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Nominations for Best Reviewer of 2011


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005

  • Rumpleforeskiin: an excellent writer all around who helped us discover the pleasures of Nuru and Our Affair
  • Man Apart: is a machine! You go guy, and thanks to you, we can make more informed choices
  • D.M. Goya: we have similar tastes, and he doesn't pull punches when needed, yet always done respectfully
Honorable mentions
  • Picky Friendly Guy: reliable and never over the top for the wrong reasons
  • Cloudsurf: may not write too many negative comments, but I can usually gauge his writing a draw useful conclusions. We also share a taste for exotic ladies, it’s always good to compare notes with Cloudy
  • Mwvisitor: quiet but productive!


Jul 31, 2011
OK guys, here is the list of nominations for Best Reviewer of 2011 so far, with the number of nominations in brackets. I'll set up the poll in a couple of days, to give time for anyone else who wants to nominate someone.

We owe all of the nominees a big thanks just for making this list. Baseball thread aside, they are what make this board a success.

Two or more nominations

ManApart, 12 nominations
Nylon Lover 4
EvilThings 4
Rickybonds 3
Delta123, 3*
SergeJean 3
Cloudsurf 3
Rex Kramer 2
PickyFriendlyGuy 2
Muffinbuffer 2
Sapman 2
Rumpleforeskin 2
Igna69xxx 2

* I am keeping Delta123 in here for now. He had five nominations, and less two "negative nominations" from posters who thought he should be excluded. (5-2=3 nominations)

One nominaton



Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Wow, this is a tough one. All the guys mentioned in this thread are great and they have helped me very much. It's the reviewers that share their experiences (good and bad) with the rest of us that makes this the great site that it is.
There are many posters who only post a few reviews per year, because they live out of town or because of financial reasons, that are really great and very helpful. I can't remember all their names, but a guy like thegreatwalooo or Merlot comes to mind. It's not about quantity but quality. In saying that, the guys who write many reviews stand out more because they are consistently giving helpful information. Three guys who I have found quite helpful are.

1) SergeJean. He writes great detailed reviews and seems to give me all the info I need before deciding if I should see a girl. I wish he saw every new girl that came out. I would never make a bad choice again. Serge and Bigboyeddie were the two guys that influenced the way I wanted to write reviews when I started.

2) Evillethings. He contributes a lot and has a very good no nonsense, give you the facts style. His style could be a review template for anyone who is new to writing them and not sure how to start.

3).MuffinBluffer. I have to include him because the man is a machine. From my understanding he makes a couple of 5 day trips a year to Montreal for hobbying. In those few trips he must see like 30 girls. More than most do in the entire year. His reviews are also very good. He tells it like it is, good or bad. Great detail as well. His 5 day trips help me for the whole year.

These are just three of the guys I found particularly helpful. There were many more, including all the guys mentioned in this thread, who have really enhanced my hobbying decisions and helped bring my experiences to the next level. I thank them all!


Jun 13, 2003
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Serge and Bigboyeddie were the two guys that influenced the way I wanted to write reviews when I started.

Serge is a cool cat. Had the pleasure of meeting up with him in person. Good guy. Enjoys this game they way it should be with no malicious intentions or without wanting to fall in love. The man has fun and is not desperate.

Manapart: You get my salute. Informative, objective reviews the way they should be written that give guys a clear idea of what a session comprises and how a girl looks. You're on a rampage. You remind me of myself in the past when I used to review like a minimum of 2 girls a week.

I'm not as active as I once was which is obvious. The excitement and thrill are not what they used to be for me but I still enjoy myself when needed. Spending more time with non-industry girls, friends as well as other interests.

But I'm still way too young to retire just yet. LOL


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Manapart: You get my salute. Informative, objective reviews the way they should be written that give guys a clear idea of what a session comprises and how a girl looks.

When I started on the other board, it was your reviews that I found the most helpful. I decided that when I wrote some, that is the style I would like to have as well. I noticed you slowed down the last 6 months and haven't really seen you on this board until recently. I hear what you are saying about not having the same thrill as the beginning. I'm looking to slow down a little as I am feeling the same way, somewhat, after seeing like 3 girls a week for around 8 months. I also am starting to repeat more, rather than seeing a lot of unknowns. I mean there are 10-15 girls I know where I am guaranteed a great time, so it's getting harder to take a chance unless I really like her pics or hear great things.


Jun 13, 2003
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When I started on the other board, it was your reviews that I found the most helpful. I decided that when I wrote some, that is the style I would like to have as well.

Thanks for the compliment. Aprreciate it. I got criticized by some over the years for being very direct, explicit and outspoken with my reviews but most people appreciate the straight up facts about the looks, attitude and sex instead of hearing about metaphors of love or romance novels hahaha!

My advice though. Have a rotation of girls. Never ever become the steady regular (weekly) of one single girl unless you're banging her for free at least on occasion. Like this, you will remain a Manapart and not some escort's litte dog.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
We need a guy like ManApart for prime minister. Keep up the excellent reviews and please don't run out of money. :smile:

I agree. Great reviewer. If he ever runs out of money, he can give a try at a private investigating career. Our very own inspector Columbo. :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think he deserves it for sheer perseverance and stamina. the guy is a horse and I mean that in the best possible way.

I agree. However, i'm certain there are many others out there with as much perseverance & stamina. But the difference is, they'd rather keep their experiences to themselves. Shameful! :lol:


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
We need a guy like ManApart for prime minister.

Imagine what the Conservatives and Feminist groups would do to me? I would be lynched lol.

"Isn't he the guy who slept with every prostitute in Montreal?"

" Ya, that's him, I wonder what his stance is on corporate tax cuts creating more jobs?."

"I don't think he's spoken about that yet, seems he's very busy with the new spring crop of debutantes and hasn't had time to make his proposal on the matter" :lol:

One thing is for sure, I would work on legalizing this whole industry and would use all the tax money from it to fully reform our health care system.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Congratulations on your excellent achievements!

When you're too busy with politics you will have to delegate some of your other functions to subordinates (that's us). Ah, what I could do with just 0.1% of the federal budget...


Jul 29, 2011
OK guys, here is the list of nominations for Best Reviewer of 2011 so far, with the number of nominations in brackets. I'll set up the poll in a couple of days, to give time for anyone else who wants to nominate someone.

Was just wondering what ever happened to the poll for this thread, although my guess is ManApart would probably be the run away winner.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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There's no doubt about it: ManApart is far beyond everybody else.


Feb 12, 2012
My only question about Manapart is has he ever posted a review about a girl he didn t like or that was less than average? Seems to love em all?


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Lately I`m on a winning streak, but when I have an average session (or a little below), I will still list the positives and negatives (as I also do with great sessions) and not do a hachet job, unless it is really bad, and I`ve only had a few of those. If you know my style, you can read between the lines to understand if it was below average, average, good, or great. In the beginning I was more blunt and didn`t realize the girls read their reviews. I spoke to a few SPs, after writing them, who were really affected by my negative comments. Especially about facial features or body. One girl told me I gave her a complex and really shook her confidence. She left the biz for months after that and only returned recently. I spoke to her when she returned and she asked me to give her a few months to get back into the swing of things before I see her again. From then on, I changed to a more subtle style of mentioning negatives without putting my feelings into it as much.

For example, I will say SP XYZ only did LFK and was pretty quiet during our session. I didn`t feel that next level of connection. In reality, I am saying the girl didn`t kiss, was mechanical and boring and I had a below average time. If I say she was facially around average, I mean she was pretty bad. If I say her breasts were a little saggy, then it usually means they really sagged. I try to get my point across, but also not destroy the girl if she is reading. I try to describe the situation the best I can and let the reader judge how I was feeling about the whole thing. I don`t always bluntly state, "this girl looked bad, didn`t know what she was doing and I wasted my money!" It`s a tough line, and I reread my reviews many times before posting to see if the tone is right and I got my messages across. Something that has helped cut the below average sessions is since the new year I have also pushed myself to refuse girls when I don`t think she is attractive or feel her attitude is off.

Also, I`m a very clean and respectful guy and above average looking, so the girls generally give me a great time with high mileage :D.

Here are 10 reviews that were average or below.
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