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Top Sexual Fantasies. What's yours???


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
That's a very good one, Cloud, but I'm also still laughing when I think of what Kira did with you... Don't you?...

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
The thing the most rare on earth for me, is to be able to find out gentlemen in my private life who would be the perfect match for my famous trio. I would like to find some innocent men, not hobbyist, to complete my fantasy. That's part of my fantasy to be the one who will be the most experimented... :nod:

I have another one, but now, I am in an hurry, I will come back later to tell it.


Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
Vous allez peut-être me trouver weird mais je voudrais essayer un trio avec 1 homme et un trans !! je me demande bien si je serai excitée ou pas :confused: c'est à suivre ...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I could write whole books about all my fantasies. But I don't really feel any need to make them happen, because then I would not have anything to fantasize about. And most of them would require more budget then a Hollywood movie. Like Charlotte above, they are mostly about exotic locations or unusual situations rather then specific actions.

I am currently fantasizing about a passionate and divinely sensual mature lady. :nod:

P. Gabriel

Active Member
Apr 19, 2005
My fantasies are more focused on location and not specific acts perhaps because I have done all my act specific fantasies. I would love to have sex some where in the Alps in front of a fireplace with huge windows and snowy view. I like the idea of the open space but it being cozy inside. And the sex would go on and on, day into night into day. I also have a few fantasy crushes that keep me occupied in my private moments.

I spend a lot of time in the alps, being a mountain guide and I've done a lot over there.... Outside, inside... In the cable cars, ski room at the hotels ...

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Another of my fantasy, who had never been done

I would like to go in a restaurant or an event during the winter...
and to make a "special visit" incognito to the cloakroom with a partner behind and hidden by the coats.



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
An original fantasy I had, was to sometimes ask to the girl to pretend to sleep while I had sex with her...

When I asked to play this game to a SP, she looked at me like I was crazy and told me she wouldnt feel comfortable if she hadnt seen what I was doing...

But some sexfriend and girlfriends I had really liked it. They told me she felt like if someone softly abused them (common women's sexual fantasy)..

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Maria...we can always visit my closet if you wish :cool:.

Closet is too private Cloudsurf, if this is to materialize my fantasy... ;)

That's not the same.... The thrill is to be in public, but not seen...
In my fantasy, all is perfect, I even see myself return back to my place without even been notice by the others... and satisfied to have done something secretly...
But in practice, this fantasy should be difficult for me to do, because I'm a kind of expressive lady,
certainly someone will notice strange sounds coming from back the coats... :lol:
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New Member
Jul 30, 2011
People would think the cloakroom is haunted, because of the moaning and banging sounds. ;)

Sometimes, people fantasize about getting stuck in the elevator, but I wonder if someone ever did it in one of these glass elevators? :eek:


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I have done many, but me having a passionate session with a girl (Kate for example, hehe) and having 3 or 4 other girls just watching and masturbating, being extremely turned on. They wouldn't be too close to invade our space, but close enough where I could see them clearly.
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New Member
Oct 9, 2010
You can dream up all sorts of fantasies, if they have not been realized they are just dreams.

See my thread on Fantasies realized.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

See my thread on Fantasies realized.

Members are talking about their fantasies fulfilled here, but your thread looks like fun.

Always had the scholgirl fantasy/role play, never found the right sp for it.

Lily Lombard was great with this. Ummmm, I love having sex in various stages of our being dressed. It's so erotically stimulating. Independents are great for this. Agency girls have to worry about going through the night with the same clothes, but some will wear role clothes if you bring it. The session with Lily was great because she shared many of the same fantasies with me. You're very lucky to find someone like that.

Is to be penetrated while having a cunnilingus.

Like I already told, I want to be spoiled in my fantasy :nod:

Would a second lady being involved along with a guy suit your tastes?

...ask to the girl to pretend to sleep while I had sex with her...she looked at me like I was crazy

I thought this was why a lot of divorced guys are here.

One fantasy an escort told me that walks the line of "unique" was for a guy to be overwhelmed with lust and seize her for passionately aggressive sex which she said she experienced once with a co-worker she had flirted with. Though we didn't have the right situation to do this exactly, the story did make our next session a lot of fun.

I have done many, but me having a passionate session with a girl (Kate for example, hehe) and having 3 or 4 other girls just watching and masturbating, being extremely turned on.

Almost since I started this hobby I've found bi-sexual women to be some of the hottest of all. One fantasy I have had was to be with a real-life girlfriend couple, not just an escort agency fantasy duo and have sex with at least one of them while the other had sex with her lady. One escort surprised me by bringing this up and planning to do it with me. Unfortunately, either her girlfriend was too shy or too possessive for a guy to join in with the two of them.

Dare to dream...dare bigger to FULFILL!


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Would a second lady being involved along with a guy suit your tastes?

Maybe just for some part of the fantasy, but you know, the odor, the visual, the voice, the interaction... and basically, the body of a man will be missing ;)

Almost since I started this hobby I've found bi-sexual women to be some of the hottest of all.


For my part, I don't found necessarily that bi-sexual men are the hottest of all... but exception of one I met a day in my private life, who was very gorgeous, an handsome North-European young man of 13 years younger than me. He wanted a real relationship with me at that time, and I found out he was too young for me, and he was not at the same place in life than me.
I would really like to have a bi-sexual boyfriend in my life, that was not what stop me to accept his proposition. The one I am talking was very full bi-sexual, that's meaning he could have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. We even talked about to have a kind of real "relationship threesome" with another man I was seeing, who appeared to be "bi-curious". So, I have been very closed to live my fantasy that time, but the "bi-curious" declined at the end, I think he was not ready, that's all. So, yes, I was closed to have 2 boyfriends some time ago, at the same time, in one and same relationship.

I don't want to hijack your thread with this little story, that was not a fantasy, that was just a little part of my life... :lol:

I really adore men, what can I say?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
3 some with 2 midgets

How about 2 nuns and a goat?

I would like to find some innocent men, not hobbyist, to complete my fantasy. That's part of my fantasy to be the one who will be the most experimented... :nod:

You are way more experienced than I.

An original fantasy I had, was to sometimes ask to the girl to pretend to sleep while I had sex with her...

This one is way over rated. I had this for about 5 or 6 years and then I divorced her.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I am on tour with Shakira as her Stress Relief specialist when I get kidnapped by a group of chinese secret agents to be used in their breeding program. I am eventually rescued by Catwoman who hides me in the college for young women where she happens to also be a professor of gymnastics.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Originally Posted by Maria Divina
I would like to find some innocent men, not hobbyist, to complete my fantasy. That's part of my fantasy to be the one who will be the most experimented...

You are way more experienced than I.

I certainly badly expressed myself: I wanted to say, I just want to be the one who was participating in the sex industry.
So, that was the idea of innocence behind what I wrote... ;)

I have in mind, from long, that people are changing the way they are interacting with you when they know if you are a "customer" or a "provider".
Often, they are looking at you like you are part of a last category of human, way down of themselves, with all their prejudices against our activities.
I just want to have normal exchanges in my private life without being categorized negatively (or even, positively for some...) like that.

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