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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
i took my time with this because it really wasn't all that important to me. Besides being highly amusing, it really isn't something i would put much thought into.
However if it is decided to keep the discussion going, i feel i should have at least my 2 cents put in...or in this case, my 15,000 pennies lol.

The Proposition:

A merb member did publicly offer to pay for a session with a girl for his own personal reasons.
My understanding was that he was angry over a false review from a member who turned out to be an imposter and he wanted to clear her name from the goodness of his heart, or to spite that imposter..whatever my impression of that offer, i told him i was willing. (he further clarified his reasons which according to him were not to give her a favourable review or drum up business in any way, and that was clear from the gate)
I took him up on his offer and accepted his money..not because i could not afford a session lol, but because he offered to pay for the session, therefor for him to pay for the session he obviously had to send money..Its pretty straightforward.
Contrary to what some individuals have understood from this individuals thread, this was not a loan or anything of that nature, he offered to pay for someone to have sex, and he sent the money for that to happen as he had stated.
(His offer was not done through pm here on merb, he did not directly solicit me. He wrote it in public view that he wanted to pay for anybody to go see this specific girl. I am sure many jumped at the chance, but in the end he chose me..maybe he payed for other sessions as well? I have no idea.)
The girl in question was not available at the times i was available to meet her and from my understanding of her work schedule, i would have to take a day off from work and make my way to the south shore to meet her (something i should have verified before accepting i agree)
A few more attempts went by and our schedules were still impossible to mesh.
Of course in the meantime i had seen various other girls as i always have, and as i always will..
My main mistake and only devious thing in this entire story was at one point writing said individual by private text message and telling him that i was gifted a session. My reasons for telling him this were simple and stupid. I did not want him to assume i was visiting any other girl with his money. So i said to him i quote "i was gifted a session". That was a lie, i was never gifted a session.
I figured that if i was in his shoes, and i gave somebody who i have never met or spoken to money to go sleep with a girl and he slept with many other girls..that i would feel some type of way about it, i thought by saying that it might avoid any discomfort.(then again i would never pay for some random guy to have sex with some random i could never be in his shoes..and i dont wear shoes, i wear sneakers to be exact)

Around this time on the 14th of october i was at work (i do have a real job lol) and i received a call that my on/off personal love interest who was pregnant with our child was in labour at the hospital in three rivers. (We were seperated during the pregnancy and though i was trying to win her back, our only involvement together at that point would be summed up as intimate buddies)
I made my way to three rivers in a panic and unfortunately at 34 weeks we lost our daughter liabelle during the birth.
I did not manage to get there in time.
During that period i notified said individual of the child loss saying i will be awol, but that the second my spirits were up, i would follow through on our agreement. He actually gave me strong words of support and seemingly understood what this type of ordeal was like.
Things weren't going so well on a personal level, my on/off love interest was understandibly in shock and had her life thrown in shambles. She was prescribed several types of medication to cope with her loss and newfound insomnia and granted release from the hospital.
She eventually attempted suicide by downing all her medication and some other pills she had lying around the house.. she was admitted to the hospital for a period of time to assure her personal security
I was the one who called 911, i rode in the ambulance with her and i was in the next room while she had her stomach pumped.
Those who know about this, they lock you up in psych ward and force you to be numbed down in bed on medication and force you to see the resident psych during the day while you are still groggy.
I stayed with her as long as i could, and also tried to be there for her as best as i could.
This wasn't the best of times, i will admit..
Obviously at this point i was under alot of stress and neglected many aspects of my personal and professional life.
Eventually i had to come home and limit my support to phonecalls and select weekend visits.
When i attempted to return to my daily grind weeks later after spending most of my time with her in the boondocks, my only solice was in the temporary company of ladies which i paid for like i always have, and like i always will (unless the girl is a non sp obviously)
This guys 150$ wasn't really on my mind and neither was seeing his girl.
He sent a message reminding me of the proposition and said if i wasnt planning on seeing her, to just send money back his way, no hard feelings..i decided to try and see her again while settling back into my work schedule, also juggling with management that did not particularly appreciate the time off work taken at my own expense (my 20 sick days are usually used up in january to be blunt)
Once again schedules didnt match and my life went on.
I then received a threat from the guy and decided to pay him back, i was quite content with the sex i was getting from my chosen regulars, so screw his free session.
I wanted to deposit his money at the counter and simplify everything by getting it done that day..he wasnt really too keen on that idea and insisted in a condescending manner that it would have to be via interac transfer (i believe his exact words were figure it out! If my 16 year old son can do it so should you! ). Having never done that before and trying to do that from my mobile was a bit tedious and something i had to learn how to do. after many attempts at this interac transfer stuff i actually had to do it on the phone with my banks customer service department step by step (i guess his 16 year old son is smarter than me..which comes to no surprise, my 6 year old can uninstall apps on my phone quicker than i can) Once i managed to finally successfully do an interac transfer, i transfered an initial 50$ as a test, and the 100$ the following thursday, payment reimbursed.
(The good news is now im an interac transfer pro lol and i do the shit all the time!! I love it)

From there we had no more communications and i thought even less of the whole situation..
After i wrote my 2015 wrap up that compiled some of my hobbying moments of the year (every single girl being paid for in canadian currency might i add)
He then wrote me saying he was still pissed off and he doesnt forget these types of things. He then said i should either erase my wrap up or mention my screw up with him..
To which i responded 'what screw up'? In my perception of things, he paid for a session to a stranger..and i accepted. It didnt work out, and he was reimbursed. End of story in my book?
Obviously not in his.
Seeing his frustration at that point in what leaked back into private text messages, i kind of wrote him off as an individual with anger issues..or someone who is a bit unstable. the way he spoke reminded me of my very old grandfather who is just a mean individual that barks orders and is 'always right' within his one track mind whenever he is slightly angry..he also supports harper, so that explains my grandfathers personality woes.
We argued, we said some things(all in private text messages)
I did feel bad.. not that i didnt see her, but that it did take a certain amount of time for his reimbursement, so i asked him what would be needed to be done to make him content? (this wasn't because i felt guilty, it was simply out of respect for the time delay..)
At that point he could have said i want interest? I want a coffee? I want you to apologize? I want you to buy me a hot air matress...anything really.
There was nothing to do, he was furious and quite frankly i didn't really give a fck.
This whole event wasn't even remotely a blip on my radar in terms of things that happened within my eventful 2015 year.

Now as for the booking?.................

The rules are pretty simple, one cannot mention any girl in review form that he has anything to do with on a business level..
Once these rules were mentioned to me, they were respected and applied. (Trust me, they were very clearly mentioned to me and the site made sure i am completely aware of these rules)
And before i was aware of these rules, one day i did review a girl where i clearly stated in her review that 'the only way to reach her is through me' .that review has been closed, and the appropriate steps were taken out of respect to merb and its advertisers. (Every single detail about this girl being 100,000% true and honest in my review as her loyal regulars can testify and also as her 2 other review threads clearly point out!!)
As for freebies for reviews lol, i did say that to this individual in private text for the reason i mentioned above..but in complete honesty, any girl i ever reviewed has been paid for with my money, not by favours or any types of arrangements.
My only arrangements ever were on seeking arrangement for a monthly sum in exchange for unlimited monthly services, period.
And if you consider being grandfathered a dishonest thing? Im not sure what to say about the occasional grandfathering except yes it has happened to me (grandfathering: when an sp keeps her introductory rate for select regulars and even though her rates raise, the select regulars remain at the initial rate from their first encounter..a client fidelity perk, pretty common practice)
I am actually firmly against letting girls know your handle and only a select few know my merb name.

So believe what you want, your thoughts belong to you good gentleman.
Any girl ever spoken on here by me had been paid.

And before it also causes any issues, i have also purchased a massage salon/spa in laval.
I sincerely hope this doesnt bother anybody? Lol, i will be sure to advertise it as a paid advertiser and never review any masseuses.
Mind you i never review mp's.
I also will be the one answering the phone on occasion and occasiionally there on site just hanging out as well.. i don't want this to become a conflict of interest or come to as a shock to anybody.
And yes, even i will pay full rate for any therapeutic services.

And ok, maybe i purposely took my time after his threats and condescending attitude, my bad. I dont like threats, its my biggest weak spot.
I also really took it the wrong way when this individual told me that my loss of a daughter was a complete lie, it was bs, and that it never happened..not what i wanted to hear.
They do give death certificates even at a 34 week still birth, had he asked me i would have gladly sent him a copy even though i had no reason to justify that!
But i still will apologize to this individual for having wasted his time(even though it wasn't deliberate)
Things transpired that were out of my control, but i should have reimbursed him right there and then!

As an individual said here on merb recently, 'there are 3 sides to every story..his, hers and the truth'
Say what you will, but please don't ever say i am broke without being in a position to verify my assets, and do not ever say i don't pay for these ladies and their wonderful company!
The scam artist bit is also the biggest bs i've ever heard in my life..
A scam artist is someone who takes something from you in a deliberate and devious manner knowing their mischievous goal from the start? Correct me if i'm wrong..?
And i have never spoken to this individual before this day, never taken advice from him, i basically didn't even know he existed.
He offered a free sex session in public, i accepted, i never asked him to pay my session or lend me money out of the blue lol.
Had i told him to piss off and not reimburse him, even then it wouldn't have been a scam, it would be called a robbery.
So scam artist no, not in a million years.
Is someone a scam artist if they pay for something with a free coupon while their grocery cart is full? Opportunist maybe, but scam artist no.
(Stupid comparison for a stupid story...and i love coupons and especially the food samples at costco)

I don't have much more to say so please don't go too hard on the pm's..i kind of hate pm's with my 40 message limit.

And to further prove my point, there has even been a merb advertiser who has offered to see me on consignement a day where hobbying wasn't in my budget (i do have mortgages and life expenses you know) which i replied i dont owe for sex, or 'front sex', its something i just wont do.

This obviously wont be enough for some, but its the absolute truth, hate it or love it.
Those who have seen the girls i review know that i spare absolutely nothing! And that i take pride in sharing gems.
When i say its good, its good..nobody can question that!
And when it sucks, i say it sucks lol, no if's ands or buts.
Nobody can ever buy my opinions, its just not gonna happen!
Had i slept with her and reviewed her, the review would have been pretty precise, regardless of if it was good or bad.

....all this being said, i would enjoy continuing being a contributing member of this site, i happen to really love merb with a passion.
If you think i should be eliminated from the site, that is your right as an equal member in this community.. the decision will ultimately come from the all seeing mods and ownership brass who have all the necessary information along with accompanying screenshots of private conversations i would assume.
Let it be known though that as many can vouch, im a transparent guy.
If you have seen a girl that has anything to do with me on a business level, its pretty safe to say that you knew when you are speaking to me.
Last edited:

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
... And I thought my life was full of drama since the last few months....

Well like i said, i didn't think this was worth a discussion, but since its being discussed i might as well have my say.
As for drama, my life is worse than a movie

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
... And I thought my life was full of drama since the last few months....

I second, wow.

Is it that era of subjectivity crossing line over objectivity?
Since when meeting got all that complicated?
That's a lot to handle!


What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Ricky I just hope all is good for you and your life is getting back to let's say "Normal", and yeah that can be a movie inHollywood


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Since you brought up your year end review thread - you happened to mention your no show at VIP4 which I thought quite odd in a thread purporting to discuss "highlights" of the year.

Why is it that you didn't come to VIP4, Ricky? Didn't you ask to be invited? You didn't mention this in your year end review thread.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby

Since you brought up your year end review you happened to mention your no show at VIP4 which I thought quite odd in a thread purporting to discuss "highlights" of the year.

Why is it that you didn't come to VIP4, Ricky? Didn't you ask to be invited? You didn't mention this in your year end review thread.

It is clearly stated that my highlight thread is of my highs and lows of the year, my no show being a low.
I used the opportunity to further extend an apology to the organizer and those who wished to meet me.
It wasn't sarcasm or poking fun at my no show, i genuinely feel bad about asking for an invite and "chickening out" as many of you find funny ;)
Hey im a straightforward guy, i dont sugar coat things.
And i didn't come because i simply chickened out. i had spoken about my anxiety of large social gatherings to iggy before hand, it isn't a secret. I tried with much mental preparation to be there, it didn't work, my bad


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
It is clearly stated that my highlight thread is of my highs and lows of the year, my no show being a low.
I used the opportunity to further extend an apology to the organizer and those who wished to meet me.
It wasn't sarcasm or poking fun at my no show, i genuinely feel bad about asking for an invite and "chickening out" as many of you find funny ;)
Hey im a straightforward guy, i dont sugar coat things.
And i didn't come because i simply chickened out. i had spoken about my anxiety of large social gatherings to iggy before hand, it isn't a secret. I tried with much mental preparation to be there, it didn't work, my bad

I didn't find "chickenimg out" to be funny and it's understandable although possibly capable of being treated medically which I would think you would be doing.

What I found odd was you writing about it in that thread. To be frank I was outraged because I know how hard Iggy worked and how he counts on people when they tell him they are coming and their WORD. May I ask if you told Iggy about the possible no show due to your disorder?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
You talk about this horrible thing that happened to you and your partner, and then you go out and have sex with other girls

Yeah OK

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I didn't find "chickenimg out" to be funny and it's understandable although possibly capable of being treated medically which I would think you would be doing.

What I found odd was you writing about it in that thread. To be frank I was outraged because I know how hard Iggy worked and how he counts on people when they tell him they are coming and their WORD. May I ask if you told Iggy about the possible no show due to your disorder?

You may ask, of course.
I did speak of this, yes. I also said i would do my best and really make an effort to be present.
He was very understanding and even offered to allow me to show up under complete discretion as a ghost handle, not revealing im ricky.
That was the plan until i realized that cinderella and a few others would most probably blow my cover.
I understand your outrage, and accept it.
like i said, it was clearly mentioned that my no show wasn't something i was particularly proud of. I am aware of his hard work organizing these events, and i did find out afterwards that many people genuinely wanted to say hi to me and be aquainted with me for good reasons.
The only good thing i did to contribute to that evening was manage to get a super cool indy to go to the party and an agency who brought a few girls along..

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
You talk about this horrible thing that happened to you and your partner, and then you go out and have sex with other girls

Yeah OK

I always have sex with girls, its what i do. Who are you to judge?
And on/off partner means x-girlfriend/current fuck friend...hardly my wife or life partner


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
So, your " fuck friend " who you lost a baby with is hardly your wife or life partner ?


Now I really feel bad that I never got to see Rebecca

I betcha in hindsight, you are too .....

Worst Regards


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
So, your " fuck friend " who you lost a baby with is hardly your wife or life partner ?


Now I really feel bad that I never got to see Rebecca

I betcha in hindsight, you are too .....

Worst Regards


No to be specific she was a serious partner with whom i seperated with and she happened to be pregnant.
I was still in the picture because the child was my responsability and regardless of my relationship status, it was my duty to be there!
As for the fuckfriend status, every girlfriend i have ever broken up with has been a fuckfriend, and never really over. I dont end relationships in war, we just slowly drift apart if life comes to that.
Once again, if that is troubling to yourself...keep it to yourself! Remember we are on the last site on earth where people are entitled to publicly judge another for their sex lives, or relationship habits


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Once again, if that is troubling to yourself...keep it to yourself!

You are totally right..I'm gone

Karma is a bitch .. the way,,I don't believe a word of this

Best Regards


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
That is absolutely fine. Once again, we are all entitled to our opinions and we believe what we want.
Every single detail is in fact verifiable by screenshots of personal conversations.
And your belief or disbelief of this situation has no relevance to my personal life, nor to my daily visits of merb.

I apologize to the general public for this soap opera of a spectacle.
I will have to leave it at that because i have more pressing matters to attend to.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Ok, so now all the cards are on the table, its like i said in another post i wrote,3 sides to a story, his story, your story, and the truth, i am bouncing back and forth between threads and it seems like 2 stories and of yet to here the truth and if we ever will, besides, this should be between the two individuals involved, its 2016, a new year, lets move on. I am not sure if offering for the free sesion in the first place was a great idea, but a nice gesture, none the less, and i saw the offer but never even thought of taking money from someone to have sex with someone else, i pay my own way in life, so their are 2 lessons here, dont offer and dont accept....Ok, who am i seeing tonight.

Thor Jr


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I always say there is two sides to a story which leads me to this question why would that individual offer the money to make a review of the lady in question? What was his motive. Is he a white knight in shining armor or just has a lot of money to waste? Does he work for the agency or is in any way involved in a business relation with the agency that employs this lady? Because I do not buy the agenda of why that guy offered the money in the first place. Why would anyone do that?

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I do agree with you cloud...
I personally would never pay for anybody elses session..
But in defense of him, his motives seemed very genuine.
There was a nasty review of his favourite girl and he wanted to clarify that it was lies.
when i told him my review would be unbiased, and if she sucked i would say she sucks, he had no issues with that whatsoever.

His exact words were "i was not doing this to drum up business for her but to prove "******" was a phoney, i do not even know if she reads merb"
And i doubt he has any involvement in her business, he apparently lives half way across the country.

Regardless of all this i have nothing bad to say about him, i dont hold grudges and its water under the bridge.
I just wish he would have allowed me to rectify this in some way.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I just wish he would have allowed me to rectify this in some way.

You could/would have rectified it by paying him back immediately. You didn't. It's the easiest thing in the world to pay someone $150 electronically - if you have the money to do so. By accepting the money and not delivering what you agreed to deliver, you took the risk you would incur his wrath. The risk came home to roost on you.
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