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Do you favor breast enhancement? What is your preferred size breast?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Booker, they don't do it from the arm pit anymore, thats Kelly Summer who mentioned that to me. Too dangerous from what she said.

Aerolas are becoming kinda like a norm today, i find it weird... it leave a scar that remain permanent, and much more visible than under the breast... I dunno why that choice... it butcher a bit the nipple. My favorie american pornstar Madison Ivy got them that way, and even tough i find her goergous and prefer with big tits, i always notice a bit the scar and its buggering in closop...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I will be honest I had a consultation because I am considering having them done, not side show freak tits, tasteful C/small D's.... Scary but every doctor warns you that misshapen, warped are all "possible" side effects
You have to make sure that the Doctor you are seeing is a real Plastic Surgeon ,
Not just a surgeon .

Good Luck



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Booker, they don't do it from the arm pit anymore, thats Kelly Summer who mentioned that to me. Too dangerous from what she said.

Aerolas are becoming kinda like a norm today, i find it weird... it leave a scar that remain permanent, and much more visible than under the breast... I dunno why that choice... it butcher a bit the nipple. My favorie american pornstar Madison Ivy got them that way, and even tough i find her goergous and prefer with big tits, i always notice a bit the scar and its buggering in closop...
Actually their is many contradictions depending on which doctor you are seiing .
some will say that is better and the other one somthing else ,the good reputation of the doctor or bad one will help make up your mind I have seen many different one before choosing my had 3 boob jobs and many girls I know !
I even know girls who had their boob job done in Cuba .And elsewhere prices differs between Countries and in Canada a Vancouver boob job is almost double the price of a Montreal one !




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Of course.... I am 100% sure if that :)
Hi valarie and all
Well good then !

I have met a Indy recently that had a breast enhancement up to 1,500 cc's witch is 34 H or I, many doctors will stop 1,000 cc's ,ladies needs to shop their doctor and their reputation before making a final choice ,its a question of health not only cosmetics .
By the way for those who doesn't know even if it made the news ,the creator of Caillou died of a breast augmentation surgery !


Hi valarie and all
Well good then !

I have met a Indy recently that had a breast enhancement up to 1,500 cc's witch is 34 H or I, many doctors will stop 1,000 cc's ,ladies needs to shop their doctor and their reputation before making a final choice ,its a question of health not only cosmetics .
By the way for those who doesn't know even if it made the news ,the creator of Caillou died of a breast augmentation surgery !



WOW! To each his own.. Personally I think unless you're plan on making a career out of your boobs.. like that Lacy chick, I thinks its just so uncalled for to be any bigger than D or DD. Personally, In my opinion such a turn off.

I think its equally cosmetic as well as health. Defiantly shop around and get consults with multiple plastic surgeons, don't jump in bed with the first one you meet :). This is a decision that shouldn't be rushed or taken lightly.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
WOW! To each his own.. Personally I think unless you're plan on making a career out of your boobs.. like that Lacy chick, I thinks its just so uncalled for to be any bigger than D or DD. Personally, In my opinion such a turn off.

I think its equally cosmetic as well as health. Defiantly shop around and get consults with multiple plastic surgeons, don't jump in bed with the first one you meet :). This is a decision that shouldn't be rushed or taken lightly.
Hi Valerie and all
You are right .
To many young ladies gets a sales pitch by Cosmetic Surgeon without other professional opinion .It can be desatrous .
Good luck in your dream




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yes point of view of every guy differ just like what they love or like.

Personally CLOUD i am not attracted to big aerolas(what i call nipple area), not at all. I like a normal size or a very small nipple.

I love them large and dark. The larger and darker they are the better and I prefer small boobs. One porn star boobs I like is Havana Ginger->

But her boobs are enhanced and these are the only fake tits I like as they got large aeriolas and they are not shaped like engorged grapefruits.


Sep 24, 2009
Not a fan of them. I like natural breasts that are about a c+.

I'm more of an ass man though. :p .


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I prefer all natural ! I am a serious ass man so the size and shape are not really important. I do prefer a B cup if push comes to shove but am happy with a A if that is what she has :) I find that myself like most of the friends whom have discussed this, will focus on the nipple anyway, that being the case what is the obsession with the size of the breast ? Sensuality comes from that space between the ears so a sensuous woman with small, large, ass not ass, give me sensuality anytime ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I can certainly appreciate everyone opinion on the subject Ladies and Gents ,
But what if the lady has no self confidence because of her A cups or small B's or she doesn't like her natural look flap cakes as mentioned by others ,isn't natural to want to better ourselves ?




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But what if the lady has no self confidence because of her A cups or small B's or she doesn't like her natural look flap cakes as mentioned by others ,isn't natural to want to better ourselves ?

How is this bettering herself? She needs to rely on artificial enhancements to feel better? Makes no sense. I will take her natural flap cakes over the golf ball look any day.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It is on a case-by-case basis. With young escorts I would say no. But with escorts that have had children and a few years and where gravity has taken it's toll I would say breast enhancements are a must. Start thinking about them in your 30's. 18-25 year olds I love natural a cups rather than enhanced....unless she has absolutely no shape.

I think girls feel the need to compete with other girls and automatically think the need bigger. Well bigger isn't always better.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

How is this bettering herself? She needs to rely on artificial enhancements to feel better? Makes no sense.

It does make sense when the subliminal and deliberate messages almost everywhere is so full of adoration and lust for larger breasts. How many people or advertisements or anything to do with a woman's figure ever says...WOW...she's so small breasted. All individuals female and male should be stronger than to let such superficial standards influence their own self-esteem, but when you're pounded (no pun intended :)) with so much emphasis on larger size for both women and men it can affect you, as unfair and empty as these standards really are.




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
How is this bettering herself? She needs to rely on artificial enhancements to feel better? Makes no sense. I will take her natural flap cakes over the golf ball look any day.
Hello CLOUD 500
Bettering herself esteem and yes sometimes they do need cosmetic surgery to feel better

The golf ball look is a choice for the ladies ,they can have a enhancement without that look which ,I also hate ,but I do respect their choice what ever it is !




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello all,

It does make sense when the subliminal and deliberate messages almost everywhere is so full of adoration and lust for larger breasts. How many people or advertisements or anything to do with a woman's figure ever says...WOW...she's so small breasted. All individuals female and male should be stronger than to let such superficial standards influence their own self-esteem, but when you're pounded (no pun intended :)) with so much emphasis on larger size for both women and men it can affect you, as unfair and empty as these standards really are.



That has improved. Smaller breasts are a lot more popular in porn and on Skinamax. I know people in the biz and the average size of the implants has been reduced a bit.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
That has improved. Smaller breasts are a lot more popular in porn and on Skinamax. I know people in the biz and the average size of the implants has been reduced a bit.

Hello hungry101

Would you happen to know the size of implants?
Before and now ?Thanks
I have paid for many enhancement before and met cosmetic surgeons specifically for female breast enhancement

Warmest Regards





Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Bettering herself esteem and yes sometimes they do need cosmetic surgery to feel better

The golf ball look is a choice for the ladies ,they can have a enhancement without that look which ,I also hate ,but I do respect their choice what ever it is !



The problem with this is that this is all based on porn videos, TV, and as Merlot mentioned subliminal messages telling that bigger breast is more beautiful. Unfortunately that is not reality. Many of those videos and pictures are photoshopped and videos enhanced. Saggy tits is just a fact of woman biology. Breast tissue is composed of fat so those porn videos showing thin women with big breast is unnatural. Naturally large breasted women usually are thick or chubby. Pornstars also have plastic surgery on their Y to make their Y more even and with smaller lips.. Etc..

For the golf ball look it is not by choice. Implants are not hard like that. This is due to the fact that when implants are inserted her immune system is reacting to the foreign object and scar tissue is being formed inside the tissue thereby squeezing the implant hence the inflated grapefruit look and hardness. Nothing good about this enhancement.
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