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Nominations for Best Reviewer 2014


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i cant coment abut bad revus disapearing but i had at least 1 of my post i scene disapear & not sure why.

someone coment on zoe incall revu tread abut her not wanting to wear schoolgirl costume for him or mabe it was rollplay as being restriction & i mension that wen i met her, i ask her if i brought sexy haloween costume wether she would wear it for me, she had no probelms with it so & it got deleted allong with his coment abut her not wearing shcoolgirl costue or rollplay. not sur why it all got deletd since no mod coment in tread.

mabe the hobyist remov his coment & my reply/coment to his coment no longer was necesary & allso got deleted.... dont no abut wat hapened.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

If I had a bad experience and wrote it in a review and it was removed I would repost the review again.
I posted 1 negative review in the past, sure it is still there.
Was the review against a certain agency? We're most of the claimed removals against a certain agency?
I do agree that it is not right.

I'm sure you already know I was only making a general reference with a broad point where you quoted me.

It's not about which agency a negative review is about. If any honest negative review is removed by anyone, even the reviewer, it's a disservice. If that is due to any ulterior motive then we have a travesty. This kind of thing should not be happening on principle.

Also, it's funny what people call a negative review. I haven't written a "negative review" in a very long time. But if someone doesn't like one thing that's said some white knight shill pops up like someone just stabbed his mother. These ladies aren't your girlfriends people, stop acting like they are. If you are doing it to gain favor then you know what you are.



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hello all,

I'm sure you already know I was only making a general reference with a broad point where you quoted me.

It's not about which agency a negative review is about. If any honest negative review is removed by anyone, even the reviewer, it's a disservice. If that is due to any ulterior motive then we have a travesty. This kind of thing should not be happening on principle.

Also, it's funny what people call a negative review. I haven't written a "negative review" in a very long time. But if someone doesn't like one thing that's said some white knight shill pops up like someone just stabbed his mother. These ladies aren't you girlfriends people, stop acting like they are. If you are doing it to gain favor then you know what you are.



Ok, my mistake I thought that the Mods removed reviews...
Sorry for the confusion.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

The purpose of this board is to be a consolidated place for members to post and read their experiences and ask questions, not to drive traffic to each member's individual web site, for their profit. You have given, and you have probably taken by reading other member's reviews. That's within our rules. Driving our member base and traffic to your site without permission is not.

Good luck,

Now this is very interesting. A directive...then a qualification of the same. Something like a very useful worm hole ( no pun :D) in the universe.


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