like the mustache test has a flaw or two. :p So, will you ignore yourself for being wrong. :rolleyes: :D


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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
When a creature has no ovaries, no womb, no periods, can't produce progesterone because it has no ovaries, and can't produce enough oestrogen to have tits,
When the same creature has testicles (internal or external, who cares, they are present, functional, and producing testosterone), a prostate, a mustache, the voice and the body shape of a man,
IMHO it is a man. A monstrous man maybe, but a man anyway.

Stating that it is a hermaphrodite is just another joke from the same incompetent IAAF officials who were too stupid or too blind to let that person participate to a top competition whereas a 5-year old child was able to tell that there was something wrong with that person.

I'm just impatient to know the details of its (neither his or her) chromosome distribution: XX, XY, or XXY, or maybe another combination, who knows.

In the meantime, yes I still want the name of all the members who believed it is a girl :D , because their reviews of female SPs cannot be reliable.

Hello Corleone,

Okay, so please present us all with the documentation of your biological, physiological, and gynecological medical training and expertise, as well as the records and test results of all the examinations you personally performed or have read fully on Caster Semenya. Whoa! What do you mean you have NONE of that. You sure seem so certain about what you say. And yet you have nothing to prove your view except a mustache, an apparent lack of breasts, and belief that you are perfectly right despite having no medical expertise or evidence of your own. Well the medical world is spinning on it's ear over your wisdom.

I have been with, and I am quite sure you and every other guy in this hobby, has been with truly gorgeous complete women who are flat chested or have a slight mustache. I remember one lady who was one of the most sought after escorts from the old Montreal Girlfriends who was a goddess despite being flat-chested, and I met another lady from XXXTASE who had a slight mustache but was the most erotically animalistic sex partner I ever had. In fact many hobbyists gave rave reviews and glowing recommendations on bothof these incredible WOMEN!

Really, your criteria for what makes a women or a man is amazing. What your assessment of this issue shows is an archaic view of male and female physiology and manhood or womanhood, with a totally closed attitude, and all based on visuals that in themselves couldn't possibly prove anything medically.

I have never said Caster Semenya is a woman. I voted for the third option and stated I don't know in an earlier post because using only stereotypical visual references is medical nonsense. Anyone who is aware of varying chromosomal possibilities knows there cannot be a definitive determination made just by a visual reference, especially a clothed one. Doing that can lead to complications like the "Crying Game" surprise.

Now is there any other proof you want to offer. Oh right, this person runs faster than any women at a certain distance so he/she must be a man. Hmmmmm, does that mean that since you can't run as fast as Caster Semenya that YOU are a woman. LOL! Foolish isn't it. Well you are the one using superficial evidence, visual references, and extremely limited criterias as absolute proof aren't you. :rolleyes:

If visual reference is how you make an absolute determination of what makes a man or woman then it's your reviews we should be a bit wary about. And referring to any person as a "monster" or "creature" just because of a physiological condition that seems to disturb or threaten your archaic criteria of manhood or womanhood is far more disturbing than anything about Caster Semenya. The character of human sensitivity and compassion in your posts toward someone who has done nothing to you and threatens no one does show a lot about you.



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Let's keep the insults and flames out of this thread, shall we? I have just closed two threads and if things continue to degrade I will close this one also as well as hand out a couple of one week vacations for some lucky winners. Keep it clean.

Mod 8


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
And btw, what's wrong about being archaic?

...I like the archaic way.

Well Corleone,

You are obviously confusing "archaic" with "old traditional". Archaic means: "relating to, or characteristic of a much earlier, often more primitive period". That's morally, ethically, and socially primitive and barbaric.

"I like the archaic way. The good old times when women had pussies, looked, dressed, walked, and talked like women." Don't be afraid to carry the logic further and announce to all publicly you also mean women should be obedient, subservient, and concerned only with breeding and domestic issues. It all just follows.

And don't be shy about Caster Semenya. You describe this person as a monstrous creature. So what place do people who don't fit your absolute-man woman criteria have in this world. Or would you allow them any. Do you realize what the kind of people's philosophies yours matches up with. It's scary!

Corleone, you're creepy by association.

You got that right.


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eraser head

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Could she make it in the SP business ?

Some guys (and females) have this thing for an female that is more of a guy


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Could she make it in the SP business ?

Some guys (and females) have this thing for an female that is more of a guy

I'm sure that there are some guys around here that would probably rate her a 9 or 10 out of 10 across the board for everything from service to looks. :p
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