Interesting thread indeed. I haven't been following real-time, having stopped on page 3. But, it looks like GG is solidly ahead now, after a slow start. As it should be.
In my opinion, and mine only, the results look about right, as of today, for me. I would probably flip MSC for xxxtase, but that might be because I'm not local, and I will always have a soft spot for one of the original 3. Heh, if you were to use a "family tree" or "association tree", it's fitting my Top 3 agencies today are GG, Nadya's and xxxtase. And many moons ago, it was Eleganza, xxxtase and Devilish...
Some reactions to earlier posts that I wanted to comment on:
Since G4U has a group of 16 dedicated admirers it was a forgone conclusion to the ending that they would take the lead if they wanted too
I am all for solidarity in friendship.
And congrats the unity of G4U group of 16
Booker, you make it sound like we're a voting block, or some kind of Machiavellian cabal, that mindlessly vote for GG, regardless of circumstance. This whole 'solidarity' and 'unity' bit. That's frankly a little insulting... As you can see from the results, since that comment, GG has racked up quite the lead. It is merit-based. Clearly, I'm not the only one who has had a great track record with GG, and reward them with this merit-based recognition. Nadya's is a well-deserved #2 in my book, and rapidly climbing, based on recent experiences. If and when Nadya's merits the top spot, I would happily vote for them. And, just because I didn't vote for Nadya's as top, doesn't mean I'm not an admirer of Nadya and Carroll.
But the first agency I went too when I registered to Merb wasn't
Nadya's and that agency lost the opportunity to gain a long time respectfulrespectful client of multi hours and multi girls
This conversation wouldn't even be happening if it would not have a disaster.
I am always positive but sadly nothing positive came out of my encounter other then I would not go back .
And speaking of solidarity, unity and not taking the blinders off...

Booker, pls don't take this the wrong way, I think your posts are highly amusing and thoughtful, and I like you, dude. But, you are as guilty as anyone of propping up one agency against another. And why? Seriously, talk about classic "cutting off the nose to spite the face"...
Why not make up with GG, rather than all this posturing? You're missing out on some great fun, my friend. I'm being a little hypocritical... as I too have an agency on my shitlist this year, but I'm not public about it, and, more importantly, I'm not missing out on any great fun IMO. You are though, with your boycott.
We all have bad days. And as a former booker, can you really blame fellow bookers for occasionally having bad days, too? Especially if they're constantly mad busy? I've had misunderstandings with almost
all of my bookers in the past, here and elsewhere - they respond slowly, they cancel last minute, they snap at me. We get over it, as long as both sides cool their heels and get back to being reasonable. And when an agency is as good as GG... well... sometimes you try a little harder to get over it!
Maybe the relationship is beyond repair. If so, that's too bad. If reconciliation is possible, why not? Bigger picture, we're all here to have fun, on one side, and make money, on the other. Let cooler heads prevail, and let this merry mission be on its way. There's room enough for Nadya's and GG, and more!