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Escorts conning guys (since new laws)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Still I think a judge can give a warrant to get the material removed even if no one is charged. Even if an SP cannot be charged, her computer and stuff could be seized as evidence.

And judges do not give those warrants easily. That's why they introduced the administrative decision in France i.e. they do not need a judge. That's of course extremely dangerous for civil liberties. Some could agree (I don't) it's necessary to prevent online child pornography and terrorism. France has introduced it's law on Internet control only a few weeks ago. Already the radical feminists, who ruin everything they get involved in including the skeptics and atheist movements in USA, are fighting to extend this to things like prostitution. Yesterday a senator alluded to Boko Haram as reason to get rid of prostitution.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Child pornography and terrorism are very big crimes in and of themselves. There's nothing wrong in theory with blocking those on the internet. The problem is how does that affect other liberties. In France, prostitution is not itself a crime. Therefore blocking prostitution advertisement sites in the hope of crippling organized crime is completely stupid. It's like banning restaurants and bars because many are owned by mafiosi.

Yesterday a senator alluded to Boko Haram as reason to get rid of prostitution.
Boko Haram is forcing girls into marriage. That would be an excuse to get rid of marriage, not prostitution.


Feb 6, 2004
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Canada, as part of the Commonweath, has access to a large amount of data regarding the issue of prostitution. Australia and New Zealand have legalized brothels which are licensed, monitored, taxed and watched by the respective governments. That takes care of 99% of the problem of victimization.The other 1% is where the governments there concentrate on, which is the women are really being victimized which are basically street walkers and in some rare cases, human slavery girls from Asian countries.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
And judges do not give those warrants easily. That's why they introduced the administrative decision in France i.e. they do not need a judge. That's of course extremely dangerous for civil liberties. Some could agree (I don't) it's necessary to prevent online child pornography and terrorism. France has introduced it's law on Internet control only a few weeks ago. Already the radical feminists, who ruin everything they get involved in including the skeptics and atheist movements in USA, are fighting to extend this to things like prostitution. Yesterday a senator alluded to Boko Haram as reason to get rid of prostitution.

Ah yes, and who is the congresswoman saying that global warming will make women resort to prostitution.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Barbara Lee in California. Those who like her will probably like Hilary.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Because, of course, men are not affected by food shortage and famine (or even by their own death according to Hilary Clinton).

''Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat...Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children.''

I don't know about you, but if there's a war and I'm left alive I count myself lucky.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Yes, that's now illegal. It's one of the rare examples I have seen where an agency didn't modify its website once C-36 became law. Just about everybody else has removed acronyms which clearly refer to sexual services.

Hello Guys

Sorry to disrupt this easy flowing conversation !
I do have a clarification to ask on this confirmation !

Is it now a" Prima Facie" Case ,where the offender either corporate or personal as no more plausible explanation to create reasonable doubt ?
The acronyms being a slam dunk for conviction ?




Feb 6, 2004
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Barbara Lee in California. Those who like her will probably like Hilary.

Ah Barbara Lee from THAT California, the porn Industry capitol of the world...a 50 billion dollar industry. I watch the USA made pornos. Only a handful of guys are there in porn as actors vs thousands of girls. I wonder why?. ...The porn Industry is alive and well and the biggest in the world, thanks to the vast majority of American guys who watch it since it's the ONLY sexual release they can find. SEX is not very likely for hundred and thousands of single guys because most American women are quite unfriendly and anti-social (BUT you will get laid easily if you are a porn star or a millionaire) PLUS prostitution is highly illegal and police bust john's using fake backpage ads a lot. Probably the most sexually repressed (apart from porn) country in the western world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Ah Barbara Lee from THAT California, the porn Industry capitol of the world...a 50 billion dollar industry. I watch the USA made pornos. Only a handful of guys are there in porn as actors vs thousands of girls. I wonder why?. ...The porn Industry is alive and well and the biggest in the world, thanks to the vast majority of American guys who watch it since it's the ONLY sexual release they can find. SEX is illegal in very other avenue there (unless you are a porn star or a millionaire) PLUS prostitution is highly illegal and police bust john's using fake backpage ads a lot. Probably the most sexually repressed (apart from porn) country in the western world.

Ahhh, there goes another guy. How can you have sex without love? LOL Watch the Southpark episode about Tiger Woods.....

I guess they feel that making 1500$/day without an education and leaving no victims behind is a bad thing? I really don't get it either and I have lived here all my life. In Brasil it is illegal and it is just accepted. Men go out at night to relax at the Termas or the Whiskeria. All successful men in Mexico have a mistress. Germany and all the low countries....

In the US, Prostitution is one agenda item that the feminists on the left and the religious right can agree on. There is a war on white males here.

The problem is that Canada appears to be trying to catch up with the US. You can be seen as helping women and you can be tough on trafficking and under aged girls (which has always been illegal). In the state I live in The Attorney General was elected on stopping human sex trafficking. This is not some hobby Mecca. I know the guy. He is full of shit. Solving a problem that doesn't and has never existed but it sounds great to the woman playing Bingo at the church bazaar.

Government officials used to be elected to protect us. Now they feel there job is to scare the hell out of us so they can save us from catastrophes. In this case they are going to save all the exploited woman of Canada. Over here, they are going to bust all the illegal massage parlors and stop all the trafficker. Believe me, this is a job for the Maytag repairman. There isn't a problem. I know. I'm a hobbyist and believe me I know of all the options.

This is the problem with society today. University Scientists have to scare the hell out of us or we will not fund whatever research they are doing to prevent us from Global Warming, GMO food, Aids, SARS, the hole in the Ozone layer, DDT, and in the 70's it was Global cooling! Politicians get elected to protect us from these evils and every cause known to man has a NGO (non-governmental organization) out to convince us that death is looming right around the corner. We all live in a constant state of fear of things we can't see and the funny thing is the standard of living has increased and our life expectancy has increased 50%...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Escorts have been conning clients long before the law came into effect and many of the clients are naive suckers who will do anything to kiss womens behind just to be near them. If this was not true these con artists would not be in business their success depends on a steady flow of naive suckers. The fact of the matter is that the clients need the service more then the girls need the money and it is this reality that the girls take advantage off. I mean really why would anyone want to pay upfront to shady crooked characters for a service you got no certainty to receive? :confused:


Feb 6, 2004
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Hello Guys

Sorry to disrupt this easy flowing conversation !
I do have a clarification to ask on this confirmation !

Is it now a" Prima Facie" Case ,where the offender either corporate or personal as no more plausible explanation to create reasonable doubt ?
The acronyms being a slam dunk for conviction ?



Yeah all acronyms relating to sexual services offered by ant agency advertising escort services are a SLAM DUNK for conviction, especially if the site is being hosted on a server in North America.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
It has a lot less to do with US laws and US law enforcement than you think. There is a lot of economics at work....

A major difference is social mentality, I think. Higher prices are just a consequence of that in my opinion. Sex is more taboo, so it's ''worth'' more. There's still a very puritan streak in the US when it comes to sex (and drink and gambling, etc). Our Federal government leans toward the US mentality, but local LE work to please their local population who are a lot more liberal.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Yeah all acronyms relating to sexual services offered by ant agency advertising escort services are a SLAM DUNK for conviction, especially if the site is being hosted on a server in North America.

According to which court ?
And according to a few testimony in this thread there is agency still using it in their website .Being a slam dunk ,"Prima Facie" case its kind of strange that no arrest was done !
Crown attorney's and LE loving "Slam Dunks"
They are all looking for a easy payday :lol:




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Like most stereotypes, they are not really correct. If you examine the daily reviews on TER and the lesser reviews boards like Usasexguide, you will find that as much prostitution occurs in the US on a "per john" basis as does in Canada. There is little risk of arrest unless a guy answers an obvious backpage sting ad, and backpage is a small part of the market.

The problem in the USA with respect to commercial sex, and it extends to pickups and dating, is the high price in order to get "Montreal style" service. 80 percent of the guys want to fuck 20 percent of the women, and those 20 percent of women have figured out how to capitalize. Canada has a bit more of a socialistic streak in it, and that has some good points. Lots of great looking women providing service at a reasonable price without having unrealistic expectations. Same with Europe.

It has a lot less to do with US laws and US law enforcement than you think. There is a lot of economics at work. Economics has winners and losers, and the current US economic system does not favor johns who want a drama free experience with a cute girl providing great service, unless he spends a fortune.

Once again, very well put.

If you want to be a hobbyist in the USA you have to pay your dues. You have to get a referral or two for every session. You have to be active in TER. and possibly P411 or date Date check. I have paid for these. (imagine having to use your credit card and pay 140$ for P411 and to pay 30$/month to read reviews on TER. Or ECCIE) You have to see a few girls and work your way up. You have to learn how to play the game. It is a higher stakes game. It costs more just to ante up. I will say that I ran into some good pricing in Dallas/Ft Worth. When you consider the extras were included it was only a few bucks more than Montreal.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Being a slam dunk ,"Prima Facie" case its kind of strange that no arrest was done !
Crown attorney's and LE loving "Slam Dunks"

Like I said, getting an arrest can be easy, but then the the law gets challenged and very likely destroyed. The best way to keep the law effective is not to lay charges. The threat of possible charges is enough to achieve the goal of the government, without actually risking a challenge of the law. Let providers ''comply'' and auto-censor themselves and remain discreet and mostly out of sight of the main public. LE will only use the laws in very egregious cases that are really important.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Like I said, getting an arrest can be easy, but then the the law gets challenged and very likely destroyed. The best way to keep the law effective is not to lay charges. The threat of possible charges is enough to achieve the goal of the government, without actually risking a challenge of the law. Let providers ''comply'' and auto-censor themselves and remain discreet and mostly out of sight of the main public. LE will only use the laws in very egregious cases that are really important.

The maker of the law (federal Government ) needs that the Provincial Governments ,the ones that applies the laws doesn't actually apply it ?



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you want to be a hobbyist in the USA you have to pay your dues. You have to get a referral or two for every session. You have to be active in TER..

This is almost the same for Calgary, on the CAF site a high majority of the SP's want a referral plus you need to be a board member. The board is a shill, reviews are answered by the SP and a bad review makes it hard for you to meet another SP.
In post 37 Cloud put up a good point, a high percentage of backpage type ads rely on naïve men who know no better and think with their dicks. Scamming men will continue for eternity.
Just imagine if roles were reversed and it was the women who were paying for the sex and agencies were full of men. Having dinner and drinks paid for by the ladies on a regular basis. B&S would be advertising hung like a horse and showing up with a hamster. Good for one 4min SOG and heading for the shower. You hear " It never happened before, maybe it is too cold " a lot.
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